Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2025)

Domestic Shirtings, Sheetings, Stripes, Ticks and Checks. Colton Batts, Wick Yarn, Waddiol. Ne. 10 to 18 Weaving Yare, Threads, 4c. September 4.

September FALL GOODS feceived New- York now by COLLINS, very DRY GOODS, Which wire all and the the same incest and stead and for relatt. wilc it- 3 Bales black and colored BomCase West of England Bine Clotbe. scarlet, drab, and olive Broadch thy from a black; Mixed, brews, claret, $10 per and double milled Canimeres, colors, 44. cd. $4 per yard.

Che, Clot drat, mixed, olive and crimScarlet, white, yellow, green and black Agar'd plain Rattinets Scarlet and colored Shawls, SatValencia, and quilted Vestinge, 1-4 a 11-4 Rose Blankets, Scotch Plaids, Came Paracle, cheap--Umbrellas. Piece Jrin Linen, 20 cents a. 50. 6d. yd.

A- few first quality black Naakia Crapes. Nakia Agar'd Crape dresser. Black and white Battine. Black and colored Canton Crapes. Chaageabie black More Sinchews and Crape Shawls, Imitation Merino do.

Elegant 7-4 Merino Shawls. Black Lace Veils. Black Nankin Levantines. madiso ball Hi'. 100 Pa.

has nad common Calicoes. 60 A rattere do. Carlisle Gin Cambris, book, saract and mull Masline cambrick and Dimities doc figured corded Cambricks, plaid and crape Riband satia Ribbons assorted plaid, Striped and corded Ginghams, steam lom Shirt. black tabby and oilk Velvets, lines Cambrice and de. 1 Law an, Diapers, cotand Table Cioth 3 white bordered and checked Cravats Hosiery ADd Gloves of every description has dag and bas.

dano greea Florence and do. Levantine and Italian Crapes Italian Sawing Silk Lent Twist, Lewh cont and vent Buttons Silk Braids, white Thelle, Holt's best wire Stalle, and Loser 44 nad Sib. l'ine, Taper, AF NEW BY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. JAMES IL WELLS, NEW GOODS. da received the ship Manhatian from Lithie full importation of which his ameriment tery complete, and du told at tury prices.

TILES and Rupe of all sizes. cod cast steel Saws, of all sorte, Braces Squarer, and Bite Spoke Shares, Betels, and other joiner' tools. Cast and common Shoe Kuires, Sciriorn, Razors. large of Gas and common Table A add Carvers. Spectacles, Knitting Pias.

chair and boot Web. Palest Shoe Thread, at reduced price. Plated common Saddlery. Bride and Spike Sheathing, supper and clasp Naile. Ox, Jon, coll, baiter Chains.

Find and common Fowling Pieces. A few Muskets with bayonets, Kaobe, Hinges and other Goods. Plated, and iron Brant and japanned Laram. Inkstands, Cantors assortment of Kennedy', Beach Molding 100 Yds. Brussels, Venetian and Carpeting.

Carpet Bindings, Hearth Rep 300 Bundles Sheet Iron, Stcel, de. tc. 4 Anew leather top CHAISE and Harness for vale very lows September 3. 3wew :9 G. HI.

CORNING, MERCHANT Now. TAILORS, York, and are H' thin opening from extensive assortment of nad toe. CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, and VESTINGS, 1. were bought on the best terma, and mI be no at any alore in thie ety N. D.

The for this Spring are Clothes made at short notice. NEW IMPROVED FARMS. about 10,000 old settled sad coonts of the state of York a or a several farm with and well art Ard and The present of that were geocrally from are good farmers, and odated with public milie and courts of and a go deity from stage runs week through this tract tu Bahais tarpike from Tudion passes through tract to Ithaca at the head of Cayu. near to several lots owned the The of is of Sat for do wats ed, and the air to remarkably 200 The from Hartford is only now and to rapable The lots generally ba dirided to lantances tivo lots are that they may be anited fo one price will moderate one fourth part secant here, and the residue ba paid 1, or 4 Purchasers a advantages of the price pod choice of of land, old to. with an settled country ran thee side Que of two mood farme in Connectihe in MasoN WHI, of Camiange-Point with shew the lands and is authorized to make contracte for the sabecriber.

JONATHAN W. EDWARDS. 6 Straw Ta Paper Manufacturers. for sale by FETING of a WANES WOODBRIDGE. ISAAC D.

BULL, Sole agent for the sale of JI HINGE TRESSES For the of Hartford, NevLondon, Windham and Telland, Has just received a further supply of the article. NUE very great of this iortrement over every other. here tufore inrepted, as to convenience, ease and comfort to the wearer, and what in of still greater moment its discet tendency to effect a cure, is further wo by the subjoined letter. Copy of a letter from MASOn F. COGSWELL, M.

D. to the Patentee. Dortur HuLL -Sir- It is with real Lou 1 comply with your request, in giving my opigion of you: improved '1 Mitoplicity of their construction, the farility with. hich they may be applied, and their perfect adaptation to all the variety of cases which may occur, render there far superior to any thiag of the kind I have ever seen. '1 hart witnessed their eficacy in a variety of instances, and do not hesitate to recommend in the strongest terme, to public use and patronage: MASON F.

COGSWELL. Wethersfield, March 1, 1320, Dort. Amos G. Hull, Dear Sir- I can informs you with real pleasmic, that ah esperience, I Lave found your liege Truss to he decidedly huperiot 10 any instrument of the kind that 1 have ever need or seen. 1: -y for the wearer, get bowel.

tulls adequate to Umbilical prevent Truss the descent of the in very superior to any thing he retolore for the relief of umbilical runtares. for infants especially, (sho are at subject to this complaint,) will doubtless effect a ure. if properly sud constantly applied. l'e haps, shove all the advantagca of your Hinge True is the concave pad. This, I believe, is pauliar to your instrument: and is.

1 well calrolated to effect radical the disense. am per tfully, Your friend and servant. SAMUEL B. WOODWARD. tf Dye- Stuffs, Dyers' and Fullers' Articles.

Which, with those on hand, they offor at rices. Also, 4,000 Yards American Shirtings. 2,000 do. do. Ginghams Checks, Sattinette.

Which are offered at very low prices. Harliond, State January 17. tICo HARVEY SEYMOUR Co. Hare just received from New- York and fresh supplies to their assuriment of Dye-Stufo, mating with former additions an extensire assoriment, certhy the attention of Clothiers and "others, el prices and qualities that wall net rufer by comparison with any in market. 20 Tons FOLLOWING Campeachy ARE PART.

Logwood. 10 bright Furtic. 10 Nicaragua. 5 Cate Allan. 30 Bolo.

ground Copperas. Camwood (proved 1000 lbs. Indigoes, proved by the best Dyers. Dutch bladder, prime. 1200 Blue Vitriol.

300 ground Curcuma as Tameric. 1000 Oil Vitriol. 500 Crude and Cream Tartar. 250 Spinte Nitre and Muriatic Acid: 30 fortis. 300 Quicksilver.

Ground Lorwood, Nicaragua and Fustic for family use Boras, Nutgalis, Corbincal, Grais Tin, Muriate Tin, Cudbear, Gum Arabic, Woad, kc Together with Clothiers' Shears, Brushes, PressPlater, Jacko, Cards, Press Papers, Tenter Hooke, ALSO, large supply of Teasels, the hest quality. and MEDICINES As usual, good assortment in quantity and at prices will make at object fort country drugeistr, pbyeiciane and families, where all orders will be promptly attended to aud compounding executed with care. A further apply of Del Fino Yellow Segars, with various other approved brands, of the drat quality. September 11 GOLD LEAF, la large or am ill quaantities, maoufactured Maacre Bout, at Philadelphia, constaatly for sale by I ISAAC D. BULL.

State street. tf 93 NEW GOODS. H. S. CHAFFEE, Hare just raceired from Fart a mpply NEW GOODS, A CARD.

WILLIAM LAUGHTON, TENDERS his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for the they have given him in his professian for 1 your part, and at the same time of them ta continue it, by aunting them that me mertions shall he ing on his part to please, both in work in price. PAINTING, IN ALL' ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES. WILLIAM LAUGHTON, MONTINUES to him services to his and the public in his professional He will execute DRawiNG of every species of machinery, preparatory to cagraving, ar obtain PATEN will paint Mur.s. TART STANDARDS, rate, of any patters requested: will Masonic Paintinge, sucks as tc. Also, wilt paint Siams superice to any one in this city, and at the shortest notice.

Patronge is anticited, and erery order be and neatly ere. caled, at his shop a few rods east of the State. House; State-street, and ararly opposite Morcan's Exchange Colice-Hcow. N. W.

has on band a few MASONIC Arnoss, which he offers very low. Hartford, June 15. 1091 ARIED HANCOCK Offers sale 8 St Croix Rums 50 ably American Gia dad. Cider sad 5 bbl, Sugar and tO Brow a Sugar. 1 pipe Corned Bollsad Gin Brandy: 7 ith.

Metheglin. Stone Ware. IRON and STEEL. 50 bile r. Flour.

200 bushels coafre and one 6 khde. retailing Molasses. Port, Madeira and Malaga Wince Clove water and N. E. Komi; Imperiat, hyaon.

young by not, bison akin bod Congo Tear: Caria, Corer, Nutmegs, Allspice, Ginger, Mare: Indigo, Starch, Mustard, Glue, Alan, Copperas, Logwood, Nicaragoa, Woad; kegs of plug Tobacco; large and 11 phpers Lorillard's and' J. fery's To bacco, Macnbay and Scotch Snoif, lak that quality Shaving Soap, common sizer: tar Soap, Win cut ami wrought all Jun Glass Coffee, Chorulate, Powder Shot, Gun Flints, Cordage, Bellow, Cotton, fresh Hops: me of Crockery, Glass and Hartford. Sept. 18. 4 STILLS STILLS and WORMS.

CHURCH and other- BELLS, COPPER KETTLES. Sheet and Cr Zoor, Sheet 1.rad, Sheet Iron, Lvad Pots ant MILITARY GOODS. WATCH MATERIALS, BROADCLOTHS. FRENCH HORNS. Brass Kettles, Andirons and Shorel Tonga, Silver and other Spores, Ball Buttons for MiliPans, plated metal Hollow Ware, Tm Ware, tary Clothes, Karve.

and Porks, Warning Japan'd Ware, with Dost other It. Ware ured in keeping STOVES in great Variety. STOVE PIPES. All kinds of Conger and Sheet Iron work.Also, Bra-s and Copper Casting- done on short notice and on reasonable terms. 'The above ibed Goods are fur sale low for cash or good paper, on such time is will accommodate.

WARD, BARTHOLONEW BRAINARD. August 21. 13.0 Russia Old Sable, Swedes and English dat, round and equare bare Cart, Waggon Chaise Tire Band Iron Horse nail Rede; Hoop lion different sizes Enghoh and American Listered, German, Hathach and Crawler Cart, Wargon and Chaise Boxer. American Manufactures. JAMES R.

WOODBRIDGE, established a Commission Store for the sale of A merican Manufactured Goods, offers his services to the manufacturers of Cotton and Woollens for the sale of those goods on commission. All consignments made to him will receive his prompt attention, sud all orders strictly attended to. Hartford, July 3. 20w93 SHEET IRON. 14.

Tons Sheet Iron, for sale by Hartford, Sept. 25. 5 EDWARD PORTER, Farmington, Sept. 23, 1820. Gw5 BOLTING CLOTHS.

HI. S. CHAFFEE, Have just a large assoriment of BOLTING CLOTHS, From No: 1-to 13. They are real Dutch clothe, of superior quality and will be sold on the most reasonable terms. cloned mercantile concerns at El- Farmington, offers bis Store for cent, and calla on all those who are indebted to hig for immediate pay ment.

He has on band a small assortment of Dry Goods, chiedy -domestic cloths, with a few useful articles of Hardware, Crockery, Paints and Groceries which he offers on long credit, at price. Also, handsome Sett of SHOP FURNITURE for a DRUGGIST, with a small assortment of choice MEDICINES, warranted of the best quality. One, two, or eves three years credit given, with good secarily, if necessary, and a great Bargain for the porchaser. Aloo. for sale ninety acres Wood Laud, chiefy Fine, lying in pierce, and at abort distanres from the meeting-houre.

Hartford, Jane 12. 490 Rum, Sugars, Molasses, Hides, Just received per brig Dedance and for sate, 25 Hhds. old Antigua Rum. 20 do. first quality Muscorado Sugars, 25 Boxes bent white Harana A dos 20 do.

browa. do. 40 doe quality Me 10 thas. Mailing 600 Spanish Ilides. The above goude being a consignment, with be sold at the lowest New.

York prices. Apply to HORTON STOCKING. ALSO IN STORE, 150 Casks of Lime, a part of which will be sold for one dollar per carls. 250 Chesnut Cider Barrels. September 26.

5 WOOL CARDING. THE subscriber will attend to the Picking and Carding of Wool, at the factory of Ward Bartholomew, and will endeavor to give general satinfaction: having the best of machines in operation. HORACE HARDWARE. HENRY C. PORTER, HAS this day of received, and is nOW opening Cutlery and Hardware Goods, purchased at the late AUCTION SALES 10.

New- York, which will be sold very low for cash. Opposite the State- House. Hartford, Sept. NOTICE. DAVID PORTER, THOMAS K.

REACE, and HATREs L. PORTER, have entered into co- and will trap-act as Commission Merchanis and Crucers, under the firm of PORTER, GRACE pt the store heretofore or cupied by Thomas K. Brace. Hartford, September 25, 11120. THOMAS C.

PERKINS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAS cupied opened by his 41. L. office in the Lilsworth, room Esq. lately nearly opposite Mr.

Book Stumr. Hartford, Sept. 25. 205. SEPTEMBER 21.

1820. Neux Goods anti Wholesale und Retail? WILLIAM -WATSON day received from Rew. York a of GOODS, which be ofere very cheap at wholesale or retail. Hartford, Morton's Main Brider. at, fronting 2 in 4 1500 Bushels St.

Ubes Salt, the: Merino Wool, 300 grass velvet Corks, 100 kegs Acerican Gunpowder, For male by SIT.AS DRAKE, ju. Hartford. Morran-at. 96. GARDEN SEEUS.

Erptember 26, 18.39. LEE'S MANSION HOUSE FOR SALE AT AUCTION. And ver our hilla, renerale the plough, I.e. Autumn spread his treasures to the sun, Luturiant and unbounded JAMES L. BELDEN, OFFERS TOR BALK, 10 lbs.

Asparagus Seed. Pert Blond du. Cabbage Drumbead do. 30 So do. Early Salisbury do.

21) Cucumber long do. choit de. Melons Mask, do. ('antelope do. 10.

Citron do. 10 Nutmeg do. Water do. Onion Rid d. 104) Yellow d.

white do. 10 Peppers Aquash 10 Cayenne do. Richieh Salou Scanet do. do. Suwa-h W.

do. 34 Crook do 20 rummier do Early Purl d. 100 Turnip do. 50 Long do 80 Kai: Gaga 10 l'andley, double 4, 10 Sate do. l'opper Grass d.

Parain, best Italian Hollow Cr. wo. 20 1, Savory Summer 6 Lavender do. 100 Carrot Orange Jo. 100 Lenion do.

30 Bushels different 5, itMarrowfat, Cluster Early 4 hark Early Hotspur, aud Wit 6 weeks. 20 Bushels different kinde of Beams, Kiduey, Fro-4, Early Wi.tr. Roh Ror. Marbled, Six Works. J.ed, Sparkled and Refugee.

50, 00 first quality Teasil-. 1000 Romas Chair, 1000 Yellow 20000 Ret d. 1000 Bushel Potatoes. Wethersfield, C'onnert ut, 5 at Fayetteville, N. Carolina, under the firm of ISRAEL WILLIANS and Co.

will attend faith. fully to any Commission busines they may hit favored wit. ISRAEL and Co. Hertford, Sept. 21.

1820. Tallund County, Superior Court, Sept Term, 1820 WHERE county, SCRAN brought CHArMaN, tier of E. petition ton to this court slating, that on the -8th day of Sepicinter 1808 she was married to Aaron Chapman, then of said Ellington, praying for a divorce from the said Aaron on the ground of desertion and three years absence, as per pe fition on file dated Septembe: 4. 1820: Ordered by said couri, that raid petition be continued to the Coast to he bolden at Tolland, in aud for said county, on 4th Tuesday of December 1820, and that the thereof be politied in two public new pa, era in this State immediately aster the rising of this court, weeks mccesrively. A true copy of record, .615 Attest.

STEARNS, Clerk. THE subscribers being NOTICE. appointed by the hon. court of probate for the district of Hartford, ca the estate of ZIBAu KING, late of Windsor, deceased, represented insolent; give notice that we shall attend at the dwelling house of Tunothy Phelps, in said Wiadsor, on the 20th day. of October and March nest, at 9 o'ciock A.

M. on each of said days, 10 aceive and adjust, the claims of the creditors to said estate. SIR frous On Thursday the 1Sth of October next at 20' clock P.M. will be sold 014 the premises, without reserve, THAT larze and commodious Brick House, with an acre of Land adjoining, owned and ocrupied by Mr. John Lee, with the couch house, ice-house and other buildings etanding uli the premises.

It is situated in the city of Hartford, do an eminence opposite the Baptiat Church; on the West five runts distant, in Main At. the North, Fast nad South it lice on Theatre, Dorr and Lee frets. The central and commanding situation of thin property, the beauty of the prospect, purrlooking most of the city and neighbor. ing tow with a view of nacticut river and adjar.nt meadows Gar the eye can reach. renders it one of the most pirasant and desirable places in New.

Cogland. 'Itse house is three stories high, is convenient, and rubatantially built, and the gardens are weis stocked with chose fruit, The property in mortgaged to the State of Connecticut for 84000 dollars, which can be continued indefinitely, or paid at the option of the purchaser. The terms, which will he liberal and accommodating, will be made koown at the sole. $. LEDLIE, Auctioneer.

September 26. NOTICE. I WILLIANS and WILLIAN WILLIAMS jua. having establiched themselves in business. TOTICE here by given that ail the realer: tate of Sir.

Alijah Ripley, late of Corentry, deceased, will be sold roblic vendue, al the late direlline bouse of the destased, on Monday, the doth of October next, at P.M. AMO4 RICHARDSON, Admis'r. Corentry, Sept. 1820. 6 bow.

court of probate, for the district of Hebron, has allowed six months from the date hereof for the creditors of the estate of Mr. Mary Warner, late of Bolton, dos cared, to their claims legally aiterted for settle. ment, or he debarred a recovery. DAVID W. Post, secutor.

Olerer Mather, John Sargeant, ra, Windsor, Sept 25, 18:0. Al.L persons indebted to said estate must make immediate payment. 5 Phelps, Admin'r. Hebron, Sept. 15, 1820.


A Have from NewCassinere Shawls: Carsimeret Frick Flannels Worsted Drawers Bop batetts Cambric Was Handkerchief Scotch Plaido, Bocking Baises Dark P'rinte Shawls, A Forcitares. Castor Gloves Irish Lintas Worsted Hosiery Milk Coloves Gilt Hooks and 'Eyes Umbrellas and Gilt Clappe Sinchews Maltese Battons 5-3 to 8-4 Diapers Canton Crapes Brown Linens Dimilies Cambric Muelins Shirtings Lines ALSO, CARPETINGS, FRINGES COACH LACES. fartiord, Sept. 25. 5 Iron, Steel and Nails.

DAVID WATKINSON Co. Offer for sale at reduced prices, an extensire assortment of Git runab, and Amencao Steel, of first Russia, Swedes, and Engliab Irop. quality. for 44: Nuil Rods, Brazier, Role, and Deck Nail Ronde. English and American iuch to 4 inches wide.

English and Swedes Sheet Iton. Band Iron, plow plates, Share macullo, aletrer bane Waggon and Cart Rose, ('row Barr, 230 Latent Cut Sail, Floor Brad. nod Arothing Naris. MI Do. Wrought Nails, Pal to sud.

Shorels and Spades, 'Tin Platr, Hartford, Sept. 26, 18.20 5 SALT AFLOAT. 1600 Bushels SALT coarse, fox sale, bright on board Sinoop at P'orter Goodwin's Wharf. Apply on beard, or to SAVAGE. Sept.

25, 1820 For N. fart saline Schrwuer and NARCY, I master, will sail about the 3th of neat month, has a part of her freight engaged, for the remainder, or passage, apply to William (', Redbeld, Middletown Upper or to CRowN and SAVAGE. Hartford, Sept. 26. For Charleston and Sarannuh.

THE very fast Simp Ian Fox. mas. tor. Laying most of tar enga 4 all sail 10h (Ni. wind for quantity light freight or passage having go ad accommi to the captain on board or to 31.

W. CHAIN Co. Hartford, Sept. 25. 6 For Sale, Freight or Charter, THE Schooner ARSON, A staunch well built Vessel, well calculated for stock or southern trader, 4 old, about 100 tons burthen.

For teru: apply to JAMES PITRIR, or DANIEL East-Hartford, Sept. 26. For Sale, Freight or Charter. 81.00P now building at MiddleA towa, Upper Houses, about minty five tone barthen. This vessel is of elegant model and calculated to sail fast and draw an easy drait of water, and can delivered by 25th October.

To accommodate a purchaser the Hull said regrel would be sold separately if apphed for toon. l'or further information apply to EZEKIEL JONES, Middletown, Upper- Houses. Or to NORTON STOCKING. September 26. FOR MATANZAS, Tar Schooner MARY ROSE, H.

'TREET, Master, To sail the ist of October, hav. ing half her cargo cogaged, remainder will take fright. few good HORSES can be taken if application is made soon. Apply to FREDERICK BANGE. WANTED, Good yellow Batter, Lard, Homs, in Hoops, Oats, Corn, Prime Pork, Mean Beef barrels, Hartford.

Sept. 25. 1821). 5 For Charleston and Savannah. THE well known Sloop Good lutcut, Joseph Allyn Mas.

ter, having most of -her freight engaged, will vail of almost the 13th October. Tor freight or passage, baring good Apply to OLMSTED COOLEY. Hartford, Sept. 23, 1020, 6 For Philadelphia. THE good Sloop HECTOR, having one half her freight enraged, will sail on the inst, For freight for remainder or passage, opply lo the tet ou board, or to NORTON STOCKING.

WANTED. 500 Bushels OATS, for which carb wilt be paid on delivery. September 20. 5 TO CLOSE THE business of the subscriber will sell at the old standthe stock of Goods now la Store, at very ced prices; it cobraces most of the staple arlicice adapted to the searon. WANTED In exchange for imported Goods, 30,000 Yards Cottons.

LL persons indebted to the firm of A NEY, Co. whose notes and accounts are due, are requested to make pay: ment, and those who have unsettled account. are par irularly aclicited to call and adjust theta hefore the lat of November cent. ANSON HAYDEN Hartford, Sept. 23.

1820. TOWN MENTING. THE inhabitanta of the Town of Hartford are herchy 'notified, that a town meeting will tie held at the State- Hours on Monday the 24 day of October 1820, at 2 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of choosing and a Board of Relief, conformably to An act supplemental to an act, to provide for the assetement and collection of taxes in this state." JoHN HEMPITED, JEARNT HUADLEY, HENRY HOUR, NATHAN JOHNSON, Moses Goopwry, NATH'I.

Selec Hartford, 90 Sept. 1820. NEW HARD IARE GOODS. HORACE HAYES Co. Have jud raceived CUTLERY AND HARD- WARE GOODS.

Auction in New York for wind are Merat for sale cheap for cash Fered. it, at ichalesale and retail. Hartford, September 26. DRY GOODS. JOHN OLMSTED, Is nero opening a large and complete assoriment of New and fashionable DRY GOODS, selected from the late in Pork, which he offers al Wholesale or Retail.

al as low prices as can be purchased in this city. Aavile, black and bright faced Vices of all sizer, Screw Plates. Frying Trace Pane; Flats, tailors' and hatters' Table and desert Knives and Forks. and Carsere cast steel thor, and cooks' Koiver. Pea pocket Knives, Razore, Shears.

Files and Rasps, cast steel millsaw and bandsaw Filer. Elegant cut glass Commode Knots. Brass Castors, Quadrants, Knobs, Brass and plated Commode Knols. Hinges, Corks and other, brass foundry. Plated Stirrups, Bitte.

Corle various kind-. Potted and steel Ritte and Curb. A good assortment of plated, tio'd and jappan'd Baddiery and Harness Ferniture-many arlicit at reduced priors. Plated, plain and bell Ban lemon Stump plated, iron and wot den 4. Locke, Intrhes; Buits and tV ord real Candlestick, bras: and impan'l Lamps.

Liver of Lain; Lamp -0-4 and Wicke Jar Tea Trays and Waiters, Snuffera and Pintrd, tutania tin'd iron table Tea Spoons Brittania metal Plated Castore with 5, 6 and 5 Brass Andirons ani St vol and to m. h. of new 1. '1c Green Wire Fend cheap. English copper Teakettles.

of the G- Patent cast metal Teak. an! Glue Pair. tin bed Warming Pans, Gridiroye, Coffee Mille, irons, Cha Spectator, Knitting Time, pack and box Fins, Reads, Thimbles. Fibhooks. Watt her, and a errat variety of other articles, calculated for the tradecheap.

Joiners', carpenters', coopers', saddler' and shoemakers' Tools, of most Cast at el and 1 Conger, Plane Iron-. Braces and Bitt, Ritte, Rules. Squares, shaver, Screw Baer, Hatchets and Adzes, fland, pannel, back and frame Saws, of German and east sterl. Englich Mill Sawn at German and cast steel. tot I hindelphsa Mill the plates; 4 cut Furriers' Kmree: Paper Has! Ensh Glue, Brutes.

London black bad all Wronght Tenter Ta and ('lout Nada thee 1 tr assortment efcut Brade and Tacks, of the very beat quality. Oil and water Stone-, Sami Stones. and Ponci, Joke: ml Pencil Case- and Penne Genuine lukpon der, and red. British tack take In hotties. Buttons, Whips, Straw Knives, Gun Locke.

7, 14 and 28 lb. cast iron wrights; round! in sets, dibs. to 4 oz. Collin Trimmings. English and Dutch Skates.

CONSISTING OF 200 Pieces black, drab, blue, slate, brown, maroon, green, crimson, and scarlet, 6gur'd, twill'd and printed, Bombazetts printed Rattinetts and Salisbury Flannels very fine his 5 Bombazine, 5-4 French ditto; 4 4, 8-4 and scarf plain and printed Cassimere Shawls: 123 black and colored Canton and Nankin Crapes of a superior quahty case black and colored Crape Dresses with borders: 1 do. 8.4 Crape 50 pieces stout black and hrary black Nankin aud French 1... rantine; cheap colored Errantine Florence black Italian Silks: flack and colored Satins. black, white and green French Grapes; grin Sills of every description: black and colored Silk Velvets and Plush Morino and Astracan Trimmings Maltese Buttons gilt and. plated Hooks and Eyes Snaps and Clasps chrap colored Cambrics and Peliase Wadding; 20 buses Garniture, crape, plaid and plain Rib: 7.4 and 8-4 Merino Shawl 4-4 Merino Imitation do.

and Fringe Gar Lodia and British Moll and Book Lanerting Trimmings 6cor'd and plain Mull Leno and Muslins, Mull Rotes, and Scotch Lawn: three dad four threaded Cotton Flew Linen Cambrica Carubric fs. Long Lawn: hoe thread and Cottou Laces: Ostrich Plumes 100 silk, kid, bearer, leather and, buckskin gloves a complete sortment ilk, cotton and Worsted Hosierg: IN dos. large sell and Horn Combs best thire cord Wire Thread in hanks and balls. olive, A large green, assortment of black; blue, mixed, iron grey and blue mixed BROADCLOTHS, of Eaglich and French inanufacture. constaut supply of American Super and coa.

moo Cloths of all colors from the manufactory of Jae. Shepherd, Boston. 'These Clothe are thought to be equal if not red superior in in every respect, to any other manufactuEurope or Amerira. Double and single will'd Peline Clothe Vestings Coatings Lionskins Drab Kerseye; Tartan Piaida 1 bale containing 40 pieces Flannels of all colors, cheaper than usual; Baizes; 6 to 10-4 Rose Clankets and Rugs: 60 pieces 4-4 Irish Liners much lower than usual; Cotton Shirt. lage; line Cravat-; Flacg good asVelrete of Calicoes and Ginghams Tabby Furniture Calicora and Dimities: Lincp and cotton Damask Table Clothe and Diapers Russia Diapers: Linen and cotton Sheetings and Bedticka; Bed Lace, fringe and" cord and tassels.

A constant supply of Waltham Cotton Goode of every description made at. that factory, for vale in any quantities at the Manufactory prices, Proudence knitting and weaving Yarn of aperior quably, of all numbers American Ginghams, Checks, Shirtings and Sheetings. English. Ingrain Carpetings. Stair Carpeting 4-4 and 6.4 Mattin.

Hearth Rugs; Bocking Baiz; Table floor Clothe: Carpet Bindings, kr. at the New- York prices. 1 Bale Russia and Imitation SheetHartford, Sept. 25. TO RENT.

THE Mr. brick building CHARLEa now COTTO, occupied as a store and dwelliag house, situated a few rode from the Slate House on Main street. The store a good stand for a-retailer, and the dwelling part well calculated for a small family. Apply CHARLES Co. Hurtford, Sept.

25, 1890. tv 5 9 A.

Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2025)


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.