Asvab Scores Conversion Chart Iq (2024)

1. Asvab Score To Iq Calculator

  • Oct 23, 2023 · ASVAB Score to IQ Calculator ... Enter the ASVAB score into the calculator to determine the estimated IQ. This calculator can also evaluate the ...

  • ASVAB Score to IQ Calculator Basic Calculator Advanced Calculator Enter ASVAB Score or IQ to calculate the other value ASVAB Score IQ ASVAB Score IQ

Asvab Score To Iq Calculator

2. How to Convert ASVAB Scores - Sciencing

  • Dec 22, 2019 · While there is no way to derive an IQ score from an ASVAB score, the tests are strongly correlated, with a value of 0.80 on a scale of -1.0 to ...

  • ASVAB stands for Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. This is a comprehensive test in 10 subject areas that is required to qualify for U.S. Armed Forces enrollment. The test correlates strongly with both IQ (intelligence quotient) and SAT and ACT test scores, but no direct conversion exists.

How to Convert ASVAB Scores - Sciencing

3. Enter Your Scores - Rate My ASVAB

  • Enter your ASVAB scores here, once submitted you will be taken to the home screen to review the different military branches.

  • Our dislaimer information. This website is for informational purposes only with no guarantees.

Enter Your Scores - Rate My ASVAB

4. What is a good ASVAB score?

What is a good ASVAB score?

5. [PDF] concordance tables for asvab afot/act/sat

  • CONCORDANCE TABLES FOR ASVAB AFOT/ACT/SAT. AFQT Score Range. ACT Composite Score. 1-9. 10 or less. 10-15. 11. 16-20. 12. 21-30. 13-14. 31-49. 15-16. 50-64.

6. Understanding ASVAB Scores | What is a Good Score? -

  • Nov 6, 2023 · The following table shows the ASVAB score chart. ... The AFQT range is listed as a percentile (comparison between your ASVAB score and other test- ...

  • Learn everything about ASVAB scores. Find out the minimum ASVAB score for each branch of the Military and the average ASVAB score.

Understanding ASVAB Scores | What is a Good Score? -

7. Conversion of Mental Category Scores from AFQT to IQ Scores

8. What is the equivalent IQ score for a miliary gt score of 137? - Answers

  • Jul 28, 2011 · There is a site that accepts an Army pre-1980 GT score of 136 as evidence for an IQ in the top 2% of IQ,starting at 130 or higher.

  • There is a site that accepts an Army pre-1980 GT score of 136 as evidence for an IQ in the top 2% of IQ,starting at 130 or higher. My 1962 GT was 140; IF the factor 136/130 is valid, a divisor of 1.046+... applied to 140 yields 133.823, a ridiculous accuracy, but there it is. A a pre-1980 GT of 137 would be (another ridiculous accuracy) and yield an IQ of 130.95588. Hurray.

What is the equivalent IQ score for a miliary gt score of 137? - Answers

9. ASVAB Score To IQ Calculator

  • Feb 27, 2024 · The ASVAB Score to IQ Calculator offers a convenient way to estimate Intelligence Quotient based on ASVAB scores. While it's not a substitute ...

  • Are you an aspirant of U.S military? If you are looking to prepare to join US military then you must be well known with ASVAB ( Armed Services Vocational

ASVAB Score To IQ Calculator

10. Deciphering ASVAB Scores -

  • Aug 26, 2019 · The basic equation looks like this: Raw AFQT Score = 2VE + AR + MK; Convert your raw score to a percentile score, which basically compares your ...

  • Learn what the ASVAB scores mean and how to read the score cards, whether you're taking the test as a high school student or are getting ready to enlist.

Deciphering ASVAB Scores -

11. FREE 2024 ASVAB Practice Test (Timed + Full Solutions)

  • Note: the ASVAB is not an IQ Test, And there is no way to convert ASVAB scores to IQ scores. This test doesn't measure your overall intelligence, but rather ...

  • About to take the 2024ASVAB? On this page, you'll get a FREE practice test with full solutions and complete test prep to ensure you pass with a high score.

FREE 2024 ASVAB Practice Test (Timed + Full Solutions)

12. Understanding ASVAB Scores

  • Jul 1, 2021 · After the final ability estimate is computed, it is converted to a standard score on the ASVAB score scale that has been statistically ...

  • ASVAB scoring is based on an Item Response Theory (IRT) model. IRT is a theory that enables test questions and examinee abilities to be placed on the same scale, thereby allowing tests to be tailored to the specific ability level of each examinee and scores to be expressed on the same scale regardless of the

Understanding ASVAB Scores

13. What is the Highest ASVAB Score? - Mometrix

  • May 23, 2019 · How the ASVAB is Scored · Your ASVAB scores are broken into multiple scores: Standard Score and AFQT score. · The AFQT scores are shown as ...

  • Learn how the ASVAB score factors into military career positions. Discover the score you need to quality for your Armed Services job.

What is the Highest ASVAB Score? - Mometrix

14. ASVAB Score to IQ Calculator

  • ASVAB Score: 50; IQ: 160. How to Calculate ASVAB Score to IQ. The formula to calculate IQ from ASVAB score is:.

  • How your ASVAB score translates to an IQ score? Our ASVAB Score to IQ Calculator can help you find out. Enter your ASVAB score or IQ into the calculator

ASVAB Score to IQ Calculator
Asvab Scores Conversion Chart Iq (2024)


Does ASVAB score translate to IQ? ›

However, it's important to note that the ASVAB and IQ tests measure different things and are not directly comparable. The ASVAB is more focused on specific skills and knowledge, while an IQ test is designed to measure intellectual potential.

What score do you need on the ASVAB for intelligence? ›

Air Force Job TitleIntelligence applications
Minimum Required ASVAB ScoreA64

What is the GCT score compared to IQ? ›

The General Classification Test

The GCT was designed to have a mean score of 100 and a standard deviation of 20 (standard IQ tests have standard deviations of 15).

What percentile is a 93 on the ASVAB? ›

What Are the Different Categories of AFQT Score?
AFQT CategoryPercentile Score Range
III A50-64
III B31-49
2 more rows
Mar 20, 2024

Is 120 a good IQ? ›

An IQ level of 120 would be described as 'above average or bright' on an IQ scale. The average score is 100, and 68% of all people have scores between 85 and 115. What is a good IQ score? Any IQ score above 116 would be considered above average.

Is 92 IQ low? ›

The vast majority of people in the United States have I.Q.s between 80 and 120, with an I.Q. of 100 considered average. To be diagnosed as having mental retardation, a person must have an I.Q. below 70-75, i.e. significantly below average.

What is the minimum IQ score for the military? ›

The reason the U.S. Army requires a minimum IQ of 83 is perfectly captured in the book "McNamara's Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam War." The cohort routinely struggled to point and aim a rifle, throw a grenade and tie their boots to basic standards.

What is an impressive ASVAB score? ›

ASVAB Standard Scores

This means that a standard score of 50 is an average score, and a score of 60 would be an above-average score. According to, about half of young adults ages 18 to 23 score at or above the standard score of 50, while only 16 percent score at or above 60.

Is 32 a bad ASVAB score? ›

Score Analysis

The Army generally has the lowest entry threshold. According to official military resources, the Army accepts scores as low as 31 for high school diploma holders. In contrast, the Navy requires a minimum score of 35, the Air Force 36, the Marine Corps 32, and the Coast Guard the highest at 40.

What is a respectable IQ score? ›

Historical IQ classification tables
IQ Range ("ratio IQ")IQ Classification
110–119High average
90–109Normal or average
80–89Low average
3 more rows

What is a highly gifted IQ score? ›

Mildly gifted: 115 to 130. Moderately gifted: 130 to 145. Highly gifted: 145 to 160. Profoundly gifted: 160 or higher.

What's the average IQ of Americans? ›

The average intelligence quotient (IQ) is between 85 and 115. But this number can vary between countries, states, and even geographical regions. The Intelligence of the Nations report from 2019 reported that the average IQ in the United States is 97.43. The Average IQ around the world is approximately 82.

How rare is a 99 on the ASVAB? ›

According the, less than 1% of examinees earn a 99 AFQT score. Let's meet the seven 148th Fighter Wing 'Aces of the ASVAB'.

How hard is it to get a 90 on the ASVAB? ›

However, this is almost impossible to achieve given the scale of the ASVAB exam. Top-performing candidates tend to achieve a score well into the 70s with only a small minority achieving scores in either the 80s or 90s.

Is 21 a bad ASVAB score? ›

To enlist, you need an ASVAB score of at least 31. However, if you have a minimum score of 21, there's an academic track of the Future Soldier Preparatory Course to help you better your score. This 90-day program provides training on all the subjects covered on the ASVAB, as well as opportunities to retake the test.

Can ASVAB scores be used for Mensa? ›

You're looking for the percentile next to the score in the "total" column -- if it's 95% or greater, the score qualifies you for Mensa. The only scores that Mensa can accept are the AGCT scores from the Army, and the GT scores from the Navy -- before the use of the ASVAB (9/80).

Is a 32 good on the ASVAB? ›

Thus, for those who have a high school diploma, the minimum score requirement is 31 to enter the Army and the National Guard. For other forces, the score needed is slightly higher: 32 in Marines, 35 in Naval Force, 36 in Air Force, and 40 in Coast Guard.

Does the AFQT accurately measure IQ? ›

Statistical evidence supports reading the AFQT as essentially a test of mastering school curricula [the yardstick measures only what its superficial appearances suggest] (p. 59)…. On face value, these questions do not measure test takers' intelligence, their “deeper capability…for 'catching on.


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.