it's like a best friend, but more - roxyhoney (2024)

Chapter 1: chapter 1

Chapter Text

Louis de Pointe du Lac . A name that one could never forget. A face that launched a thousand ships. He was a modern day Helen of Troy, and didn’t even realize the depth of his beauty. Those eyes…. that smile…. could hold one captive without even trying. It was as if his heart and soul were touched by the finest of gold. Just being in the same room with Louis could leave you breathless yet wanting more. Louis de Pointe du Lac was everything and Lestat de Lioncourt loved him with all of himself. He was honored to have him as his best friend.

That friendship had gone through seventeen years, Lestat thought as he watched Louis move around the dance floor at their mutual friend’s engagement party. As he was leaning against the bar, sipping on his fourth drink of the night, he couldn’t take his eyes off of him.

Staring at Louis wasn’t uncommon when it came to Lestat. There were times when they would hang out, whether it was alone or with their friends and family, that he would glance over and be reminded of how lucky he was to have him in his life. Lestat was twelve when he met ten year old Louis. He had just moved to New Orleans with his mom, Gabrielle, after she went through a nasty divorce. She decided to leave France and Lestat went with her, while his two brothers stayed with their father. But, that was another story for another time.

He then met Louis the same week he arrived, going to the same schools, and becoming the very best of friends. His mom loved Louis as if he were another son, making sure to always include him in everything they did as a family. As time went on, she even made one of the extra rooms in their home specifically for Louis.

They had a lot of sleepovers. Especially because Louis’ home life wasn’t the best. The only family member of Louis that even Lestat could stand to be around, was his little sister, Grace. She loved Louis and always stood up to their parents when it came to him, even if he was the oldest sibling.

Gabrielle always tried to include them in everything, but they always declined. And when Louis came out at sixteen, he ended up staying with him and Gabrielle full time. Louis’ mother was ashamed and embarrassed, his dad wanted to disown him, and his brother who was slightly touched in the head, constantly berated him.

As much as Lestat was there for Louis he knew that the pain he felt never truly left him when it came to his family. No sixteen year old deserved to be disowned and treated that way for being who he was, especially Louis.

And his parents and Paul hated Lestat because he always stood up for Louis when he couldn’t. He always protected Louis, he did everything for Louis. Just like he knew without a doubt that Louis would do anything for him. The bond they shared was on a different level. It knew no bounds.

Needless to say, Louis always came first to Lestat. No matter who came in and out of their lives, no matter if they had disagreements, that was a friendship he could never and would never lose.

As Lestat continued to watch Louis dance with Claudia, another mutual friend of theirs, all he could think about was taking her place and holding Louis in his arms; close enough to feel his heartbeat.

He couldn’t quite pinpoint when the feelings beyond friendship came. He could lie and say it happened unexpectedly, or a week ago, or even a year ago, but in all reality Lestat always felt something for Louis that transcended beyond friendship. And these romantic feelings were just laying dormant waiting to come out.

But Lestat could never be what Louis needed.

Lestat had a very healthy appetite, when it came to the people he was seeing. He wasn’t discriminatory when it came to those he slept with. The only real relationship he had been in lasted two years and when that ended it broke him for a little bit. None of that ever stopped Louis from being there for him though.

Lestat even knew when Louis developed a small crush on him when they were in high school, that he hid it deep down until he outgrew the crush. Lestat never mentioned that he knew about it, and it was never awkward between them.

With the right amount of alcohol tonight, even though it was not nearly enough, all he could do was focus on Louis and the way he laughed and smiled. It was as if those feelings that he pushed aside hit him all at once. It was this ache in his chest… this ache he didn’t want to get rid of.

Lestat decided to down his fifth drink, because he couldn’t handle it anymore. He needed to come clean to Louis and he needed Louis to feel the same way. As he was about to walk over to the dance floor to interrupt him and Claudia, someone stepped in.

The boyfriend . Jonah Macon.

Lestat instantly grew annoyed.

He knew that Louis had reconnected with Jonah three months ago, trying to rekindle whatever brief romance they had back in the day. Lestat remembered the day of Louis’ highschool graduation, Gabrielle threw him a graduation party, and when Louis went ‘missing’ from his own party for a moment. Lestat decided to go find him and when he checked his room, walked right in on him getting face from Jonah.

Needless to say, Lestat's reaction made Louis give him the silent treatment for a week. That week felt like 100 weeks and Lestat was miserable the entire time. He hated when they got to a point where Louis didn’t talk to him.

So, now that he was watching Jonah and Louis dance, he couldn’t miss the way Jonah looked at his Louis, as if he hung the moon. And that made Lestat nauseous.

Lestat always wanted happiness for Louis and he knew that Jonah made him happy, but in all reality he didn’t want him with anyone because Louis was his. And that was selfish of him, he knew that. Because Lestat always had someone and Louis never once interfered. He may have given opinions to protect Lestat but he never pulled what Lestat wanted to pull tonight.

“Lestat, we’ve been here for a whole hour and you haven’t asked me to dance. I mean unless you’re ready to get out of here and go back to my place.”

Lestat had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he forgot he came with Antoinette, a woman he’d been sleeping with on and off for a couple years.

He wouldn’t identify her as his girlfriend because their meetups were always random and mostly ended with sex. He knew she had a thing for him, always there to listen, stroke his ego, and would answer his call at any time of the day or night when he needed to fulfill an urge. But she wasn’t the only one who graced his bed through the years. And she knew that.

Honestly, he shouldn’t have even brought her. He really only did it to keep his mind off of Louis. However, that clearly didn’t work.

“Let’s go.” He grabbed her hand and led her out to the dance floor near Louis and Jonah. He just now recognized how packed the dance floor was. This whole time he had been staring in that direction, it was as if the background disappeared and it was just Louis.

As they swayed to the music, Lestat’s eyes never left Louis and when their eyes finally connected, a strange look on his face appeared that Lestat couldn’t quite interpret.

Lestat watched as Louis whispered something in Jonah’s ear, even though his eyes sere still branded on Lestat.

Had he known? Sometimes they could just communicate by a look. Had Louis known what Lestat was feeling just by the look he was giving him.Once the whispering stopped, Jonah smiled and placed a chaste kiss upon Louis’ lips.

Lestat’s face hardened and his blood began to boil. He only calmed down because Louis walked up to him.

“Can I cut in for a minute, Antoinette? I won’t keep your boy long.”

Lestat noticed Antoinette trying to hide the jealousy that was creeping upon her face. He knew there were times she wanted him all to herself, and this was one of those times, but oh well. Antoinette didn’t dislike Louis, but she wasn’t a stranger to jealousy and there have been plenty of times Lestat has left her if Louis needed him.

“As long as you give him back by the next song.” She provided a smile they all knew was fake, and then kissed Lestat's lips. A kiss he didn’t reciprocate.

Lestat noticed Louis roll his eyes at her as she walked away.

And then they were dancing. One hand holding his and the other one at each other’s hips. They’ve danced before, this wasn’t uncommon. Lestat actually helped Louis practice for prom, even though he found out that he didn’t end up dancing. That night, when Louis returned home, Lestat ended up dancing with him through the night.

But today felt different. Today, Lestat was nervous, and he hoped that Louis couldn’t feel his hands clam up. He would blame it on the alcohol if he asked.

“I’m surprised you’re not all danced out.” Lestat said, trying to control his heart from beating out of his chest.

“You brought Antoinette? Really? I thought that was done. Especially because you slept with her brother.”

Give it to Louis to call him out on his sh*t. He almost forgot he slept with Antoinette’s twin brother Antoine. His mind had been too engrossed with other things lately.

“Eh, she begged to be my plus one. Plus I haven’t got laid in awhile.” He tried to sound like his normal self.

Louis laughed, “Define awhile? A week?”


“A very long antagonizing week.”

Louis just gave him a look. He knew Lestat was being full of it.

“Just be careful Les, you know Antoinette is crazy about it you. Emphasis on crazy.”

Lestat didn’t care. He only wanted one person to be crazy about him.

“Well, Lou, we can't all find someone like you and your precious James over there.”

“You know his name.” Louis exclaimed. “Plus, it’s been five years since you’ve had something serious. You know it’s okay to get back out there and find something real. You know you could have anyone you wanted.”

If that were only true, Lestat thought, but he needed to change the subject before he said or did something he couldn’t take back.

“Can you believe we’re at Armand’s engagement party? Leave it to him to do something this extravagant as if we were already at his wedding.”

Louis knew what that meant. “Fine, I won’t push, but just be careful with her.”

Lestat knew he wanted to say more, but was grateful that he didn’t.

“You’re right though, can you believe Armand decided to get married? I still can’t believe it, especially with his whole situation.”

“Yeah, but he says he’s happy and that things have changed with Marius, so I guess we’ll see.”

“I guess.” Louis didn’t sound sure, but neither did Lestat.

It’s funny how Lestat and Armand were actually friends now, because when they first met, he couldn’t stand him. He could say it was solely because they butted heads a lot, but it really had to do with the fact that he and Louis had a very small thing in the beginning. It literally only lasted a week, before they decided just to be friends, but it still bothered him that he got to taste Louis’ lips.

Two more songs went by and he and Louis haven’t broken apart yet. They just continued to dance together and crack jokes.

When the current song ended, and another slow song came on, Lestat could feel Louis begin to loosen his hold to back away, but he held on and pulled him a tad bit closer.

“One more?” Lestat’s voice was just a little above a whisper. “Please.”

Louis stayed, but that didn’t stop the look that washed over his eyes. Maybe it was the way Lestat had practically begged him for another dance, maybe it was Lestat’s hands that were now around his best friends waist, causing him to place his arms around his neck, or maybe it was the look in his eyes that Louis was finally paying attention too that revealed the truth.

Lestat couldn’t take his eyes away from Louis even though he should have. But when Louis really looked at someone with those eyes he loved so much, it was as if he were in a trance.

Their connection was so deep that Lestat didn’t have to say anything for Louis to catch on. And when he finally did, he stopped abruptly and stepped back as if he had been burnt.

Lestat could tell the music had switched to something fast, causing even more people to come to the dance floor, but he could only see Louis. He could see the apprehension cross his features, and he wanted to step forward to explain, but he stopped abruptly when Louis’ attention focused on something behind him.

Lestat turned to see none other than Daniel Malloy in the back of the room in a corner, with a bottle of liquor in his hand, eyes glued on Armand, who was near the front of the room, with Marius at his side, while they talked to several guests.

Daniel looked angry and even though they weren’t necessarily right in front of him, they could tell he had been crying as well.

Lestat was about to follow Louis to go to him, but Louis turned to stop him. “No, I’ll go. You um…. I’m sure Antoinette is waiting for you.” And then he walked away from him without a second glance.

Was this what rejection felt like? Was Louis telling him everything that he needed to know?

Lestat wouldn’t be able to rest tonight until he found out.

And now here he was at 4:30 in the morning knocking on Louis’ front door.

After Louis got Daniel out of the building, he came back and chose to ignore Lestat, which prompted him to act out just a little bit. And by acting out, that involved him having a few more drinks and shoving his tongue in Antoinette’s willing mouth.

He did notice Louis briefly look at him before he left with Jonah, and that made Lestat want to punch a wall. He left not too long after, not even bothering to say bye to Armand.

That engagement wouldn’t work out. They all knew it, but it was neither the time nor place to think about that.

The normal thing to do would have been to call. But, this was Louis, he didn’t have to call first to come over. The way Lestat could drop everything for Louis, Louis would do just the same if not more.

He was about to knock again, but he noticed the living room light flash on.

Louis opened the door, and stood outside, making sure the door lightly closed behind him without making a sound. He was in the robe Lestat bought him on their friend anniversary, a few years ago. Friendaversary is what his mom liked to call it. The color matched Louis’ eyes, and on that same anniversary, Louis had gifted him the same exact robe that matched the color of Lestat’s eyes. That just showed how much they thought alike and how close they were.

“Les, what are you doing here?” He yawned. “Do you know what time it is?”

That nickname could only be spoken by Louis, and even though he used it constantly, it currently made Lestat’s heart skip a beat.

“I’m well aware of the time, Lou.” He used the nickname that only Lestat could call him.

Louis crossed his arms. “Are you still drunk?”

“I was never drunk, mon cher. You know I have a high tolerance.”

Louis gave him a look.

“I sobered up before coming here.” He admitted. “I know you wouldn’t have liked it if I drove while drunk.”

Louis crossed his arms not saying anything, waiting for him to explain why he was here.

“Usually I can come right in. That second room is still reserved for me isn’t it?”

They both had a room at each other’s place.

“Tonight’s not a good night.”

“It’s 4:30 in the morning.”

“Exactly.” Louis rolled his eyes.

They did this sometimes, the back and forth, but right now Lestat could see Louis getting irritated and he didn’t want him to be.

“He’s in there isn’t he?” He couldn’t stop putting his foot in his mouth.


“I’m sorry. I just want to talk about what happened at the wedding.”

Louis sighed, “I can’t do this with you right now. Jonah may be a heavy sleeper but it’s too early. I was sleeping and you need to do the same. You can sleep on the couch if you don’t feel like going home.”

Louis was reducing him to the couch like a lover who had done wrong.

“I’d rather chew glass than sleep on your couch while you’re upstairs with him.”

Maybe he was being dramatic but oh well.

“Here we go with the dramatics.” Louis raised his voice a bit. “What do you want from me Lestat? What can you possibly say to me right at this moment. Because what you did tonight… the way you- the way you looked at me…why? Why now? What’s changed now ?”

The fact that Louis could read Lestat by just a look still amazed him after all these years.

“What’s changed is that I have feelings for you.”

There, he said it. Lestat admitted out loud that he had feelings for his best friend.

He knew that Louis was angry before he spoke. The glare he gave proved that, “Wow. Unbelievable. You really almost got me there. You’re only saying this because I’m with someone and it’s actually going well. Because he makes me happy.”

“It’s only been three months. We’ve known each other for seventeen years. That has to mean something, right?”

“Mean something? Yeah it means something when I’ve been there for you through all the women and men you’ve slept with, it means something during your three year relationship with Nicki. It means something when I was there through it all. And now that you’ve got all of that out of your system, you’re what? Ready to give your best friend a go, who had a crush on you? Yeah, okay.”


Louis rolled his eyes. “Of course that’s all you would focus on.”

“He’s not good enough for you.” Lestat stood closer, “The only reason you're even with Jonah is because I…” He paused, knowing he just messed up.

“Because you what? Because you didn’t return your feelings for me?”

“That’s not…”

“No, I think it is.” Louis stood closer to him, with a defiant look in his eye. Maybe he expected Lestat to step back but he didn’t.

Even though Louis was pissed at him and was probably about to let him have it, Lestat really needed his closeness right now.

“Do you want to hear about every little thing Jonah and I do together? Do you want to know the things he can do to make me scream and beg for more? Do you want to know each and every place we’ve f*cked ? Does it help to know that I actually enjoy being around him and enjoy the things we do together? Is that what you need to hear to know that me being with Jonah has nothing to do with the fact that you didn’t want me.”

It was pure torture for Lestat to hear those words come from Louis’ perfect lips. In all honesty he wanted to kill Jonah right now. But, that would be pushing it and Louis would never forgive him.

“I told you I had feelings for you, Lestat. And not the simple minded high school crush all those years ago, but I told you two years ago that I developed these feelings and you just wanted to remain friends. I was okay with that. I expected it, but I was okay with it because I got it off my chest. I was honest, I let it out and moved forward because our friendship was too important for me to lose. And now that Jonah and I are together you’re having this problem with it. You’re telling me that you have feelings? That’s not fair to me. When in all honesty, you probably don’t even have these feelings, you just don’t want to share me with anyone. You never have.”

“Is that so bad?” Damnit, Lestat put his foot in it again .

“I’m going to bed.” Louis turned away, “Go home.”

Lestat reached out and grabbed his hand, causing Louis to turn around where they were now standing even closer.

“I love you, Louis .”

“Don’t do this to me.” His voice cracked a little, and Lestat saw the glassiness in his eyes. He didn’t want to hurt Louis by his feelings, but he needed him to know. He needed him.

“I’m in love with you.” His hand caressed his jaw

Louis turned his head so Lestat's hand would drop and that pained him. “You’re drunk.”

“You know I’m not.” Lestat tried so hard not to place his hand back, so he chose to put his hand on Louis’ waist, surprised that he didn’t move it.

“Don’t you want me to be happy?” he sighed. “Because that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you, Les. I have spent countless hours being your sounding board with your relationship with Nicki. I’ve played your wingman so many times with the others. I have always been there for you. Always . So be happy for me. Want happiness for me .”

“You could be happier with me.”

“Jonah’s my boyfriend.”

“And I could be your husband.”

Lestat didn’t know he was going to say that until he said it. But would it be so bad? He could see himself marrying Louis. He could envision a life with him and only him. They had already been through so much together.

But he noticed the way Louis’ eyes widened and just as he could read Lestat, Lestat could read him just as well.

Louis was scared. This was too much for him. He didn’t even say anything as he turned to walk back in the house.

And this time Lestat didn’t reach for him. In all honesty, he couldn’t even blame him for that reaction. He put Louis between a rock and a hard place. He barged in and disrespected his new relationship now that he was ready to love him like he wanted two years ago.

Expecting Louis to wait for him was foolish.

Lestat would never know how Louis had to sit in the middle of his staircase because he stumbled trying to walk up them to get to his room. He would never know how much Louis’ heart felt like it shattered into a million pieces.

Chapter 2: chapter 2


Wow! Thank you all so much for reading!! I'm really appreciative of the wonderful feedback, kudos, and bookmarks! You all are amazing!
Also, please note that this chapter will mention suicide and depression.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lestat De Lioncourt . A name that held power to it. A face so angelic that one couldn’t help but stare a little longer to make sure he was even real. He had a voice that could leave someone hypnotized. Lestat had a voracious appetite for everything he did and his passions overpowered his fears. And everyone knew that no matter who came in and out of his life, the one solid thing…. the one person he held closest to his heart, was Louis de Pointe du Lac. He was Lestat’s constant.To describe the way Louis felt for Lestat could go on and on for eternity. But to some it all up, Lestat was Louis’ coal fire on a cold day.

Lestat and Louis had been friends for as long as he could remember, and no matter what, they were always there for each other. It didn’t matter if it were day or night, if they were miles away; if one needed the other, they would drop everything.

When Louis thought about their younger years, Lestat and his mom, Gabrielle had saved his life back then. Growing up in a household that expected so much just to turn their backs on him at such a young age, really was a lot to endure. When Lestat moved to town, Louis found himself over Lestat’s house almost everyday. His mom always included him in everything, and it was the first time he felt loved and wanted. He may have had his younger sister Grace, but she could only do so much. Plus, Louis would never allow his parents or his brother’s disdain for him ruin any chance for her to have a normal childhood. She deserved that much. So, when he came out at sixteen, his parents made it clear he was no longer welcomed in his home, so Gabrielle and Lestat took him in with open arms.

Even before he moved in, Gabrielle made one of the several rooms in their home specifically for Louis’. It warmed his heart more than anyone would ever know.

So, it wasn’t really unexpected for Louis to have established a crush on his best friend. They had so much in common and Lestat stood up and cared for him more than anyone he’d ever known. They were connected by a cord, as Lestat would say. They had a bond that could never be broken. And even though Louis never told him back then, he knew Lestat knew. They knew everything about each other, so he knew. And Louis appreciated and held so much respect that Lestat never mentioned it to make things awkward between them.

He never stopped being his friend, and Louis held so much love in his heart for him.

When Louis was fourteen, he and Lestat decided to celebrate friend anniversaries every year, where they would give each other a gift, and spend uninterrupted time together. Whether that time consisted of either movies, reading, piano playing, or trying to attempt to cook something that led to them both just ordering out, it was their tradition. When college happened, if they couldn’t physically be near one another they were on the phone until one of them fell asleep.

Lestat came back down for Louis’ prom, even though it didn’t go like he expected, Lestat made sure that when he returned home he put on some of their favorite music and danced with Louis. Gabrielle even joined in by making some of Louis’ favorite foods. Prom may have been a disaster, but the night was one of the best nights of his life.

Every year, Louis and Lestat’s friendship never wavered. If anything they grew even closer. Gabrielle traveled them to France together where Louis got to see where Lestat grew up. Lestat taught Louis French, even though he was already taking a class in middle school, it helped to have someone who was perfect in it.

A simple hi from Lestat in his first language felt like you were getting seduced.

That’s also why it was so easy for Lestat to have the amount of partners he’s had over the years. But, even though Lestat was a sexual being and didn’t really do relationships, that changed when he met Nicolas de Lenfent in college. It was his first real relationship, and the moment he told Louis about him, he knew by the way his eyes lit up that he was in love. And Louis was genuinely happy for him, always there to support him.

When it came to Nicki, he and Louis got along for the most part. He met him during his fall break when he traveled to New York to visit Lestat at college. He could see the love radiating off of Lestat and he was glad he found someone to make him that happy. Although he would never admit it to anyone, there was a part of him deep down that was somewhat jealous of Nicki. And this was after Louis’ crush on Lestat had been over for quite some time.

It also made Louis feel good that Lestat didn’t push him aside for Nicki. He still treated him the same and still valued all of his opinions. When Louis was back to college at Duke University, Lestat never stopped calling him. Their friendship didn’t falter just because they weren’t in the same state and Lestat had a boyfriend.

So with that being said, it was no secret that Louis was beyond shocked when he got the call that Nicki cheated on Lestat. He was so heartbroken and in tears that Louis got on a plane and was at Lestat’s place in no time. He could remember holding Lestat in his bed for two days until he could even think about letting the sunlight hit his face.

Louis would always show up for Lestat.

It pained Louis that Lestat blamed himself and would have taken Nicki back if asked. It took awhile for Lestat to realize that he deserved way more than that. Love was never supposed to be that hard. And although their relationship had good moments, it also had those moments where Louis had to be more supportive than judgemental. He had never been in a true relationship before, so when Lestat talked about them being able to forgive and move on from certain arguments, Louis just accepted it.

Through it all, after everything that happened, Louis hated Nicki and he wished that he could have taken all of Lestat’s pain away. Once that pain had subsided, Lestat continued to bury himself in men and women who he treated as one night stands. He couldn’t open himself up to anyone and if that’s how he coped, Louis couldn’t talk him out of it. As long as he was careful and safe.

And then entered Antoinette Brown, who tried to make herself his one and only. It was quite funny sometimes to see her make a fool of herself in Lestat’s presence. Needless to say they really didn’t like each other. They only tolerated each other because of Lestat.

Antoinette had a jealous side, even towards Louis, and he and Lestat were just friends. Hell, she was jealous when he spent an hour on the phone with his own mother, who he hadn’t talked to in weeks, because she ended up moving back to France once Louis graduated college.

The girl was crazy, and Louis wondered why he still kept her around.

After college, Louis moved back to New Orleans, got into business with Tom Anderson to open up a prestigious nightclub that became really popular. It made him a lot of money and it always had a line circled around the block just to get in. Lestat ended up not putting down roots just yet, having his apartment in New York and the townhome they stayed in as kids in New Orleans. He also frequented Italy and France regularly whether it would be to visit his mom or to immerse himself in music and theater.

When Louis fell in love with Lestat, he realized that the crush he had for him when he was younger never truly went away. He debated on telling him, thinking it was something that he could push aside, but a part of him had to know if those feelings were reciprocated in any way.

It hurt Louis to his core to find out it wasn’t. And he could tell that it hurt Lestat just as much to reject him. It still didn’t stop them from being friends. Nothing changed. He knew that Lestat had so much love for him even if it was just as a friend. He even admitted that he was scared Louis would end their friendship one day if he couldn’t return those feelings.

Louis had to explain to him that it would never happen. That it was something they could get through. It took Lestat over an hour to believe him.

And even though it took time, Louis' feelings did dissolve, and their friendship had been stronger than ever.

So imagine Louis’ surprise when 8 months ago Lestat confessed that he had feelings for him after Armand’s engagement party and practically proposed to him. Saying he was caught off guard was a vast understatement.

He could still remember the look Lestat gave him at the party that told Louis everything he needed to know. If he didn’t know Lestat so well he would have brushed it off, but he did know him entirely too well, and he knew what that look meant.

It shocked him to his core, because just two years before he had bared his heart to Lestat and he only wanted to remain friends.

And now that he decided to stop immersing himself fully in his work and take some time to actually meet someone, instead of the random hook up here and there, Lestat decided to drop a bomb on him out of nowhere.

Louis really cared for Jonah. It had been a wonderful three months, so it felt completely unfair for Lestat to appear at his front door to profess his love and suggest marriage.

It scared the absolute sh*t out of him. His heart began racing and his hands felt clammy and yet a very small part of him wanted to finally know what Lestat’s lips tasted like. And that thought scared him more.

Louis barely remembered heading back in his home, closing the door behind him, and collapsing halfway up the stairs.

He heard Lestat drive away twenty minutes later.

The next day, Lestat texted him explaining that he was in fact drunk, which in all honesty didn’t make Louis feel any better. He knew Lestat was lying and it hurt him to know that he felt he had too. If anything they were going to do in life was be honest with each other, no matter how deep certain situations got.

It was on the third day that Louis came to their childhood home, where they sat and talked about it. Awkwardness aside, the love they had for each other within their friendship overcame any romantic feelings. It all came down to the fact that Lestat didn’t want to lose Louis and Louis didn’t want to lose Lestat. But at the end of the day they were both human and those feelings couldn’t just disappear in a few days.

And because of that, Lestat told Louis he was headed back to France for a while. It wasn’t uncommon for him to travel, but something about that news felt final. It broke Louis for a bit because he thought Lestat would stay in New Orleans for a while. It was selfish, he knew, but sometimes Louis couldn’t help but feel selfish when it came to Lestat.

He remembered driving Lestat to his mom’s private jet early one morning, after barely having any sleep the night before. His stomach was in knots because he knew that this was the first time they would be apart longer than any other time over the years.

“You didn’t have to come.”

Louis ignored him because he wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else.

“Call me when you make it safely.” He was doing his best to hold i together,

“Louis, don’t cry. I can’t do this if you look at me like that.” And yet Louis could hear the tone change in Lestat’s voice. He was trying not to cry as well, and that made the tears form fully in Louis’ eyes.

“You could stay.” he tried to provide a faint smile.

“You know I can’t.”

And he was right because if Lestat had stayed, something told him their friendship would have possibly suffered. Regardless of how many conversations they had saying that everything would be fine.

“I’m sorry.” Louis felt it needed to be known.

“Don’t… don’t be. I’m sorry for putting us in this position.”

“You didn’t, I-”

Lestat placed his finger gently to Louis’ lips. Their eyes locked on each other and maybe Louis should have moved away, but he didn’t; allowing Lestat to place a kiss on each cheek and then his forehead.

It was then that Louis finally saw Lestat’s tears. He then caressed the side of Louis’ face and he knew it was probably wrong but he couldn’t help but lean into it.

They looked like two lovers saying goodbye forever.

“Jonah better treat you well.” Lestat’s voice cracked. “Goodbye, mon amour.

Lestat placed a kiss on Louis’ hand so quickly that he didn’t even realize it happened until Lestat was already seated on the jet.

He didn’t look back at him and for some reason Louis felt a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach.

When he walked back to his car, his phone went off signaling a text message.

Je t’aime, mon cher. (I love you, my dear) This changes nothing between us, I’m still here whenever you need me.

I love you too.

It was no secret that they announced their love for each other several times before the ‘ in love with yous’ happened. They were best friends and best friends said I loved you all the time, and they could still say it to each other without it meaning more.

Although they communicated every single day, it still felt unnatural when they couldn’t physically be in the same space as each other. Eight months was the longest time they had ever been apart without even a day visit. And what sucked even more is that Lestat hadn’t planned on coming stateside just yet. He got a job over in France performing the piano at different plays and operas.

He always made sure it was recorded for Louis to see.

During Lestat’s time away, Louis could feel that things were back to normal between them. It felt good to know that he hadn’t lost the one person that meant the absolute world to him. He just missed him like crazy.

It was Gabrielle who told Louis that she was surprised Lestat was still there, as he seemed a bit homesick and talked about Louis every single day. She figured that any day now he would be back in the states.

Louis hoped that was true.

He and Grabrielle always talked at least once a week for about an hour. She always referred to him as her son and always wanted him to catch her up on his life. She still wanted him to pursue photography full time instead of running a club. They would even discuss what new book they were reading that week. He loved talking to her. She brought a motherly level of comfort that he still needed at times.

Talking to Gabrielle yesterday was actually the reason why he was now standing at the front door of his parents home, the home he grew up in for sixteen years. He wanted to make things right before Grace’s wedding next year. Gabrielle gave him some good advice on how to approach the situation, but also that he didn’t owe anyone anything if he truly wasn’t ready.

But at this point he was as ready as he’d ever be.

He needed to do this. He needed to do this for Grace. He needed to do this for himself. He may not have owed them anything but he at least owed himself.

Louis was 28 years old, he was a successful business owner, graduated valedictorian in highschool, graduated Summa Cum Laude in college, and owned his own townhome in the quarter. He was healthy, happy, had great friends, and a loving relationship.

He really wanted them to know that; whether they deserved to or not.

It was his mom who opened the door, and it went as expected. She wouldn’t invite him in and said that she only had two children. His dad wouldn’t even come to the door. She still thought of him as an embarrassment… a disgrace. She even went as far as blaming Lestat for being a bad influence.

His heart was breaking, and he was glad Grace wasn’t back home yet to hear any of this. He could only shield her from so much.

“I’m your son, mama.” Louis’ voice broke, but he would not cry in front of her. “Loving me isn’t that hard.”

He walked away after that, and he heard the door slam close behind him. He flinched a bit because there was a part of him that wished she would have run after him or at least called him to come inside. He wanted her apology and her love, but he knew it would never come.

“Showing your face here Louis is not in God’s Plan.” It was Paul’s voice that caused him to stop. “You are a sodomite. You need to repent!

“Back off Paul.” Louis’ was grateful he had sunglasses on. He knew the tears were forming in his eyes and he wasn't able to stop it.

“The church will welcome you if you denounce this sin you’ve been portraying. This life you have been leading will only send you to the low pits of hell. You and that blonde hair demon, Lestat .”

Louis, who had always been good at holding it together and not causing a scene, finally lost his sh*t as he turned around and yanked Paul by his shirt.

“I said back the hell off! I’m done. This is it. You’ll never see me again, so keep our names out of your mouth.” Talking about him was one thing, talking negatively about Lestat was different.

“You have no family. You’ll always be alone. Grace will see in time too. You’re worthless. The birds say so.”

And maybe he was. Maybe Louis was worthless, but he wouldn’t give Paul, his mom, or his dad the attention anymore. He wouldn’t beg to be in their lives. He was officially done.

That night, he told Tom he wasn’t coming in, he told Jonah he wanted to be alone, and he texted Lestat saying he was going to bed early.

Louis cried that night. He found a bottle of alcohol in his bottom cabinet that was leftover from one of his home gatherings, and used that to escape the pain. He needed that outlet.

He felt like he had nothing left.

How could his family hate him so much for being who he was. He wasn’t a bad person. He made well for himself. What was so wrong with him that they couldn’t love him for just being himself.

Two days later, he still kept the communication to a bare minimum, only texting Lestat briefly, and lying that he was busy with the club. He never lied to Lestat, but he knew if he kept saying he was going to bed early, he would know something was wrong.

The moment that pulled Louis further down into an abyss he wasn’t sure he’d get out of was when Grace called screaming and crying into the phone that Paul took his own life. Louis instantly felt the walls closing up, his throat felt dry, it almost felt like he couldn’t breathe as he tried to process the information. It also didn't help that his mother’s voice came through Grace’s phone, screaming that it was Louis’ fault and that whatever they talked about the other day made Paul take his life.

He hung up on her, not needing to hear another word.

Paul was dead.

He used to watch the sunrise with Paul.

Had it been Louis’ fault?

The bottle he had been sipping on, he was now taking larger gulps. He didn’t want to feel anymore.

Louis didn’t know how long he had been sitting on his bedroom floor. He didn’t return anyone’s call and all the text messages that were coming through went unanswered. He felt empty.

At some point he could hear voices, but they felt distant.


Had someone said his name?

Louis felt like a shell of himself. He couldn’t cry anymore. He could barely see, barely hear.

“Louis? It’s Claudia. Oh Louis, please say something. Your sister called us.”

“Louis, baby it’s me.” Jonah spoke up and knelt down in front of Louis. “Louis?”

“Should we call 911?” It was Daniel. “I’ve never seen him like this.”

But Louis couldn’t understand what anyone was saying and he still really couldn’t see much. Everything seemed too bright and blurry.

“He said he needed some time to himself, but I should have come here anyway. And then Paul… ” Jonah paused. “I should have been here.”


Louis’ head shot up a bit at the sound of his name from a voice he wasn’t expecting to hear.

He could hear the footsteps. He knew those footsteps.

Lestat barely noticed Claudia, Daniel, and Jonah when he entered Louis’ room, and knelt down in front of him. He’d never seen his best friend so frail. He should have caught a flight earlier this week. He just knew something was wrong. Louis wasn’t picking up his calls and his text messages weren’t the same. Then yesterday Grace called and told him that Paul died and that she couldn’t get in touch with Louis anymore.

Lestat barely remembered getting from the jet to Louis’ home. He had the driver speed over here and was out of the car before it was even put in park. He all but ignored the other three in the room, and it went without saying but seeing Louis sitting on that floor in the state he was in scared the sh*t out of him.

He lightly touched the side of Louis’ face and hair. “Lou, it’s me, mon cher

Louis, wreaking of alcohol, looked up at him with bloodshot eyes. Louis never really drank to the extreme unless it was a social setting or a glass of wine here and there. He grabbed the liquor bottle that only had a little bit left.

He wasn’t sure who he handed it to, and he didn’t care. “Get it out of here.” Lestat said as he attempted to help Louis stand up. “You can all go, I got this.”

Lestat noticed that no one was budging. He sighed, knowing that they had a good allegiance to Louis, although he did not care in the slightest. “I’ll make sure he calls you all when he feels better.”

Claudia and Daniel finally nodded, but Lestat didn’t miss the look on their faces when they glanced between him and Jonah.

“I’ll stay.” Jonah announced.

Like hell. “No, you can go,” He gritted through his teeth. “He’ll call you.”

“He’s my boyfriend.”

“And yet apparently, he’s been in here withering away for days and you weren’t here. So, you can go.” Lestat still didn’t like Jonah, regardless of all this time. Louis could yell at him later when he was coherent.

Jonah looked pissed.

Daniel stood in the middle, before Jonah could advance further. “Let’s go and we’ll come back later or tomorrow. You know Louis is safe with Lestat, okay?”

Jonah didn’t say anything as he left the room, and slammed the front door behind him.

“Please call us and keep us updated okay?” Claudia said. “We love you Louis.”

And then Claudia and Daniel were the next to leave.

Walking Louis to the bathroom was difficult because his best friend could barely move his legs, so he picked Louis up and carried him bridal style as if he weighed nothing and walked him into the bathroom.

He sat him down on top of the sink and began to run him a bath.

Lestat was hurting for Louis but he was also very upset that he was suffering and felt like he couldn’t come to him. That he didn’t feel that his best friend was in pain. He should have been here. He should have never left.

He then lifted his chin up so their eyes could connect. “I’m here Louis, I’m not going anywhere.”

Lestat could tell the exact moment Louis finally noticed him.


He leaned forward so their foreheads could touch. “Yeah, it's me. I’m here.”

Louis broke down after that and Lestat didn’t hesitate to envelop him in his arms.

Once the water finished filling up in the bath, Lestat stripped Louis out of his clothes and helped him inside. He washed him and then left for a moment to make sure his bed was ready, and that he had Advil and water waiting.

He grabbed Louis' robe and put it on him, and got him in bed, propping the pillows up just the way he remembered him liking it.

Lestat was going to sit in a chair next to his bed until Louis stopped him.

“It’s okay. You can lay here.” That was Louis’ way of asking if he could hold him. Lestat was down to his boxers and tshirt before Louis could blink. He joined him and held him close not even a second later.

They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, and Lestat knew that Louis couldn’t look away because he needed to feel he was real. It pained Lestat to know that Louis didn’t believe he was really here, that he wouldn’t drop everything to come from him.

“I’m here Louis, I’m not going anywhere.” He kissed his forehead. He kissed his eyes next, those beautiful eyes that held so much suffering that it broke Lestat’s heart. And then Lestat lightly touched Louis’ lips with his. It was quick; a kiss of comfort. A kiss to ensure Louis’ that he would always be there. That he would never go anywhere again. It was a kiss that visibly made Louis relax. It calmed him down, and that was all Lestat wanted.

Lestat held him closer, even though he wasn’t sure how it was possible when limbs were already intertwined, but Louis found comfort laying into Lestat’s neck, as he began to cry again.

It may have been twenty minutes later when he felt Louis’ body relax and his breath evened, letting him know he was asleep. Lestat placed a kiss to the top of his head, and just listened to him breathe until he succumbed to sleep himself.

It was still dark outside when Louis woke up. It was around 5 am and as early as it was, it was the first time he had slept in what felt like a week.

He looked over and realized Lestat was holding him. And that's when everything came rushing back. Paul. His parents. Losing himself in alcohol. Feeling numb for days.

He remembered the moment he heard Lestat’s voice, him helping him to the bathroom, them staring at each other last night. He remembered feeling safe in his arms, and that’s what prompted him to finally get some much needed sleep.

He was so glad Lestat was back more than he’d like to admit.

He may have watched him sleep a little too long before he turned in the opposite direction, not wanting to wake him. And before he could close his eyes again, he was being pulled closer into Lestat’s chest.

Tu vas bien, mon cher ?” (are you okay, my dear) Lestat whispered, and Louis didn’t move from his hold. He still needed his comfort right now.

Oui . (Yes)” Louis whispered “I’m going back to sleep. Can you still stay?”

Oui. Pour toujours .” (yes, forever)

Louis didn’t respond after that. There was no need to find an extra meeting in his response. He and Lestat used to hold each other all the time when things got bad. Granted, this all happened before feelings were admitted, but no matter what happened if one needed the other, the other would always be there.

When Louis woke up this time, the sun was shining through the window; the first time he had sunlight shining on his face in a while. He didn’t feel Lestat’s arms around him anymore and he quickly turned around to an empty side of the bed. He didn’t want to admit that his anxiety started to come back just a bit. He sat up in bed about to call his name because he couldn’t have dreamt him being there. Could he?

Right before he did, Lestat walked in with a tray of food, juice,water, and coffee.

“Now before you say it, yes I did cook, and you should try it. Gabrielle has been teaching me while I’ve been over there.”

Louis let a small smile grace his features as he accepted the food. He didn’t realize how hungry he was until the smell entered his nose. How long had it been since he ate anything?

“But you don’t have to eat it.”

“No, of course I’ll eat it. You made it for me so I’m going to eat it.” For someone who used to burn toast, this was actually really good.

“I’m going to have to thank your mom.”

“I’ve only mastered breakfast right now, but give me two more years and I think I'll have lunch and dinner down.”

Louis laughed, and it was like the sweetest sound of music to Lestat’s ears. Lestat didn’t realize how much he needed to hear Louis laugh or see him smile.

“Please eat some with me?”

“No, this is for you. You look frail, Lou, you need to eat. When was the last time?”

He shrugged, because he honestly didn’t know. And that made Lestat’s chest ache. It took every ounce of himself not to feed him and shove the food down his throat. That’s how scared this man had made him.

Once Louis finished his food, Lestat took the empty tray back to the kitchen and washed the dishes. When he returned, Louis was coming out of the bathroom.

“Are you ready?”

Louis knew that meant if he were ready to talk about everything. And in all honesty, he’d never be ready but this was Lestat, and he was the only one he could really talk about his feelings with.

“I can’t believe he…I feel like this is my fault.” Louis admitted.

“No, Louis, Paul was…. you couldn’t have known.”

He ended up telling Lestat everything that happened two days prior to Paul’s death. Told him about going back to his parents home in hopes to make amends with all three of them. He told them what his mama said.

Lestat was going to go over there and have some words. He wasn’t a monster, so he would at least wait until after the funeral. And would he tell Louis about it? Probably not.But he didn’t deserve to be treated like that.

“I shouldn’t have gone over there,” Louis continued, “But a part of me… I don’t know, a part of me needed them to see that I was okay. That I made it. That I’ve been doing everything right, that maybe they could want me again. Maybe they could love me again. And it's silly cause I’m not that sixteen year old boy who just came out and got pushed to the side. It just… it still hurts. I still felt like I was that boy again. And then everything that Paul said…. I just… I made a mistake, I shouldn’t have gone over there. I had been thinking about it for so long that I felt that it was time, but I shouldn’t have.”

The tears didn’t come this time because he was all cried out.

“I wish you would have called me.” Lestat said. “I should have come sooner because I had a feeling something was wrong.”

“I didn’t want to worry you.”

“It’s too late for that. Louis when I saw you on that floor yesterday, I didn’t… I’m going to be honest, you scared the hell out of me.” And Lestat didn’t scare easily. “I should have been here. When your sister called me and said you weren’t picking up your phone or answering your door I got worried and then you didn’t contact me about Paul so I just knew.”

“I shouldn’t have kept you out of this. I tell you everything, but I just… I felt like I couldn’t breathe. That I was actually this worthless waste of space.”

Lestat held onto him again.

“I didn’t think it was that hard to love me.”

Lestat held him tighter. “Don’t ever think that, mon amour . It’s one of the easiest things I’ve ever done.” Falling out of love with him was the hard part.

When Louis stopped crying, “I should be all cried out at this point.”

“Let it out as long as you need to.” He assured him.

“You know it’s weird, because until I heard your voice I felt like I couldn’t hear anything. Until I saw your face I felt like I couldn’t see anything.”

“I have that effect on people.” He joked, because how could he respond to that without proposing marriage again.

There was that laugh again Lestat loved to hear.

“Oh yeah, I may have kicked out Claudia, Daniel, and Jonah.”

Louis’ eyes widened as he sat up, and Lestat would never admit that he hated the absence.

“They were here?”

“Yeah, they were all standing around you when I got there. Grace must have called them.”

“I’ll need to call Jonah to let him know I’m okay. I kind of took a step back this week and if he came last night and I didn’t acknowledge him, that definitely makes me a bad boyfriend.”

Louis didn’t see Lestat roll his eyes. “You have a lot going on. He’ll understand.” He should have mentioned what he said to Jonah, but that could wait for another day.

Louis planned on staying in bed for the rest of the day, and he was grateful that Lestat was going to stay with him. He needed his best friend with him through all of this. He would call Grace this evening to check on her and for the funeral arrangements, but right now he didn’t want to look at his phone.

“Oh yeah, Gabrielle wanted me to give you this.” Lestat stood up and reached into his bag, pulling out a small black box. “She said you mentioned something like this on one of your phone calls a long time ago.”

Lestat handed him the box and got back in bed beside him.

Louis opened it to reveal a thick black ring band with emerald in the middle. Louis' eyes connected with Lestat for a moment before he looked back at the ring.

“Do you like it?”

Louis hadn’t realized he’d been holding his breath.

“Yes, I love it. I’ll have to thank your mom. She didn’t have to get this for me.”

Louis heard him release the breath he had been holding as well. “She saw it one day while we were out shopping and couldn’t stop talking about it. ‘ Son, I must get this for Louis, my precious Louis. He’s been wanting something like this for a long time.’ Lestat tried to do his best Gabrielle impersonation.

Louis slid the ring on his left ring finger; knowing he would have to remove it to a different finger when he left this room.

“Do you want me to read to you?” Lestat asked. “I know how reading calms you.”

Louis’ heart skipped a beat. A part of him wondered if he should tell Lestat to leave. But right now, he couldn’t be alone and the only person he wanted right now was his best friend.

“I would like that. I would like that a lot.”

Lestat pulled a book out of his night stand that he knew would be there. Louis always left a book in the drawer next to his bed of what he was currently reading.

He ignored the condoms in his drawer, wanting to throw up. He couldn’t think about Jonah right now. Lestat was here, Jonah wasn’t. Even if Jonah was in a relationship with his best friend, right now, Louis needed him. And he wasn’t going to leave his side.

As Lestat began reading, Louis rested his head on the pillow and listened as well as looked at his ring. Lestat’s arm went around him, and the only thing going through Louis' mind at the moment was that he never told Gabrielle about wanting this particular ring.

But he had told Lestat.


Thank you all for reading!! Hope you enjoyed! Also, I tried putting some words in french, but I may stick to just explaining when they are speaking french, so I won't screw that up.

Chapter 3: chapter 3


Thank you all for reading the last chapter! Thank you for the comments, kudos, and bookmarks. It means the world to me!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lestat knew that Louis would be able to take his co*ck. That thought entered his mind as he gripped his length in his palm; jerking himself back and forth. He just knew that Louis would be tight, yet still be able to swallow him whole as he bottomed out, filling him to the hilt. Their first time he would have Louis on his back in his bed, where Lestat could stare into his eyes. He would need to look into those green orbs as he slid in and out of him. And when the pleasure got to be too much, where Louis would need to close those eyes, Lestat would say:

‘Look at me, mon amour. Look at me as I f*ck you.’ He would only be able to say it in french, because he knew for a fact he wouldn’t remember how to speak the English language to convey how he really felt.

He could imagine the sweetest of moans escaping Louis’ lips, wanting him to go deeper, and Lestat would fulfill his request. He would be happy too. Lestat’s lips would enclose around Louis’, swallowing up the sound; needing to feel his voice vibrate through his own body.

Lestat would then move from his lips to kiss him everywhere. He would be all over that beautiful face; that f*cking perfect face. And that neck… that exquisite neck. He would suck on the pulse point of Louis’ neck, making sure he didn’t stop until he left his mark. He wanted the whole world to know that Louis belonged to him. If he were a vampire, he would have sunk his teeth deep, inhaling his blood so Louis could live inside of him forever.

Lestat would never want to detach himself from Louis, he wanted to walk around like they were conjoined.

‘Lestat, I’m in love with you.’

As soon as Lestat imagined Louis professing his love while he was deep inside of him, Lestat exploded all over his hand.

He wanted to cum in Louis’ mouth and watch as his best friend… the love of his life, swallowed all of it. His breathing intensified because just that little thought was making him hard again. Lestat knew that he wouldn’t be fully satisfied unless he had the real thing. However, if he ever got the pleasure of being inside Louis, he probably would explode in a matter of five seconds.

Lestat had his fair share of paramours back in Europe these last eight months, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t think of Louis at every turn. He felt like he couldn’t even have a decent release until Louis entered his mind at least once while he was buried inside of someone else.

He needed Louis to the point of pain. And right now, he only had the pleasure of imagining his best friend in his dreams and fantasies because he was still giving him the silent treatment.

He may have somewhat deserved it, but Lestat was literally losing his mind. He didn’t like it when this happened between them, but he would admit that sometimes his foot liked to live in his mouth.

This last week had felt like a year.

He probably called and texted Louis more times than he could count, but he never answered. He never just flat out declined the call and sent him to voicemail. At least he had the decency to let it ring all the way through.

Honestly, Lestat didn’t even know why Louis was even that mad at him. What did he expect would happen after he invited him to a dinner to get to know Jonah. His intentions may have been in the right place, but Louis had to know that Lestat would never like his boyfriend.

It had been about three months since Paul’s passing, and once things were getting to a point where Louis was okay, Lestat finally admitted what he said to Jonah that night when he made everyone leave.

Louis was a bit upset but he understood. He admitted that he would have done the same thing if roles were reversed. After that, Lestat wasn’t really sure what happened between him and Jonah, but they seemed more committed than ever. Hell, anytime he wanted to see Louis they would either go out somewhere or he would come over to his place, due to the fact that Jonah practically moved in with Louis without actually moving in.

Needless to say, Lestat would rather chew glass than see Jonah making himself comfortable in Louis’ place.

But, all of this pent up frustration was Lestat’s fault for wanting more. He wanted Louis back in his bed, holding him like those nights three months ago.

The dinner was at a nice local restaurant that Louis invited him too. He told Lestat that he and Jonah had a lot in common when really Lestat knew that the only thing they had in common was Louis.

In Lestat’s mind he felt he needed to invite someone, so he wouldn’t have to deal with this alone. He couldn’t play third wheel even if Louis would never make him feel that way. He wondered if this was how he felt when he and Nicki were dating.

Louis was laughing at something Jonah said when they walked in, and when his eyes focused in on Lestat and Antoinette his face instantly changed to that of irritation.

Ant. I didn’t know you were coming.” Louis stared at Lestat when he spoke those words.

“Hi Lou!” Antoinette practically yelled. “I haven’t seen you in forever, how have you been?” She reached to give him a hug.

They were both being fake, and Louis glared at Lestat, causing Lestat to give him a wicked smile.

“No one calls him Lou.” He needed to make sure everyone at this table knew that.

“You do.” Antoinette chuckled and then looked at Jonah. “You must be the boyfriend. Oh Louis, he is gorgeous. Nice to meet you.”

Lestat didn’t know why she was being so loud.

“Nice to meet you too.” Jonah replied with a smile. That smile faltered a bit when he glanced at Lestat. “Lestat.”


The waiter came over before Louis could say anything to lighten the situation, asking if they were ready to order drinks and appetizers.

“What about that dish we got last time, Lou?”

“Calamari, I think it was. Or was it those eggrolls?”

Lestat almost flipped the table. How could Louis allow Jonah to call him the nickname that could only be spoken by him.

He chose to slam his water down on the table instead, causing them all to look at him.

His eyes remained on Louis; glaring.

While they were waiting for their appetizers to come out, Lestat took that time to start asking question after question to Jonah. If Louis wanted them to be friendly, he needed to know more about him. It started with simple questions like where did he grow up, what school he went to, then they started getting a little intense. Would he go psycho if Louis left him and was he threatened by their friendship?

He didn’t have to look at Louis to know he was angry.

Jonah however, didn’t just sit back and not respond, even when Louis tried to change the direction of the conversation. Lestat could tell he knew what he was trying to do. He wanted to throw up when he pulled Louis into a long kiss.”

“You guys are so cute together.” Antoinette of course had to open her mouth. “I definitely see wedding bells in your future.”

Lestat could have shattered the glass he was holding. He finally knew exactly what game she was playing. That’s why he preferred her brother over her.

He was grateful that the waiter came over with their appetizers. After they put in their food order, and began eating, that’s when Lestat noticed Louis’ left hand.

“Lou, where’s the ring Gabrielle gave you?“

Louis almost choked on his drink as he stared into Lestat’s eyes which told him everything he needed to know.

“You okay, baby?” Jonah asked, rubbing his back.

“Yeah I just need to go to the bathroom, I’ll be back.”

He kissed his cheek before leaving.

He was surprised when Antoinette and Jonah indulged in conversation, so that was his excuse to say he saw someone he knew and he’d be back.

Lestat was in the bathroom a minute later, noticing as Louis leaned against the sink.

He closed and locked the door behind him.


Louis turned around to face him and was actually surprised to see him glance at his lips. But, it was only briefly and his next words didn’t signify that he wanted to kiss him.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing out there?”

“You let him call you Lou? That’s my nickname for you.”


“I mean what if Antoinette would have called me Les, how would you feel?” He knew that it all came out a little dramatic… crazy even.

“Are you serious right now? What is she even doing here? This was supposed to be you and me and Jonah so you both could finally get along. And then you grilled the sh*t out of him for no reason. Some of that sh*t was inappropriate and you know that.”

“Well, if Jonah wasn’t calling you the nickname that's solely meant for me there wouldn’t be a problem.”

Louis let out an exasperated breath. “That’s not a good enough reason. And he never calls me that. He heard Antoinette say it and that’s why.”

“Yeah to get under my skin. Then you and Jonah make out right in front of me. It’s tasteless, mon cher. We are in a public restaurant.”

“Oh cut the sh*t. You’re the king of pda, and I would know because I've been there for a good portion of it. But did I say anything?”

“It’s not the same thing.”

Louis rolled his eyes, “This was a bad idea. I wanted you two to get along. And you couldn’t even try!”

“I can’t get along with him, Louis. I don’t like him.”

“You don’t even know him.”

“I don’t need to know him to know I will never like him if…” he paused.

“If what?”

He loved Louis to death but sometimes putting two and two together wasn’t one of his strong suits when it came to someone loving him. It made sense because of his parents but still.

“If he’s with you. I can’t be friends with him, Lou, if he’s with you.”

Lestat found himself walking closer to Louis, and that caused him to walk back ever so slowly until he was against the wall with Lestat blocking him in.

“You have to stop-” He whispered.

“You know, don’t you?”

“Know what?”

He grabbed Louis’ hand gently in his, holding it up to show his bare finger.

“About the ring? When did you find out?”

“I knew the moment you gave it to me. I never told Gabrielle about a ring and you know that.”

“Why didn’t you give it back then.”

Louis looked away. “It’s my favorite color and I did want this ring.”

“Then why isn’t it on your finger?”

Lestat knew why but he wanted Louis to say it.

When Louis’ eyes stared into his, Lestat could have kissed him, but he knew it would cause them more issues if he had.

Louis used his other hand to pull out the ring that was currently on a chain around his neck.

Lestat’s heart almost stopped. He was wearing it under his shirt, close to his heart as a necklace. He leaned his forehead agaisnt his and Louis didn’t move away.

“Don’t take it off okay?” He requested, barely above a whisper.

Louis gave a ghost of a nod before Lestat walked out of the bathroom.

Louis hadn’t talked to him since, and it’s been about a week. But, he had a plan to change all of that. Claudia invited him to the Azalea, which was Louis’ nightclub, and he was going to corner him and demand they talk.

More like he would beg for forgiveness and promise to stop making things awkward between them.

Even if he had to accept Jonah.

“Please tell me that you’re going to forgive Lestat for whatever he did.” Claudia walked into Louis’ office, flopping down in the chair right in front of his desk.

Louis was so focused on all this paperwork that he was trying to review before tonight. He only had an hour left before their event started.

“Hello, earth to Louis.”

“Sorry,” he finally looked at his dear friend. “How do you know about that? And you look nice by the way.”

“Why thank you. Please tell me if Charlie's working tonight?”

Louis smirked, “Ah I see. Yes, your boy is working tonight.”

“He’s not my boy….yet.” She winked. “You look nice too by the way. I see you wore red. We all know who loves you in red.”

Louis cleared his throat even though he was sure a small blush appeared on his cheeks. “It’s just a suit that I randomly picked out of my closet.”

“So you didn’t specifically pick this out because Lestat practically has a raging hard on when you wear red and you wanted to look nice for his birthday surprise tonight.”

Claudia didn’t know how to sugar coat anything. And Louis didn’t know why he was caught off guard with the accusation.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I’m sure.” she deadpanned. “He should be here in about two hours and it looks good down there. You really went all out. But, you have to let me know what exactly happened between you two. Because he won’t stop texting me asking about you and if I’d heard from you. I almost blocked him this week.”

Louis knew the silent treatment wasn’t ideal and he should have grown from that from when they were younger, but after everything that happened at the dinner, he just needed a minute to get his thoughts together. And plus, with him planning Lestat’s 30th birthday surprise, ignoring him was a little easier this time around. He didn’t want to give it away, so it was best they spent a little time apart.

That didn’t stop Lestat from blowing up his phone every day. Texting, calling, and leaving voicemails.

“It hasn’t even been that long.”

“A week is more like a year in Lestat’s mindframe. So, out with it. We have time. What did he do?”

Louis explained what happened at dinner, but left out the bathroom incident. No need for anyone to know that Lestat gave him a ring that meant way more than friendship. In all honesty, what happened in the bathroom was the reason he had to cut off contact for a little while. Lestat got entirely too close to him that day and Louis really didn’t know how to feel. All he could think about since then was that encounter and the way he looked that night… the way he smelt.

Lestat gave him a ring; a ring he only took off his finger because he wouldn’t be able to explain it to Jonah. It was easier to explain a necklace. Yet, he still had to lie about where it came from and he knew it was an act of betrayal to which he felt guilty over.

It was safe to say that once they left that night, Louis f*cked Jonah into the mattress.

Louis loved Jonah. It was clear. He may not have said those three words to him, but he did have love for him. And he knew that Jonah loved him as well. They made each other happy and Louis didn’t want to be responsible for Jonah having any heartache.

After Lestat kicked Jonah out that night, three months ago, it took a lot of groveling and sex and spending so much one on one time with each other to assure Jonah that he was it for him. Louis was glad he understood and didn’t walk away, but it did put a lot of things in perspective for him.

Louis crossed a line with Lestat that he didn’t realize because they were so close in their friendship. He needed Lestat those nights, but it didn’t look good when he had a loving boyfriend waiting on the sidelines.

Yet, with everything said and done, Louis still wanted his best friend to accept Jonah. He wanted Lestat’s approval just like he wanted approval when it came to Nicki, and it pained him that Lestat could barely be in the same room with him.

“Did you really think Lestat and Jonah were going to get along?” Claudia questioned.

“Why is that such a shock?”

Claudia laughed a bit, “Okay. When has Lestat ever liked anyone you dated or talked to?”

He didn’t need to answer that.

“I haven’t even known you two as long as you both have, and anyone can see that Lestat would rather lock you in some bell tower so you don’t have to talk to anyone but him. He wants his Louis all to himself.”

Lestat shook his head. “You’re reaching. He’s not that bad.”

Claudia laughed out fully.

He ignored her. “Everything will be fine tonight.”

“Yeah as long as he can worship the ground you walk on and you don’t invite Jonah.”

He knew Claudia saw the look in his eyes. “Oh, Louis you didn’t.”

“I couldn’t very well not invite him, but it’s not like he’s going to come in anyway.”

“Yeah and why is that? I’m sure he wants to make sure Lestat knows you’ll never be his.”

“You do know this isn’t one of those romance novels you like to read.”

“On the contrary, my deluded friend, this is exactly like the romance novels I read. If not, better.”

Louis wasn’t going to say anything about why Jonah may not come tonight, but decided he needed to get it off of his chest.

“He’s being stationed in California for six months and he reports next month. He may or may not have proposed.”

“Louis de Pointe du Lac!” Claudia's eyes widened. “Jonah asked you to marry him!”

“Well, not officially.”

“What does that even mean?”

“He wanted to know where it would leave us if he had to go for six months and I said I would be here when he got back, and then he said we should get married before he leaves.”

“And since you said he’s probably not coming tonight, let me guess, you said no?”

“I mean I said I wasn’t ready yet.” He muttered.

Claudia looked apprehensive. “But that doesn’t mean no.”

No, that didn’t mean no, but a part of him… a really big part of him felt like he should have said no.

“Well it’s probably for the best, I mean Lestat would probably lose his mind.” She then grinned. “He’d definitely be the one to stand up at the wedding and object.”

“Ha ha, you got jokes.”

But she was right, marrying Jonah felt like he was betraying Lestat for some reason. And he knew that was insane.

“You want my honest advice.”

“I’m sure you’re going to give it to me even if I say no.”

Before she could say anything, Armand walked through the door.

“I have a dilemma, Louis, and I need assistance.”

He was actually grateful for Armand’s interruption, because he really didn’t need Claudia dissecting him right now.

“Do we have time before your boyfriend gets here?” Armand sat down beside Claudia, and she bursted out laughing.

“Which one?” she answered.

“Lestat of course.”

Louis rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help but smile. They both had jokes. He needed new friends.

“And let me guess you’re here because of Daniel?” Louis added.

“Guilty.” Armand shrugged.

Claudia stood up, “On that note. I love you both, I really do, but you two are completely blind when it comes to the matters of the heart. Now, I’m going to go find Charlie and shamelessly flirt.”

“I don’t think Charlie’s here yet, but Madeleine is…” Armand teased, earning a bashful look from Claudia.

Louis laughed. They all seemed to have their fair share of issues.

Lestat was surprised that there wasn’t a line around the block of Louis’ club like every night, especially since it was the weekend. He could tell it was open and there was still security outside, but no line.

He was about to call Louis, but remembered it was Claudia who invited him. Surprisingly, she walked out the door right when he pulled out his phone.

“Oh, hey Lestat.” She finally looked up and noticed him. “I didn’t know you were out here.” She then placed her arm in his. “I’m so glad you could come. I needed a night out, and I know Louis’ going to be stuck in his office all night working on expansion numbers or whatever.”

“But he is here tonight.” Almost not paying attention to a thing she said.

Lestat realized how he might have sounded. He only came tonight to see Louis and he was sure Claudia picked up on that.

“Yes, your boy is here. Which is why I’m sure you wore the hat.”

Claudia always joked on him about his hats when he dressed up, but Louis liked them so that’s all that mattered.

The moment they walked in, the lights flashed and everyone screamed Happy Birthday, surprising yet scaring him a bit.

All of his friends were there, acquaintances, and random people he had met here and there. It was nice to see that everyone came out to celebrate him. But the person he was looking for he didn’t see until he looked up at the balcony area.

Louis was standing there, smiling down at him. Lestat tried his best to compose himself because he was wearing red. He loved Louis in red and the smile he was giving him almost made him light headed. He looked good enough to eat.

An hour passed, and Lestat was tipsy. He took shots with Claudia, Armand, Daniel, and even Louis came over to join, giving him a card, and whispering Happy Birthday in his ear.

Lestat had to act like his breath against his ear didn’t make him want to bend Louis over in front of all these people. He had to remember it wasn’t even his actual birthday today. It was in a couple days and he was sure that he and Louis were going to spend the day together. They had actually spent the majority of their birthdays together.

But he couldn’t wait that long, he needed to get him alone now. He needed to fully talk to him, but of course Antoinette was here. He wasn’t sure why Louis would invite her, but she was almost attached to his hip the whole night.

When he finally got some breathing room, he noticed Claudia was off talking to some girl with red hair. He then noticed Armand and Daniel over in a corner having what looked like a heated discussion. He was sure he would hear about that mess sooner than later.

He hadn’t seen Louis anywhere, so he figured he may have gone to his office. Before he headed up there, he wanted to open his card. When he did, he didn’t really pay attention to the two items that almost fell out, instead he read the words on the card.

My dear Les,

To another year around the sun that I’m glad I get to spend with you. Sometimes it's hard to find the exact words to tell you how much you mean to me. If I did anything right in my life, it was when I ran into you in the hallway on your first day of school, because I was running late. That moment changed my life. You’re my destiny and my best friend. I love you with everything. Happy Birthday, Lestat.

Always yours, Lou.

Lestat’s heart nearly skydived out of his chest with no parachute. He almost lost his balance and he couldn’t even blame it on the alcohol. He immediately took off to Louis’ office.

He knocked on the door a little abruptly.

“Come in.” He heard him say.

Louis was standing near his desk on the phone when Lestat walked in.

“....Just call me back okay…” And then he hung up.

“Hey, Les. Enjoying yourself.”

“Yes. Thank you for doing all of this.” Lestat walked closer as Louis sat down on his desk. “Figured you’d be too mad at me to even think to throw a party.” He joked.

Louis gave that smile that made Lestat want to get on his knees and give him the world.

“Well, this has been planned for awhile, and I roped everyone in, so I couldn’t just cancel. Not that I wanted too.”

“I’m surprised you invited Antoinette.”

“Nah, that wasn’t me, that was Armand.”

Touche’ Armand, he thought. Lestat knew exactly why he invited her, and he would be getting him back.

Lestat didn’t even recall walking closer to him. “And where is Jonah?”

“He couldn’t get away from a prior engagement.”

Lestat knew when Louis was lying, but he didn’t care. He was glad Jonah wasn’t here.

“I read your card.”

He saw the expression on Louis’ face change as he cleared his throat, “Did you like the tickets?”

“Tickets?” He didn’t even pay attention that there was more in the card.

“Yeah to Wicked. I know you’ve been wanting to see it and didn’t get the chance back then.”

Lestat was now mere inches away from Louis and he could tell that he was getting nervous.

“Louis, the card.” He breathed.

“It was just a happy birthday.”

“Not what it sounded like.” He was taking a gamble but as long as Louis didn’t push his hand away, he would keep doing it. He reached through the collar of his shirt, pulling out the necklace with the ring Louis still wore.

Lestat could tell the moment Louis’ breathing hitched, as he made sure the ring was on display. Lestat then brought his hand to Louis’ face in a gentle caress.

“It looked like written words to a lover.” He whispered against Louis’ ear.

Lestat had to do his best not to fall apart and continue having control over the situation, but feeling the warmth from Louis’ skin… to know that he was turned on, was making it extremely difficult.

“I do love you.” He stuttered.

“Not like that. Not just as friends, mon amour.” Lestat popped the button on Louis’ suit jacket open and Louis let him.

Lestat.” His voice was magnetic, making Lestat painfully hard.

He loved this man so much he felt like he couldn’t breathe.


He watched as Louis’ eyes closed briefly. He knew he liked the way Lestat said his name.

“Tell me.” He held onto his suspender straps. His forehead was now against his, just like in the bathroom that day. “Tell me you want this… tell me you want me, Louis. Just as much as I want you.”

Their lips were so close.

“Please let me have you, Louis. Please…” He was damn near begging at this point.


Louis’ phone ringing, broke apart their moment, and caused Louis to stumble back a bit.

Lestat knew that it was Jonah calling, and he let out a frustrated breath, backing up a little.

“Les, I…”

He was frustrated, yes, but he knew he was being selfish. However, he had a feeling that if Jonah hadn’t called, Louis would have given in and Lestat would have had him all over this office and then would have taken him back home and had him in every room there. He wanted to be so far into Louis that people would assume they were one person.

Lestat wanted and needed Louis beyond reason.

“Hey,” Louis finally answered the phone, while his eyes stayed on Lestat’s. “Yeah… yeah, okay…”

And then Lestat nodded, not wanting to hear their conversation, and then left the room without another glance at Louis. He needed another drink.

He needed a lot more drinks.

Louis would have let Lestat kiss him if Jonah hadn’t called. He felt really bad, because he knew if he tasted his lips, it would have probably ended him and he would never want to stop.

Maybe the card had been a little over the top, but he had to write down the first thought that came to his mind. He had to write down how he felt. Lestat’s birthday was Louis’ favorite day. It was the day his friend was born and life without Lestat wouldn’t be life.

The feelings he used to have for Lestat were breaching its way back through. And it didn’t help that they kept having these close encounters. One moment they could be like normal friends like nothing had happened and the next, Lestat stared at him like he was undressing him with his eyes.

Then there was Jonah who was no longer upset about Louis’ semi rejecting his proposal. He cared deeply for Jonah, and wanted to see where this could go, but his mind was all over the place.

Louis had no idea how much time had passed, but Daniel came barging in his office, breaking him from his thoughts.

“You might want to get down there, Lestat is drunk off his ass and calling for you.”

Great, just great.

Lestat was plastered. He may or may not have indulged in several more birthday shots when he left Louis’ office. He couldn’t handle the fact that the love of his life had a boyfriend who called and ruined their moment.

He didn’t know how much time had passed, but he was really feeling these drinks, and all he wanted was Louis.

His Louis.

He wanted to shout it from the rooftop. “My Louis! My Louis!”

The world was spinning around and for a moment he thought he was spinning Louis around, and then next thing he knew, he was in the backseat of someone’s car, lying his head on someone else’s lap.

He realized it was Louis he was lying on. “Louis, mon ami. Friend, friend, that’s all we’ll ever be.”

Louis tried shushing him, “We’ll be home soon, Les.”

“Home? Our home. Let us move in together, Lou. Or, I can build you a home. Whatever you want.”

He thought he heard laughing, but it wasn’t coming from Louis’ mouth. He had no idea who was even driving right now but he knew there were two other people in the car.

He didn’t really care either way.

He grabbed Louis’ hand, grateful that he didn't pull away.

“Stay with me tonight. I can hold you.”

“It’s probably I who should be holding you,” He moved his hair out of his face.

That excited Lestat yet warmed his heart. “That would be better. You can spoon me and…”

“Okay, Les. We’re almost there.” He cut him off.

He heard more laughing.

“Will you sleep with me tonight?”

More laughing.

Louis shushed him again.

Next thing he knew, he closed his eyes for a split second, and then he was being helped out of the car into his home.

“Are you sure you can handle this?”

He finally zeroed in on Armand and Daniel standing by the doorway. So, they were the ones in the car.

“Yeah, you both don’t have to stay. I’m going to make sure he’s good and then I’m going to head out.”

Lestat heard the door closing and he thought that Louis would come sit down beside him, but instead he heard him in the kitchen.

He came back handing Lestat a glass of water. “Well I guess it’s safe to say you had fun tonight.”

He took a sip. “I’m sure tomorrow won’t be so fun.” A hangover was something he wasn’t looking forward to.

Lestat watched as Louis looked down at his phone and he knew he shouldn't have been irritated but he was.

“Let me guess, you’re leaving to go to Jonah.” He took another sip of water. “Sorry I’m such an inconvenience.”

Louis sighed. “I’m gonna let that go since you’re drunk.”

“Might as well go then. I’ll be fine.”

“I can stay if you need me here.”

“I can handle it. I’ve been drunk before.”

He saw him texting again, and he began feeling nauseous.

“I’m staying…” Lestat looked at him, feeling instantly at ease. “In my room though.”

“Works for me, I haven’t been in your room in awhile. I don’t even remember the last time you stayed over.”

Louis’ facial expression told Lestat everything he needed to know. He meant he would be staying in his room by himself.

Cue in the dramatics. “Wouldn’t you want to be close to me if something were to happen in my drunken state.”

“I’ve seen you drunker than this and you were able to take care of yourself just fine.”

Louis ended up helping Lestat to his room, and really all he could help him do was take off his shoes before he collapsed on bed, almost bringing Louis down on top of him.

As Louis tried to stand up, Lestat grabbed his arm gently to stop him. He wanted to say so much to him, but all he could do was look in his eyes. If he could say what he wanted to without any repercussions, he would say:

“Louis, I…I need to be truthful with you. I-I was never in love with Nicki…I loved him sure, but I was never in love. I know you think I was. I don’t love Antoinette. You knew all of that though. You felt it. The truth of the matter is….that I’ll never love anyone as much as I love you. And for some reason, as much as I’ve tried to push it aside and stop loving you, I still end up here… in front of you… looking at you… wanting you….in love with you. And I know you’re with him, I know he makes you happy. But I think I can make you happy too. I know I can.”

He would have said all of that and then he would have kissed Louis lightly on the lips… just a small peck, hoping that he would know that there could be so much more.

If only he had the courage to say and do all of that.

Once Lestat fell abruptly asleep, Louis was now in his room right across the hall, lying in his bed, feeling absolutely everything.

Not only did Lestat kiss him, he declared his love in a way that made all of Louis’ feelings come to the surface. It was already a struggle after their encounter in his office, but now Lestat just dropped a huge bombshell on him, and Louis felt like he couldn’t breathe.

The way he fell for Lestat in the past made him want to lose himself in him. And that terrified Louis.

What the hell was he going to do?


That I love you speech from the end was mainly from Scandal with some of my own added lines lol.

*Also, anyone notice how Lestat only imagined he said the i love you speech to Louis and kissed him, but he actually did. Uh oh!*

Chapter 4: chapter 4


A huge thank you to all the support you wonderful readers have given this story!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Louis’s eyes drifted open slowly to the sound of his phone ringing. His initial thought was to let it go to voicemail, because he was exhausted and felt like he needed a solid eight hours to attempt to even get out of bed. Unfortunately, whoever was calling kept calling which meant they either couldn’t take the hint that he didn’t want to be bothered or something was genuinely wrong.

Assuming it was the latter, Louis lazily grabbed his phone and saw that it was Jonah video calling him. When he looked over at the time and noticed that it was 1pm, he immediately sat up, and answered the call before it clicked off again.

He hadn’t slept this late since his college years, even if he had just fully gone to sleep around 7am. Lestat ended up waking up a few times early this morning, sick as hell. When he was finally able to go back to sleep, Louis went back to his room to do the same. But, because he had also had a few drinks last night, he was still feeling some of the after effects.

“Hey babe,” Louis yawned.

You’re still sleeping? It’s 1:00. I’ve been calling, is everything okay?”

Jonah was worried, but Louis could also tell he was frustrated.

“Yeah. I literally just woke up.”

“Are you at home?”

He wasn’t going to lie to Jonah. “Not yet. I’m still at Lestat’s. He got pretty sh*tfaced last night, so I stayed to make sure he’d be okay.”

It got quiet for a moment, and Louis already knew that Jonah had a problem that he stayed. He was hoping they didn’t get in another argument because he knew how Jonah felt about his friendship with Lestat. In the beginning of their relationship, he was okay with it, but when Lestat got back from Europe and everything happened that week, Jonah made it pretty clear that he didn’t really like Lestat nor their friendship.

He was only being cordial because of Louis. Which was the exact same thing that Lestat was doing.

“Couldn’t someone else have stayed with him? Isn’t he still seeing Antoinette.”

It took everything in Louis not to look annoyed at the mention of Antoinette. Even if she would have offered to come help Lestat last night, Louis wouldn’t have allowed it.

“I don’t know, but Jonah, you know Lestat’s my friend. I’m probably one of the only people that can handle him that drunk. Plus, it was a party for him that I threw. I couldn't let him be at home drunk by himself.”

“Yeah, I’m sure.” Sarcasm.

Louis sighed, “Can we not do this right now.”

“Yeah, we’ll just do it on your terms right?” Jonah was irritated now. “It’s always on your terms.”

“That’s not-”

You told me you were going to drop him off and then head home. Not that you were staying the night. I gave you a little space but then when I came to your place this morning to apologize for how everything went down yesterday, to my surprise you’re not even here.”

“You're at my place now?”

“Yeah, I’ve been waiting for the last few hours.”

So Jonah knew he wasn’t at home when he asked. He was clearly trying to catch him in a lie, but Louis knew that there was no point in elaborating on that.

Could he even really be mad at Jonah? He was threatened by Lestat and at the end of the day, Louis hadn’t done his job of making him feel as secure in the relationship as he should have.

“I’m sorry. Let me get myself up and I’ll be over there soon okay?”

“Yeah, because we need to finish this conversation.” And then Jonah hung up not even saying bye.

Which would no doubt lead to another argument. It was safe to say that Louis really needed to figure some things out when it came to his relationship. They had been together for over a year now and Louis really did care about him. He didn’t want to hurt him, but this thing with Lestat wasn’t going to go away.

And he didn’t want it too.

The sound of the piano playing pulled Louis out of his thoughts. He made his way downstairs to see Lestat playing.

The love Lestat had for music, the way he would immerse himself in whatever he was doing, truly showed the passion he had for his art. And Louis had to admit that watching Lestat be so engrossed with something he loved, was his favorite pastime. Watching his intensity and the way he always gave one hundred percent in everything he did, always gave Louis a level of calm he didn’t know he needed until Lestat’s music filled his ears.

He took a seat next to him, not being able to take his eyes off of the way his fingers moved.

It was so graceful. So beautiful.

Lestat was beautiful, and Louis wondered if he could feel the love he had for him.

When he finished, they stared at each other for a moment, but for some reason Louis’ nerves went into overdrive and got the best of him.

“Are you feeling better?” He all but stuttered, trying his best not to think about shoving his tongue down his best friend’s throat.

“Much. Thanks to you for getting me through it, mon cher . I don’t think I’ve had that much to drink since college.”

“Yeah you were definitely gone.” He chuckled.

“I’m glad it was you that was there for me.” Lestat spoke in french this time.

“I wouldn’t have been anywhere else.” Louis really hoped he didn’t blush.

The look that Lestat gave, especially while speaking French, could make anyone feel flush.

“Did I do or say anything crazy while I was intoxicated?

It was at that moment Louis felt instantly defeated. Lestat didn’t remember professing his love last night. He should have known he wouldn’t remember. And he definitely wasn’t going to bring it up.That’s all he needed was for Louis to admit what he said and then Lestat deny it and blame it all on the alcohol.

That would hurt him worse.

“What was the last thing you remember?”

“I remember calling for you at the club and then waking up through the night with you helping me not throw up everywhere.”

Yeah, Louis’ heart felt like it could burst open, but maybe this was for the best. Maybe this was a sign that he shouldn’t give into Lestat. That he should continue to repress those feelings and not let them come fully back.

“That was pretty much it.” Louis stood up. “Since you’re feeling better, I should probably get going.”

Lestat stood up and grabbed his arm gently. “Wait, Lou. Why do you look so upset?”

The spark that immediately went through Louis’ body, almost made him stumble. He really had to control himself and not let Lestat have such an effect on him.

“Lou….” Lestat’s voice was like a silk caress along his skin. “I do remember what happened in your office though. Can we talk about that?”

Louis would have said yes , embarrassingly fast, but right when he was about to answer, Lestat’s phone went off.

At this point, Louis had to wonder if their cellphones had some type of vendetta against them.

Lestat didn’t look down at his phone, which was lying on the piano bench, but Louis did, and he wasn’t expecting to see that name pop up ever again.

Nicki .

These last two weeks were almost a blur to Lestat. As he was getting ready for Armand’s rehearsal dinner, his mind was racing a mile a minute. From Nicki calling, to him and Louis never bringing up what happened between them the night of his party, to him not talking to Louis for the last several days, he honestly didn’t know what to think at this point.

The day after his drunken night, he awoke in the afternoon with only Louis on his mind. He was planning on going to his room the moment he woke up, but he overheard his beloved on the phone with the boyfriend.

It was like cold water had been thrown on his face. It’s not that he forgot Louis had a boyfriend—-he didn’t get that drunk— but in his mind Louis had chosen him over Jonah. He stayed with him , even if they did stay in different rooms.

However, he could tell that their conversation wasn’t a good one, so instead of listening to it fully, he went downstairs and proceeded to play the piano. He knew how sometimes it would calm Louis, plus it was another way of saying thank you for last night.

When Louis had joined him, Lestat had done his best to stay focused. Out of his peripheral, he could see the way Louis’ eyes lit up when he stared at him. He wondered if Louis could feel all of Lestat’s love pouring out from the music he was performing for him.

The look on Louis’ face when Lestat had finished and asked him if he’d done anything crazy the night before, confused him. His precious Louis looked a bit sad. Lestat remembered everything from last night, he just wasn’t sure if his little i love you speech was declared in his head or if he actually told Louis he was in love with him.

Since Louis didn’t mention it, Lestat either really didn’t say it or he had confessed his love and Louis didn’t want him to feel embarrassed because he would have denied him.

However, when he was so close to making some headway with Louis, Nicki, of all people, called. He didn’t pick up the phone as he was solely focused on Louis. But then he mentioned that Jonah was waiting on him at his apartment, and then he grabbed his things and left.

Lestat regretted letting him go that day. He didn’t want Louis to think that by Nicki calling that would change anything between them. Hell, what was even between them when Louis was still with Jonah?

Hours later, he did end up calling Nicki back. To say that he was shocked to receive a call from his ex boyfriend was a vast understatement. Hearing his voice again didn’t bring any emotion out of him. There wasn’t that feeling he used to get when he was with Nicki. Yes, he would always have a level of love for him, but his heart was no longer in it. It’s funny when he thought back to how many people told him that Nicki was his first love, even Louis had said it, they were actually very wrong.

Louis had been Lestat’s first love. And maybe not in the romantic sense at first, but he had always loved Louis and he would always continue to love Louis.

So, when Nicki had called, the conversation was short, but he wanted to apologize for cheating on him and making a lot of things hard in their relationship prior to the cheating. They both said their peace, and wished each other well in life. It was a chapter that Lestat had closed years ago, and it was a chapter that was going to remain closed.

He was planning on telling Louis that, but they never really got around to talking about it. Anytime they would hang out, one of their other friends was always with them. Their phone calls and texts were short if not nonexistent.

Based on what Lestat could get from Claudia, he found out that Louis and Jonah were going through things, and that ultimately put everything in perspective. Louis was trying to save his relationship and Lestat was getting in the way of that.

And because Lestat couldn’t lose Louis, he would have to suppress his feelings if that meant Louis would be happy.

Lestat had planned on telling Louis just that, but the following week, things took a turn when Armand came to visit.

“What are you doing here?”

Lestat really wasn’t sure if he liked calling Armand a friend. They met through Louis and he hated the guy's guts at first. Mainly because he and Louis dated for like a week. During that time Lestat wasn’t aware of his feelings for Louis, so Louis didn’t shy away from telling him that he and Armand had some heavy make out sessions. They would have probably surpassed that one day if Lestat hadn’t interfered, but that was another story for another time.

“What is wrong with you?” Armand slurred as he walked right in.

“Yes, Armand. Please come in.”

Armand lost his balance a bit, but stopped himself from falling straight on the floor.

“Have you been drinking? It’s not even noon yet.”

“That’s rich coming from you.”

“Did you come to my home just to annoy me? If you haven’t noticed, we don’t hang out.”

“You’re literally letting the best person for you parade around with another guy, when all you have to do is get your head out of your ass.”

Lestat rolled his eyes. “I don’t see where this is your business.”

“It is my business. I can’t be with who I…” he paused, trying not to let the tears fall. “I can’t be with who I truly love, but you… you can.”

Lestat understood. This wasn’t about him and Louis.

“This is about Daniel, isn’t it? Why are you marrying Marius, if you’re in love with Daniel? You two clearly can’t stay away from each other. And we all know you truly don’t love Marius.”

“Marius loves me, he takes care of me. And we’ve been together for years now. He wants us to be married and I owe him that.”

“And what about Daniel?”

“Daniel is the reason I breathe, but he doesn’t….” His voice cracked. “He won’t even look at me.”

“I mean you keep going back to him behind Marius’s back and give him these false promises, what did you think would happen? You don’t owe Marius anything.” He then handed Armand a water. “You’re better than this.”

“Maybe I’m not.”

Before Lestat could respond, Armand beat him to it. “You don’t want fifty years to go by and realize you let the love of your life get away, do you?”

Lestat hated to admit it, but Armand was right. He was absolutely right.

“Just because Jonah asked Louis to marry him doesn’t mean you can’t win him back.”

Wait, what?

“I mean I practically made sure Antoinette was going to be at your party that night for Louis to be jealous but Louis is such a saint. He may have looked annoyed, but he didn’t kick her out. And then I thought when we drove you both back to your place, and you were practically gushing over Louis, I figured that would be the start of something great. And then later on I hear that your ex boyfriend called and is probably back in your life. Do I have to just throw you both in a room naked with oils and tie you two together, to finally knock some sense in you both.”

Lestat stared at Armand for a second over that last statement.

Armand shrugged, “I would only join if you two asked. Let’s not make it weird.”

Lestat honestly couldn’t even respond to any of that. The only thing that was on

the forefront of his mind was what he said about Louis and Jonah.

“What do you mean Jonah proposed? When was this?

“I don’t know the particulars. But I presume the day of your party.”

Lestat saw red.

“Armand, you're drunk. Take the couch. Sleep it off.”

Lestat had stormed up to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. His heart felt like it had been ripped out of his chest and stomped on. Louis hadn’t told him anything.

A tear had slid down Lestat’s cheek that night.

That was about four days ago, and Lestat had barely talked to Louis since. He would send one word text message responses or not text at all. He knew that he would see him at Armand’s rehearsal dinner today, but he was planning on ignoring him.

His emotions were too high to do anything else.

Lestat was ignoring him. It had been four days, and Lestat was ignoring him. Not in the cut off all communication type way, but in the Lestat way where his responses were extremely short. It bothered the hell out of him, because Louis didn’t know what he had done.

It didn’t help that they were all at Armand’s extravagant rehearsal dinner, seated at the same table. He was glad Claudia was there, but she was so focused on Charlie that Louis couldn’t help his eyes from wandering across the table at Lestat and Antoinette. He was surprised that Lestat had even brought her, especially after Nicki was back in his life.

They never talked about it, but Louis knew that he had taken Nicki back after all these years. It pained Louis, even though he had no room to be upset.

But, he was.

Seeing Lestat with Antoinette bothered him. Knowing that Nicki was back in his life bothered him. It made Louis nauseous all the time. And now that Lestat was practically giving him the silent treatment he really didn’t know what to do.

It was safe to say that this champagne was about to be his best friend tonight, as he continued to sip on it.

As the waiters brought the first course of a seven course meal out, placing it in front of them, Louis watched as Lestat kissed Antoinette’s neck softly, causing her to laugh like a hyena.

“She is so annoying.” Claudia whispered over to Louis.

Louis gave her a small smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Okay, you have to tell me what’s going on with you. Are you and Lestat fighting or something, because you both haven't said one word to each other. And everytime you look away, he’s staring at you.”

Louis took another sip, “He’s not staring at me.”

He slightly glanced over at Lestat, who was now whispering something in Antoinette’s ear that made her do that obnoxious laugh again.

“I’m sure whatever he said was not that funny.” Claudia muttered.

“Lou!” Antoinette brought him out of his thoughts. “Where is that darling boyfriend of yours?”

He could have sworn he heard Lestat correct her with Louis’ full name, but he wasn’t sure if he was just imagining it.

“He couldn’t make it today.” Louis took another sip.

Jonah wouldn’t be making it to anymore of their events with Louis on his arm. Instead of being sad and broken up about it like he should have been, Louis was focusing all of his attention on another man. And that was the problem.

Three days ago, when Jonah ended things, it did hurt him, but Louis knew he deserved it.

“Because I’ve been sharing you with him since day one!” Jonah yelled as they got into their second argument since the night of the party.

And of course it centered around Lestat.

“There’s nothing going on between me and Lestat.” The lie was insulting, and yet with everything going on, at that time there wasn’t anything going on between them.

“There is a thing and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.”

“Jonah…” Louis’ voice cracked. He knew that Jonah was right, that he deserved better than him.

He had ruined them because of the love he had for his best friend.

“Can you see a future for us, Louis? Can you honestly say that when I leave you’ll wait for me for six months? I know you didn’t want to get married right now, but do you see it later on?”

Louis’ silence told Jonah everything he needed to know.

“I was okay with the friendship you had with Lestat. I was. But he’s in love with you. Even a blind man can see that, and I think… no I know you’re in love with him too. I love you Louis, and maybe I always will, but I can’t be the footnote in y’alls love story.”

The tears were in both of their eyes, when Louis finally spoke again.

“I am truly sorry.”

Jonah kissed him lightly on the lips. A goodbye kiss. A final kiss. The last kiss they would ever share.

“I hope you know that you were never a footnote. And you are going to make someone so happy. You deserve everything good in your life, Jonah.”

Jonah nodded as he turned to leave.

Walking out of Louis’ life for good.

So, now here he was at Armand’s rehearsal dinner for a wedding he still wasn’t sure was going to happen, fresh off a break up, and being ignored by Lestat.

Saying he was ready to go would be an understatement.

“That’s too bad.” Antoinette continued. “He was so fun to talk to. I've been trying to get Les here to schedule another double date.”

Louis could have flipped the table hearing her say his nickname for Lestat.

And the worst part was that Lestat didn’t even correct her, but he was sure glaring at Louis right now.

He needed a champagne refill.

Once the food was complete and speeches were made, many people, including everyone at their table migrated over to the dance floor.

Even though Louis and Claudia were dancing, his eyes remained on Lestat twirling Antoinette around. He could barely hide his frustration anymore. He had never seen Lestat so attentive to her.

What the hell had happened to them in just a matter of a few days?

“You should go talk to him.” Claudia brought him out of his thoughts.

“What’s the point? He’s clearly got a stick up his ass for some odd reason.”

“You act like you’ve never given him the silent treatment before, and I’d be the one getting an ear full from it.”

“Yeah well at least I usually have a valid reason. He just did this out of nowhere.”

“This is why you talk to him. He’s clearly all over Antoinette right now to make you jealous.”

“I’m not jealous.”

Claudia gave him a look.

Louis sighed, as a new slow song started to play.

Settle down with me

Cover me up

Cuddle me in

Lie down with me….

And hold me in your arms

As Louis and Claudia continued to dance, his eyes stayed on Lestat, and the moment Lestat’s eyes found his, they both couldn’t look away.

For a moment, Louis envisioned that he was dancing in Lestat’s arms, kissing him,

holding him close… never wanting to let go.

And your heart's against my chest

Your lips pressed to my neck

I'm falling for your eyes

But they don't know me yet

And with a feeling I'll forget

I'm in love now

“I’ve seen you two together,” Claudia began, “You breathe in sync. You two practically share the same heartbeat as crazy as it sounds. Everyone sees it. That’s why Jonah left isn’t it?”

Louis nodded. Claudia had sent him a text while they were eating, wondering why Jonah didn’t come because he liked events like this, and he texted her back saying they ended things.

“It’s okay to love Lestat, Louis. I hope you know that.”

Kiss me like you wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

This feels like falling in love

Falling in love

Falling in love….

With the song lyrics and the way Lestat was staring at him like he was the only one in the world, it was just a little too much for him right now.

“I’ll be back.” He told Claudia as he walked quickly out of the room.

He found himself in a rather large storage closet, needing a bit of space to get himself together. His heart felt like it was trying to break out of his chest, and for a moment he felt like he couldn’t breathe.

Louis didn’t even hear the door open until Lestat’s voice pulled him out of his racing thoughts.

“I guess congratulations are in order.”

“What are you talking about?” His heart ached, but he was a tad bit furious that he would follow him in here and that was the first thing he would say.

He could tell by Lestat’s facial expression that he was angry. “I know about the proposal. Why didn’t you tell me you were engaged?”

Louis paused for a moment until it dawned on him. Jonah had asked him to marry him and he completely forgot.

Was this the reason Lestat had been ignoring him? A frustrated laugh escaped his lips. He was sure he sounded a little crazy right now.

“I don’t find any of this the least bit comical.”

“I’m not engaged, Lestat. And if you would have talked to me about it instead of shutting me out, you’d know that I didn’t accept his proposal. I said I wasn’t ready yet.”

“So, you’d be ready one day? To marry him?”

No, he wouldn’t. He could never marry Jonah, even if they were still together. Not when his feelings were so strong for the man standing right in front of him.

“Why would it matter!” He didn’t even realize he was going to yell, but all his emotions came spilling out of him. “What do you want, Lestat? You have Nicki calling you again, you’ve been throwing Antoinette in my face tonight. You keep kissing her and touching her and then you wouldn’t stop looking at me!” Louis was hurt, frustrated, and the buzz from the champagne wasn’t helping. “So why don’t you tell me what you want because you've been shutting me out and now you won’t stop looking at me. You keep pulling at me Lestat. You keep pulling at me, and I know I’ll come to you and I’ll immerse myself fully into you until there’s nothing left. I wait for you, I watch for you, my whole life is you , I can’t breathe because I’m waiting for you… you own me, you control me, I- I belong to you…”

“You own me!” Lestat yelled, cutting him off. “You control me, I belong to you. You don’t think I’ve tried not wanting you as more than just a friend. You don’t think as many times as I’ve watched you with Jonah I haven’t wanted to give up this pursuit of you. I love you, I’m in love with you, you're the love of my life. My every feeling is controlled by the look on your face. I stare at you because I can’t stop staring at you. I can’t breathe without you, I can’t sleep without you. I wait for you, I watch for you, I exist for you. ” He got closer to him. “I belong to you!”

It felt like the wind had been knocked out of both of them as they stood in front of each other, laying all of their feelings out on the table.

They were so close, feeling the slightest caress as they breathed in each other’s air. Their hearts were dancing for one another and it would only take one of them to move an inch forward for their lips to touch.

But because they lived in a world run by interruptions, the door opened, causing them to move apart.

But not that far.

It was a short, older man, clearly one of the staff. “My bad kids. I had no idea anyone was in here. Party is over so we’re getting ready to clean up."

Louis and Lestat were both equally tired of the interruptions.

As they were grabbing their things to leave, Louis’ whole body felt like it was on fire. He needed Lestat. He needed to finish their conversation.

With no interruptions this time.

When his phone went off, he pulled it out to read the text message.

I’m dropping Antoinette off, I’m done with her. I’m done with her brother. Come stay with me tonight, Lou. Let’s finish our talk. I can’t be apart from you for another second.

I’ll be there.

Claudia had already left with Charlie, so Louis was just going to get an uber, head home, grab a few things, and then head over to Lestat’s. He was equally excited and nervous.

His phone going off again, made him smile a bit because he thought it was Lestat.

Instead, it was Daniel.

I’m in the parking lot.

Louis looked around and saw Daniel parked across the street.

He walked up to the car and got in the passenger seat. “Daniel, you’ve got to stop torturing yourself, man.”

Daniel did not look okay. And Louis noticed empty bottles of liquor in his back seat.

“Have you been drinking? And you drove? Get out. I’m driving you home.”

Daniel didn’t budge. “Those are old. I’m not drunk today.”

“Really, cause I can smell the alcohol.”

“Well there are bottles all over my car. Some aren’t empty.”

Louis rolled his eyes. “Don’t be an ass.”

“I saw him just now… leave with Marius. He looked around like he was looking for me, but he didn’t see me.”

“Daniel….” Louis sympathized with him. He hated that they loved each other so much but weren’t together. He wished Armand would open his eyes and leave Marius.

“Why is he marrying him, Louis? We’ve been seeing each other since after that damn engagement party. He told me he still loves me. Why won’t he leave him? That f*cker has a hold on my Armand.”

Louis felt for him, he really did. Seeing him like this… to be so in love and watch the love of your life with someone else, wasn’t a good feeling.

He understood that more than anyone.

“Let’s get out of here. You can stay at my place.”

“I’ll just drop you off. I want to be alone.”

He started driving, and Louis kept glancing over at him, noticing something was weird about him… yet eerily familiar.

“I told him that I was done. That I couldn’t do this with him anymore. I wasn’t going to be his side piece.”

“I think he’ll come to his senses. Armand is Armand, he can’t stay away from you.”

He let out a frustrated breath. “And he doesn’t want me to be with anyone else. How can he be so selfish? Why do I still want him so damn much?”

Before Louis could say anything, Daniel spoke again. “I wish we never met. I wish I never laid eyes on him. If we never met—” He paused, almost as if he had zoned out.

And that’s when Louis noticed his exposed arms.

“Daniel, are you using again?”

Daniel used to be on some heavy drugs. He had been to rehab once, and everyone including Louis thought he was still clean. But the track marks in his arms proved differently.

He continued as if Louis hadn’t just asked a very important question. “If I never laid eyes on him then I wouldn't have fallen in love, and he wouldn’t have fallen in love. And yeah that may have made for two more lonely people in this world, but a lot less pain and heartache. Sometimes I can’t breathe. Is our love really worth all of this pain? If it were a choice, who would choose this type of love? So, I wish we never met, but we did. And I tried… I tried not to love him. I tried to walk away and leave him alone, but I failed. If I could fall out of love with Armand, I would. But I can’t.”

His heart ached for Daniel, it really did, but he was more worried about the fact that he was doing drugs again.

Louis knew he was going to have to rope in Lestat and probably Claudia to get Daniel some help like before, because he could not see one of his good friends go through this again.

“Daniel, I think—-”

Louis’ words were lost on him immediately, and the last thing he saw was a set of bright lights as a car slammed into them from the side, sending them swerving into a pole.

Daniel had run a red light.


*Don't hate me for that ending *covers eyes* Better times are to come.
*If you've watched Scandal & Greys, I'm sure you've noticed a replica of the speeches between Loustat at the end, as well as Daniel's in the car.
*The song that was used at the wedding was Kiss me by Ed Sheeran (take a listen if you haven't. It's really beautiful).

I hope you all enjoyed!

Chapter 5: chapter 5


Thank you all for reading the last chapter!!

This story will go back and forth between Louis & Lestat's POV, but sometimes I'll have another character have a small POV here and there.

This chapter will be mainly Lestat's POV. Another character will have a POV, but it's not very long. And then Louis & Lestat's POV will somewhat intertwine in the ending.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

If one would define the word nervous in the dictionary, Lestat’s name and picture would be located right beside it.

Lestat was never one to be so anxious. He tackled things head on and didn’t really care about others' opinions of him. He had been in the spotlight many times, had reviews written about him, been on the stage, and played in front of hundreds of people. And he was never nervous. But, when it came to Louis, his opinion did matter to him. It always would.

He just got home not too long ago after dropping Antoinette off. Lestat expected her to be pissed off when he told her he was finished with whatever it was they’ve been doing. He even expected her to try to call his bluff, but what he wasn’t expecting was the slap against his face that could be heard around the world.

He couldn’t really blame her though, because he did say to tell her brother he was done with him too. And Antoinette had no idea Lestat and her brother fooled around at times.

So, yeah, he probably deserved that slap.

But, it was all a thing of the past now. Because right now, he had to get ready for Louis.

It was already 11:30pm, and he knew Louis had to go home first to get a few things, so he’d probably arrive in about 45 minutes. Maybe he should start cleaning up a bit. His place wasn’t a mess, but since he and Louis hadn’t really communicated much these last few weeks, Lestat let the place go a tad bit.

“Yeah, let me wipe this down and take out the trash.” He said out loud. “Great, now I’m talking to myself.”

Maybe I should take a shower and get into the robe we have that’s similar and wait for him in bed? No, we could just shower together. “Who’s to say Louis is going to come over and want to have sex.” We need to work up to that. “Just play it cool, Lestat. Play it cool.”

Would he be hungry? We just ate at Armands rehearsal dinner. “Maybe he’d want a snack?”

Lestat opened the fridge and realized he was in dire need of groceries. It had been awhile since he’d gone shopping for anything.

Wait! Louis loves chocolate, and I have some chocolate syrup that I could pour on his….

He was acting so unlike himself right now. Louis was his best friend before anything and just because they were about to have a much needed conversation about their feelings for one another, didn’t mean he needed to go overboard.

The plan was that Louis would come over, they’d talk, he’d probably go and stay in his own room, and then halfway through the night Lestat would go lay beside him because they couldn’t just have a deep conversation about loving each other and then not sleep in the same bed.

“Yeah, I’m going crazy.” Would asking Louis to move in be too soon?

Well wait, was Jonah still in the picture? Louis didn’t accept his proposal so that should mean they’re not together anymore right? Plus, he wouldn’t have practically chewed his head off baring his feelings on the table like that if he was still with him.

Regardless, he wanted to erase Jonah from every part of Louis.

An hour passed with no word from Louis. Lestat kept checking his phone, but the only missed call he saw was from a number he didn’t recognize. There was a voicemail message, but he figured he’d check it later.

Lestat would give it a little more time before he sent over a text.

‘Can’t wait to see you’ No time like the present.

He tried not to keep staring at his phone every five minutes, but he couldn’t help it. Thirty more minutes went by, then forty five minutes, and then another hour. He couldn’t control the frantic beating of his heart. Had Louis lied? Was he not going to come over? Was he not ready? Maybe he was trying to find the words to tell Lestat that he couldn’t do this. Maybe he was still with Jonah and decided not to leave him.

He felt like he could throw up.

Lestat was so lost in his own thoughts that the sound of his phone ringing made him almost drop it.

He was surprised to see Grace’s name pop up.

Why would Grace de Pointe du Lac be calling him so late? For some reason Lestat’s chest began to feel weird as he answered.

“Lestat! I’m so glad I got in touch with you. The hospital tried calling you cause you’re Louis’ first point of contact, but when you didn’t pick up they called me. He’s okay, but he’s been in a car accident. I’m trying to find the first available flight out, but because the weather has been so bad up here, it doesn’t look like there’s going to be one for a few days.”

All Lestat heard from Grace was that Louis was in the hospital from a car accident. He wasn’t sure what he said to her, but he was sure some incoherent words left his lips before he hung up and drove like a bat out of hell to the hospital.

It goes without saying, but Lestat felt officially numb.

Lestat barely recalled getting out of his car and entering the hospital, but a part of him felt like maybe he needed to be brought in on a stretcher or in a wheelchair, because he had no idea how he was standing upright right now.

He was trying his best to remain calm and not think the worst, but all that went out the window when the receptionist wasn’t giving him any information. All he needed to see was Louis, what was so hard about that?

If it wasn’t for Claudia calling his name, he probably would have started throwing things.

“I knew that had to be you raising your voice no doubt cursing that poor woman out in French.” Claudia apologized to the lady, and grabbed Lestat’s arm, dragging him down the hall towards another waiting room before security was called.

“Where is he? Is he okay?”

She turned around to face him, and grabbed his arms, “Lestat, you’re shaking. Louis’ going to be okay.”

Lestat finally let out the breath he didn’t realize he had been holding.

“I haven’t seen him yet, but Grace called me, and said the doctor let her know he had a mild concussion and some scrapes and bruises.”

Louis started to feel nauseous again.

“Grace said she talked to you but she had a feeling you didn’t register anything she told you except for Louis was in a car accident. So, I told her I lived close by and would try to get here before you did and stop you from causing a scene.”

Lestat barely heard a thing Claudia was saying. “When can we see him?”

“I don’t know, just waiting for the doctor. She should be out soon.”

He was trying his best to be patient, but if the doctor wasn’t out in five minutes, he was going to lose his sh*t.

Claudia must have realized, because she led him over to one of the chairs to take a seat.

“What the f*ck happened?” He asked in French, but then repeated in English.

“I got the cliff notes version when I got here. Someone ran a red light and a car hit Daniel and Louis.”

“Daniel was in the car too?”

“He was driving. But, he’s okay. When I got here, Armand was getting ready to take him home. They told me to call to keep them updated on Louis and they would come back in the morning.”

Lestat got another weird feeling in the pit of his stomach. Something didn’t make sense, but before he could say anything Louis’ doctor walked up to them.

“Are you two Louis de Pointe du Lac’s next of kin?”

Lestat spoke up without hesitation. “I’m his husband.” He already knew how this was going to go. If he would have said he wasn’t immediate family, then he wouldn’t be able to get any information or even see him tonight.

“I spoke to his sister earlier, and he is okay. Just a mild concussion and some scrapes and bruises. He’s going to be in a lot of pain for the next several days, and we do want to keep him through the night and tomorrow just to monitor him. One of the paramedics that brought him in said he was very lucky because his side of the car was damaged pretty badly, and it could have caused more injury than it did.”

Lestat felt lightheaded.

“Can we see him?”

“Visiting hours are over, but because you’re his husband you are able to stay through the night. I’ll see that the nurse brings in some extra blankets and pillows. Right now, he’s been administered some pain medication so he is sleeping.”

After the doctor told Lestat the room number, she let him know that her staff will be in and out of his room checking Louis’ vitals throughout the night, and then she left.

Lestat made sure Claudia was going to be okay getting home and she told him that Charlie was on his way to pick her up. He could tell she wanted to say something about the husband declaration, but knew that he wasn’t up for any questions.

Right as he began walking away, he heard her say in a chippery voice. “Goodnight Mr. DuLac. Tell the other DuLac I’ll be back in the morning.”

When Lestat got to Louis’ room, a nurse was already checking his vitals. She left two pillows and a blanket on the couch in the room, and before she left, she let him know that if he needed anything else to press the button near Louis’ bed.

All he could do was nod, because he knew his voice would fail him if he tried to speak.

Lestat sat down in a chair next to Louis and grabbed his hand gently in his. He placed a few kisses to his knuckles before he caressed his beautiful face; a beautiful face that had several cuts and scratches on display.

He could have lost his best friend today. He could have lost the love of his life.

Lestat felt physically ill.

“Oh Lou,” His voice cracked, and the tears immediately started pouring out of his eyes as he rested his head on Louis’ bedside.

He had no idea how long he had been crying and hyperventilating, before he heard his name.


It was barely a whisper, and Lestat’s head shot up so quickly he almost felt dizzy.

“Louis, you’re awake.” He kissed his hand again. “How are you feeling, mon cher?”

“Like I got hit by a car.”

He could tell he was trying to make light of the situation, but it just made more tears flow from Lestat’s eyes.

For someone who rarely cried, he sure couldn’t stop.

“Les, no.. don’t cry, I’m okay.”

“I thought…. I….” He couldn’t even get his words together.

“Here come here.” Louis began scooting over to make room for him.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” There was enough room for Lestat to get partially into bed with Louis, but he didn’t want to cause him any further pain.

“You won’t. Honestly, you’re probably the only one that can make me feel better right now.”

That’s all Lestat needed to hear, before he sat down next to him and put an arm around him to hold him close.

Lestat needed this probably more than Louis did. He needed to feel his body against his to let him know that he was truly alright.

“I like you laying next to me.” Louis cuddled into him, displaying that beautiful smile that always made him weak.

“Sure it’s not the meds talking for you?”

“It helps with the pain. But I’m telling you the truth, I’ve always liked laying next to you. It makes me feel safe.”

Lestat’s heart felt completely whole in that moment.

“I hate that I didn’t make it to you tonight.” He felt Louis cuddle closer, even though he wasn’t sure how that was possible when they were already so close together. “I really wanted us to talk.”

“We have plenty of time when you get out of here.”

“I just want to say….” You could hear the exhaustion in his voice.

“It’s okay, mon amour. Get some sleep okay?” He kissed his forehead. “I’ll hold you until you fall back asleep and then I’ll go lay on that couch over there to give you more room. But I promise, I’m not going anywhere.”

Lestat thought Louis had fallen asleep when he hadn’t said anything further. He knew he should have moved, but he needed to hold onto him just a little bit longer. Because it wasn’t just Louis that felt safe with Lestat, it was Lestat who felt safe with Louis. Always.

“Les…” Louis whispered, pulling Lestat out of his thoughts. “...I’m in love with you too.”

Hearing him say that after Lestat declared his love a few hours ago in that storage closet made everything feel right in the world.

It was a little after 7:30 am when Lestat woke up to a nurse checking on Louis’. They probably came in every hour to check on him, and although he hated that Louis’ rest was disturbed, he was grateful that everything looked good and he was able to fall back asleep easily.

When he sat up from the uncomfortable couch that he moved to about an hour ago, he saw a familiar face. He didn’t even recognize her voice at the time.

“Louis, I know you and Lestat didn’t get married and didn’t invite me!” It was their old high school classmate Lily. “I mean I guess it makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. You two have always been so close.”

Louis smiled, “It was recent and just us, but when we decide to have a full on reception, we’re going to make sure you get an invite.”

He glanced over at Lestat with enough affection to make Lestat’s heart flutter. He was utterly grateful that Louis didn’t seem upset about his lie, and decided to go along with it. Lestat would have said just about anything to make sure he got access to him through the night.

“Okay, so everything is looking really good. No headache or anything?”

Louis shook his head no.

“Okay great. I’ll be on your service today until tomorrow when you check out. If you need anything just hit the call button, but I’ll be back in throughout the day to continue checking on you. I’m really glad you’re okay.”

“Thanks, Dr. Lily.”

Lily grinned. “I’ll never get used to that. But please, still just call me Lily.” She touched his arm gently, and then looked over at Lestat. “Don’t let Louis be stubborn. If he even winces at a little bit of light, hit that call button. I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

Lestat agreed and then she left.

“How’d you sleep, Mr. Du Lac?”

Lestat grinned. “Yeah, sorry about that. It was the only way I could stay the night with you.”

Louis smiled, “Well, I’m glad you did.”

It was silent for a moment as they stared at one another. Lestat could see the love in Louis’ eyes. He wanted to wrap him up, hold him close and kiss every inch of him.

The want and need Lestat had for him was all consuming.

“How’d you sleep?” Louis shifted over a bit to make room for him.

Lestat hesitated for a minute, feeling selfish if he sat next to him again, because he was afraid to hurt him.

“I should be asking you that. How’s the pain?”

“I’ve been better, but whatever they’ve got me on helps.”

When Lestat still stood at his bedside, he knew Louis knew why.

“It’s okay to sit down, Les. I promise you’re not going to hurt me.”

When he sat down, Louis intertwined their hands, and Lestat brought his lips to his hand while never taking his eyes off of him.

The sexual tension was mouthwatering. The way Louis was staring back at him set his insides on fire. He knew this was not the time or place to think about anything other than Louis getting better, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel anything below his waist.

He couldn’t hold it together anymore. “I need to kiss you, Louis.” He breathed in french.

“Good, because I can’t wait another minute.”

And then Louis’ lips were on his before Lestat could form another thought.

Jonah Macon wasn’t planning on ever seeing Louis again. He was leaving today for six months, but once that time was up, he was going to ask to be transferred elsewhere. It was too hard being in the same location as him, no matter how big the city was. He didn’t want to accidentally run into him and things get awkward.

He wanted to start over somewhere else.

Jonah just wasn’t expecting Grace to call him, asking if he was at the hospital with Louis because no one else was picking up their phone. It was apparent that Louis hadn’t had a chance to tell Grace they weren’t together anymore. Instead of bringing it up, he listened to her as she told him Louis had been in a car accident.

Ultimately, he was fine, but that didn’t stop Jonah from making his way to the hospital to check for himself.

The staff told him Louis’ room number and he only got so far when he saw through the open blinds of his room that he was sharing a kiss with Lestat.

It stopped him in his tracks.

It was heartbreaking for sure, but he knew them two getting together was inevitable. There was a time years ago that the only two people that didn’t know Louis and Lestat were in love with each other were Louis and Lestat. That was of course before Jonah and Louis ever took a step into a fully committed relationship.

Maybe Jonah was wrong to pursue Louis knowing that, but Louis made Jonah feel like he was the only man in the world regardless of the friendship he had with Lestat.

So, even though seeing them right now pained him, he was glad to see for himself that Louis was alright. He just wouldn’t interrupt that love story any longer.


He heard his name, causing him to turn around to see Claudia.

“Hey, um, I was just checking….um, don’t tell him I was here.”

“Jonah, wait?”

But he didn’t.

He walked out of their lives, never looking back.

It took the jaws of life to leave Louis’ room earlier. He honestly didn’t know how long his tongue had been down his best friend’s throat, but everytime he tried to remove himself to make sure he wasn’t causing him any harm, Louis’s lips kept him hostage.

And now that he’s tasted his lips in such a way, being apart from him right now was damn near painful. It’s insane how their first real intense kiss was in a hospital of all places.

Lily arriving back in the room, about an hour later, was the first time Lestat and Louis came up for air, and as soon as she left again, they would have resumed, but Claudia walked in.

Although he didn’t want to leave him, even though Louis suggested he go home to get some decent rest in a comfortable bed, Lestat could tell in his eyes he really didn’t want him to go. And that warmed his heart more than anything.

The only reason Lestat left was to move some things from Louis’ apartment to their townhome, get him some clothes for the remainder of his hospital stay, and some much needed food. Plus, Claudia was there to keep Louis company.

He grinned thinking about the look Claudia gave them both before Lestat walked out.

Lestat didn’t think twice before he placed a chaste kiss on Louis’ forehead, and then his jawline, and then his lips. Ever so softly, but the passion and love could be seen from miles away.

“Je t’aime, mon cher.” (love you, my dear)

Claudia was smiling between them like a Chesire cat.

It barely took Lestat any time to do everything he had to do, but it felt way longer because he wasn’t near Louis. Was this how it was going to be from now on? Not wanting to be away from him. Would every minute without him continue to feel like an hour?

He wasn’t complaining. Loving Louis was like coming up for fresh air. It was like he was drowning and Louis’ love saved him.

As Lestat headed back into the hospital he thought about how he could have been back even sooner, if Gabrielle hadn’t called, shouting frantically and cussing him out in every language she knew.

“How dare you not call me about Louis? My precious Louis was in an auto accident and you just send one of those message things. Son…” A bunch of expletives escaped her mouth after that, and then she wanted to speak to him immediately. Lestat let her know that as soon as he was back, he would make sure she got a chance to talk to Louis. Gabrielle then reprimanded him for leaving his side at the hospital and made sure Lestat knew to bring him home to the townhouse so Louis wouldn’t be alone.

Needless to say, Lestat was glad to get her off the phone. He loved his mom and he was glad that his mom loved Louis, but he was already one step ahead of her when it came to him.

After getting off the phone with her and picking up some tacos from one of Louis’ favorite food joints, he was back in the hospital, ready to hold him again.

When he got to his room, he noticed the blinds were drawn closed, and as he was about to open the door, he heard more than just Louis’ and Claudia’s voice.

“Daniel, you should go.” He heard Claudia say.

“I just… please.” Daniel pleaded.”I’m sorry okay, I didn’t…I’m so sorry I put you here, Louis.”

What the hell did he just say?

“You’re using again, Daniel!” Claudia yelled. “You’re using and you ran a red light and got Louis hurt.”

He heard Louis sigh, “Daniel, you need help.”

“I know and I’m going to go to rehab, I just….”

“Are you high right now?” Claudia again.

There was silence.

“I want to stop, I just….”

Lestat didn’t even realize he had burst through the room and had Daniel gripped by his collar instantly.

“You did this sh*t?!”

“Lestat!” Claudia and Louis yelled simultaneously.

“I’m sorry.” Daniel was in tears. “I want to make this right. I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.”

Louis touched Lestat’s arms, “Les, please. Security is gonna come in here soon.”

“I don’t care.”

“Les….” There was an anxious look on Louis’ face. He was worried that someone would come in and detain Lestat.

He finally let Daniel go, but only because of Louis. Otherwise, he was sure he would have caused bodily harm. He knew Daniel had been driving, but he thought the other car ran the red light and ran into them. He didn't know it was Daniel who caused this.

Louis could have died because of him.

That thought was branded in his mind as a few nurses and security came to the room. He heard Louis tell them everything was okay and they left not too long afterward.

It was Armand showing up in the doorway that broke the silence that engulfed them all.

“Did I miss something?”

Four pairs of eyes looked his way.

“When were you going to tell me about Daniel?”

Lestat tried not to sound angry, but he was. Not at Louis, but he was infuriated with Daniel and the situation.

It was just them two in the room now, and after everyone else left and Louis changed into the robe Lestat brought over, they were finally able to sit down, eat, and talk.

“Thanks again for bringing me something else to wear. I can’t tell you how bad I want a shower in my own bathroom right now.”

Even though Louis was able to wash off, it always felt better to be in your own place taking a shower in your own bathroom. Good thing that Louis felt comfortable at Lestat’s place, because he wasn’t going back to his apartment anytime soon.

But, all of that didn’t matter right now, Lestat knew that he was trying to change the subject.


Louis sighed, “I was going to tell you. I didn’t know he was going to come here today, not after what happened. But regardless, he does need help.”

“He could have killed you, Louis. I could have lost you.” Lestat cleared his throat, trying to refrain from getting emotional.

“But I’m fine.” Louis’ eyes held his.

“That’s not the point.”

“Try this.” He held his half eaten taco to Lestat’s mouth.

Lestat rolled his eyes, but still took a bite. Not being able to really deny him anything. “You know this isn’t going to make me forget anything. Even if eating from your hand gets me hard.”

Louis chuckled and Lestat returned the favor by feeding him.

When they both finished, Louis made room for Lestat again to lay beside him.

“Thank you again for doing all of this.” Louis cuddled into him and caressed his fingers. “Bringing my things, bringing food.”

“Of course, my Louis. I’d do anything for you.”

“I know you’re mad at Daniel.”

“Mad is an understatement.”

“I’m not happy about it either. Honestly, I probably shouldn’t have even been in that car, or I at least should have been the one driving. I saw all the alcohol bottles, but when he said they were empty I just wanted to believe….I’m just glad the other people in the car were able to walk away without a scratch.”

Lestat loved Louis, he really did, but he was too forgiving. “Look at where you’re at, Lou! You were hurt. You were literally knocked unconscious. You have a concussion.” He felt Louis hold him a little tighter to try and calm him down, but he kept going. “He’s doing drugs again. He put your life at risk because his boyfriend is marrying someone else? What kind of f*cked up logic is that.”

Louis kissed his cheek. “It’s a f*cked up situation. I know it. But it could have been worse. And Daniel… Daniel’s only going to get worse.”

“He’s already worse.”

“Armand did text me apologizing and let me know that he’s going to try to get him help.”

“Yeah just so he can repeat this routine when Armand ends up marrying the old guy in a few weeks.”

It went without saying that Lestat didn’t want Louis around Daniel anymore.

It was Lily coming in that ceased all of their conversation.

“Hey guys, just doing another check up.”

Louis and Lestat decided to table the Daniel talk for another day. They had been lying down for a while, both falling in and out of sleep. Lestat tried a few times to get up to give Louis more room, but Louis insisted he stay put.

He thought Louis had fallen back asleep, until he heard him say, “I’m sure you know by now, but Jonah and I ended things a few days ago. I don’t want you to think this… us… isn’t important to me or that there is someone else. I wouldn’t do that to you.”

“I would have taken anything you could give me to be honest.” He held Louis a little closer, letting his lips lightly nibble his ear lobe.

Louis then turned his head and parted his lips, causing Lestat to kiss him…a few pecks, not tongue but enough of passion to last a lifetime.

“And Nicki? You never…”

“Oh, Louis,” he whispered, “That chapter between Nicki and I closed all those years ago. I don’t want you to think that I would ever take him back.”

Louis unconsciously shifted his body, moving close to where Lestat could feel his ass against his groin.

Mon amour, if you do that again I’m not sure I’ll be able to control myself.” He spoke in French.

“I never liked Nicki.” Louis slurred, the medicine pumping through his veins finally taking effect. ”Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. To be honest, I’ve never liked anyone you were with, because you always deserve better. Because I always wanted you with me.”

Lestat’s heart felt like a drum beating out of his chest. He wondered if his dear Louis would admit to those words in the morning. It may have touched his heart that he was a bit jealous, but one thing Louis never had to worry about was Lestat stepping out with anyone else.

Louis was it for him.

The next day, Louis was able to check out later in the evening, and Lestat took him to their townhome. He was thankful that Louis didn’t protest and insist on going back to his apartment.

Louis made sure he called Grace and Gabrielle before he left the hospital. He had to promise Grace that he was one hundred percent okay for her not to fly down here. She was currently back in school to get her masters and she was no longer in the same state. He also made sure he called Gabrielle, who kept him on the phone for an hour.

He may not have had his biological mom and dad to be there for him, but he was grateful that his surrogate mom and his sister were always going to be in his life. And having Lestat there was on a whole other level. Without him, he probably wouldn’t have made it through any of this.

When they made it back to the townhome, Louis was prepared to stay in his room, but was actually elated when Lestat wouldn’t hear of it. Surprisingly, Lestat’s room was already ready to accommodate him. He had the bed ready, pillows already propped up, and his favorite robe laid out. One of his favorite books was settled on the nightstand, because Lestat knew he liked to read before falling asleep.

Louis' heart was incredibly full.

After his shower, Louis stood in front of the bathroom mirror and thoroughly looked at himself. His chest and abdomen held bruises, cuts, and scratches. He felt like his face wasn’t too pleasant to look at with the scrapes. He just had to keep reminding himself that this would all heal and it could have been worse.

As soon as he walked out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped securely around his waist, Lestat walked into the room.

“I ordered dinner from that burger place you liked–” His voice halted immediately when he finally looked up from the menu he was holding, and saw Louis in a towel.

Any other time Lestat would have been instantly aroused. He would have probably dropped everything in his hands, got to his knees, and removed that towel from Louis’ perfect body. Lestat would have begged Louis to let him service him.

But Lestat didn't do that. Lestat couldn’t do that. This was the first time he saw just how many bruises marred his skin, and for some reason, it felt like the air was being sucked out of the room.

“The food should be here in about an hour.” Lestat said quickly, before he dropped his phone and the menu on the bed and walked past Louis to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Louis was confused for a moment. There was a small part of him that thought Lestat was disgusted with the way he looked, but he knew Lestat. He saw the real reason in his eyes.

Lestat was scared.

Lestat was scared because of him. He was scared because he could have lost Louis. They could have lost each other. Their love story almost got ripped away from them before it even truly got started.

No words were said as Louis walked into the restroom.

He gazed at Lestat standing in the shower through the glass door, head leaning against the shower wall as the water flowed down his body.

He looked incredibly beautiful. Majestic even.

He opened the shower door slowly and dropped his towel to the floor. Lestat jumped a bit as he turned to look at him under hooded eyes.

Louis stepped in and closed the door behind him. They both stared at one another, taking each other in, for what felt like ages.

Louis and Lestat were both so desperately and fatally in love.

When Louis finally pulled him into his arms, Lestat’s tears came violently, as his whole body shook.

It was worse than when they were at the hospital. It was as if everything he tried to hold in came crashing down at that moment. It brought tears to Louis’ eyes to see Lestat so sad and vulnerable over him.

Lestat held onto Louis to the point that he was afraid of letting go. That if he had loosened his hold, Louis would disappear. That the car accident took a whole different direction and none of this was real.

“I’m okay, Les. I’m okay.” Louis took Lestat’s hand and placed it over his heart. “You feel that? I’m right here.”

Lestat nodded and then Louis kissed his lips softly, reassuring him. He planted small kisses all over his face until he found his way back to his lips.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

Lestat pulled Louis back into the kiss, feeling such a fire and ferocity that made Louis’ knees weak.

Lestat needed this. He needed to feel Louis. He needed to be so wrapped up inside of him just to be able to breathe. Seeing the bruises and cuts from the accident really did a number on Lestat.

It terrified him.

But now, he was kissing Louis against the shower wall, and his Louis held onto him tight, returning the kiss with just as much need.

And when the kiss ended, their foreheads touched and they stayed that way for a moment.

They were both bereft and painfully hard.

“God, I love you.” Lestat spoke against his lips.

“I love you too.” Louis responded. “Let me clean you up. And let’s wait for the food and go lay down. I can read to you. Would you like that?”

J'aimerais que” ( I would love that).

After they ate, they both laid in Lestat’s bed in nothing but their boxers and robes, while Lestat listened to Louis read to him.

His voice was so soothing that he could lay here and listen to him forever.

As Lestat continued to listen to Louis’ beautiful voice, he began to trace his fingers along his exposed abdomen, lightly caressing the bruises on his skin. He then began to linger against his thighs.

Lestat smiled as Louis began to stutter while reading.


“Keep reading, mon amour.” He then replaced his fingers with his lips, faintly kissing and nipping at his thighs and legs.

Louis sighed, and his words were becoming less audible.

“Tell me to stop.” Lestat looked up at Louis. He was giving him an out, but when he didn’t stop him, he parted Louis’ robe even more and pulled off his boxers, releasing his co*ck that was oh so eager to be touched.

The most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.” Lestat spoke in French, causing Louis to shudder. “Touch yourself, Louis. Touch yourself with one hand and read with the other. I want to watch you. I need to watch you.”

Louis felt like he could have had a release with just the way Lestat spoke to him. But, he held his well endowed dick in his hand and began to stroke himself slowly, doing his best not to fall apart.

Watching Lestat watch him was sexy as hell. He tried to form a coherent sentence. But to be honest, he had no idea what he was even reading anymore. What were even words at this point?

“I’m going to tell you what I want to do to you, my Louis. What I’ve been wanting to do to you for quite some time.”

Lestat was trying his best to contain himself, but watching Louis touch himself and try to hold it together was making him lose control. Needless to say, Lestat was painfully hard right now.

“Remember when we danced at prom night? And I held you in my arms?”

Lestat’s voice was like a sinful caress.

“Oh Louis, I can still remember your scent that night. This cologne you wore was my favorite, but it had nothing on your natural scent. The way you smell is so damn mouthwatering, it drives me insane. I just know when it’s time you’re going to be able to take my co*ck and I can’t wait to be covered in your smell. I want to walk around smelling like you so everyone will know I belong to you.”

“Les, I’m gonna come.” Louis panted.

“Not yet. I want you to keep reading.”

Was this man insane? Louis thought. How the hell could he keep reading when he said things like that. When he looked at him like he wanted to devour him.

“The first time we make love, Louis, I’m going to f*ck you so you’ll never remember anyone else you’ve ever been with.”

Louis whimpered.

“Can I put my mouth on you?”

“Please….” He breathed.

Lestat removed Louis’ hand and took him in his mouth, groaning at the sheer satisfaction it gave him.

“f*ck, Les!” Louis damn near screamed, throwing the book down, not knowing or caring where it landed.

Lestat sucked and licked and slurped, loving the feeling of how good Louis felt in his throat.

“I want you to come in my mouth, but not until I tell you.”

Precum began to spill into Lestat’s mouth and he moaned at the taste. As ready as he was to be inside Louis one day, he was even more ready to have Louis’ co*ck buried inside of his ass, filling him up, branding him with the dick that belonged solely to Lestat.

“Les, please… please I’m about too… “

“Let your cum fill my mouth Louis. Let me taste all of you.” Lestat instantly put his mouth back to work, and the moment he did, Louis came with a vengeance, as Lestat milked him dry.

A strangled cry escaped Louis’ lips as he damn near blacked out.

After Lestat savored the taste of Louis’ cum, drinking up all he could get, he licked the tip one last time and moved up to capture Louis’ lips in his, letting him ride out the aftereffects.

Lestat may have been terribly hard right now, but all he wanted at this moment was to give Louis the pleasure he deserved.

He wanted to worship this man.

Lestat held Louis in his arms, placing light kisses to his face. When their eyes connected, Lestat kissed him one more time, and before they both drifted off to a pleasant and comfortable sleep, Louis placed a lingering kiss on Lestat’s chest right above his heart.

They were both asleep not even five minutes later.


Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

Also, that quote: "Every minute without you feels like an hour" Is from a poem called Maybe by Igor Oro. The audio sounds so wonderful & you can find it on youtube.

Chapter 6: chapter 6


So appreciative for all the kudos & comments! Hope you enjoy this chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lestat couldn’t comprehend what was happening right now. One minute, he was having the best night of his life with Louis laying in his arms, and the next thing he knew, Louis was coughing up blood.

He couldn’t remember how they got back to the hospital. Had an ambulance come? Had he driven while breaking all traffic laws to get them to their destination?

Was he even wearing shoes?

When had Claudia arrived? He didn’t even remember calling to let her know what happened. But, it didn’t matter because the only thing running through his mind was how Louis looked with blood spilling from his mouth. He looked extremely scared, unable to talk, and his eyes were rolling in the back of his head.

Lestat was pacing back and forth frantically, wondering what was taking so long. And then just as he was thinking it, Lily walked out.

Was that Louis’ blood on her scrubs?

And why were there tears in her eyes?


“I’m so sorry, Lestat. We did everything we could.”

Her voice hit him like a severe punch in the gut; like he had just been run over by a train.

Louis couldn’t be dead. He didn’t believe it. Lestat had just been holding him in his arms, as they provided comfort to one another.

“Louis!” He yelled. For some reason his voice felt distant; not sounding like his own. “Louis!”

He ran through the doors that patients weren’t allowed through because he had to find Louis. He needed his Louis.

Somehow Claudia appeared in front of him and grabbed his arms. “Lestat. You need to wake up.”

What was she talking about? “Louis!”

“Wake up!” It wasn’t Claudia’s voice anymore. “Wake up!” It was Louis’ voice.

What the hell was going on?

“Les, wake up!”

Lestat’s eyes opened almost violently as he took a large intake of breath. He had never been more relieved to be in Louis’ arms as he stared down at him.

Breathing felt normal again.

“It’s okay, you’re okay. It was just a bad dream.” Louis moved some of Lestat’s hair out of his face. He then wiped a few tears that had fallen from his eyes.

Lestat hadn’t even realized he had been crying.

“It felt real.” He admitted, sitting up, with Louis’ arms still wrapped around him. Lestat then leaned in and kissed his lips just needing to make sure this was real.

“You were screaming my name.” Louis kissed the top of his head while caressing his arm. Lestat knew he was trying to provide any amount of comfort he could.

“I don’t think I’m past what happened.” Lestat confessed. “God, Louis, I can’t lose you.”

“Hey hey, you’re not going to lose me.” He kissed Lestat’s forehead and then his lips. “Trust me, you’re not going to get rid of me that easily.”

Good, because Lestat knew that he could never give Louis up.

“You must think I’m weak in the head. You’re the one who was hurt and I’m over here freaking out when I should be taking care of you.”

Louis kissed him more tenderly this time. “My boyfriend is worried about me. Why would I think you’re weak? And you have been taking care of me.”

Lestat tried his best to fully embrace Louis’ words, hoping it would help him calm down, but then it dawned on him what he actually said.

“So, I’ve been given the honor of being your boyfriend now?”

The bashful smile that formed on Louis’ lips made Lestat’s heart skip a beat. He loved that man’s smile. It was literally heaven sent. Designed from the gods.

“As long as you give me the honor as well.”

“Lou, you’ve had my heart for as long as I can remember. You just kept fighting it.”

Louis' laugh was music to his ears.

I was fighting it? Oh really?”

He nodded and shifted to bring Louis on top of him. He went willingly and straddled Lestat’s waist.

“Cause if I remember correctly, I was the one who had a crush on you in high school, some of college, after college, and who was the one who rejected whom?”

Not Lestat’s finest moment. The thought had crossed his mind more times than he could count that if he would have just got his head out of his ass back then, he could have spent longer worshiping Louis like he deserved. If only he had been ready then.

However, it was probably for the best that they’ve come together now instead of back then because Lestat was known to be a f*ck up at times. He would have no doubt ruined things with Louis, and he couldn’t imagine being the cause of his pain and sadness.

“Not my proudest moment.” Then it dawned on him again. “Wait, you said in college. When I was with…?”

“Not my proudest moment.” Louis repeated his words back to him.

Louis had loved him while he was with Nicki.

“It wasn’t the entire time. I think when we were in college it would just be random thoughts here and there. Nothing like when we were in high school and after college. I was genuinely happy for you and Nicki. You were happy so that made me happy. When you weren’t happy, I can admit I wasn’t too fond of him, and I’m still not. But, I know there was a moment when I came to visit and I saw how tender and caring you were with him, I found myself wanting to be him. It was only a mere moment. I respected the hell out of your relationship to let my mind wonder how it did in high school, so I let it go, supported you as a friend like always, and had my own situationships. So, it wasn’t a big deal.”

“I’m sorry.” Lestat’s heart ached a bit. And he chose to ignore the situationship comment. He knew all about Louis’ extracurriculars back then. He hated hearing it then and he hated hearing it now, regardless of how supportive he may have seemed.

“You have nothing to be sorry about, Les.” Louis’ lips touched his cheek lightly. “It wasn’t the right time for us. And I still had you. We were still friends. You didn’t switch up. You didn’t change that and I loved you even more for it. Plus, I know it wasn’t easy for you seeing me with Jonah. Not that you made it easy for me either with the others.”

Lestat instantly rolled his eyes at the mention of the ex. He knew it was hypocritical for him to even be upset over any other man that was in Louis’ life in the past, especially because of those Lestat associated himself with, but he couldn’t help it.

Whether it was friendship or a relationship, Louis was his.

“You know what I think?” He bent down to kiss his lips a little longer this time.

“And what’s that?” Lestat damn near moaned, trying his best to control what was going on below his waist.

They should be able to have a simple conversation without him getting hard.

“I think we came together exactly when we were supposed to.”

And that’s what he loved about Louis. There was no one as loving, as dedicated, as imperfectly perfect as he was. He could be a challenge at times, but he’d have his saint Louis no other way.

Lestat sat up more, but still kept Louis firmly in place “Je t’aime.”

“I love you more.”

Lestat attacked Louis’ mouth, kissing him almost frantically without considering the need for air.

He had no idea how long he had been robbing Louis of breath, but his mouth only left his, when Lestat laid him on his back and began to trail kisses down his neck. The neck that Lestat loved so much. He was nipping and sucking like he couldn’t stop. Like he never wanted to stop.

Louis’ skin tasted so good; his smell was his favorite scent. He wanted to inhale him. He wanted to eat him.

He could feel Louis’ need for him, just like he knew that Louis could feel his own need. All they had to do was remove their boxers and it would be easy access to what Lestat knew would be the sweetest destination.

But if Louis were to fully give into him, Lestat would probably die from the intense pleasure he’d feel just by barely inching inside. So, right now, he’d settle for some shameless grinding against him through their clothes.

Louis’ moan was the sweetest song to his ears. Lestat needed to hear more of it, so he picked up the pace thrusting towards him a little harder.


At this point, he wondered if Louis would let him put the tip in.

And that’s when the sound coming from Louis was more pain than pleasure.

Lestat stopped immediately and looked down into his eyes. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” Louis reached up to kiss him, and although Lestat almost melted into him, he knew something was wrong.


Louis sighed, noticeably frustrated. “It’s not you. My stomach is still…”

Lestat practically flew off of Louis and examined his chest and stomach that still had a few huge bruises. And of course they would still be there, he literally just got out of the hospital yesterday.

Putain.” (f*ck) Lestat cursed in french. “je suis désolé.” (I’m sorry)

Je vais bien(I’m okay)

Lestat sat against the headboard again, trying his best not to think of the nightmare he had this morning. Picturing Louis hurt or worse… dead, made breathing just a tad bit difficult right now.

“Les….” Louis grabbed his hands in his. “I need you to take a deep breath and look at me.”

Lestat opened his eyes and watched as Louis led his hand to his chest right above his heart. “You feel that? Feel it beatin’?” Louis then touched Lestat’s chest with his other hand in the exact same spot. “They're in sync. If your heart’s beatin’….mine is too. So you don’t ever have to worry.”

Leave it to Louis to know exactly what to say to calm Lestat down. He caressed his jaw, loving the way he leaned into his hand.

Lestat needed to leave. He couldn’t stay in here and not touch Louis in some way or another. And he would be damned if he brought him even a small ounce of pain.

“I guess I should let you get your rest. If I stay in here, it’s going to take some strong willpower not to touch you. And I don’t think I’m that strong.”

Louis smirked, “I’m not tired though. And, neither is he apparently.” His hand brushed over his co*ck still covered, yet begging to be free.

“Louis…” Lestat thrusted his hips upward a bit.

Louis began to pull down his boxers, and Lestat’s co*ck sprang to life, almost hitting Louis in the face.

“Can I touch you?” His voice was so damn seductive. Watching Louis as he watched him, almost made him come on the spot.

“You never have to ask, mon cher.”

Louis trailed his finger down the length of his shaft, and Lestat felt a bit embarrassed with the sound that came from his mouth.

He then felt Louis’ mouth place soft kisses along his thighs, and Lestat’s dick jerked wanting to be touched again.

“I want you to direct me.”

Yep, Louis was torturing him. He never knew this side of him, but he was already liking it. He honestly never thought he and Louis would get to this moment. He was at a point he could get on his knees and thank the heavens above for this moment.

“Stroke me, Louis.”

Lestat didn’t know if those words came out in English or French, but Louis immediately put his hands on him and began handling his co*ck in a way that Lestat wasn’t sure if he would even last a minute. His hands were magic as he picked up the pace and then slowed down every so often.

“Keep going.” Lestat damn near whined.

What was even a bigger turn on was while Louis was stroking him to oblivion, his eyes were branded on his, looking at him like he was the only person in the world.

“f*ck, Louis, put your mouth on me, mon amour.”

“Is that what you want? Me to put my mouth on your fat co*ck?”

Lestat bucked his legs and thrusted up. Dirty talk coming from Louis was such a damn turn on. He needed to come now.

“Yes, put your mouth on me, I want to touch your tonsi–”

Lestat’s voice was cut off abruptly, as his eyes almost rolled to the back of his head. The way Louis deepthroated his dick was like nothing that he’d ever felt before in his life. He took him so well and the sounds coming from Louis’ mouth only increased Lestat’s pleasure.

“You’re so f*cking good at taking all of me, Lou. I’m gonna come.”

Louis removed his mouth, licked his balls continuously, while he got back to stroking him with his hand.

“Where do you want to come? My mouth? My face?” He paused for a moment and then whispered. “Inside of me?”

That did it.

“Louis, I can’t…I’m coming…”

Louis instantly put his mouth back on Lestat just in time for him to shoot his cum all in Louis’ mouth.

And Louis swallowed him greedily, like it was the first drink he received after being in the desert for days.

Lestat was trying to catch his breath as Louis kissed along his abdomen and then sat back down beside him.

The fact that Louis could handle his dick like that was making him hard again. He really wanted to bottom out inside of him more than anything right now.

“I love you,” Was all Lestat could say as he brought Louis against his chest.

While he was holding him close, Lestat brought his hand to Louis’ chest right above his heart, so he could feel it beating again.

It was something he needed to do, and he was grateful when Louis covered his hand with his.

“I love you too.”

The day was probably one of the laziest days they’ve both had in awhile. It was nice and comforting just to lay in each other’s arms and relax. They watched a few movies, indulged in some reality shows, and ate in bed, randomly feeding each other when they wanted the other to try something new.

As they continued to lay in bed, Lestat wasn’t sure if he should scoot over to put some space between them, only to give Louis some breathing room. He didn’t want to suffocate him or bring him any additional pain that he was already suffering from the accident. But, anytime he did try to move a little, Louis would encircle a body part around him. Whether it was his leg resting over his, or his arm bringing Lestat closer.

He wasn’t going to complain. If Louis wanted him close then he would stay in his arms forever.

As he watched Louis doze off to sleep, Lestat couldn’t help but stare. His jaw, his nose, his eyes…he was art in its purest form.

He was so intoxicating that Lestat just wanted to drown in him.

He placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and even though he was sound asleep, that little action caused Louis to cuddle into him a little more.

Lestat couldn’t help but wonder if it was too soon to ask Louis to move in. It’s not like he didn’t live here for a good portion of his childhood. This was as much his home as it was Lestat’s. Plus, his apartment lease was up in another four months, so why delay the inevitable?

Finally checking his phone since he hadn’t bothered to look since yesterday, he noticed a few missed calls from Gabrielle, a couple texts from Claudia wondering why he and Louis weren’t picking up. She may have slid in a few jokes here and there about letting Louis come up for air to which he smiled.

He would reach back out to them later. It was easy not to be on his phone when he had everything he needed right at his fingertips.

Lestat could admit that he’d never felt like this before. Of course he always felt this bond with Louis. They were always more than just friends. Regardless if what they were didn’t really have a label to it. And now, even though things were still the same, they were of course very different. It was hard to explain. It was love for sure between them, but it was also as if Louis was him. That he and Lestat were two sides of the same coin. They breathed in sync and it felt like they shared the same heartbeat. It was different than anything he’d ever felt with anyone before.

A kiss to his chest pulled him out of his thoughts, instantly filling him with an immense amount of warmth.

“You sleep okay?”

Louis yawned and outstretched almost like a cat. “For the most part. How long was I out?”

“Not long.” Lestat pulled him a little closer. Is this what it was always going to be like? Always wanting to touch Louis?

“I can’t believe we did nothing all day.”

“I could honestly spend every day doing nothing with you.”

“I may pick you up on that offer.” Louis pressed another kiss to Lestat's chest. “After next week, I’ll be back full time at the club but I think this… this would be better.” Louis rolled on top of him, and placed a few light kisses to his neck.

“You could quit and I could take care of you. We’ll travel to all the places you want to see again or haven’t seen yet. Just say the word.” Lestat gripped onto his waist, caressing him.

“You’ll make an honest househusband out of me?”

“Just say the word.” He leaned forward and kissed his lips.

Then he noticed the moment Louis’ felt him. Lestat saw the small blush cross his features.


Lestat chuckled, “Can you blame me.”

Louis then shifted off of Lestat and laid to the side of him, and Lestat missed the contact instantly.

“You know it comes as a shock?” Louis kissed his shoulder.

“What does?”

“The way you find me attractive. The way you look at me. I never thought…”

“Never thought what?” Lestat asked quickly because Louis had to be out of his mind. “You can’t tell me you don’t know how absolutely beautiful you are, Louis. I’ve always been attracted to you. It may have been blinded by our close friendship, but you’ve always been hot to me.” Lestat then placed kisses down his arm, to his hand, and then inserted two of Louis’ fingers inside his mouth giving it a tight suck.

He loved watching Louis shudder.

Louis was a literal vision. He had this kind of beauty that it was almost hard to look at. When he smiled at you, it was as if you were frozen in time and all you could ever want in life is to see that smile one more time.

“Do you know how many times we’ve been to places and men and women alike check you out? I hated it.” He admitted.

“Oh please, like you didn’t get all of the attention too. Men and women throw themselves at you. Always have.”

“No, not because of that, but I knew that one day someone would come and approach you and take you away from me.” He paused for a moment. “And I guess it did happen at one point…” Lestat trailed off.

“You know,” Louis caressed his lips with the same fingers that were just inside Lestat’s mouth. “Regardless if there was no us. If this…never happened, no one could ever take me away from you. You’ll always be my best friend Lestat. No other relationship would have changed that.”

“I’m just lucky that you gave me the opportunity to be something more.”

Louis nuzzled into his neck, kissing his pulse point.

“I guess I should be honest with you as well.” Lestat leaned into his touch. “No matter who I was with, no matter what happened in my life, knowing that I always had you meant everything to me. You may not have known it but you always came first to me.”

Louis kissed him again, and when he was about to pull away, Lestat tugged on his lip to keep him closer.

His tongue was practically choking Louis’.

“Les, you can’t kiss me like that.”

“Like what?” He kissed him roughly again.

”Like I know what your co*ck tastes like. Like I know what you look and sound like when you come undone for me.”

Lestat then lifted Louis up and sat him right on his crotch, where Louis could feel how hard he was for him. “You feel that Louis?” His hands were immediately gripping onto Louis’ waist, rocking him back and forth a bit so he could feel him. “I want you to ride the sh*t out of me.”

Louis closed his eyes. “f*ck.” he groaned.

“Tell me you want me, mon amour.”

“Je te veux” (I want you). Louis whimpered in french.

“Tell me you love me.”

I love you more than anything in this world.” Louis spoke between French and English and that was Lestat’s breaking point.

“Sit on my face, Louis, I need—”

Lestat couldn’t finish his desperate plea, because the front door opening downstairs was like a bucket of cold water thrown on them.

“Louis, Lestat!”

It was Gabrielle.

What the hell?

“Your mother’s here?” Louis jumped up off of Lestat, wincing a little.

“sh*t.” Lestat realized. “I forgot she’s been calling. I didn’t know she was back in the states.”

Lestat started putting on some clothes, after he yelled to his mom he’d be down in a minute.

“Louis!” That was Grace de Point du Lac’s voice.

“Grace is here too?”

Lestat saw as Louis grabbed his phone noticing missed calls from Grace and Gabrielle.

Louis then shouted that he was coming.

“Do we tell them?”

Lestat was a little surprised at Louis’ question and he must have shown it on his face.

“Not like that, I mean should we just flat out tell them now or go the dinner route?”

Lestat chose the latter.

After Louis put on some decent clothes instead of a robe all day, Grace immediately brought him into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

He embraced Grace tightly, grateful to see his baby sister.

“Not that I’m not glad that you’re here, but you know I didn’t want you missing school.”

“My older brother was in a car accident. I don’t care about school right now. Just wish I was able to get here sooner.” When she noticed the scrapes on his forehead and a few bruises on his arm, her eyes widened a little. “Are you sure you didn’t need to stay longer in the hospital?”

Although Grace was the youngest sibling, she definitely could go into mom mode at any time.

“The bruises will heal. They said if I start feeling light headed or nauseous to come back, but I’ve been fine. Les has been taking good care of me.”

He looked over at Lestat to see if he heard the innuendo, and Louis had to look away immediately. Lestat was staring at him like he wanted to ravage him right in front of their family. Louis had to clear his throat, because then he started to think about right before Gabrielle and Grace walked in and how he was so close to denying doctors orders and impaling himself on Lestat’s co*ck. The co*ck he had in his mouth this morning.

Even when he was a little more healed to have sex, Louis wasn’t sure if he’d be able to survive what Lestat wanted to give him. He had seen him before, but he didn’t realize just how big he was until he was damn near choking on his dick.

“I am so glad to hear that!” Gabrielle exclaimed, bringing Louis out of his thoughts. He risked one more glance at Lestat, and that was a mistake.

“Oh, mon cher, I was so worried about you and then you and Lestat were not picking up your phones.” She explained in French and then switched back to English. “I was worried yet again, but luckily I ran into Gracie at the airport, so we drove over here together. You two need to always make sure you have your phones on you.”

Lestat rolled his eyes as his mother chastised them, but Louis just smiled as she embraced him in a hug.

They all indulged in conversation for a while, and at one point he knew Lestat had been standing behind him as if he were trying his best not to touch him.

Grace and Gabrielle hadn’t seemed to notice as they were a little tipsy off the wine they were partaking in.

“Ooh Louis, Where is Jonah? How’s he been, is he treating you right?”

Before Louis could say anything, Lestat beat him to it. “Louis doesn't date him anymore, mother.”

“Ah too bad, I was hoping I’d hear wedding bells soon.”

Louis almost choked on his water. It didn’t help that Lestat had moved up behind him, and traced his finger along his shoulder, as he walked around to sit beside them.

“He’s better off without him.”

Louis ignored him, “It just didn’t work out between us. But I wish him nothing but the best.”

Lestat rolled his eyes yet again.

“Well, that’s okay. I hope at least one of you will find someone to marry soon. I am in desperate need to plan a wedding.”

Louis and Lestat locked eyes like they were the only two in the room.

“Mom, Grace, we love that you’re here. But, it’s time for Louis to take his meds and rest. Doctor’s orders.”

Louis could have laughed, but held it together. It was clear that Lestat needed to get him alone.

“Yes, yes, you are right.” Gabrielle agreed, and gave Lestat and Louis kisses on their cheeks. “Tomorrow, I’ll make sure we get some food in this house for our dinner. I mean seriously Lestat, wine and expired bread is not a meal.”

Grace chuckled, “I’ll come and check on you in a little while, Louis. I’ll help Ms. Gabs to her room.”

When Grace and Gabrielle were upstairs out of view, Lestat’s lips were on Louis’ making Louis forget anything he was potentially about to say.

He didn’t even realize that they had been walking until Louis’ back was up against the wall. Was this how it was always going to be? Not being able to keep their hands off of each other?

Louis definitely wasn’t going to complain. He was pretty much codependent towards Lestat.

All these emotions began rushing through him as Lestat’s tongue danced inside his mouth. The way Lestat cared for him and made him feel like he was the only person in the world. The amount of love Louis had for this man was indescribable.

“Sleep in my room tonight.” Lestat practically begged, kissing down his neck.

As much as Louis wanted too, they both knew they couldn’t risk it and not just because they were waiting to tell their family through dinner tomorrow, but they had a feeling that the next step would have been crossed and they both weren’t going to be quiet about it.

Lestat had to take a cold shower. It was the only way to calm him down from that kiss he bestowed on Louis downstairs. He thought he would be able to get himself off, but now that he knew what it felt like to have Louis’ mouth and hands on him, his own hands were having a hard time giving him a release.

He thought he would be fine with just laying in his bed for one night without Louis. It’s not like he hadn’t done it the majority of his life, but now that Louis has been in his bed, that mouthwatering smell of his was lingering.

Lestat couldn’t take it anymore and he found himself just outside of Louis’ door. Although it was cracked open a bit, he was still about to knock until he heard Grace’s voice inside.

“So, be honest, how are you truly feeling?”

“You know me, I’ll bounce back in no time. Why don’t you tell me how school’s going? And Levi? How are things with him?”

“Well, that’s what I want to tell you.” Lestat saw Grace hold out her left hand to Louis.

“You’re engaged?”

“I’m engaged!”

Louis instantly wrapped Grace in a hug. Lestat was happy for her as well. He met Levi once and he seemed nice. As long as he was good to her that’s all that mattered. He saw Grace as a little sister too and would inflict permanent damage on anyone that hurt her.

After Louis congratulated her and threatened that Levi better treat her right, Lestat was about to go back to his room. He knew the siblings needed to catch up and he shouldn’t be eavesdropping. But, the next thing they said stopped him.

“But enough about me. I know you’re trying to change the subject. Be honest with your baby sister. How are you truly?”

It was silent for a moment before Louis spoke up.

“I’ve never been that scared in my life, Grace. I know it sounds crazy because it could have been worse. But the moment that car hit us, that impact knocked the wind out of me. I think I kept blacking in and out because I remember spinning around and then hitting the pole, and when I thought it was over, the airbag exploded and next thing I knew I was waking up in the hospital. I don’t even know how I’m alive right now or even walking. I saw a picture of my side of the car and I shouldn’t have made it through that. And I’ve had a couple dreams since the hospital that I didn’t make it and it freaks me the f*ck out,”

Lestat almost faltered hearing those words come from Louis’ mouth.

“Oh, Louis…”

“Don’t say anything okay? I don’t want anyone to be worried about me.”

“And by anyone you mean Lestat?”

Lestat saw Louis nod, making him feel uneasy.

“He’s been suffering through this too because he’s been so worried about me. He even had a panic attack this morning and I don’t want this to make him even more worried.”

Lestat’s heart felt like it could shatter at any moment. Louis was trying to be strong for him when he was the one suffering.

“Yeah, but you should talk to him about it. If I remember correctly, anytime you felt sad or just in a weird spot in life, you let Lestat be there for you and take those burdens away. Just like you did for him. This shouldn’t be any different.”

Grace was absolutely right. And Lestat was planning to talk about this with Louis tomorrow.

“You’re right.” Louis admitted. “And Grace, I think what scares me most of all about this, is that when everything was happening I was scared I’d never see him again.”

“Louis, I have to ask… are you and Lestat…?”

Even Lestat could see that Louis’ eyes told Grace everything she needed to know.

“I knew it!” She was extremely cheerful, catching them both off guard.

Louis chuckled, “That obvious?”

“Not at first, because I know how close you two are. You two have been best friends for as long as I can remember. But, the way he kept staring at you tonight, he was practically following your every move, even when Ms. Gabs was talking to him. I know that look. That was the look of a man in love.”

Lestat’s smile mirrored Louis, even if Louis didn’t know he was standing just outside the door.

“You know Ms. Gabs is going to have a field day with this one. She loves you so much.”

“We’re planning on telling her tomorrow during dinner.”

“Good idea.” She paused for a moment before continuing. “I’m glad he's here taking care of you. It makes me feel so much better to know that you’re not alone. Do you love him?”

“I do, Grace. I always have.It’s like he’s in me. I was scared to death to love him again, but Lestat is like… loving Lestat is like coming up from fresh air. Like I was drowning and he saved me. Being loved by him is all I’ve ever wanted.”

“I’ve never heard you declare your love in that way.” she wiped a tear from her eye. “This makes me so happy for you.” She pulled him into a hug.

“I’m glad you came sis.”

“Me too.”

Lestat went back to his room after that. He and Louis have admitted their true feelings to one another several times in these last few days, but hearing him say those things about him to someone else, really touched every part of Lestat’s being.

Louis woke up in the middle of the night. It surprised him because he and Grace stayed up for hours just talking and catching up. But, it shouldn’t have come as that much of a shock that sleeping next to Lestat made him feel safe and comfortable.

Maybe he could just sneak in there and join him.

That didn’t happen, because the moment Louis registered that he wasn’t alone in his room, he turned to see Lestat sleeping peacefully next to him.

Louis’ heart filled with so much love and warmth knowing that Lestat couldn’t stay away from him either.

He then placed his arm around him and kissed him on the forehead, causing Lestat to unconsciously snuggle into him more.

He was back to sleep in no time feeling much more at ease.

“Yes! I won the bet!”

Everyone looked at Claudia, as they all sat around at the table enjoying a dinner that Gabrielle catered. It was just supposed to just be the four of them, but Gabrielle ended up inviting the whole group.

Daniel was the only one who couldn’t make it for obvious reasons. Not that it mattered, because Lestat didn’t want him here.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to know that he was still pissed at Daniel, and Louis knew that there was no chance Lestat would ever forgive him.

Once they were all working on dessert, Lestat came out and told everyone that he and Louis were officially together. It was really only Gabrielle who hadn’t known, but that didn’t stop Claudia from jumping for joy screaming about winning a bet.

“Bet, what bet?” Louis asked, confused.

Lestat was confused too, but clearly discussions had been made between Claudia and Armand.

“Armand and I had a bet going on that you and Lestat would get together by his wedding. I said before and he said after. And granted, we saw you two in the hospital, but we had to wait for you two to officially come out and say it. So, I am so glad you did it before the wedding. And now I am 5k richer.”

“Five thousand dollars?!” Louis and Lestat questioned at the same time causing everyone to laugh.

Armand just shrugged his shoulders, and took a sip of wine. “It was worth every penny.”

Gabrielle then stood up to give a toast. “To both of my boys finally opening their eyes. I had a feeling this day would come.”

As they all continued to enjoy themselves, Armand pulled Louis aside to talk to him.

“A bet, really Armand?” Louis laughed.

Armand smiled, “I’m just glad you two finally stopped being blind towards each other. And if you two ever needed a third, just know that I offer my services.”

“Anyways,” Louis disregarded Armand’s sense of humor. “How have things been for you?”

“I’ve had better days. I need to apologize to you, Louis. I feel responsible for what happened. I cut off all ties with Daniel and I know I shouldn’t have. I didn’t know he would… I didn’t want to. Just know that I didn’t want to.”

Louis sighed. Regardless of what was going on with Armand and Daniel, it shouldn’t have led Daniel back to the drugs so strongly.

He shouldn’t have been driving that car and Louis shouldn’t have been in that car.

“Can I ask, and because we’ve known each other long enough, I’m hoping you’ll give me an honest answer. Why are you still getting married to Marius? Before everything happened, Daniel said you cut off all communication, but we all know how hard it is for you to stay away from him, so I’m just confused.”

Before Armand could answer, the doorbell rang, and Lestat announced he would get it. But not before he walked right up and stood right between Armand and Louis and planted a deep kiss to Louis’ lips.

The kiss may have made him swoon, but Louis wasn’t born yesterday. Lestat kissed him with all that fire and passion to damn near mark his territory.

It was a turn on, yes, but he was still going to talk to him about it later.

Lestat winked at him and rolled his eyes at Armand before leaving to answer the door.

Armand smirked and shook his head.

“Where were we?” Louis asked, trying to catch his breath.

It was Daniel at the door and Lestat almost shut the door in his face.

“Wait, wait. Your mother invited me.”

“You were in the group text. She didn’t exactly know you were in rehab. Which that’s where you’re supposed to be now.”

“I can’t stay in that place. I just…I’m okay man. I’m okay.”

“You’re strung out.”

“I just need to speak to Louis okay? I need to apologize. I messed up, but I’ll never do something like that again. Come on Lestat, just get out of the way.” He tried to enter again.

Lestat didn’t budge. He and Daniel were never really friends, they only associated with each other because of Louis.

But, he got Louis hurt, and Lestat really couldn’t get past that.

“Leave Daniel. Get the help you need. Out of respect for Louis, I’m only going to tell you one more time.”

Daniel glared this time, still not backing away. “You know you’re just like Armand. You’re going to end up hurting him. Louis and I are both just victims to guys like you and Armand who enjoy f*cking with our hearts.”

Alright, that’s it. How dare he come to his home and start spitting out bullsh*t.

“Daniel.” It was Louis who spoke up before Lestat could say anything. He didn’t even realize when Louis had appeared behind him.

“Louis, I’m…”

“I want you to get better. We all do. But you can’t come here after everything and talk to Les like this in his own home.”

“I’m sorry, Louis,” He broke down crying. “I’m sorry for everything. I don’t know why…I’m just… I messed up. I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if something worse happened to you.”

Lestat watched as Daniel fell to the ground crying, and his selfless amazing Louis bent down to embrace Daniel in his arms.

He loved Louis with everything. His compassion. His heart. Even after everything that happened, Louis was being so forgiving.

It was Armand who walked up next and bent down with Louis and Daniel.

“Daniel, let’s go.” He caressed his back. “I’m taking you back and this time we’ll talk.”

They left not too long after.

“You think he’s going to be okay?” Lestat asked.

“I hope so.” Louis then pulled Lestat closer to him. “Look at you, I knew you cared.”

“I don’t. I just know Daniel’s your friend and he means a lot to you.”

Louis wasn’t buying it. That may have been a good portion of the reason, but he knew Lestat was worried a little.

When Lestat was about to kiss him, Louis pulled back.

“After your little jealousy act when I was talking to Armand, I think you shouldn’t be able to kiss me for the rest of the night.”

He knew Lestat didn't like that, but he saw the gleam in his eyes letting him know that he wasn’t about to show it. “Like you’ll be able to hold out without my lips on yours.”

“Since people like making bets around here, I bet I’ll win.”

“Game on. I never lose at anything.” The look Lestat gave Louis oozed sex.

They both lost five minutes later.


Thanks for reading!

Chapter 7: chapter 7


Thank you all for reading so far! Sorry for the late update. My goal is to continue updating once a week. But, this chapter took a little longer than planned.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When defining the terms want and need is to truly understand the simplistic meaning behind them. To want is to desire something or someone, to need is to require something that is essential, a necessity like food, water, shelter. The needs and wants of a person can sometimes blur in comparison.

However, where Lestat de Lioncourt was concerned, that thin line had become merged into one. It was no secret how much he wanted Louis de Pointe du Lac, regardless of the fact that they were already together. But he didn’t just want… he needed Louis, just like he needed air to breathe.

Everything about Louis was so special to Lestat. He wanted to attach himself to Louis like a second skin. He just really couldn’t get enough of the man who had been his best friend for the majority of his life and was now his boyfriend who he couldn’t imagine life without.

It had been two weeks, a wonderful yet painstakingly two weeks for him and Louis. It was nice being around their family, but Gabrielle and Grace occupied most of their time. The only time that they got a chance alone was late at night and early in the morning. There were a few times they were able to nap together, but ultimately Gabrielle had almost every day planned. And if they tried to get out of it by saying Louis needed his rest to still heal from his injuries, his mom still made Lestat go everywhere with her.

“Let our dear Louis breathe, Lestat. Grace is here, he’ll be fine.”

Lestat muttered an expletive under his breath to which Louis playfully shoved him. He didn’t like leaving Louis for a second, let alone to take his mom shopping, acting like a tourist. She lived in the Quarter for years, so it definitely annoyed him. But, it also gave Louis time to relax and bond one on one with Grace.

He remembered texting Louis the whole day. And when he got back afterwards, they all had dinner cooked by Grace, played one board game, and then practically made an excuse about how tired they were and needed to get sleep.

Needless to say, he slept in Louis’ room that night, and sucked him off until they both got lightheaded. He had to shove two fingers in his beloved’s mouth to keep him from making too much noise. It was bittersweet, because he loved hearing the noise Louis made when he came for him. He held Louis close that night, whispering in Louis’ ear, praising how good he tasted.

Through these two weeks, even if their time wasn’t solely their own, Lestat reveled in the fact that he and Louis were in a solid relationship. Every other day, they all took walks together and though his mom loved to run her mouth everywhere they went, he and Louis felt like they were the only two people in the world, hands clasped together, Lestat bringing his lips to their enclosed hands every so often. Sometimes he felt like he was going overboard with all the affection he showed, but when Louis looked at him with that gleam in his eye, he knew that he loved it just as much as Lestat loved showing it.

It went without saying that he was grateful that time was winding down and their family was headed back home. Grace had already left yesterday and Gabrielle was leaving this afternoon.

Except the alone time he was planning to have with Louis probably wouldn’t happen tonight, cause not only was it Louis’ first day back at the club and he had to leave early, they got into their first fight as a couple today.

And yes, it was Lestat’s fault. Sometimes his foot really liked to live in his mouth.

After they had breakfast with Gabrielle, she shooed Lestat away to have a private talk with Louis because he wouldn’t be able to spend the day and take her to the airport with him.

While Louis was getting dressed and making sure his suit was ready for the night, he invited Lestat to stop by for a late lunch. It was on the tip of Lestat’s tongue to say yes, but before he could, Louis added that Claudia and Armand would be joining as well. He was fine with Claudia, but he got annoyed with the mention of Armand.

He knew he shouldn’t have, but with all the frustrations of barely getting any alone time with Louis these last two weeks, and to know that he was going back to work all day and night, and then spending the majority of his first day back with another man just rubbed him the wrong way.

In the back of his mind he knew that Louis and Armand’s friendship was harmless. He knew that what happened between those two was mild considering things that Lestat has done in the past. He even knew that Armand was a big supporter of he and Louis, but that didn’t mean he didn’t get jealous from time to time.

And how could he not? Louis didn’t realize how beautiful he really was. He didn’t seem to grasp the fact that when he smiled, those around him could be left in a trance. He was literal perfection and Lestat didn’t like sharing.

Their argument ended with Louis being offended that Lestat accused him of wanting anyone else but him. Lestat could still remember the look in Louis’ eyes when he felt like he couldn’t be trusted, and it pained Lestat knowing that he caused such a reaction. He immediately wanted to take everything back, but it was too late.

Louis made the decision that he would be staying at his own apartment tonight.

“Awww mon cher , is this you and Louis’ first fight?” Gabrielle brought him out of his thoughts.

He almost forgot he was sitting in a car right beside her as they drove to the airport. They had spent the morning together, with Lestat finally taking her on a tour of the Theater he would be working at now that he was staying in NOLA for good. He really didn’t need a job right now, but the theater was his passion and the job offer he received was too good to pass up.

“We’re not fighting.” He lied not wanting his mom in his business. She had pretty much stuck her nose in between him and Louis the entire time she was here.

“Then why are you looking like that? And why do you keep staring at his photos on your phone as if you two are separated by sea?”

Lestat put his phone down on the seat.

“Nothing wrong with a little lover’s spat. But, you and Louis will make up. He absolutely loves you.”

And he loved Louis. So much.

“However, you do need to apologize.”

Lestat rolled his eyes. “Why do you think it would have anything to do with me?”

“I may have overheard a bit.”

“You were eavesdropping.” He deadpanned.

Gabrielle chuckled lightly. “Be that as it may. Louis told me how much he loved you this morning. Mon cher , regardless of the friends that come in and out of your lives, Louis only has eyes for you. It’s always been that way, even when you were too slow to tell.”

“You knew about his crush back then?”

“Of course I did. I probably knew before he did. I had a feeling you two boys would end up together and it fills my heart with such joy. So, when I say that you make things right with him, you need to let these petty jealousies go.”

Lestat knew she was right.

“So apologize. Also, why have you boys not officially moved in together yet? I thought Louis was already living at the townhouse but he’s still in that apartment down the way. I thought I taught you better.”

Lestat rolled his eyes. “He’s basically moved back in.”

“Basically is not actually. Clearly, he is waiting for you to ask.”

“He knows I want him to stay with me full time. But after everything that happened today, he said he’s staying back at his place tonight.”

As they pulled up to the airport, Gabrielle huffed, “I can not wait until the jet is fully repaired. Arriving anywhere on a commercial flight does not suit me well.”

“You’re always in first class.”

“Even worse.” She smiled.

She then gave him a hug. “Be good to each other. I told Louis the same thing.”

Lestat then admitted, “Louis makes me happier than anything I've ever known, and if I can have a part in making him happy that’s all I want to do. That’s all I want to do for the rest of my life.”

“Good answer. Now, the next time I am in the states I better be planning a wedding.”

Lestat hoped that too.

“Louis? Club Sandwich?”

Louis wasn’t sure how many times his name had been called, before he registered that Armand was trying to get his attention.

He had to come into the club early today. It was his first day back and he needed to get re-accumulated with things, start back up the expansion paperwork, and make sure inventory and everything for tonight was good to go. He was grateful that the staff was excited to have him back.

While he was out, he received a few text messages here and there from his employees that they were ready for him to come back. They missed him for sure, but he knew the main reason had to do with Tom Andereson. Working solely under Tom always posed a challenge if Louis wasn’t around. He’s worked with Tom for years so he knew how to handle him, but it was no secret that he got on his nerves ninety percent of the time. He had one of those personalities that you just tried to endure and keep it moving. However, Louis made sure he spoke his mind when needed.

He was extremely grateful for Bricks, because he knew this club would have gone under if it wasn’t for her. She would definitely be getting a raise.

But, that wasn’t the reason why Louis’ thoughts were elsewhere. He and Lestat got in a little argument before he came to the club. His chest had been feeling tight since it happened. Things had been going so good between them and of course the day he had to go back to work, sh*t hit the fan. And to make matters worse, this would have been their first night alone now that Gabrielle was leaving today and Grace had already left.

But, no, Lestat decided to show his jealousy. He was protective, Louis was aware of that. Even when they were just friends, Lestat didn’t hide the fact that he sometimes didn’t want to share him. And now that they were together, Louis knew that those feelings would triple tenfold. And to be honest, he felt a thrill at times with the way Lestat loved him. He could handle little jealousies here and there, but it hurt him that he didn’t trust him, when Louis hadn’t given him a reason not to.

“Club sandwich, Louis, is this yours?”

It was Claudia’s voice this time that snapped him out of his thoughts.

“It’s Lestat’s. I ordered for him just in case, but since he’s not able to join, I’ll just make sure to take it home to him.” He grabbed the sandwich and put it in his mini fridge.

“Trouble in paradise?” Armand asked, as he helped Claudia pull out the rest of the items.

“No trouble this way.” His response was quick and unconvincing.

Before Louis turned his phone over to fully concentrate on his friends, he sent a text to Lestat.

‘I love you.’ - Lou

Regardless of how upset he was, that wouldn’t make him stop loving Lestat, and he needed to make sure he knew that.

As they sat down and began eating, Louis made sure to give his undivided attention to Claudia and Armand. They both had dilemmas of their own, and since they both needed to talk to him he figured lunch was best.

Claudia went first talking about her happiness with Charlie but that she also felt something for Madeleine.

Louis had met Claudia when she was a sophom*ore in college at Tulane University. He had graduated at Duke and came back to New Orleans, when one of his old colleagues begged him to run the library for six months at the university. Claudia practically lived in the library during his time there and they became good friends, well more like brother and sister. Louis always felt protective over her, just like he did with Grace. And one night while he was closing up, he thought everyone was out, and heard a small scream in the stacks.

The guy she had been dating got handsy with her, and it could have got much worse if Louis hadn’t been there. He was able to intervene and although Louis wasn’t really a fighter, it pretty much went without saying that Louis won that fight.

When Lestat found out, he was on a plane in no time, nursing Louis’s injuries, even though it was only a sore nose and messed up knuckles. The other guy looked way worse.

Lestat may have not known Claudia at the time, but he pulled some strings and got Bruce kicked out of school without any job prospects for the future.

Louis went low and Lestat went lower.

Since then, Louis and Claudia became closer and he always made sure she was safe and had everything she needed during her college years, since her parents weren’t really around or in her life.

When Claudia met Charlie they hit it off instantly and had been flirting around with each other longer than they had been in a relationship. And now that she was in one, the friendship she had with Madeline had suffered.

It was no secret that when Claudia and Madeleine met, prior to Charlie they had become fast friends. They were so close that it almost seemed like it was more than just a friendship. Especially because they flirted from time to time.

“She’s ignoring me.” Claudia said, taking another bite of her food. “So, since she’s working tonight, I’m going to corner her and ask her.”

“Don’t distract Madeline tonight, little miss.” Louis said, knowing that Claudia wouldn’t listen regardless. Because anytime she and Madeline got to talking or got into one of their back and forth spats, Madeline forgot that she was even at work.

“I won’t distract her.” She smirked. “I just plan to ask her… on her break…why she’s been ignoring me?”

“Can you blame her?” Armand asked. “You and Madeline clearly love each other, we’d all be blind not to see it.”

“I love Charlie.”

Louis then spoke up, “But it seems like you may love Madeline too.”

“What do I do? I don’t want to hurt Charlie, but I can’t not have Madeline in my life.”

“You should be honest with yourself. You may need to take some time to really think about this. Think about what you want. Think about who you love. See if Madeline is on the same page with you—”

“Or you could see if they would be cool with an throuple and you can have your cake and eat it too.” Armand cut in.

She rolled her eyes at Armand. “Thank you…. Louis .”

Louis laughed as she and Armand went back and forth. He then glanced at his phone, and his heart jumped when he saw a notification from Lestat.

I love you, with all myself.- Les

Louis smiled.

Still coming tonight?-Lou

Lestat instantly responded.

Do you still want me there?-Les

Of course- Lou

They still had a lot to talk about, but it helped seeing these messages and knowing that he would still be joining him tonight.

This was the longest they’ve spent apart in the last two weeks, so it would be nice to have him here.

“Louis, you’re practically cheesin’. Let me guess Lestat is throwing a fit that he’s not here right now, attached to your hip?”

“Probably sending him a dick pic.” Armand joked. “Can I see?”

Louis threw a napkin at both of them, “Anyways, Armand your turn.”

Both Louis and Claudia hadn’t touched any more of their food when Armand started talking. Louis had to remember to close his mouth because it was gaped open at the shock he was experiencing from Armand’s words.

He always knew Armand and Marius’ relationship was rather weird. They met when Armand interned at Marius’s company right after college. Even though Armand was filthy rich, and didn’t really like to work, his parents told him he would have access to all his funds if he got more learning experience after college to become a more prominent man in society or whatever.

Anyway, he ended up getting into a weird affair with Marius, who had a wife at the time. Armand liked the attention and so it lasted for about a year, until he didn’t want to do it anymore due to finally feeling bad about his wife. During the time he left Marius, he met Louis, and that’s when they hit it off for about a week. They almost made it to third base, but they knew it wasn’t going anywhere. Armand always left it open that if Louis ever needed an itch scratched, he was always there to service him. Louis didn’t really take him seriously just because of how Armand was, plus all they could really give each other as friendship.

Then entered Daniel. Louis met Daniel at Tulane and he was running the English/Journalism department. He introduced Daniel and Armand literally the next day after he and Armand decided to remain friends. They all went out to the bar, and Louis was pretty much the third wheel after the first drink. He had never seen either of them act the way they were acting that night. Armand bashful yet never removing his eyes from Daniel, and Daniel laughing a little too hard at jokes that weren’t even funny.

He left them alone to finish out their “date” and went home. Needless to say they were together for a good six months, even asking Louis to them for a threesome from time to time, to which Louis ignored and went about his day.

And then Daniel got a job in New York. When they broke things off, Marius came back three months later into Armand’s life, newly divorced and wanting him desperately, as Armand put it.

He accepted, and they had been on and off again for the last few years. Well, when Daniel came back over a year ago, Armand couldn’t stay away from him, but he couldn’t leave Marius.

It was all one big cluster f*ck, but Louis tried to keep his opinions to himself. But, now Armand was telling he and Claudia that he tried to fully break it off with Marius and he said that he knew about Daniel, would ruin his life, career, etc, and kill him.

Cut his throat to be exact.

So, Armand has been doing any and everything to end it with Daniel, but Daniel knew Armand inside and out, and knew he was lying about not loving him. Armand revealed that he said some harsh things to Daniel that he didn’t mean and now he constantly felt sick that he was back on drugs.

“Why didn’t you go to the police?” Claudia asked.

“Marius has some of these police in his back pocket. I’m trying to figure out how to get away from him and bring him down while keeping Daniel out of it.”

Louis cut in, “Armand this is crazy and serious. He threatened Daniel, he threatened you. I mean is there anything we can do?”

“I don’t want any of you involved. Just know that between us three, the wedding won’t happen. But I have to play the part.”

“And you can’t tell Daniel any of this.”

“No, because he’ll want to confront Marius for my honor. It’s sweet, but it has to be this way. I just wasn’t expecting Daniel to get back on the needle. I love him and I’ve ruined him.”

Louis really felt bad for Armand and Daniel. He knew things were complicated, but he didn’t realize it was that complicated.

“You could kill Marius and then everyone wins.”

Both Louis and Armand looked at Claudia, causing her to laugh. “I’m only joking.”

Sometimes Claudia’s humor was questionable.

Louis chose to speak up next, “How is Daniel doing? Have you talked to him since he went back to rehab?*”

“No, but I do have one of the staff giving me daily reports. I don’t want to make matters worse with him.”

“Isn’t that illegal?” Claudia took the words right out of Louis' mouth.

Armand shrugged. “I hate that all of this happened. I miss him. I miss everything about him. And the sex with Daniel is better than I’ve ever had with anyone. We even shared blood once. If that’s not love I don’t know what is.”


The first time Louis was grateful for Tom’s interruption. When Armand began talking about his sexual escapades it could go on for hours in the most insane detailed way. Louis wasn’t a prude not by far, but the things he’s heard from Armand’s lips throughout the years has had him looking at his friend like he had grown two heads.

“Bricks told me you were up here. I didn’t think you were coming in so early.”

Louis almost rolled his eyes. Of course he needed to come in early to clean up mistakes that Tom made, that was making Bricks lose her mind.

“Had a lot to catch up on.”

“You feeling better? We were all worried.”

And yet Tom hadn’t called or texted once to check up on him, like everyone else.

“Ima be going on vacation next week, you understand right?”

He was expecting that. Louis rarely took off, but anytime he did have too, Tom felt like he would be under a lot of pressure working by himself that he’d have to take off as soon as Louis got back. When really, it was Ms. Bricktop who took on everything when Louis was gone.

“Yeah Tom, but can we talk later?”

Tom nodded and lingered for a second looking at him all weird for some reason, and then walked out.

That’s when Louis noticed the sly smile on Armand’s face.

“Do I even want to know?”

“He has a crush on you.”

Louis literally laughed out.

“Did you not see the way he looked at you?”

“He looks like that all the time. The only thing that Tom likes to do is get on my nerves, and make me wonder why I’m still in business with him.”

“That man clearly wants to f*ck you, Louis.” Armand didn’t hold back whatsoever.

“He’s not even gay.”

“Doesn’t mean he dones’t want to f*ck you. I noticed it last time we were here for

Lestat’s birthday, but I just chalked it up to all of us being under the influence.”

“I even think you’re reaching a bit.” Claudia said to Armand.”I don’t get that vibe at all.”

“Thank you, Claudia.”

“Just more competition for Lestat.” Armand winked.

Louis rolled his eyes. There was no competition for Lestat with anyone… especially Tom.

The place was extremely packed tonight and there was still a long line out the door. Claudia and Armand left after they ate to go home and get dressed and now they were back in VIP with Lestat, Charlie, and Lily. Louis changed into his white suit before everything started. Sometimes it still surprised him how people stared and complimented him. He wasn’t oblivious to his looks, but he still didn’t feel like he warranted such a response all the time.

Before they opened, his staff brought in welcome back gifts, balloons, and a giant card signed by everyone. It made him feel good to know how appreciated he was at his place of employment. Bricktop told him constantly that she was glad he was back and how useless Tom was. They snickered about it, but at the end of the day this was Tom’s business too, unless he relinquished full rights to Louis.

But until that happened… if that ever happened, they were still 50/50 partners.

After Louis did the rounds and checked on everyone, he stood at the second floor balcony admiring the crowd. His phone vibrating in his pants pocket, pulled him out of his thoughts.

Come to me, Louis.- Les

Louis cleared his throat, trying his best not to be affected by Lestat’s words. It was a simple text message, but he could hear Lestat’s voice like a gentle caress against his skin. Especially because he said those exact same words the other day when he jerked him off. Lestat swallowed Louis’ moans as they tried being quiet so Grace and Gabrielle wouldn’t hear.

The way Lestat took care of his co*ck should be studied.

After Louis did one more glance at everyone in the club, he joined Lestat and their friends in VIP. Claudia was drunk, dancing all over Charlie. Armand and Lily were laughing and dancing with each other, drinks in hand.

When Louis walked up, Lestat’s eyes stayed branded on him, and yes, Louis couldn’t hide his smile.

Before any of them could say anything, Tom walked up. “All the cool people!” Clearly he had a little too much to drink. “Let’s take a shot, as we welcome our dear Louis back. Bricktop! Madeline! Over here!” He singled them out because they were the closest walking with empty trays in their hands, no doubt headed to the bar.

Bricktop and Madeline glanced at Louis cause they knew Tom was already drunk and Louis just nodded.

Tom began pouring the tequila that they had at the table, and Louis noticed the look Madeline and Claudia gave each other before he felt Lestat’s hand intertwine with his.

“Can we go to your office?” Lestat whispered in his ear. The longing in his eyes and the way his lips teased Louis’ cheek, made his heart speed up.

They were so lost in each other that they didn’t even realize Tom was handing them their shot, spilling some on Lestat.

“Damnit, Tom.” Louis grabbed some napkins to start dabbing Lestat’s suit clean.

“My bad.” Tom slurred.

“We’ll be back.” Louis led Lestat to his office, closing the door behind them.

“Sorry about that, he’s been weird all day. Guess the staff were right about him drinking more lately.

“They’re just clothes Louis, plus that insolent fool just got us an excuse to come to your office quicker.” Lestat pulled Louis against him and kissed him deeply.

Louis melted into his kiss, not even realizing when Lestat backed him against his desk, shoving his tongue in his mouth.

Louis began untying his tie, while Lestat removed his semi-wet suit jacket.

“I’m sorry about earlier, mon amour . I need to taste you. Can I taste you?”

Oui .” Louis answered, setting Lestat’s eyes full of fire.

Lestat was on his knees immediately, unzipping Louis’ pants, pulling them down with his boxers. Louis was already rock hard, pre-cum leaking out at just the thought of Lestat putting his mouth on him.

When Lestat kissed the tip, Louis’ knees actually buckled as he leaned further back against his desk.

“Les…” he moaned, as he gripped onto Lestat’s hair just the way he liked it.

Lestat licked the full length of his shaft, and right when he was so close to putting him fully inside his mouth, there was a knock at the door.

There wasn’t even any time to respond before Tom made his way inside, causing Louis to immediately turn around, and Lestat to stand up blocking him, as he situated himself without being seen.

“Tom what the f*ck!” This was the umpteenth time he had barged into his office. “Have you ever heard of waiting for an answer when you knock?”

“I was coming to apologize, didn’t realize I would walk in on something.” There was a pause, and then Tom continued. “I thought you two were just friends.”

Louis felt Lestat freeze up for some reason.

“I’m his boyfriend Tom.” Lestat cut him off, showing claim. “Louis and I are together. So if you’d just give us a minute, he’ll be right out.”

Louis turned just in enough time to see Tom rolling his eyes and then leaving, slamming his door shut.

Lestat turned to face him and began buttoning up Louis’ shirt.

“He has a crush on you, Lou.”

“I’m not sure what you and Armand are seeing, but Tom doesn’t like me. He tries to get on my nerves for no reason.”

Lestat removed his hands. “So, you already knew?”

Louis shrugged and began placing his tie back on. “Armand made an observation today.”

“So not only do I have to worry about Armand, I have to worry about Tom?”

“Are you serious right now?”

The look on Lestat’s face showed that he wasn’t joking.

“You really sound crazy right now. If you think I would ever give Tom a chance you're out of your mind. And Armand is just a friend, which we’ve talked about.”

“If I were friend’s with Antoinette would you be okay with that? Why don’t I call Nicki up so we can be friendly with each other?”

That made Louis upset. For him to bring up Nicki like that to hurt him was a low blow. That’s like the equivalent of him being friends with Jonah. Plus, Armand was friends to both of them, so him being jealous was ridiculous.

“I’m not doing this with you. Go back to VIP or leave.”

As Lestat was leaving, Louis made sure to reiterate how he was going to go back to staying at his place from now on.

He watched as Lestat paused for a moment at the door, but then continued walking.

Louis would never admit how it felt like his heart had walked out with him.

Everyone had gone home, all money and inventory was counted for the night, and the only person left was Louis and the security guard who always waited until the last employee was gone to lock up the building.

After saying goodnight, Louis opened the app on his phone to get an uber. It was 4:15 am and he was exhausted. Right before he could select anything, a vehicle pulled up, and one of Lestat’s drivers rolled down the window.

“Hey Louis, I’m here to pick you up.”

It was tempting, but his anger started coming back so of course he had to be complicated.

“Sorry he made you come out this late, but I’m getting an uber to come pick me up.”

“Boss man wanted me to come get you and take you wherever you wanted to go. This was always the plan.”

Louis hesitated for a minute, but then gave in. It was easier this way, plus it was late. No need to get in a car with someone he didn’t know.

“Where too?” He asked when Louis got in the car.

“Um, my place, please. I need to go pick up a few things, but then can you take me too….” He trailed off, knowing he caught on quickly.

“My pleasure.”

And Louis could have sworn he saw a small smile on his face through the rearview mirror.

Lestat knew he f*cked up yet again. He really wasn’t trying to mess up his new relationship with his best friend. He was so in love with Louis, it could barely be described with just words. And now the man he couldn’t imagine his life without was mad and would probably end things with him.

Lestat wouldn’t be able to handle it if Louis left him. He was already having a mental breakdown with the fact that he was staying at his own place, and wouldn’t be sleeping in his arms tonight. He was tempted to call Louis’ landlord and threaten to break his lease so he would have to come back to him.

Then Louis would never forgive him, so he couldn’t do that.

He would just give him space. It was five in the morning, and he had already been notified that Louis had been dropped off at his place. So he would wait until it turned seven o’clock before he made his way over there to get on his hands and knees to apologize.

It was so stupid and childish to bring up Antoinette and especially Nicki. He trusted Louis. He trusted Louis more than anyone in the world. He trusted him when they were just friends and he trusted him now.

It was no secret that Lestat was selfish when it came to Louis. He didn’t want to share him with anyone, regardless if they were friends or not. He wasn’t proud of the person he was when it came to that.

He knew getting upset over Armand wasn’t and never had been necessary. He may have loathed the little gremlin at times, but he and Armand could somewhat be friendly here and there. He was a friend of Louis’ and had become a friend of Lestat’s over time… well, an acquaintance.

And he sure as hell shouldn’t have been jealous of Tom. He knew Louis couldn’t stand the guy and honestly, neither could Lestat. Louis just didn’t realize the kind of hold he had on others. Men were going to find his boyfriend attractive. They would be blind not too.

Lestat really needed to apologize. He glanced at the clock again.


Putain de merde!

The front door opening, brought Lestat out of his thoughts and made his heart skip a beat.

Louis had come to him. He had come back to their home.

Lestat practically teleported downstairs with how quick he got there. Louis was standing there with a couple bags in his hands. Even though he looked exhausted, he could still see the love in his eyes.

“Just because I’m still pissed at you doesn’t mean I don’t want to be under the same roof as you. I am staying in my room tonight though, and we can talk about what happened yesterday after I get some sleep. Plus, it's supposed to storm in a few hours and I don’t want any of us attempting to drive in it.” He then handed Lestat a small paper bag with food inside. “I brought you a sandwich from earlier today. I know clubs are your favorite.”

Lestat could barely contain the emotions he felt. He was so in love with this man.

“Move in with me?” Was the only thing that could coherently come out of his mouth.

He could tell his question somewhat caught Louis off guard, but he smiled nonetheless, regardless of how angry he had made him.

“That was always the plan. But you’re not off the hook.”

Then he left Lestat standing there to go take a shower.

It took everything in them not to reach out and kiss each other before Louis walked upstairs.

Louis thought he’d immediately go to sleep after his shower. He was running off exhaustion and fumes. First day back to the club and he spent the majority of his day, night, and early morning there. So much had happened today that should have made Louis fall asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. The storm had even started outside and that should have aided in putting him to sleep, however, tossing and turning took over and he was miserable not being in Lestat’s arms.

He was damn near codependent to this man and he knew they would eventually make up after he talked some sense into Lestat. But, right now, he really needed some sleep, so he finally made the decision to get out of bed and make his way to Lestat’s room.

When Louis opened the door, Lestat was already stepping out of his room, no doubt on his way to Louis’ room.

The thin tank Lestat was wearing, showing off his muscular arms, made Louis instantly feel hot all over.

“Hello.” Lestat’s eyes looked glossy. “Couldn’t sleep?”

“Not so much. You?”

“Good enough. Just headed down to get some water. You need some?.” Louis almost chuckled at the way Lestat was lying. He hadn’t slept not one bit.

Louis shook his head as they walked closer to one another.

The way Lestat stared at Louis decreased any exhaustion he felt. He wanted him more than anything right now.

And as Lestat was about to walk by him, Louis lifted his hand and touched Lestat’s abdomen gently, stopping him from walking any further.

The intimacy, the lust, the love in their eyes could make a blind man blush.

“Make love to me, Les.”

Lestat practically attacked Louis’ mouth the moment he spoke those words. They were back in Lestat’s room in the blink of an eye, ripping off each other's shirts before they even realized it.

Lestat sat at the end of his bed, while Louis stood between his legs, enjoying the softness of Lestat’s lips; lips he couldn’t wait to have everywhere. Their tongues danced as they almost suffocated each other, barely wanting to take a breath and have the air between them.

“God, I love you, Lou.” Lestat began to place sweet kisses along his stomach. “My saint Louis.”

Louis stepped out of his pants and Lestat sucked in a breath at the fact that Louis had gone commando. He had him lying on his back before no time.

Lestat’s tongue was back in Louis’ mouth, kissing him with everything he had, and Louis was equally matching his pace. It was such a turn on the way they kissed each other. Louis’ mouth was like a lifeline for Lestat, like he would die if he stopped kissing him. Knowing that if it were his time to go, then Lestat’s final breath would be Louis’ name.

“I love you, Les. I need you.” Louis felt like he was going to explode as Lestat began sucking on his neck, no doubt leaving a hickey.

Hickeys weren’t something they normally did, but he wouldn’t stop Lestat this time. Louis wanted to be marked. He wanted the whole world to know who he belonged to.

Lestat was trying his best to keep things slow. This was about to be their first time together, and he wanted and needed to savor Louis. His smell, his taste, the sounds he made, he needed to keep it engraved in his brain.

His hand found Louis’ co*ck and held it in his hands, giving him a few sensual strokes, wanting so bad to put his mouth on it. The sounds that were escaping Louis’ throat deserved to be cherished.

“I missed you.” Louis breathed.

Lestat pulled up to look in Louis’ eyes. “You missed me?”

Louis nodded and he kissed him deeply.

“I need to be inside you, Louis. Is that okay?”

“More than okay. I need you, Les. Please .”

Lestat stood up to pull the lube and condom out the drawer.

Louis felt bereft, needing Lestat back on top of him. He sat up, and began pulling Lestat’s pants down, almost getting hit in the face by his hard length.

“I need to taste you, Les.”

“Please do… please do and never stop.”

Lestat didn’t have another rational thought the moment Louis’ mouth encircled around him.

Louis gave head so damn good, Lestat sometimes felt like he wouldn’t live through the amount of pleasure he bestowed on him.

“Your mouth is so perfect, Lou.” He couldn’t stop moaning.

What made him almost come, was seeing Louis’s eyes locking in on his as he continued his beautiful torture. He was so damn pretty taking his dick like that.

Lestat then did the hardest thing he thought he’d ever have to do, which was remove himself from his mouth, smirking a bit when Louis let out a sound of frustration.

Lestat had Louis on his back again in an instant, kissing him hard again on the mouth and then moving down to his neck and his chest. He practically tongued his chest, trying to get as close to his heart as he could.

He moved down even lower, taking Louis’ co*ck in his mouth.

“Les!” He practically shouted, feeling a tad bit embarrassed. His dick had been in Lestat’s mouth plenty of times, but right now it felt different. It felt more .

Lestat removed his mouth and continued to travel a bit lower, lifting Louis’ legs around his neck.

Before Louis could comprehend anything, Lestat’s tongue was breaching inside of Louis’ hole.

He immediately cried out while his hands tugged at Lestat’s hair; the hair he loved so much.

f*ck , Lestat… ” he whimpered, tears almost forming in his eyes. No one had never done this to Louis before, and Lestat’s tongue was like pure magic.

Lestat was about to lose control tasting Louis like this. It was like pure ambrosia in his mouth. He never wanted to stop.

Louis was about to lose his mind. It was as if Lesat was painting a masterpiece in his ass, using gentle and harsh strokes to perfect his technique. And damn was he doing a wonderful job.

Lestat then moved quickly and put his mouth back on Louis’ co*ck, and stuck one finger slowly into his opening followed by another.

“Les… Les… oh God!” If levitating was a real thing, he was sure he would have done so by now. This man was literally making him see stars while sucking and finger f*cking him like it was the one thing that would give him peace in this life.

It had been so long since Louis had bottomed, he wasn’t sure how he was going to survive what was to come. He didn’t realize just how big Lestat’s hands really were until his fingers were inside of him. And his dick was way bigger than that.

“Do you like that, Louis? Want me to go deeper?”

Louis nodded, “Please…move them… go deeper…. I can take it.”

Lestat complied and Louis lost control, and when he added another finger, Louis almost came.

“Les, I can’t… I’m gonna come…”

“Not yet, mon amour .” He pulled his fingers out, causing Louis to whine a bit. “Are you ready to take me?”

Louis nodded again, trying to catch his breath. He was born ready.

“Do you want me to cover up or…?” Lestat asked when in all honesty, he didn’t want to wear a condom. He needed to feel all of Louis and feel him clench around him.

They had both got tested recently, and were both clean.

“No, I need to feel you inside of me. All of you.”

“You’re so ready for me, my Louis.” Lestat began palming his dick with Louis pre-cum and lube on it.

He bent over him, kissing him intensely and lifting Louis’ legs around his waist. Lestat then inched inside of him slowly, causing them both to groan out in pleasure.

Lestat had to stop for a moment. He wasn’t even all the way in, and he was scared he was about to come.

Louis was so damn tight, and felt so damn good around him.

“Louis, my Louis, f*ck you’re so tight.” He inched further. “You feel so good, I don’t know how I’m going to be able to last.”

“Don’t stop, please…. I need you deeper.” Louis wasn’t sure how he was even talking right now.

Lestat pulled out and then he thrusted back in slowly, causing Louis to cry out. Lestat was trying so hard not to come, he had to repeat that movement two more times.

“Les, please…”

Lestat groaned as he shoved himself back inside of Louis, bottoming out and making them both yell in satisfaction.

Louis was clutching onto Lestat for dear life as he used tortuous slow strokes inside of him. He didn’t even know when Lestat had lifted one of his legs over his shoulder, giving him the perfect angle to go even deeper and touch all the right spots inside of him.

Louis could literally feel everything. The wave of emotions that hit him at that moment was so intense, he wasn’t sure how he was going to make it much longer. He was so in love with Lestat, so deeply in love, his heartbeat was beating in sync with his.

Lestat was thrusting into him to the hilt and Louis was trying his best not to literally cry. The tears were already there, and he damn near felt embarrassed that something could feel that good and bring that reaction out of him during sex.

“Am I hurting you, Lou?” He almost pulled out, but Louis gripped onto him, stopping him from making the biggest mistake of a lifetime.

“Don’t ever stop, please….”

Lestat almost spiraled out of control at his words. The pleasure had been so good, the slow and deep thrusts, thinking of Louis and their life; of him finally opening his eyes and getting the man of his dreams. They were finally here together, crossing the path of no return, and Lestat couldn’t be more than exhilarated.

He then kissed away Louis’ tears that had fallen to his cheeks. Watching Louis be so vulnerable and come undone as Lestat f*cked into him, made Lestat feral. He picked up Louis’ other leg over his shoulder and began picking up the pace, thrusting even deeper than he thought possible.

“You take me so f*cking well, Lou. My co*ck was made to fit inside of you.”

“God, Les…” Louis couldn’t handle any dirty talk right now.

To add even more intensity, Lestat began jerking Louis off while pounding inside of him.

“Lestat, I’m gonna come….”

Come for me , Louis,” He continued. “I need to watch your face as you come for me.”

Louis came almost violently after that, damn near screaming, as Lestat continued to move harder and faster inside of him.

“I’m about to come, Lou.” The words barely escaped Lestat’s lips.

“Come inside of me, Les… I need you too.”

Lestat was grateful he heard that because he wanted to come inside Louis so hard he would put a baby in him if he could.

Lestat thrusted one more good time, before he released himself inside Louis, and they swallowed each others’ moans with an untamed kiss.

Lestat collapsed on top of him and he was about to roll off, so he wouldn’t crush him, but Louis’ hands held onto his back tighter.

“Don’t move, I want to keep you here.”

Lestat stayed, kissed his chest, and noticed more tears escape Louis’ eyes. He tried to

cover his eyes, but Lestat moved his hand out the way and kissed his eyes again like earlier. The intimacy of seeing such love come from Louis warmed his heart.

“I want to get you pregnant, Louis.” The words came out of Lestat’s mouth before heeven realized it.

Surprisingly, it turned Louis on, and if they could, he would have wanted that.

“Don’t ever leave okay?” Lestat practically begged, kissing all over Louis’ face. “Don’t ever leave me.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Les. I’m yours.” Louis kissed him with everything he had, to reassure him.

Lestat finally moved off of Louis, them both not liking the loss of contact. He grabbed a towel so he could clean them up, but he couldn't stop himself from leaving some of his cum behind.

And Louis definitely didn’t mind that. He wanted a bit of Lestat to stay inside of him as they both slept.

When they both got under the covers and entangled themselves in each other’s arms, they fell into a much needed sleep.


Hope you all enjoyed.

Just a quick note, there was a line that said "Lestat's last breath would be Louis' name" I got that from a guy off tiktok and re-used for Loustat.
*The Louis makes me happier than anything I've ever known quote was from Greys Anatomy*

Chapter 8: chapter 8


So sorry for taking so long to update. But thank you all that have read so far and still willing to stick around!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Louis was in a state of untamed bliss. The amount of pleasure coursing through his body made him feel out of control. He was currently lying on his side with Lestat behind him, leisurely thrusting in and out, while stroking his co*ck. The incoherent sounds vibrating out of Louis’ throat was like the sweetest music to Lestat’s ears.

Louis was trying his best not to come just yet, but the way Lestat was holding him and hitting all the right spots, it was becoming a challenge not to reach his climax.

This was the third time they had been all over each other since their first time last night, and each time felt just as intense as the last.

However, now it felt a bit different. The intensity was still there, the passion, the love, but it also felt as if Lestat was afraid to let him go; like he wouldn't be able to survive if he wasn’t touching him.

As if he were scared Louis would leave him if they weren’t connected.

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know why. Louis knew that Lestat was still feeling some type of way from the conversation they had earlier addressing their arguments from yesterday.


I’m so sorry…. about everything.

The tears had formed in Lestat’s eyes causing Louis to provide a comforting smile.

“I know you are. I’m used to the jealousy, Les. I’ve been a victim of it before with you. I know you and I’m okay with it to a certain extent, but you have to trust me just like I trust you. You can’t accuse me of being interested in anyone but you.” Louis stated. “I’ve loved you since I was a kid, Les. And those feelings never truly left, no matter how many times I tried to push it away. Even when we were coupled up, I loved you. It has always been you. It will always be you.” He kissed his lips gently. “You need to know that. You need to truly believe that if we’re going to make this work.

“And you bringing up Nicki,” He continued, knowing he needed to make this completely clear. “I don’t want to have to worry about you throwing him in my face if we have a little argument here and there. I know how you felt about him. He was your first love, so please don’t hurt me like that again.”

“You were my first love.”

Louis’ heart jumped. “You don’t have to say that just because we grew up together. I know you loved me. As your friend…. as your family…”

Lestat shook his head, “I’m not denying that my love for you were those things, but it was also more. I was just too blind to see it then Lou, but you were… are my first love. And I want you to be my last.”

Louis grabbed his face in hands and kissed him tenderly.

Afterwards Louis decided to take a shower, but denied Lestat’s request to join him. He saw the look of apprehension on his face, and immediately reassured him, letting him know everything was okay between them. It’s just that he knew exactly what would end up happening if they both took a shower together, and Louis needed a break before he was split open and not able to sit down or walk properly.

That was literally the only reason. Yet, apparently, Lestat didn’t take it that way, because when he was finished and walked back in the room, Louis noticed his eyes were a bit red and glassy.

Hey…Les…” He immediately walked over and stood between his legs, holding his head up to look at him.

I’m truly sorry, Lou, please don’t ever leave.”

Les, I’m not leaving you over a little argument. We just made up. Don’t jump to that conclusion for us. I’m in this… I’m in this for the long haul. I love you.

Lestat’s face lit up. “I love you… more than anything in the world.” And then he stood up, crushing his mouth to his.

And that’s how they came to the current position they were in now.

“God, I missed you.”

“I wasn’t…. even in the shower…. that long.” Louis could barely get his words out with the way Lestat was pounding into him. Seriously, what was even the point of taking a shower when Lestat was already back inside of him.

Thrust after thrust after thrust. With Lestat’s co*ck filling him up, his hand stroking him to oblivion, and his mouth sucking the sh*t out of his neck, Louis wasn’t even sure he could handle this type of pleasure.

“Don’t run from it, Louis.”

Yep, he was about to come.


Viens pour moi, Louis (come for me). Finish all over my hand so I can lick you off my fingers like the dessert that you are.”

Louis’ came almost violently, damn near screaming. Lestat came right after him just as hard, and immediately began licking his fingers clean.

They were both satiated.

Louis tried to maneuver around to face him so he could lay on his chest, but Lestat held him firmly in place.

“Let me stay in you for just a little longer, Lou.” He peppered kisses along the side of his face and neck.

Louis wouldn’t have it any other way.*

It had been two months.

Two satisfying whirlwind romance type months, and both Louis and Lestat didn’t think it was even possible to be as close as they were now. They had always been tied to each other by a single cord prior to even being in a relationship, but now it was as if their love for each other had been amplified every single day.

They were both living out their dreams with one another and finally getting the chance to worship each other like the other deserved.

Their days consisted of spending valued time walking throughout the quarter and parks, sitting on a random bench here and there just talking about any and everything. Regardless of how long they’ve known each other they never grew tired just talking, whether if it were about something new or something they already knew. They frequent the movie theater, plays, and restaurants. They thoroughly enjoyed movie and tv show marathons, cooking together, and feeding each other at times, no matter how cheesy one would think it was.

And for all intents and purposes they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. The sex was, for lack of a better term, perfect. It was down right beautiful, nasty, passionate, life altering at times. The want and need both Louis and Lestat had for each other was intoxicating.

The only time they were ever really separated was when their work schedules didn’t align, but that rarely kept them apart. Louis had come by the theater several times enjoying seeing Lestat in his element. They usually always had lunch or dinner together, either meeting at a restaurant or if Louis was working longer than usual, Lestat would bring him food and they would eat together at the club.

It goes without saying, but Lestat had taken Louis several times already in his office. Bending him over his desk and f*cking him until the point of exhaustion, while Lestat salivated over the most perfect ass he’d ever seen. If the music wasn’t so loud, Louis was sure he would be heard for miles.

Lestat was feral on those days and Louis always matched his intensity.

On days where Louis just really needed a break from having Lestat’s length inside of him, Lestat would always pull Louis to sit on his face, still needing some part of him.

And even though Lestat wasn’t ready for intercourse on his end yet, Louis always appreciated his co*ck in more ways than one. Lestat could barely last a couple minutes everytime Louis put him in his mouth. Just seeing him swallowing his cum was enough to make him absolutely wild.

They literally couldn’t get enough of each other. It was as if they needed to touch each other all the time. And not just sex, but gentle caresses, holding hands, light touches without even realizing it.

At this point, their souls were severely intertwined.

Currently they were spending time together in the park, enjoying the nice weather. They had just finished eating, and now Lestat was resting his head on Louis’ lap as he read to him.

Louis unconsciously ran his fingers through Lestat’s hair, and even though Lestat was listening he was also imagining Louis walking down the aisle, saying I do, and dancing at their reception. He grabbed the hand that was providing sweet torture to his hair, and kissed over the ring on his finger.

Louis alternated between having it on a necklace close to his heart or on his left hand like a wedding band. Lestat remembered the day he noticed the ring on Louis’ finger and no longer around neck, he couldn’t get the clothes off of him fast enough. He remembered slamming into Louis as he continuously repeated the word “mine” like a caveman.

I’m yours,” The memory of Louis repeating that over and over again as Lestat took him was making him tighten in his pants.

He really couldn’t get enough of this man. His Louis.

“You’re staring.” Louis brought him out of his thoughts.

“I’m listening intently.” It was partially true. He had stopped listening to the actual words Louis was reading, but he did listen to the beautiful siren sound of his voice.

“Yeah, well what did I just say?”

“You’re staring.”

Louis rolled his eyes and smiled, gently tapping him on the nose with the book.

“Can you really blame me, Lou? Your beauty knows no bounds.”

Louis laughed out, but internally swooned. “That was corny.” He put the book down, and shifted a bit to kiss him greedily on the mouth.

“It worked though didn’t it?”


Lestat then kissed him back even more hungrily, causing a small moan to vibrate from Louis’ throat.

“Maybe we should head home?”

Lestat knew what he was asking, because if Lestat had his way he would have taken Louis in the park.

“I think we definitely should.”

It was the day of Armand’s wedding, and Louis and Lestat were already running late. As Louis was buttoning Lestat’s shirt back up, he thought about how they got to this point to begin with. They were literally on their way out the door. Louis actually opened the door, but then Lestat’s hand reached above him and closed it, turning Louis around, shoving his tongue in his mouth, kissing him with all the passion he had.

Louis was the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on. And Louis in a suit… well, Lestat really couldn’t contain himself. He was on his knees in no time, and next thing they both knew they were on the couch with their heads between each other's legs sucking each other off like they would die if they didn’t.

And now, here they were, running extremely late.

“I thought this sham of a marriage wasn’t even happening.” Lestat questioned, while Louis helped him with his tie.

“He’s been real discreet about it these last few days, but if I know Armand, the wedding is probably still not going to happen.”

Before Lestat could say anything, Louis beat him to it, “That doesn’t mean we can’t go. He’ll want us there for some big showdown. I’m sure of it.”

Lestat pouted, and Louis kissed his forehead.

Once they got in the car, Lestat’s driver let them know their ETA would be about twenty five minutes. Which would give them exactly five minutes until the ceremony started.

“They’re gonna kill us.” Louis pulled out his phone and read through all his missed text messages.

Claudia and Armand were asking where they were, among other things.

“Don’t worry, mon cher.” Lestat grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles. “We’ll get there in time.”

It didn’t matter what situation they were in. Whether big or small, anytime Louis felt even a smidge of anxiety, it only took Lestat’s voice to bring him a level of calm.

However, Louis made the mistake of looking over at him.

Damn, he looked so delicious in that suit. He was staring out the window, but still making sure that his hand was touching Louis’ in some way. His hair was perfectly done, hanging at the perfect length. His skin, his hands, his eyes, hell even his Adam's apple… everything about Lestat de Lioncourt was beautiful to Louis.

Lestat may have constantly complimented Louis every chance he got, but in all honesty, Louis felt like he was the lucky one.

Mon cher?” Louis’ whispered, not realizing how seductive it came out.

But, Lestat was completely aware.

Embrasse-moi.” (kiss me)

Lestat’s lips were on Louis’ in no time, and Louis accepted his tongue without hesitation.

He didn’t even realize, Lestat had clicked the button next to him making the partition roll up.

“Unbuckle your pants.” Lestat was now planting kisses down Louis’ neck.

“We can’t do this here. He’ll hear us.”

“Not if you can be quiet.” He started opening his shirt, placing kisses on his chest now. “You can’t speak French to me like that and expect me not to…”

Louis cut him off by kissing him deeply, all the while unbuckling his pants and shifting a bit to pull them down, low enough for his co*ck to spring free.

Lestat’s mouth watered, and maneuvered around enough to put Louis’ whole co*ck in his mouth.

Louis failed immediately on keeping quiet. He had to bite down on his knuckles as Lestat gagged around his co*ck.

Les…” he breathed, “You know how…to….take good….care… of me….” He thrusted up in his mouth, along with gripping his hair.

They were both driving each other wild.

“Say my name, mon cher.” Lestat whispered, and then put his mouth back on Louis.


The way Lestat was worshiping his dick was making Louis insane. Lestat always made him feel good,but right now the urgency while trying to keep silent amplified everything. Even the music that was playing through the car still didn’t feel loud enough.

He came almost screaming Lestat’s name, watching as he swallowed all of him.

While Louis tried catching his breath, Lestat captured his mouth with his, taking it all in so that they were sharing the same air.

They arrived at the hotel where the wedding and reception was taking place, and after Louis fixed himself, they both stepped out of the car and Lestat brushed his suit jacket down.

“Tu as l'air parfait.” (you look perfect)

Louis’ eyes caught his, and the expression Lestat was giving him, made him blush.

“Let’s make a rule. No looking at each other the entire night.” Because Louis apparently couldn’t control his urges right now, and he couldn’t jump Lestat’s bones in a room full of guests.

Even though he was sure Lestat would be more than happy to f*ck him in front of an audience.

“Oh Lou, are you saying I turn you on that much?” His lips caressed his ear.

Louis moved back a bit. “No touching either.”

Lestat smiled brightly at that, and Louis knew what that meant.

“I’m serious, Lestat.” Louis damn near stuttered. It would help if he could at least sound


“Fine fine,” Lestat agreed as they walked towards the entrance of the hotel. “I’ll keep my hands to myself.”

“And your eyes?”

“Sure.” He answered nonchalantly.

Louis’ broke his own rule not even five seconds later, because right before they walked in, he intertwined his hand with Lestat’s unconsciously, causing a light chuckle to escape Lestat’s lips as he brought his hand up to his lips.

Telling them not to touch each other when they were so close was like telling them not to breathe.

Before they could even walk into the building, several police officers walked out with Marius in handcuffs. He had a permanent scowl on his face threatening to call his lawyer.

Louis and Lestat glanced at each other.

“Well, at least we didn’t miss the wedding.” Lestat joked.

“You’re both late!” Armand grabbed their attention, as he immediately walked up to them in the lobby.

Right before Lestat could say another word, Louis beat him to it. He knew his boyfriend and now probably wasn’t the time for his witticism.

“I’m guessing everything went exactly how you planned?”

“Even better.” Armand beamed, “And you both would have seen it if Lestat would let you up for air for five minutes.”

“Well, if it weren’t for Louis, we wouldn’t even be here.”

Louis just rolled his eyes at both of them. At this point their banter was just hello in Lestat and Armand banter.

“Anyways…. Louis,” Armand turned to look at Louis, disregarding Lestat. “As I was saying, it was like something out of a movie. I walked down the aisle that you both didn’t get to see. All the guest were there, except you two. And then as soon as the officiant did the whole, if anyone has any objections on why these two shouldn’t be married, speech, the cops walked in. They got him on so many different charges. Lawyer or no lawyer he’s going away for a while. And what’s even better this whole night is paid for. So, everyone’s in the reception with a lot of food and an open bar.”

Louis and Lestat didn’t miss the jabs Armand added into his explanation, but they were both glad that he was free of Marius for good.

Before anyone else could say anything, Claudia walked up, “There you guys are. Louis, I need to borrow you for a moment.”

She placed her arm in his and began pulling him towards the reception, but Lestat tugged at his hand for a moment before he decided to let go.

Their codependency was showing.

“Oh come on, you can be away from your boyfriend for two seconds. It’s important.”

Louis gave Lestat a reassuring smile and left with Claudia.

“Okay first and foremost, I hope you know you’re glowing. You look like you’ve been thoroughly f*cked. I’m surprised Lestat hasn’t gotten you pregnant yet.”

“Claudia!” Louis laughed. He wasn’t even surprised that she was loud enough to draw attention, but she was absolutely right. These last two months he had been thoroughly f*cked and if he could get pregnant he would have been at this point.

“I’m joking, I'm joking. Even though I’m sure your ass is—”

“Alright, little miss, enough about my sex life.”

“Okay okay” She snickered. “But I need you to be my sounding board. Also, please note I’ve already been in the reception and have had three glasses of champagne.”

He could definitely tell, because her words were a little slurred.

“I brought Madeline to Armand’s not-a-wedding.”

They walked into the reception, “And Charlie? Where is he?”

“At home probably.” She paused and gave Louis a knowing look as they walked out on the dance floor. “I may have told him the wedding was canceled. And before you say anything I know it was wrong to lie, but I really wanted to come with Madeline. We haven’t had a chance to hang out in awhile.”

“Well, if she’s your friend, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”

Claudia didn’t say anything, and Louis wasn’t stupid.

“But I’m guessing she’s more than that now.”

Claudia hesitated. “Yes…no…I don’t know. We finally made up months ago… a few days after your accident, and I thought things were good, but then she came out and told me she had feelings and that she wasn’t sure she could be in my life anymore. It took two months for us to even get to this point.

“I love Charlie. Things have been good between us. But then there’s Madeline and I…she makes me feel…”

“Like coming home after a long trip.” Louis immediately thought of Lestat.

“Yes, yes… like home. Madeline feels like home. So, I don’t know what to do, I need you to tell me what to do.”

“I can’t tell you that. I could say some corny big brother advice like follow your heart, but I can tell they both have it.”

“They do.” she sighed. “Why does everything have to be so complicated?”

“You could always do what Armand recommended.” He suggested and earned a playful shove from his friend.

“Would you ever be in a throuple?”

Louis twirled her around, “Probably not. I don’t like to share.” And as for Lestat, he may have had a past, but one thing he did know is he’d never want to share Louis with anyone. So there was definitely no other person to be considered in their relationship, nor a threesome. Not that Louis minded.

Claudia giggled, “You know, I’m glad you’re happy, Louis. It looks really good on you. And I’m glad you and Lestat stopped being lame and decided to finally get together.”

He was too.

Lestat walked up, looking as handsome as ever. “May I cut in?”

Claudia nodded and teased, “I guess I kept you too long.”

She then gave Lestat a hug and whispered, “Thanks for making him happy.” And then she walked over to Madeline.

“I missed you.” Louis admitted, as they danced. His face pressed against Lestat’s.

“You missed me?” Lestat was elated. He loved when Louis showed affection first. It made him feel like he was on cloud nine.

“I love you.” Louis murmured, his lips against Lestat’s ear.

“Oh mon cher, don’t make me fall to my knees in front of all these people.”

Louis kissed his lips tenderly.

“I love you too, mon cœur.” He then lifted his hand up that housed his ring and placed a kiss. “I uh… I got us a room.”

“Oh really?”

“Armand said the honeymoon suite is fully paid for this weekend. Since he and Marius were never going to use it and haven’t even stepped foot in it, he told me we could. And to go crazy because everything….including room service will be taken care of.”

Louis was surprised. “And you and Armand talked about this?”

“Yes, it seems I can have a conversation with the little gremlin that doesn’t end in me wanting to trip him up.”

Louis chuckled. “Oh please, you like being his friend.”

“I wouldn’t say all that.”

“I guess I should thank him before we go to the room.” Louis started looking around to see if he spotted Armand.

“He already left so he could spend his wedding night with Daniel. With all his connections in rehab and all.” Lestat pulled Louis close again and placed a gentle kiss on his neck.

Good for him. Good for them.

“Then what are we waiting for?”

Lestat then breathed in his ear, “I want you to f*ck me tonight, Louis. I want you inside of me.”

Louis’ face instantly flushed. “Are you– are you sure?”

Because it would be Lestat’s first time bottoming.

“I’m sure.”

The room was huge. The perfect honeymoon suite.

The bathroom was even better and could have been its own suite. Louis and Lestat immediately put the shower to very good use. Other than bathing each other, there was a lot of kissing, licking, and stroking taking place. Except they would not bring each other to completion so the anticipation can build for what's to come.

Louis had to admit, he was nervous. So many questions were flowing through his mind. Would Lestat enjoy it? Would he think Louis was good enough? It’s not that he hadn’t been on the giving end before, but it was Lestat’s first time bottoming, and he wanted it to be perfect for him.

The fact that he was given the honor of being his first made his heart extremely heavy. And he wanted to make sure Lestat not only felt an immense amount of pleasure but he also wanted to make sure he felt safe and secure.

Louis sat on the bed, one of the most comfortable beds he’s ever been on. Which was good because that meant Lestat would be sleeping on clouds when he was done with him.

He opened the overnight bag and pulled the lube out. Lestat typically leaves a bag packed in the car, never knowing when they may need it, and it definitely came in handy today.


Louis glanced up at his name being called and almost salivated as he took in Lestat leaning against the door frame fully and incredibly naked.

He was the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on.

“You’re exquisite.”

“Louis, you make me blush.” Lestat glided over to him, like an animal on the prowl, and Louis honestly felt like he was going to be the one getting f*cked.

“Come here.”

Lestat was already painfully hard as he walked over to him, and Louis pulled him in to stand between his legs. His own towel still covering his erection.

Louis placed a kiss to the tip of Lestat’s co*ck. “How do you want it?”

He needed Lestat to know that he was in full control of this moment and Louis would do whatever he wanted.

“Face down on your stomach?” Louis took him in his mouth, causing Lestat to shudder. “On all fours?” He trailed his tongue along his length. “On your back while I look into the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen?”

Lestat lifted his chin up before Louis could suck him off again and bent down to seize his lips. If Louis kept that up, he would have come brutally into his mouth and he wanted this to last.

“Everyway, Louis. I want you to take me every way there is tonight.”

Louis smiled and stood up, kissing him hard on the mouth, tongue and teeth clashing for dominance. He then stood behind Lestat, holding one hand to his chest and the other hand was being used to provide sensual strokes to his co*ck.

He tongued Lestat’s neck, sucking until he left evidence that the whole world would know who he belonged to.

Louis….” Lestat moaned, the pleasure he was feeling was out of this world.

He lowered Lestat down onto his stomach, making sure he was comfortable on the bed. He then leaned over him, trailing kisses along his back, his ass, and his legs.

Lestat’s groans were driving Louis wild. They’ve made love so many times in the last two months. He knew all the sounds Lestat could make and yet it still felt like he was hearing his need for the first time.

“I’m gonna talk you through it, okay?” Louis feathered kisses along his ass cheeks. “Do you want me to?”

“Yes…..” Lestat rasped.

“I’m going to stick my tongue inside of you, open you up. Then I’m going to give you three of my fingers. One by one. Do you want that?”

“Yes….please…” He begged.

Lestat didn’t know it, but Louis’ dick was throbbing to be inside of him.

He gripped the sheets and let out such a beautiful sound the moment Louis’ tongue entered him. He started off slow and as Lestat began to open up more, Louis amplified the pace.

“I love you, Louis.” He whimpered, “I love you so f*cking much.”

“I love you too. Baby, you taste so f*ckin good.” Louis damn near growled. “I’m as hard as rock.”

“I want you inside of me.”

Louis tongue f*cked him for a few more minutes, savoring the taste of him, and then he stood up, both of them immediately missing the contact.

He turned Lestat around and his co*ck stood at attention, precum leaking from the mushroom head. He kissed the tip, wanting so much to suck him off until he shot his load all over Louis’ face.

The way Lestat’s face lit up in pleasure was and had always been so mouthwatering. Louis could literally just come by looking at him.

He actually had done that once in one of their interactions. It was a bit embarrassing how much this man could turn him on.

Louis smeared some of the lube on his fingers.

“Finger number one.” Louis inserted one finger slowly inside of Lestat, curving it just enough to begin the sweet torture. “Number two.” Lestat gasped and Louis paused right away, much to Lestat’s dismay.

“Do you need me to stop?”

“No, mon cher, I never want you to stop.”

Louis was thrilled. “Number three.”

He now had three fingers deep inside of Lestat, moving in and out at a steady pace. He then took Lestat’s co*ck in his other hand and began to pump ferociously.

Lestat cried out in pure pleasure.

After a while, he was finally able to say a coherent sentence. “Louis, you must enter me or I’m going to come in the next few seconds.”

Louis removed his fingers, rubbed his dick with lube, and positioned himself over Lestat, lining him up. He had to wait for a second, because he felt like the moment he entered Lestat he was going to finish quickly.

Just thinking about coming inside of him was enough to make Louis swallow hard.

He finally was able to inch in slowly, stopping when he only had the tip in. This was going to be harder than he thought. Feeling even just a little bit of Lestat’s tightness around him was enough to make his brain short circuit.

“Lou, Louis, mon cher, mon cœur. Please…” Lestat bit back a moan. He needed it like he needed oxygen.

Louis’ bent forward and kissed Lestat with every ounce of fire he had, loving the way he tugged at his lip when he rose back up. He caressed Lestat’s cheek, and almost had to close his eyes, because he was looking at Louis with such love and vulnerability he didn’t think it was possible to love Lestat even more.

Louis finally thrusted his full length inside of Lestat, bottoming out, grunting at the feel of him taking him in.

Lestat’s moans filled the room, repeating Louis’ name over and over again until he could barely say anything. The pleasure was so intense, Lestat knew he wouldn’t last much longer.

“You feel so f*cking good, Lestat.” Louis was moving gently inside of him, making sure Lestat was comfortable with the feel of him.

He bent down while Lestat’s legs encircled his waist, and peppered kisses all over his face. When he finally caught his lips again, Louis shoved his tongue in his mouth and Lestat was so damn high from their love making that he bit his tongue.

Louis groaned, but surprisingly it didn’t hurt him as much, even though he knew Lestat drew a little blood.

It turned Louis on so much at the fact that his blood was now on Lestat’s tongue and that Lestat was happily lapping it up. He had never experienced anything like that in his life.

“You feel so good around my dick, Lestat. So f*cking tight, I don’t know how long I’m going to make it.”

Lestat’s eyes almost rolled in the back of his head, “Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop, Louis. Harder… please.”

“Are you sure?” Because Louis could definitely go harder.

Lestat lifted one of his legs and placed it on Louis’ shoulder, giving him deeper access than he thought possible. He pulled out for a moment, noticing the sheer look of panic on Lestat’s face at his removal, but before he could whine about it, Louis thrusted back inside so deep, Lestat felt like he was seeing stars.

Louis slammed into him harder, faster and more sensual. He took a hold of Lestat’s co*ck again and began pumping him without abandon.

“Louis! I’m going to come!” Lestat screamed in full unadulterated pleasure.

“Come for me, Les, come all over me, mon cher.”

Lestat came so hard, his eyes almost rolled back.

But Lestat couldn’t dare close his eyes as Louis stared at him attentively, while he pounded like his life depended on it.

“I’m gonna come, Les. Do you want me to come inside of you?”
“Please fill me up and don’t pull out. Don’t ever pull out.”

Louis came so hard, he almost lost his balance.

When Louis did finally pull out and lay beside him, he embraced Lestat in his arms, and ran his fingers through his hair, kissing his head and face as they both still tried catching their breaths.

“How do you feel?” Louis asked, hoping Lestat enjoyed it just as much as he did.

“Amazing, mon cher. You were amazing. I loved being f*cked by you. I want you to live inside of me forever.” Lestat leaned up and attacked his lips.

After they enjoyed making out for a moment, Louis stood out of bed, and Lestat pouted, giving him sad eyes.

That look almost tore a hole through Louis’ heart.

“I’m going to go run you a bath.”

Lestat grabbed his hand. “Later?”

“Let me do this for you, Les. Let me take care of you tonight….let me wash you. You’re going to start feeling sore and trust me when I say, the bath will help some.”

Lestat almost teared up at the way Louis cared for him.

“As long as you take one with me.”

“Of course.”

Louis kissed him one more time before he walked into the bathroom, Lestat ogling his perfect ass, as he went.

He barely had the water running before Lestat encircled his arms around Louis’ waist. His hand found Louis’ co*ck and both of them were surprised that it was semi hard, especially after what they just did.

They were literally addicted to each other and couldn’t get enough.

He began to stroke him slowly, and walked them back until Lestat’s back hit the wall, and Louis was against his front. He kissed along Louis’ neck sucking until a reddish purple mark started to form.

“Les…tonight is about you…you have to….you have to…stop.”

“Do you want me to stop?” Lestat purred in his ear.

Louis turned his head to the side, and Lestat was able to capture his lips in a tantalizing kiss. He let Lestat stroke him until he came all over his hand. He watched through hooded eyes as Lestat licked his fingers clean, savoring the taste of him.

Louis’ dick was definitely hypersensitive right now.

They had to let a little water drain out of the tub prior to them getting in because it was on the verge of overflowing.

Once they sat in, Lestat laid up against Louis’ front, and Louis held onto him as they let the hot water relax them.

“You know Lou, we’re more connected than ever now that I know what your blood tastes like.”

Louis laughed out, “I still can’t believe you did that. I already know it’s going to feel sore in the morning.”

“I’ll be ready to be your doctor, giving you everything you need to feel better.”

“I’m sure you will.”

Lestat then shifted a bit pulling Louis into another kiss. “So, when we get back in bed, are you going to let me put the tip in?”

Louis rolled his eyes and laughed. This man’s sexual appetite was insatiable.

When they did finally get out of the tub, they ordered room service, and didn’t even get a chance to eat, before they passed out from pure exhaustion, limbs intertwined with each other as they got the best sleep of their lives.


Thank you so much for reading!

Chapter 9: chapter 9


Thank you so much to everyone who read, commented, bookmarked, and left kudos! You all are amazing!!
Huge shout out to my best fandom friend, Andy for helping me with a few characters that will show up here and there.
Also, we're getting s3!! I'm so excited!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was a rush. A sensation that ignited in his shins each time he pushed himself harder than before. Everytime Louis decided to go for a run to relieve stress, the adrenaline would take over giving him just enough momentum to keep going. Typically, afterwards he would feel a level of calm; like he was ready to face any and everything. However, when he finally stopped and came back to reality, the thoughts that he was trying to push from his mind for the time being, came rushing back to the forefront. And he wasn’t really sure how to handle it.

Things had been so good within his relationship with Lestat. As cheesy as it sounds, Louis felt like he was living on cloud 9. He was exceedingly happy. Even when they bickered, he knew he wouldn’t want to do that with anyone else. But, being so happy and carefree, the other shoe was bound to drop right? He really tried his best not to think that way, but unfortunately it was a flaw he was trying really hard to overcome.

A couple weeks ago, Lestat got an amazing opportunity to head back to Paris to study under some of the greatest theater and musical directors in the world. Only twenty people were invited to participate in this apprenticeship, so it was an extremely big deal. It would further Lestat’s career, giving him free range to do pretty much anything he wanted to do when it came to his passion. He wanted to become director over the current theater he was working in, and attending the training in Paris would give him a better chance as well as make him sought after anywhere. He would also be able to fully immerse himself back into playing the piano again. And the way Lestat played was out of this world bewitching. He deserved this and Louis was very proud of him.

The only downside was that Lestat would be gone for three months. And Louis was a little beside himself over that fact. It was almost embarrassing really how it affected Louis hearing the time frame, because it wasn’t like he and Lestat never spent time apart. Way longer than three months. He was just over in Europe for eight months prior to them becoming a couple. During their college years, they spent the majority of their time apart, and their friendship never waivered. It just felt different now that they were in a relationship and their codependency with each other had tripled.

Louis knew what it felt like to fall asleep in Lestat’s arms every night, he knew what his lips felt like against his, he knew how it felt when he buried himself inside of him and stayed that way for hours. Louis felt so safe and secure with Lestat and so helplessly in love that his heart felt like it was in shambles knowing that in two weeks he would be leaving.

And yet, he couldn’t ask him to stay. Even though the memory of Lestat trying his best to get Louis to say those words was still fresh on his mind.

“I’m not going.” Lestat shut his computer off and walked over to the kitchen to open a bottle of wine.

“What do you mean you’re not going? Louis followed him and pulled out two glasses. “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You have to go.”

“There will be other opportunities.”

“This isn’t just some simple two day workshop, Les, this is the opportunity. Only twenty people get in. And it’s not like it's an every year thing. The next time this comes around could be in what? Seven to ten years? You can’t pass this up. You deserve this.”

“I deserve to be here with you.” Lestat’s eyes were branded on his as he spoke with such finality. “Why does it seem like you want to be away from me?”

Louis could see the change in his demeanor and how sad his eyes had become. “Is that what you really think?”

Lestat didn’t say anything, but of course Louis could read him. He then placed his wine glass down on the counter and walked up to Lestat, encircling his arms around his waist and pulling him in.

“This isn’t easy for me, Les.” Louis’ eyes never left his. Lestat could read him too, so he needed him to see how much he didn’t want to be away from him. “But I can’t ask you to stay. I would never ask that because I know how much this means to you. And as much as I want you here, we can survive three months.”

Lestat touched his forehead to Louis’.

“You could come with me. It’s been so long since you’ve been back to Paris. The villa is close by, and Gabrielle may be there where you could spend time with her when I have to be gone for most of the day. And even if she’s not there, I know you’ll be able to find something to do. Or, I could just f*ck you every day before I leave, leaving you stuffed and barely able to walk until I get back.”

Leave it to Lestat to take a serious conversation and make it into something dirty. And of course Louis felt warm all over instantly.

“That would be nice, but these are the expansion days. The club will be open for the next two and half months, then we’ll have to close for another two months as the contractors practically reconstruct the whole thing. They’ll need me for the most part because we all know Tom is useless. I could come visit though. Maybe the last week you’re there, and we can come back together?”

Lestat smiled. It never ceased to amaze Louis just how much his smile had a hold on him. “And we can stay an extra week where I can devote all my time to you and take you absolutely everywhere you want to go. You haven’t had a vacation in a very long time and you deserve one, Lou.”

Louis kissed him. “That sounds like a plan.”

He couldn’t help but notice that Lestat began to sulk.

“What? My kisses no longer good enough or something?” Louis teased.

“Well, that’s not possible.” Lestat placed a chaste kiss on Louis’ lips. “I was just thinking…. maybe you could quit your job and come with me and focus on your photography the entire time.”

There was a brief moment where Louis almost considered it, but he had to keep in mind that three months was not that long. It would go by fast. “You know the club isn’t just a job. I own that place. Well, co-own, plus I like what I do. Photography is just a hobby. A hobby I haven’t even focused on in a long time.”

“A hobby that you love and are better at it than anyone I know.”

“You’re only saying that because you love me.”

“And because it’s true.” Lestat kissed him again, and Louis melted against him. “Well, since I can’t convince you, if I do decide to go, and I’m saying if, I want to hear your voice every single day, more than three times a day. I want to make sure we’re the first voices we hear when we wake up and go to sleep. Texting is required all day every day. Phone sex, including video and sexting is a must.”

Louis couldn’t help but laugh, even if a little blush formed on his features. “Agreed, within reason.”

The look on Lestat’s face almost looked as if he was about to have a fit.

“Oh you know what I mean. You know your schedule is probably going to be all over the place and I don’t want to interrupt this for you.This is your career.”

“It would be nothing without you though.” Lestat then kissed Louis again, but this time it was sloppy, right before he turned him around.

Louis knew exactly where this was headed. He placed his hands on the counter, to hold himself up.

“I don’t want to leave you, Lou.” Lestat pulled down Louis’ pajama pants exposing his bare ass. Louis went without wearing boxers in bed now, because it was just an extra set of clothes that they had to take off when they reached for each other in the middle of the night.

“Three months will go by fast.” Louis breathed, as Lestat fondled his ass.

“Not fast enough.” Lestat dropped his own pants.

He spit on his hand, self lubricating up his fingers to insert a few of them into Louis’ hole to prepare him. He spit on his co*ck next, rubbing himself up and down.

Louis gripped onto the counter a little tighter as Lestat inched himself slowly inside. There was a little sting at first just because they didn’t use any lube, and it took a little longer for Louis to accommodate him, but once he could, he welcomed Lestat all the way inside.

“Yes, Lou, I love the way you sound when you take all of me, mon cher.”

Louis didn’t even realize how loud the moans were escaping his lips. The pleasure and the pain was intermixed and Louis loved when Lestat pounded into him like this. The sounds of them coming together was making them both lose control.

Lestat was f*cking him beautifully, raw, intensely.

“Tell me not to leave, mon cher. Please tell me not to go. Tell me to stay with you.”

If Lestat thought Louis could form any words during this sweet torture, he was mistaken.

Louis’ right leg was lifted up to rest on the stool next to them, before he could even process anything, and Lestat was thrusting into him deeper, while his back was now against his chest. Louis’ turned to kiss Lestat greedily on the mouth, while Lestat continued to take what was his.

The moment he began stroking Louis’ dick, it was over.

“Les…” Louis whimpered continuously.

He could tell it drove Lestat wild, because he picked up the pace, slamming inside of him, and jerking him off.

It was entirely too much pleasure.

“I’m gonna come Les, I’m gonna…”

“Tell me to stay Louis, please tell me not to leave you.”

He wanted to say it so bad. He wanted to say to never leave him. He wanted to say he’d go with him. He wanted to say that he’d quit, he'd denounce ownership of the club, and follow Lestat anywhere. He wanted to be so wrapped up inside of Lestat, that people would think they were one person.

But he couldn’t say any of that. He couldn’t be the reason why Lestat resented him later on. He wouldn’t let him miss this chance.

“God, you feel so f*cking good Louis. I can’t leave you. I won’t be able to survive.”

Louis came hard in Lestat’s hand, with Lestat following right behind him, filling him up.

They were both breathing hard as he pulled out and Louis’ legs felt like jello. He turned around, holding onto Lestat for support, his head nuzzling into his neck. It took everything in him not to cry. He was so hypersensitive right now and his emotions were all over the place.

In all honesty, he felt like he wouldn’t be able to survive either. But Lestat needed this. And Louis would be strong for both of them.

“You can do this, Lestat. We can do this.”

When Louis finally stopped running again, he drank some water and worked on controlling his breathing. That day was engraved in his mind. And every day since then Lestat would beg Louis to tell him not to leave and every day Louis wouldn’t tell him that. Deep down, Louis knew that Lestat truly wanted to go. This was good for him.

The problem that Lestat failed to realize, even though Louis constantly reassured him, is that regardless if he had to be gone for three months, six months, or even a year, Louis would still be there for him. They would still continue to be together. Louis wasn’t going to let Lestat go over some long distance. Was his stomach constantly a mess? Yes. Did his heart ache from time to time? Most definitely, but he could handle it.

Again, three months was nothing.

“Earth to Louis.”

Louis almost forgot that Daniel had joined him on the run.

After Daniel got out of rehab a few weeks ago, they mended their friendship. They finally had a much needed lengthy talk, where Louis revealed he wasn’t necessarily mad at Daniel, just disappointed. Disappointed in him and disappointed in himself for not seeing that he was spiraling to the point of heavy drugs.

Daniel didn’t blame him because he was going to do what he wanted to do regardless of anyone's protest or help, but he was better now and Louis was proud that he got the help he needed and that he was okay.

Lestat was still a bit skeptical when it came to Daniel, and he admitted that he never wanted Louis to be in a car with him again, but he also knew that Daniel was a good friend to Louis regardless of what happened.

“I don’t think I can go any further.”

“Sorry man, I kind of got in my head.”

Louis waited for Daniel to catch his breath and drink water before they began walking back to the townhouse.

“I don’t know why you don’t tell him to stay. It’s clear you both don’t want him to go.”

Yes, Daniel and everyone they were close to, knew that Lestat was leaving.

“He does want to go, and if we weren’t together he wouldn’t have hesitated. I can survive three months.”

Daniel just gave him a look that read he wasn’t convinced.

“What? You don’t think I can.”

Daniel shrugged. “I think you’ll try. I think it’ll be torture. I know it would be for me without Armand. Hell, we were in the same city around each other, but when I couldn’t be with him the way I wanted, well, you saw what happened. Imagining him not even being in the same city let alone the same country as me. I don’t know, man.”

Louis stayed silent as he thought about it.

“Plus, I know for a fact Lestat won’t be able to survive three months. Let alone three hours.” He joked.

Louis rolled his eyes. They weren’t that bad. Were they?

“Be that as it may. It’s going to fly by. So whether I can handle it or not, I have to be okay with it.”

“Well I’m here for you. Armand is too. I’m sure Claudia will be too.”

He was grateful for that. But he was not going to let his friends think he couldn’t make it through three months without his boyfriend. He was a grown man for crying out loud.

“Let’s hope when we get back Lestat and Armand haven’t killed each other yet.” Daniel said.

Louis finally glanced at his phone to see a bunch of missed calls and text messages from Lestat. He didn’t read through them all, but he did see the word gremlin a few times.

“Yeah, I don’t know why we thought leaving them alone together was the best idea.”

Louis and Daniel barely even walked inside, before the smoke detector went off and they noticed the smoke coming from the kitchen.

“What the hell happened?” Louis yelled as they made it in there.

“It’s Armand’s fault.”

Louis’ took a breath of relief, noticing that they were both okay. However, he still made his way over to Lestat and inspected him just to make absolute sure and ease the many thoughts that had intruded in his mind if something bad had happened to him.

“It was not my fault.” Armand denied. “I told you to remind me the food was in the oven.”

“You were the one making it!” Lestat snapped. “Why should I even remind you?”

“Because it’s your home that would have burnt down.”

Louis and Daniel just looked at each other, shaking their heads.

“Plus I was helping you make the eggs since apparently you burn toast.”

“You burnt the biscuits in the oven, crétin.” (you moron)

As Lestat and Armand kept going back and forth, Daniel cut in, “I guess I’ll order us all breakfast.”

That prompted another argument on where they should order from.

Louis rubbed his temples.

“Well, if we order from anywhere you’re paying.” Lestat then folded his arms like a big kid, and made sure his body was close enough to Louis’ that they were touching a bit. Louis would have found it cute that even through his bickering with Armand, he still needed to be in Louis’ orbit. But right now, he was trying not to get a headache from both of them.

“Like you’re hurting for money.” Armand deadpanned. “You ruined breakfast, you should pay.”

Louis cut them off, “I’m going to go take a shower. Whatever you both decide, Les you know what I like.” He then turned to Daniel. “You’re more than welcome to shower in any of the guest bathrooms upstairs. All of them are inside a room, so you’ll have more privacy.”

“There’s a bathroom downstairs he can shower in.” Lestat spoke up before Daniel could say anything.

Honestly, Louis didn’t even care, but as he made his way up the stairs, he heard Daniel say, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to sneak into you and Louis’ room and jump in the shower with him.”

“Exactly, Lestat,” Armand added. “Because then I’d have to watch and since you and Louis don’t care for that, it would just make things awkward for you both.”

Louis couldn't help but laugh.

Louis was picking out something to wear for the day, before he made his way to the shower, but didn’t even get a chance to do that before Lestat walked in, encircling his waist from behind.

Louis shuddered at his touch, and almost melted as he trailed kisses down his neck.

“I’m sweaty, Les.” He knew exactly what Lestat wanted.

“You think I care?”

That’s one thing about Lestat. He wanted Louis no matter what. Even if he was sweating in every place right now and desperately needed a shower, Lestat would still get on his knees and savor him.

“We have guests downstairs.”

“I kicked them out.”

“Lestat!” Louis turned around and saw his sheepish smile, realizing he was lying.

“I wanted to. I tried to kick Armand out several times while you and Daniel were on your little run. Which you would have known if you would have called me back or answered my messages.”

Louis grinned as Lestat sucked onto his neck, “I barely made it out the door before you were calling saying that you missed me.”

“Well, can you blame me?”

Lestat walked Louis back until he was lying on the bed and climbed on top of him, like a lion on the prowl. He then began kissing him sloppily on the mouth.

“You taste so good, Lou.” He moved down, pulling Louis’ gym shorts and boxers off.

Lestat chuckled when Louis’ erection sprang to life.

“I guess he missed me too.”

“He tends to have a mind of his own.”

“So you didn’t miss me?” He pretended to sulk while giving Louis’ dick a kiss.

“Of course I did. Even though I wasn’t gone that long.” Which raises the question, how the hell was Louis going to be okay for three months if he could barely go an hour?

Lestat placed a peck on his dick again.

“Les, I really need a shower.” Louis propped himself up on his elbows.

“Let me eat you out first.” Lestat begged.

“I’m gross.” Louis whined.

“Not to me. Tell me to stop and I will.”

When Louis didn’t say anything, Lestat swallowed him whole.

“They are both downstairs,” Louis choked on a sob, trying to hold it together. “We can’t be rude.” Yet he was the one thrusting up into Lestat’s mouth.

When Lestat removed his mouth, Louis whined at the loss of contact, and the next thing he knew, Lestat was tonguing his hole.

This felt so dirty, but was so damn good. And Lestat was lapping him up, all the while paying beautiful attention to his co*ck.

“Les….” Louis moaned.

Lestat stopped for a moment and Louis missed the loss of contact immediately. “Louder, chère, I need you screaming for me.”

Look at Lestat trying to put on a show, but Louis did his best to hold it in.

Lestat could tell and took it as a challenge. He stood up, lifted Louis’ knees and pressed them back against his chest. He then popped the top of the lube and squirted the contents in his hand to generously rub it along his co*ck.

He could have come just by doing this and staring into Louis’ eyes.

Lestat was inside Louis in no time, causing them both to cry out in pleasure. At this point Louis didn’t care if everyone in NOLA was in their living room. He didn’t care who heard him. In this position, Lestat was so deep he was touching his prostate.

And Louis loved it. He couldn’t help himself, he screamed Lestat’s name.

“I love the way you sound, Louis.”

“f*ck!” Louis was about to come the moment Lestat leaned forward and held Louis’ arms above his head.

Their tongues plunged together fighting for dominance.

Lestat lifted back up, bringing Louis’ legs around his shoulders, and began a merciless rhythm while f*cking into him.

“Lou, you’re taking me so well, mon amour. You take my co*ck so f*cking well.”

“Les, God!” Louis felt erratic.

“Tell me to stay, Louis. Tell me never to leave. Tell me not to go.”

The moment their eyes connected, they both came at the same time. Lestat collapsing onto Louis, and Louis holding him close.

“Please…” Lestat whimpered into Louis’ neck. “Tell me not to go.”

But Louis wouldn't tell him that.

After they both showered together, they went back downstairs to cold food and Armand straddling Daniel’s lap, with Daniel’s shirt off.

Lestat grew instantly annoyed.“Okay, you both need to go.”

“What?” Armand looked over at them. “Like we couldn’t hear you both upstairs. What do

you think turned us on?”

Daniel tried not to laugh. Lestat’s head looked like it was about to explode and Louis looked embarrassed.

“I think we should go.”

He held on to Armand’s waist to shift him off, but he protested and stayed firmly on Daniel’s lap.

“Yes, do leave. I plan to have Louis all over the house today.”

Armand was about to say something, but Louis beat him to it. “Les, you do know you walked right into that one don’t you?”

The two weeks had flown by and as blissful as things had been, of course a few days before Lestat would be leaving, he and Louis got into a fight.

Louis planned a dinner at Lestat’s favorite restaurant and invited their immediate friend group as well as Lestat’s colleagues from his job at the theater. It was supposed to be a beautiful occasion, but instead it was a few hours of Lestat giving Louis the cold shoulder, drinking like a fish, and sitting there with a permanent scowl on his face.

Luckily his work friends didn’t really notice anything, as they were extremely drunk, but Louis noticed. Claudia noticed. Daniel noticed. Even Armand noticed.

The moment they got in the car to leave, the door wasn’t even closed all the way, before Lestat accused Louis of wanting him to leave so he could feel like he’s single again.

“Are you f*cking kidding me right now?”

He knew Lestat was inebriated and Louis had quite a bit to drink himself, but he had no right to even say that after he bluntly ignored him through the night, wouldn’t hold his hand, and would barely f*cking look at him.

And now here they were in the back of their vehicle, ready to air out their business.

“You were smiling and flirting tonight.” Lestat accused.

“I’m not talking to you about this right now.”

“Yeah, because you know I’m correct. The waiter was shamelessly flirting with you and

you flirted back. You hid your ring hand under the table most of the night. And then the way David was staring at you tonight was like he wanted to get under the table and suck your co*ck. As soon as I become director of that place, I’m going to fire that little f*ck.”

“Screw you, Lestat.”

“Yeah, I’m screwed alright. You won’t ask me to stay, you won’t come with me. You act like you don’t even f*cking want me anymore.”

“Is this a f*cking joke?”

Louis couldn’t believe what he was hearing, well, actually he could. This was Lestat after

all. To know that they were even having an argument over this was juvenile. But Lestat could be a brat regardless if they were in a relationship or not.

However, Louis was too buzzed to coddle him. No, he was furious.

The moment they entered their home, Louis practically got in Lestat’s face. “First of all, you’re projecting about everything when women kept walking over to you, shamelessly flirting and you sure looked like you were soaking up the attention, when I, your boyfriend was sitting right there!”

“Well, if my boyfriend wasn’t flirting with our f*cking waiter!”

“Bull f*cking sh*t, Lestat. No one was flirting with the waiter. I was being kind. You know, because he was the only one handling our big party and servers are under a lot of stress as it is. Plus, I was the one paying for everything so of course he had to keep coming to me.”

Cat must have got Lestat’s tongue cause he wasn’t saying anything.

“As for my ring finger, that you think I was hiding, I was trying to rest my hand on your

thigh practically the whole night, but did you even notice? No! We were all there celebrating you and you were acting like an ass the whole night! You’re leaving in three days. Three days! And you want to start this sh*t now when I….?” Louis paused. What was the point of continuing.

“When you what?”

Louis just shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Just forget it. I’m going to take a shower then I’m going to bed.”

And then he left Lestat standing there alone.

The rest of the night was almost a blur. Lestat knew he had f*cked up. He and Louis really didn’t get into many arguments. If anything they bickered like an old married couple here and there and that was it.

But if Lestat were being honest, yeah he did want to go to Paris for this apprenticeship thing, but desperately didn’t want to leave Louis. It was already hard being away from him when they were just friends, but now that they were more than that and they had been spending every day and every night together, it was much more difficult than he thought it would be.

Lestat wasn’t ashamed to say that he was addicted to Louis and to know that he wouldn’t be physically near him for a while was killing him.

And he wanted Louis to tell him to stay, but he knew he wouldn’t. Because the moment Lestat spoke those words from his beautiful lips, Lestat would stay without hesitation.

It may have been an amazing opportunity, he would be able to learn from some of the world’s best and have the qualifications to perform and be theater director here in New Orleans, and anywhere in the world, but that didn’t make the decision less difficult.

Lestat let his mind wander all day today. He knew that Louis had been a little distant the last few days because Lestat would be leaving soon, but instead of them talking about it, they chose to ignore their emotions, and now here they were. Louis pulling away and Lestat overthinking.

What if Louis found someone else while he was away? What if he realized that he needed space and they ultimately decided to break up?

Lestat would die if that happened.

Then tonight, Louis had surprised him with a lovely dinner at his favorite restaurant with his friends and work colleagues, and he treated him like crap the whole night. Louis could be blind sometimes, because the waiter was flirting with him, and even though he may not have returned said flirting and just gave a normal smile here and there, it was still enough to make Lestat go crazy. Louis really didn’t realize how much of a siren song effect he had on people. His smile, his voice, his eyes. It could leave anyone in a trance.

Hence his co-worker David Talbott. Anytime they were around each other at work, the main conversation would be Lestat and Louis. Granted, Lestat always brought Louis up any chance he could, but he didn’t realize until dinner tonight that David had developed a small crush on his Louis. He was literally looking at him like he wanted to undress him with his eyes.

He was definitely going to get him fired.

The fear and sadness overpowered Lestat tonight and he was mad at himself for it.

And now they both lay in bed, the space between them was sickening. They usually cuddled together, limbs wrapped around each other like they were one person, but Louis was so close to the edge of the bed he thought he might fall off.

It took every ounce of him not to get in the shower with Louis when they got home, and get on his knees to worship him and beg for forgiveness, but he knew when not to cross his boundaries.

Louis clearing his throat, startled Lestat. He looked over and noticed his body shudder as he tried to hold in his sobs.

He was crying. The love of his life was crying and he had done that to him.

“Oh Lou,” Lestat moved over, and wrapped his arms around him, spooning him from behind. “I am sorry, mon amour. I was a jerk. Please don’t cry.”

Louis cleared his throat again, “I’m not crying.”

His ever brave Louis, not wanting to show that emotion. Lestat held onto him tighter, them both needing that comfort from one another.

“Tonight was completely unacceptable.” Lestat kissed his shoulder. “I saw something that wasn’t there because I let my fear of us not being together mess with me. Just a short amount of time I’ll be gone, but I love you so much and it’s killing me to be away from you. I am so very appreciative for tonight. It was truly amazing and I’m sorry I didn’t show you that.”

“It was stupid.”

“I know.”

“And childish.”


There was then a pause and Lestat was worried that Louis would never forgive him.

“This is hard for me.” Louis whisperd. “I know you don’t think that because I’ve been burying myself in work these last few days, but I needed to do that to keep my mind off of you leaving. If I think about it for too long I get…” He paused and took a breath, trying to find the words without having a breakdown. “....And I’m just trying to handle this the best way I know how, because you keep asking me to tell you to stay and I can’t do that Les, I won’t do that.”

Louis began caressing his arm as he continued, “I feel so foolish because it’s only three months and we’ve been apart far longer than that. Except now things are different and I just… I’m just saying it's not easy.”

Lestat then helped Louis turn around, marveling at the way he laid his head against his heart. He was sure Louis could hear his heart constricting at the vulnerability he was being shown tonight.

“It’s not easy for me either. I overreacted. I want so much for you to come with me. You are literally the best part of my day. Of my life. I think by not wanting to ruin it, I end up ruining it anyway.”

Louis placed a kiss on his chest before raising up to look at him. “You have got to stop thinking that I would ever leave you for someone else. Lestat you’re it for me. I know how you get and I make accommodations for that, but it’s almost a slap in the face when you do that. You act like I don’t see the way people look at you. I mean several of your co-workers get nervous around you because of how ethereal you look. I don’t cause a scene or feel like you’re going to leave me. I trust you…I always have.”

“I trust you too, Lou. Plus, no one at my job looks at me like that.”

“Jesse? And David especially.”

“Jesse’s harmless. She looks at everyone like that. And David, he looks at you like that. I can tell he wants to f*ck you Louis.”

Louis laughed, “I highly doubt that. Well, he did look at me weird tonight.”

“See I told you.” Lestat kissed his nose. He couldn’t help it.

“He probably wants a threesome.”

Yeah, that would never happen. Lestat was not the sharing type. He would never want to share Louis with anyone.

“We’re losing focus here.” Louis continued. “You get what I mean right? I love you. You. Don’t try to find something that’s not there and diminish my love for you.”

He was right. He was so very right. But Lestat needed to make something clear as well.

“And what about you? You’ve got to start telling me how you really feel. Don’t pull away from me because it’ll be easier when I’m gone.”

Louis laid his head back down on Lestat’s chest, and intertwined their fingers.“You caught that didn’t you? I wasn’t trying to push you away but I was trying to stay busy because now my days won’t be filled with you. We won’t get to talk much because of the different time zones. And you’ll be busy most of the day.”

“I will always make time for you.”

And Lestat knew that the way Louis relaxed, it was exactly what he needed to hear.

“I’m not going to be clingy and blow up your phone every second of every day, I just…”

“I want you to be that way.” Lestat interrupted. “I need to know how much you miss me…. miss us. I love you, Louis.”

“I love you too.”

Their lips touched afterwards. It was passionate… safe. Their lips felt at home. And instead of making love that night, they held each other just a little tighter than usual, afraid to let the other one go.

The day before had come, and Louis had been a mess all day. He was trying to hide it, but Lestat knew him better than he knew himself, so he knew Louis had been excusing himself to the bathroom every so often to go cry.

He’d always come back with his eyes rimmed a bit red and sniffling a little. Lestat pretended like he didn’t notice so that Louis wouldn’t feel embarrassed. However, it warmed Lestat’s heart to know that he would miss him like this, and yet it was crushing him even more.

They had spent all day together. Louis had already let his job know that he wouldn't be in today so that they could spend every minute together. The bags were packed and by the door and they both pretended not to notice every time they walked by them.

They watched movies throughout the day, made a homemade pizza together, even though it was Louis who mostly did all the cooking while Letat felt him up more times than he could count.

As of right now, they were both lounging on the couch where Lestat laid his head in Louis’ lap, watching him as he watched tv.

“Did they ever send you the list of who else got in?”

“Yeah,” Lestat cleared his throat. “The list came in the other day. Another thing is they want us to all stay in the same hotel, which is ridiculous since I already have a home there.”

“Maybe it’ll be good for you. You’ll get closer to the rest of the group there. And you can always visit your home when you get the time. Plus, by being closer you won’t be late on those early mornings. I may not always be able to give you a wake up call.”

“That’s okay, my alarm is already set with your voice.” He placed a light kiss on his hand.

“You’re so corny.”

“I should do that though.” Lestat chuckled. “Maybe I should record you moaning my name while I f*ck into you so I can wake up to you every morning like that.”

He knew that turned Louis on even though he tried to deny it and change the subject.

“I need to remember to text Armand back about us going to his beach house in Florida when you get back. And then the club will have its grand re-opening. Grace’s wedding is a month after that….”

“I see what you’re doing, Lou.” He raised up and kissed his lips, smiling that he got Louis to give in. “I’m still going to get that recording.”

It was around midnight when they decided to call it a night. They were back in their room and before they both laid down, Louis told Lestat once again that he had to go to the bathroom, and he knew exactly what was about to happen.

Lestat wasn’t about to let him go through this alone anymore. He knocked on the door, yet entered at the same time to see Louis bent over the sink, trembling a bit.

“Oh, mon cher…” Lestat made up his mind. He wasn’t going to leave. He couldn’t leave him.

“I just need a minute.”


“Just a minute, Les.”

Lestat cupped Louis’ face, letting their foreheads touch, and he could feel his own tears coming. “Tell me to stay, Louis. Please, just tell me.”

Louis cleared his throat and wiped his eyes. “I’m all good. Let’s just lay down.” He tried walking past him, but Lestat stopped him.

Their eyes connected and it was too much for both of them.

“Les, don’t…”

“You don’t have to be strong for me, Lou. You don’t have to hide your feelings.”

“I feel crazy.”

“What? For missing me?”

“For feeling like I’m not going to make it without you for such a short amount of time.”

“Do you think I’m going to be okay without you?” He asked, because he genuinely needed to know if Louis really thought that.

“You’ve seemed okay all day.”

“Because I’ve been trying to hold it together for you.” He kissed him tenderly, reveling in the perfection of his lips. So, he said it again. “Tell me… just tell me to stay,”

Louis didn’t say anything and Lestat took a deep breath.

“Louis, I want you to make love to me tonight.” He tongued Louis’ neck and then trailed kisses along his ear, causing Louis to lean into him. “I need to feel you inside of me if I’m going to have the courage to get on that plane tomorrow morning.”

Louis then gave him that look that could make Lestat come without being touched if he gazed long enough. He then grabbed his face in his hands and kissed him roughly, like if he didn’t he would die.

They were both naked in bed swallowing each other's lips. Lestat loved when Louis took control; loved the way he made him feel. He didn’t bottom a lot, but he was grateful that Louis was the only one that had ever been inside of him.

Louis was trailing sweet kisses down his chest, all the while working his hand along his co*ck.

“Louis, mon amour. You treat me so f*cking good.” Lestat moaned.

When Louis looked up at him, Lestat’s breath caught in his throat. He literally had the most beautiful man in existence on top of him, treating him with so much care, and about to f*ck his brains out.

When Louis’ mouth replaced his hands on his co*ck, Lestat let out a strangled noise that he was even surprised to hear.

He was sucking Lestat off like he had something to prove, yet Louis was the only person who ever knew how to handle his co*ck perfectly.

Louis was deep throating Lestat’s dick and looking up at him with those delightful eyes. Watching as he took all of him made the tears almost appear.

Lestat knew he would come soon.

“I’m gonna come, Lou. I’m gonna come in that pretty little mouth of yours.”

Louis grunted and it turned Lestat on so much he came inside Louis’ mouth, and Louis milked him dry, swallowing what only belonged to him.

“You taste so good, Les. I’m gonna miss your taste in my mouth.”

That was it, he wasn’t leaving.

“I’m not gonna go. I’m going to stay right here with you forever.”

Louis chuckled.

“f*ck, Louis, I need you inside of me now.”

“You need me to f*ck you?” The sound of Louis’ voice was hypnotizing. “That’s what you want?”

Lestat nodded, as Louis sat up. He almost whined at the loss of contact.

Louis laid back against the bed, his dick sticking straight up just for Lestat. “Then sit on me, mon cher.” He grabbed the lube and began massaging his co*ck. “Ride me like you need it.”

Lestat didn’t even know he could move that fast, but he positioned himself over Louis, resting his thighs on either side of him. He knew the intrusion was going to be a little uncomfortable at first, but he was ready. He was so ready. He needed that little bit of pain before the pleasure. He wanted to be split open by Louis’ dick.

Lestat eased down on him, nearly going insane as he watched Louis look at him, grunting in response.

“f*ck, Les. You feel so f*cking good. So f*cking tight.”

He kept inching down and then he dropped down the rest of the way, taking Louis to the hilt, them both yelling out in so much pleasure.

Lestat placed his hands against Louis’ chest and began riding him with a vengeance. His co*ck felt so good inside of him. He didn’t know how many times he moaned Louis’ name, and the way his knees were now positioned, it was as if he was taking Louis deeper inside. He wanted Louis to know that no one else could treat his dick like Lestat could.That they were the only two that could fit perfectly like this… forever. He wanted Louis to forget anyone he’d ever been with in the past.

Louis than began pounding up into Lestat, “You take me so f*cking well, Les. You take my dick so f*cking well.”

Louis then sat up, still holding Lestat close, as he continued to thrust up into him.

The tears were in Lestat’s eyes and he didn’t care. He loved this vulnerability with Louis.

“I love you so much, Les. So damn much.”

Lestat came brutally at the declaration of Louis’ love for him. Just knowing how much Louis loved him really sent his heart into overdrive. Louis wasn’t the most affectionate person in the world, but he always showed and told Lestat just how much he meant to him. Even when they were just friends, and now….now it was amplified.

“I love you too, Louis.” And Lestat tried again. “Please tell me to stay, mon cher.”

Louis came inside of him.

As they were both trying to come down from their high, Lestat was about to move to give Louis some breathing room, but he held his hips in place. They both stared at each other, as Lestat began rocking back and forth, riding out the wave of their post lovemaking.

And yet, Lestat still wanted to say those words again. “Louis…….tell me to stay.”

Louis reached up and kissed the hell out of Lestat’s lips.

When Lestat moved off of Louis, he laid beside him, loving the way Louis’ arms wrapped around him and held him close.

They didn’t know how long they stayed like that, but after awhile, when they were both ready for more, Lestat f*cked Louis hard into the mattress, determined to get him pregnant.

They both tried not to show it, but it was inevitable. They both weeped afterwards.

Knowing that Lestat had fallen asleep, Louis kissed his chest and then stared at the perfection that was the love of his life. He knew the next words out of his mouth wouldn't be heard by him, and that’s the way he wanted to keep it.

“Don’t leave me, Les.”

He was so close to telling him several times, but he couldn’t hold him back.

They could do this. Three months was nothing.

He fell asleep listening to Lestat’s heartbeat.

Lestat was sitting on his private jet, ready for take off. His eyes were bloodshot red from all the crying he did on his way here. It was astounding how emotional Louis could make him.

He left him a letter this morning, expressing how he couldn’t say goodbye or he’d fall apart.

Even though he was clearly already doing that.

Lestat knew Louis was going to be pissed at him for leaving like he did, but he had eleven hours to relay those feelings and hopefully afterwards, he would get Louis to touch himself so Lestat could hear his breathy moans through the phone.

Yeah, he knew Louis wouldn’t go for that.

Lestat looked at the time, wondering why they hadn’t pulled off by now. They should

have left thirty minutes ago.

Right when he got the flight attendant’s attention, she pointed for him to look out the window, and he noticed Louis’ car driving up like a bat out of hell.


Lestat ran off the plane nonetheless, and watched as Louis jumped out of the driver's side.

“Really, Lestat?” He shoved him, but not hard. “What the f*ck?”

“How did you get here in time?”

“You think I wouldn’t be in contact with the pilot so that I could make sure you were truly safe. And before you say anything, Joe’s been in our family for years, of course I have his number.” Even though that was true, his mom’s pilot had been flying them places for a very long time, all Lestat could think about was Louis saying ‘our family.

“When I woke up and saw your stupid little note, I called him immediately. You better be glad I got to him in time.”

Lestat pulled Louis towards him. “The letter wasn’t stupid.”

“No, it wasn’t. But you are.”

“You are so sexy when you’re angry.” He went in for a kiss, but Louis turned his head.

“Don’t ever do some sh*t like that again.”

“Never again, mon amour.”

Louis practically attacked his lips in a searing kiss, and Lestat held onto him tightly. There was a moment where the thought crossed his mind to bring Louis on the jet for some bathroom sex, but then Louis would probably get upset because he would make sure the pilot took off, making it where Louis would have to come to Paris right away.

Actually, that may not be a bad idea.

When the kissing ceased, their foreheads touched.

“This is why I did it. I didn’t want it to be this hard.”

“It was going to be hard either way.” Louis kissed him again.

“I love you, Lou.”

“I love you too, Les.”

It took thirty more minutes before Lestat got up enough courage to leave. And they stared at one another until they were both unable to see each other anymore.

Lestat had been on the plane for about two hours when he got the notification about what to expect on the first day of his training. His stomach practically jumped out of his chest, but not because of excitement, instead he was filled with nothing but dread. The list of people that Louis mentioned the other day, one of the names out of the other nineteen people who were going to be in attendance, was what was making him agitated.

Nicolas De Lenfent.

He was one of the names on the list, and Lestat hadn’t told Louis about it.

He didn’t want him to get upset or overthink, and there was a possible chance that Nicki may not even attend.

As soon as he found out for sure, he would call Louis up immediately and tell him. It was the most logical thing to do. And if he did end up being there, then it wouldn’t matter.

Louis had nothing to worry about, and Lestat was sure of that.


Thank you for reading! I hope you all enjoyed.
This chapter ends part one and we'll be getting over into part two in chapter 10. Hopefully you'll all stay on Loustat's journey with me.
Also, I'll probably continue adding tags throughout here and there.
**Comments are most welcomed. They really help.🥰*

Chapter 10: chapter 10


Thank you for everyone who has read, commented, kudos, and bookmarked! Hope everyone enjoys this update.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Six weeks. Six weeks had gone by since the last time Lestat and Louis saw each other in person. Yes, they video called one another almost every day, texted each other way more than before, and even though they were in different time zones, there were times where they got lucky enough to fall asleep while the other just stayed on the phone.

But was it all still particularly difficult? Extremely.

The first week was especially hard for Lestat. It got to a point that he packed his bags and was very close to getting the jet fired up so he could be back in his boyfriend’s arms. But Louis got him to calm him down and think rationally.

The main reason that made Lestat almost run out of his hotel room in his robe and fuzzy slippers was due to Louis answering his phone call with glassy eyes and a tint of red to his face. It was clear that he had been crying before he picked up the phone, even though he gave Lestat the allergies excuse.

By the second week, Lestat finally convinced Louis to spread his legs for him on camera, watching as Louis’ had his sweet release while he talked him through it. Witnessing him stroking his length, imagining it inside of his mouth, made Lestat damn near lose control. Then Louis had the camera angled just right to where he could watch him stick two fingers inside of his hole. Lestat was pumping his own dick intensely and the moment Louis called out his name and picked up the pace with his fingers, Lestat came immediately. Louis then finished up in his hand, making Lestat want so desperately to lick his fingers clean.

“Taste yourself, Lou. Describe it to me. Make me remember.”

He watched as Louis’ co*ck jumped a bit at just his words.

“You telling me you forgot?” Louis breathed.

“Never mon cher, but I need you to tell me as if I just swallowed every ounce of you.”

He watched Louis’ body shudder, “Les…”

Lestat came hard again when Louis described what he tasted like, and it was exactly the way he remembered.

Every other day when they got the time they were either in each other’s ears or watching each other imagining that they were there in person making love to each other to the point of exhaustion.

By week three they had got into little petty arguments with them both either yelling or crying, sometimes both, as the separation started to get unbearable and they couldn’t hide it any longer.

They couldn't lie to each other anymore.

If something frustrating were to have happened to them during the day, they practically took it out on each other because they weren't able to physically be near one another to provide a physical level of comfort that they desperately needed.

It was another day where Lestat threatened to get on the jet and come back, saying screw this training, and it was Louis talking him out of it….yet again.

And that frustrated Lestat.

“You can’t be mad because I’m telling you to stay.”

“You can’t tell me how to feel.” Lestat rolled his eyes, and Louis let out a frustrated breath.


“Lou.” He mocked.

Lestat knew he was being unreasonable but he couldn’t help it. Just seeing Louis on a phone wasn’t enough. It would never be enough.

“I’m not talking to you when you’re like this.”

“So, you admit, you want to stop talking to me. Let me guess, you’re ready to go hang back out with Daniel and Armand. Having these two other men to keep you company while I’m away.”

“Here we f*cking go again. I’ve already had a sh*tty day. I don’t need this from you.” And even though he knew Louis was pissed, he still didn’t make a move to hang up.

“I just want to hold you mon cher, why must you deny me.”

“And you think I don’t want that?”

Lestat nodded even though he knew Louis wanted him just as much.

“Les, you can’t just leave to come back out here. They’ll drop you from the program.”

“I couldn’t care less about the program.”

“We’ve been over this a million times, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity.. You know this. And you know you’re enjoying yourself. You talk about it nonstop.”

“I didn’t realize my joy annoyed you.”

“When the f*ck did I ever say that?”

“Putain de merde”

Lestat hung up on him. He was so thrown from his own feelings he wasn’t even making sense. Hanging up on Louis was a low blow, he knew he was acting irrationally, and at the end of the day, Louis only had his best interest at heart.

Louis knew that Lestat loved the opportunity that was given to him, and he knew that if he were to leave he would get canned from the program, and not be able to come back. Lestat had to admit he was learning a lot and having a great time. Yes, he missed Louis more, but being able to talk to him at the end of his day as well as throughout the day, and seeing how interested and excited Louis was for him made it all worth it.

Lestat called Louis back one minute later and was grateful he picked up.

“Done with your tantrum?”

“Yes. I apologize.”

He watched as Louis nodded. “I miss you too, you know.” Louis took off his shirt and Lestat’s breath hitched. “I miss the way you hold me after a long day.” He pulled off his pants. “I wish I could hold you as you tell me all the great things about your day.” His boxers came off next and his hardened co*ck sprang free.

Lestat moaned. He was about to reach inside of his pants, but Louis stopped him.

“Nope, after how you acted just now, all you’re allowed to do is watch.”

Oh, this was torture. And Lestat loved it.

“I miss the way your lips taste.” Louis spit in hand and began palming the co*ck that belonged to Lestat. And only Lestat. “I miss the way you feel inside me.” He moaned. “I miss when I’m inside you and you clench just enough to make me comefilling you up–”

“Louis,” Lestat damn near cried out. “Don’t be cruel, let me touch.”


Louis then flicked his nipple and Lestat knew he was imagining his mouth sucking and biting it, knowing just how much Louis loved it.

He then started moving his hand quicker, while exposing his neck as he leaned back a bit more. And it drove Lestat crazy. He loved Louis’ neck.

He had left plenty of hickeys throughout their time together on that neck, and he couldn’t wait to leave more on him when he returned.

“I miss the way you always kiss my chest, trying to get so close to my heart as you possibly can.”

Tears started to form in Lestat’s eyes. This was hard. He was so turned on. So in love. And when he could physically be near Louis again, he wouldn’t get off of him for a month.

Louis started picking up the pace even more, and he could tell by the way he whimpered, that he was close.

“God, I love you, Les.”

“Take all of me Louis.” He couldn’t stop himself, and Louis didn’t make him stop. “Who does it belong to Louis?”

“You, Lestat. This dick belongs to you.”

“Say you’re mine Louis. Say you’re mine like I am yours.”

“I’m yours.” He cried out, coming in his hand and on his stomach.

Both of their breathing was uncontrollable, and Lestat thought he was going to die of such sweet torture that Louis bestowed upon him.

When Louis finally came down from his high, Lestat was staring at him in such an animalistic way, he couldn’t help it.


“Yes, mon amour.”

“Don’t you ever hang up on me again. Or next time, I’m not picking back up.”

Lestat chuckled which prompted sweet laughter from his boyfriend’s lips.

“I love you, Louis.”

Louis knew that if he didn’t pick up his phone, Lestat would call back to back to back until he did.

And now that they had hit the six week mark, it would be assumed that things were easier, but it wasn’t. A big portion of that had to do with the fact that Lestat still hadn’t told Louis about Nicki being present at the training.

When he realized that Nicki was in fact attending, he should have called Louis that day to tell him, but he had to admit,he was scared. He didn’t want him to worry and think something was going on when it wasn’t. Lestat rarely spoke to Nicki. Anytime there was group work, Lestat always made sure he was in another group.

Their rooms in the hotel were on separate floors and Lestat never hung out with the other members when they wanted to go out to dinner or just hang around Paris. All he wanted to do was get through the day to day and get back to his room to talk to Louis. And even the times Louis would fall asleep on their video call, instead of hanging up, Lestat would just keep the phone by him to listen to Louis breathe.

But that didn’t mean he wasn’t the life of the program. Lestat had met some great people and for the most part everyone liked him. However, he was sure they were all tired of him constantly talking about Louis. He couldn’t help it though. Louis de Pointe du Lac was his favorite subject.

Lestat was constantly showing pictures of him off his Instagram. And there was a high possibility that his page was currently filled with so many pictures of Louis. These last six weeks he couldn’t help but post them. Louis may not have posted a lot but he loved the fact that his latest picture was of both of them together with the tagline: missing you and a heart emoji.

And even though Louis would tell him it was okay not to post so many pictures of him, he knew his boyfriend secretly loved it. He knew Louis wouldn’t admit it, but he loved being the center of Lestat’s world.

So, it would break Louis if he knew about Nicki. And he didn’t want to hurt him or have him start second guessing himself. And every time he planned to tell Louis, they would start talking and he never wanted to spoil their time together.

Now, all this time had gone by and because he and Nicki rarely spoke, he felt like waiting until Louis came down at the end of the training to tell him in person. But then again the guilt he felt was getting worse everyday.

“Are you ready for tonight?”

Lestat was startled out of his thoughts as Nicki walked up to him while he was walking through the lobby to get to his room.

He almost forgot he was joining everyone for dinner and drinks tonight to celebrate them being half way through the apprenticeship. Lestat almost declined going, but it was a celebration from all the hard work they’ve accomplished so far.

And Louis had convinced him to go saying he needed to spend some time with everyone.

“Yeah, sure.”

He was about to walk off, but Nicki stopped him.

“Do you have a minute where we can talk?”

“No, I need to go call Louis.” It was the truth, plus he felt wrong having any type of private conversation with his ex boyfriend, when his boyfriend didn’t know that they were in the same program.

“I’m sure you could go five minutes without talking to him.”

Lestat detected a hint of disdain in his voice, which made him almost turn away.

“I’m sorry, Lestat. I just meant, we’ve been here for over a month and you’ve barely talked to me. I at least thought last time we talked over the phone, we were at least going to be friends.”

Lestat definitely didn’t forget the last time they spoke. Louis had seen the call come through and left, assuming that they had rekindled their old relationship, and ruined the moment they had shared. And yeah, Lestat ultimately forgave Nicki for his indiscretions and said they could be friends, but he never expected to run into him again to actually commit to said friendship.

“Just trying to stay focused.”

He noticed a bit of sorrow among Nicki’s features, but then it quickly went away. “Well, I hope tonight, you let your hair down and fully hang out with us. It’s been really good seeing you and you’re the only person I really know here, so it would be nice to talk to a familiar face sometimes.”

Lestat sighed, “Look, Nicki, I don’t mean to be rude, but I need to go.”

Nicki nodded. “I’m not trying to come in between you and Louis. I just want to be your friend. If we get stuck in a group together for the rest of the training, I’d rather it not be awkward.”

“I know how to keep it professional.”

But, Lestat knew Nicki was right. He didn’t want things to be awkward. Plus, he was standing in front of Nicki right now and he felt absolutely nothing.

“Look, I’ll meet you all down here in a little while. And you’re right I won't make things awkward.”

He chose to ignore the smile Nicki gave and then left to his room to go call Louis.

Lestat needed to tell him the truth prior to going to dinner.

Louis did his best not to admit that he felt like his world was crashing down around him without Lestat present. It was a new feeling that he didn’t particularly like. He missed him with everything he had, but the first week he almost didn’t want to leave their bed, inhaling Lestat’s scent that was still in their sheets and cuddling up to one of his favorite sweaters.

Louis was down bad. Something he had never experienced before with anyone else.

It had been six weeks and although they talked every day and texted more than that, it still didn’t feel like enough. He missed being in Lestat’s arms, and Lestat being in his arms.

When they both had a free moment to do a video call, they sometimes tried watching a movie here and there together, but a good portion of the time, they both ended up with their dicks out, rubbing themselves damn near raw and coming harder than they ever thought possible.

The way Lestat looked at him with hooded eyes through the phone and talked Louis through it, it was enough to make him lose his mind. And yet, it wasn’t enough at all. He wanted Lestat’s hands and mouth all over him. He wanted his impressive sized co*ck living inside of him.

He may have had to stop Lestat a few times from getting on his jet and coming back home, but if Louis was being honest, it was taking everything in him not to say forget his job and forget everything for awhile and head to Paris for the rest of the duration.

But he couldn’t do that.

Louis’ days went on as usual. He spent a lot more time at the club working with contractors on the schematics for the expansion. That meant that the club was officially closed a bit earlier than expected and would reopen in the next two months for a grand re-opening. His employees were taken care of until then, and Louis had a little more time on his hands. He tried to keep himself busy for the most part. He was available if the contractors needed anything, and gave his input on almost everything. Tom took the two months as a full on vacation, not being able to be reached. Sooner or later he was hoping to buy out Tom’s shares so he could be the sole owner of the club.

Louis made sure he got a run in every morning, kept up with making sure he ate two to three meals a day, because sometimes he had the habit of getting busy or getting in his head too much where he would forget to eat. Those days he’d spent lounging around the house, he read constantly, even though at times he could barely remember what he read because his mind was constantly on Lestat.

He decided to begin the process of renovating the townhouse, making the room they shared bigger along with the bathroom, as well as expanding their living room and kitchen.That would take awhile, but he was at least in the planning stages. Lestat was onboard with it, and it warmed Louis’ heart at how enthusiastic he seemed at his excitement. He loved when they could talk about any and everything they loved and just as Louis could listen to Lestat talk for hours about his day, Lestat could do the same.

There were times where he went out with Daniel and Armand, whether it was a dinner they invited him too or a club they wanted to check out. More like they dragged him out so that he wouldn’t wallow and be held up at his place alone. He was grateful for them bearing with him, when he got in his melancholy moments.

When they did go out, Louis may have gotten a little too drunk a few times, missing Lestat a little too much. He even spent one time on Daniel and Armand’s couch because their place was closer and the world was spinning too much.

Needless to say, Lestat wasn’t happy about it.

The moment he picked up the phone, he knew Lestat could tell he was inebriated.

“This was our time and you can barely stay up.”

“Don’t be mad.” Louis slurred. “The other day you couldn’t talk because you fell asleep from a long day.”

“A long day of training, not gyrating between Daniel and Armand.”

Louis laughed, “Gyrating? Really? Be serious right now, Les.”

“And now you’re sleeping over there. What, are you in their bed? Only coming out to the couch to pick up the phone?”

“You want to tread real carefully for what you’re implying.” Not that Armand didn’t try to get him to come lay in their bed, to which he denied. “I’m going to let that go because I’m really drunk right now and there’s two of you.”

“I guess I should just hang up then.”

“I’d really like it if you didn’t.”

And even though Louis may have had blurry vision right now, he could see the small smile on Lestat’s face trying to break through.

Such a cute face that Louis wanted to put his mouth on.

“Fine, I’ll stay on, mon cher. But when you wake up and are back at our home in our bed, I want to see all of you spread open screaming my name.”

Louis’s face flushed.

“I think I can make that happen.” He said as his eyes began to close. “I love you.”

Je t'aime plus.”

And that next day when he got home, in their bed, Louis came twice screaming Lestat’s name.

Even though they had to resort to phone sex, it was still very pleasurable maintaining eye contact and talking each other through completion. They knew when they came together again it would be nothing short of explosive.

Louis may have not been a stranger to dirty talk, but it was amplified between the two of them now that they weren’t physically together. One of Louis’ favorite memories of their long distance sexual pleasure was getting Lestat off in the bathroom when he had a short break one day.

“You’re so f*cking pretty, Louis. I wish I was there to be inside of you.”

“Stroke yourself for me, Les. Stroke it the way I would.”

“God, Lou you feel so f*cking good.”

“Spit on your hand, get it nice and wet… imagine it’s my mouth.” Louis breathed. It was driving Lestat wild, and he loved it. “f*ck yourself with your hand Les, and think of my mouth. Imagine me gagging on it cause you’re so f*cking big.”

Lestat whimpered. “I’m going to come, Louis.”

“Come in my mouth like the little slu*t you are.”

“God! Lou.” Lestat came hard.

It was no secret that Lestat liked to be called a slu*t in the bedroom. Louis didn’t particularly like resorting to those names, but in times like this he couldn’t help himself.

“I need you so bad Louis. I miss you so much. This isn’t really worth it anymore.”

Louis sighed, trying his best to calm himself down as well.

“Trust me, it’ll go by before you know it.” Louis saw the tears in Lestat’s eyes, which was making his form as well. But he would not cry on this phone with Lestat because for one he was trying to be strong for the both of them and two, he knew if he showed that type of emotion Lestat actually would be on that private jet making his way back to him.

And the way he was feeling he probably wouldn’t stop him, and then Lestat would miss out on something he loved.

“I’m going to hang up now.”

Before he could hear Lestat’s protest, he hung up and cried.

That next day, Louis’ favorite flowers, cigars, and his drinks were delivered to his door.

“His instagram page is like a shrine.” He remembered Daniel saying one time while they were at lunch.“I’m surprised you’re not freaking out right now. We know how much you like your privacy.”

“Yeah, but I actually don’t mind it.” Louis admitted. Yes, Louis wasn’t as active in the social media world, but the last few pictures he’s posted has been solely of Lestat or of them both together.

They both desperately missed each other. And if posting pictures showing the world how much Lestat loved him, made Lestat happy, then who was he to deny that. Because it also made him happy as well.

And now, here he was at the airport, staring at a ring box. Louis was planning to propose. He was headed to Paris, way earlier than planned, to ask the man he loved to spend the rest of their lives together.

Louis knew he wanted to marry Lestat since they were young. Yes, life took them in different directions and when he loved Lestat, he didn’t return those feelings, vice versa, but the thought never left his mind of marrying him.

It had always been Lestat de Lioncourt.

And he had been sitting on this ring for a while. Well, since Gabrielle had come to visit after he got out of the hospital. The day she left, they had a private conversation that Lestat wasn’t privy to, and he told Gabrielle that he wanted to marry her son one day.

Gabrielle immediately gave her blessing.

“I’ve always viewed you as my family, Louis. And now it will come true. I can not wait to come back to plan. Will you propose tonight?”

Louis chucked, “Not quite yet, Gabs, but you’ll be the first to know when it happens.”

“This is the happiest news of all time. I can not wait.”

“And please, don’t say anything.” Because sometimes Gabrielle couldn’t hold water.

She touched his face and gave him a hug, “Your secret is safe with me, my sweet Louis.”

And now here he was, headed to Paris because he couldn’t wait any longer. What better place to propose than the city of love.

“I hate airports.” Claudia’s voice filled his ears.

Louis looked over to his best friend who was more like a sister to him.

“You have a perfectly good jet to use, so I don’t know why we have to fly commercial.”

Louis couldn’t help but smile, “Here you go complaining already. It’s first class.”

“Private jet or first class. I think you see my dilemma here.”

“We can’t take the jet because it’ll alert Lestat and I’m trying to surprise him.”

They called for their flight, so they stood up and got in line to board the plane.

“I can’t believe you’re proposing.” She confessed. “I mean I really thought it would be Lestat popping the question first. But I always knew you two would get married.” And even though Claudia looked a bit sad, she did try to smile a bit. “I am happy for you though, Louis. Both of you.”

Louis placed his arm around her and pulled her into a hug.

“Do you want to talk about it yet?”

She shrugged, “Not yet. I mean we have like thirteen hours so maybe I’ll want to talk about it in the air.”

Claudia was going through a break up not only with her boyfriend but her best friend too. Louis had texted her earlier this week letting her know his plan to go to Paris for the week and propose, and literally the day before he was set to leave, she showed up on his doorstep with her suitcase and a plane ticket.

“Do you mind some company?”

Of course he didn’t mind.

She ended up telling him the other morning Madeline broke off their friendship explaining that it was too hard, and then that same evening Charlie questioned her feelings for Madeline and ended their relationship.

And now Claudia was out of a best friend and a boyfriend, because she couldn’t get her feelings in control and tell the truth.

Her heart was broken, but instead of crying about it she put on the front she always did and tried not to break down.

Louis knew Claudia, and he knew when she was putting on a front, but he wasn’t going to push. She would confide in him more and even wallow, when she was ready.

“I can’t wait to explore Paris. I really need this.” They sat down in their seats. “And during the day while your fiance is at his training, you will spend the day with me and we will explore.”

Louis laughed, “Who’s to say he’ll say yes.”

“Please, the moment you pull out the ring box, Lestat will jump in your arms before you can even ask.”

That didn’t make Louis any less nervous. He still wasn’t sure if he was going to get down on one knee yet or if he should do it in a restaurant. Maybe he should have planned this better.”

“So, are you sure I can stay in your hotel room?” Claudia broke him out of his thoughts. “I can always see if they have another one available?”

“That place is sold out. I most likely won’t even be in the room. Take it. It has a good view and everything.”

“Thanks. Still would prefer a private jet instead.” Claudia added when they finally got up in the air.

Louis just shook his head a bit.

Lestat was plastered. He hadn't planned on drinking so much, but this was the first time he had gone out with the group for dinner and drinks, and now that dinner was done he was taking back a multitude of drinks.

Also, he wasn’t able to talk to Louis fully today. Just a few quick text messages, when he wanted to see his beloved’s face.

He even stalked his Instagram, not that Louis was on there a lot, but anytime he posted a story, Louis viewed it and hearted it, but he hadn’t done so today.

Yes, Lestat was on edge, so all the free shots that were being given to him were taken without hesitation.

He just did not know what Louis could be doing. Even the last few days they hadn’t had phone sex, and it was driving him up a wall. It was pure torture and not the kind he liked. The only thing to bring him to completion these last few days was the memory of Louis bouncing on top of him moaning out as Lestat thrusted up into him.

Just thinking about that made him take another drink.

Not only that, he hadn’t had a chance to tell Louis about Nicki’s presence. He went up to his room earlier today to call, but he didn’t pick up the phone.

Another shot.

Nicki kept staring at him tonight and even tried to sit next to him. Thankfully someone else sat down before he could.

Louis would forgive him right? For not mentioning Nicki’s name for over a month? This was literally the first time they had hung out and it was with the group. He had to forgive him….right?

Lestat tried calling Louis one more time, and it went to voicemail. Okay, seriously, what the hell was going on?

“Everything okay?”

Lestat looked up to notice Nicki staring at him again. He cleared his throat, “Yeah, just can’t get in touch with Lou.”

He could have sworn Nicki rolled his eyes.

“Uh oh.” Janet, one of the other members, said, “Trouble in paradise?”

“You know our dear Lestat here can’t go five minutes without contacting his Louis.” Tommy, another member in their group added. “Not that I blame you, Louis is delicious looking.”

Lestat glared at him. Sometimes he wished he wouldn’t have shown any of them Louis' picture, with the way they all swooned over him. His boyfriend was beautiful, that was no secret, but Lestat was a selfish man, and didn’t want anyone thinking any sexual thoughts about his man. Especially right now when he couldn’t see nor talk to him.

But Tommy held his hands up in defeat, “Don’t worry, no one is going to take him away from you. Even though, if you both decide to take a break, you wouldn’t mind if I…?”

Janet spoke up before Lestat could. “Oh please, Tommy Tom, Louis isn’t desperate. But seriously, Lestat, are you sure he’s like one hundred percent gay? Would he give me a chance too?”

“Who’s the desperate one now?”

“You both are comedians I see.” Lestat interrupted them. “Louis and I are never going to end. I’m planning on marrying him one day.”

“Maybe we should all take another shot.” Nicki suggested.

“Here here!” Other people shouted.

As the night went on, Lestat had even more to drink, ended up singing karaoke, and he was sure people now knew that he and Nicki used to date.

He couldn’t quite remember how it was revealed, but it was.

Now, he was being helped to his room, trying his best to walk upright, yet leaning on whomever was helping him.

“Can someone……check my phone….. Lou….I miss my Louis.” He slurred. He needed to see if Louis called him. He needed to talk to him.

But things were blurry and he could barely get his words out.

“He is going to be so hungover in the morning.” Janet shifted Lestat’s feet on the bed. “Good thing we don’t have classes on the weekend. Are you coming?”

“I’m going to stay around for a little bit.” Nicki stated, “Just to make sure he doesn’t choke on his own vomit. Because you can tell it’s coming.”

“Okay, well call me if you need anything. I need to make sure Tommy doesn't take home another random person tonight.”

Once Janet left, Nicki grabbed some water for Lestat.

“Here, drink some.”

Lestat barely took a sip, and Nicki couldn’t help but caress his face, marveling in the way he leaned into him.

Nicki knew that Lestat still felt something for him. They sang karaoke tonight for crying out loud. And it was a romantic song. Yes, Lestat was really intoxicated and messed up all the words, but it was still romantic nonetheless.

“If only, Les. I know I hurt you and I know you think you’re in love with Louis. But I know deep down you still care for me. You still love me.” He whispered. “I was your first love.”

Nicki was caught by surprise when Lestat opened his eyes and looked at him like he hung the moon.

It was the look of love. Nicki was right.

Lestat then brought his hand up to Nicki’s face in a gentle touch and Nicki’s heart started beating fast. The butterflies were instantly there the moment Lestat pressed a soft kiss to his hand.

“Mon cher. I’m so glad you’re here.” Nicki was about to say he would always be here for him, but Lestat continued. “I’ve missed you so much, Lou. My Louis.”

Lestat then reached up and kissed him before Nicki could fathom anything. And Nicki knew it was wrong but he kissed him back. It was quick, not more than a few seconds, no tongue either, even though Nicki wanted to get lost in Lestat’s lips.

He missed those lips. He missed Lestat being his. He missed being Lestat’s.

And it was Lestat who stopped the kiss even though it should have been Nicki.

“You know Lou, your kisses don’t feel the same. I guess it’s the alcohol. In the morning we’ll try again.”

Lestat was asleep before Nicki could say anything.

“I need a bath and to sleep for the next twelve hours.” Claudia announced, as they walked into the hotel. “If we weren’t coming to Paris, I would have said thirteen hours was enough to make me not want to come. But, it is Paris.”

Louis was tired as well, but the thought of seeing Lestat in just a few minutes was enough to give him some energy.

After he got his room keys, he gave one to Claudia, and was able to get a key to Lestat’s room as well. Louis should say he was surprised that Lestat actually put his name on a list to have a key to his room, but he wasn’t.

His first day in Paris, Lestat missed Louis so badly that he put his name on a list that if he ever decided to surprise him, he could wait for him in his room, in his birthday suit.

At the time, Louis just dismissed the idea, because Lestat wanted him to come the next day, and now here he was, about to surprise him. Except at this time, Lestat should be in his room, so there was no waiting in his bed naked.

But, he was sure that they would be getting naked later.

Louis was hoping for it.

However, he had a feeling the love of his life was nursing a hangover, because when he got off the plane he had so many missed calls, text messages, and voicemails. In some of the voicemails, he heard people in the background, so he knew that Lestat finally went to have fun with the people in his training. The good thing about all of this was that Louis would be there to take care of him.

“So, I’ll come check on you in a few hours?” Louis stated.

“More like tomorrow.” she winked. “I don’t think Lestat is going to let you up for air.”

“Alright, alright.” He blushed a bit.

“What? I’m just sayin’. Plus I’m going to order room service and then sleep for the rest of the day. I’m super jet lagged.”

“But seriously, call me or text if you need anything, okay? I don’t want you to be by yourself when you start thinking of what happened. I’m still here if you need me.”

“Thanks, Louis. I will.”

And now Louis was standing outside of Lestat’s room. He took a deep breath before putting the keycard to the door, and began opening it….

Lestat woke up wondering how the hell he even got to his room. He remembered being at the bar in the hotel drinking shots with everyone, but getting back to his room was a mystery.

Louis entered his mind, remembering that he couldn’t get in contact with him all night. He immediately began looking for his phone when he noticed someone was lying beside him.


That’s when Lestat noticed he didn’t have a shirt on.


Oh God No.

“Good morning.”

Lestat jumped up and had to brace himself due to the headache that impacted his skull. If he cheated on Louis he would never be able to recover. Louis would leave him and

never talk to him again. He could literally throw up right now.

“Why are you in my room? Please tell me we didn’t.”

Nicki sat up. He had a tank top on, but not his actual shirt, and he was currently in his boxers.

“Well, my ego isn’t hurt.” Nicki deadpanned, “But no we didn’t.” He then stood up. “You did kiss me though.”

God, no. He was grateful he didn’t sleep with him, but he kissed him?

That’s when the memory jammed in his brain. He thought he was kissing Louis. He wondered why Louis’ lips felt different.

“Nicki, you need to leave.”

“Look, Lestat…”

“No, I thought I was kissing Louis.”

“I highly doubt that.” Nicki scoffed, and this was the first time he had really heard anger displayed on his voice.

“It’s true.”

“You wanted me here, Lestat. You wanted me to come up here with you. You kissed me and before you fell asleep, you said we could try again in the morning.”

No, he hadn’t said that. To him. He thought it was Louis. Thought it was his lips that taste different. He knew his boyfriend’s lips. He just was seeing things he wanted too last night.

It was a mistake.

He didn’t even realize Nicki had walked closer to him, his hand caressing his jaw. “And I know you want to continue what happened last night.. Just tell me you want me Les and I’m yours.”

“Yes, Les, tell him.”

Lestat turned quickly towards the door, that he hadn’t even heard open, to see Louis standing there with anger and hurt displayed across his beautiful features.

He really wanted to wake up from this nightmare, he immediately thought, right before he threw up all over the floor.


Don't hate me!

Thanks for reading and Please review. Comments help a lot!

Chapter 11: chapter 11


A huge thank you again for everyone who is read, commented, bookmarked, and left kudos. It really means the world to me!! Hope you enjoy this chapter!🫣

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Louis? Louis, come on, open the door.”

Louis wasn’t quite sure how long he had been sitting on the bathroom floor of he and Claudia’s hotel room. To be honest, he didn’t really remember how he got back here from Lestat’s room. It felt like one moment he was viewing a scene that ripped his heart into shreds and the next thing he knew he was locking the bathroom door and sliding to the floor. He barely heard any of Claudia’s questions, but he knew that she had been trying to get his attention since he got in.

Saying he felt numb was an understatement

It was as if he were having an out of body experience. Were there even words to describe this kind of pain? His heart felt like it was literally being cut into pieces.

And yet, through all the pain, Louis couldn’t help but think about how he should be in Lestat’s arms right now, holding him close, inhaling his scent, showing him how much he missed him, but instead he couldn’t even look at him and it was killing him.

All he could see in his mind was Lestat and Nicki standing close and staring at each other, barely clothed.

Louis couldn’t even speak when he first saw them.

“You wanted me here Lestat. You wanted me to come up here with you. You kissed me before you fell asleep, you said we could try again in the morning. And I know you want to continue what happened last night. Just tell me you want me Les, and I’m yours.”

Just tell me you want me Les, and I’m yours.

You want me Les, and I’m yours.

Les, and I’m yours.


I’m yours.

When Louis was finally able to make his presence known, they both stared at him with utter shock on their faces. And even though Louis was shocked as well, the moment Lestat threw up, he almost went to him. He even stepped forward a bit before he immediately stopped himself.

“Louis, it’s not…it’s not what it looks like.”

Louis couldn’t even say anything to that, because he knew Lestat even realized how crazy it sounded.

It was Nicki who spoke next. “I’m sorry you had to find out this way, Louis.”

Lestat immediately glared at Nicki. “No, what? You need to get the f*ck out.”

“Really? After what we shared.” The look he gave was so smug, Louis wanted to punch the f*ck out of him. “Les and I are still in love.”

“He’s lying, mon cher. Nicki you need to leave.”

“No, f*ck this.” Louis turned to walk away. “I’ll go.”

“Louis, no. Please… don’t go.” He almost tripped trying to get to him.

But, Louis ignored him.

And now here he was still on the bathroom floor, replaying everything back to back in his head and trying to process everything. He even had to turn his phone off because Lestat kept calling and sending text messages, but Louis couldn’t answer. He wouldn’t.

How could Lestat do this?

Louis choked on a sob. He was so angry. So hurt. So humiliated.

He could have punched Nicki square in the face. The nerve of that boy to look at him with a satisfaction that burned through his core. The nerve to even say his name.

Why was he here? Why hadn’t Lestat told him?

A knock on the door pulled him out of his thoughts. But, it wasn’t the bathroom door and it wasn’t Claudia this time.


Louis jumped up from the floor and quickly stepped out of the bathroom before Claudia could open the front door.

Luckily, she noticed him right before her hand touched the knob.

Louis shook his head no.

“Okay, seriously what’s going on?” Claudia asked. “Louis you look pale as sh*t, and now Lestat is knocking all frantically like a mad man.” She then lowered her voice to a whisper. “Did he say no? Are you in a fight because he said no?”

Louis almost stumbled. He forgot about the proposal that fast, making all of this even worse.

“Please, I just don’t want to talk to him right now,” he pleaded.

“Louis! Please. Please open up, mon cher. I’m sorry, mon amour . Nothing happened with Nicki and I. He shouldn’t have even been in my room. Open up so we can talk.”

Louis barely paid attention to Claudia’s shocked expression.

“Nicki’s here?”

Louis was back inside of himself, picturing how he walked in on them. Letting false images intrude in his mind, of how they probably were the night before. Letting the relationship they had back in New York slam into his mind. Witnessing their lips touch; lips that were supposed to belong to him.

“Lestat you should leave.” Claudia called out through the door.

“Claudia, you’re here too? Please, Claudia, let me in, cherie .”

“Louis doesn’t want that, Lestat. Just give him some space right now okay?”

It was silent for a moment, and they both thought maybe he left.

“Just let me in. Please. Louis I need to explain things. Let me hold you, mon amour .”

Lestat was in tears, Louis could tell. And yet, Louis still couldn’t bring himself to move or speak.

“Lestat go, okay. Louis will talk to you when he’s ready.”

Louis heard his exhale of frustrated breath and it went silent again.

“I love you, Louis.”

He knew that Lestat had lingered in the hall for a moment without making any noise, and he knew the exact moment he left.

And that was the exact moment that Louis released the breath he had been holding. Right before he could take another step to the bathroom, Claudia stood in front of him.

“Oh no! Absolutely not. You were in there forever and I need to go. And when I come out you’re going to tell me exactly what happened…. in detail.”

Lestat was on edge as he paced back and forth in his room. His hands were literally shaking as so many emotions engulfed him. Louis was here. In Paris. To see him. His heart should be doing somersaults, but instead it was breaking and his soul was shattered. He was hanging on by a thread thinking about the way he looked at him.

Everything was so messed up and yet he was still experiencing a hangover from hell that was starting to take a hold over his body. He could barely stand, but he needed to get himself together to go back to Louis’ room. He would sit outside in the hall, in front of his room until he came out to talk.

He knew Louis needed time, but Lestat couldn’t lose him. Not when it took him so long to get his head out of his ass and realize Louis was the best thing to ever happen to him.

He wanted to strangle Nicki. He knew his ex could be unpredictable at times, but he never expected this, especially because he begged for Lestat’s forgiveness and a friendship when he reached out a while back. He ultimately forgave Nicki for the cheating, and agreed on said friendship even though Lestat really didn’t have any intention of committing to that. And last night, he finally felt he could be cordial with him to survive their last month in the program together. He was even going to finally tell Louis, but now everything was a mess.

Louis was hurt, and it made him f*cking ill.

First thing he was going to do was confront Nicki and try his best not to get kicked out of the hotel for screaming at him, then he would take a shower, get dressed to look presentable, and then he would go and wait for Louis to finally talk to him.

Yes, he would do all of that. He just needed to get out of bed.

Any moment now.

Any moment now the room would stop spinning.

Any moment now.

He was asleep before he could think of anything else. The hangover and exhaustion finally took over his body.

Louis had thrown up twice.

As soon as Claudia got from the bathroom, Louis ran in there and upchucked right in the toilet. And then he did it again.

With his emotions all over the place, he began to feel physically ill and he couldn’t hold it in any longer.

The pain he felt, the heartache was nothing like he’d ever experienced. He didn’t even know it was possible to feel this type of pain.

It also didn’t help that when he confided in Claudia about what happened, she got on instagram to see what Nicki looked like and there was a picture of Lestat from last night smiling with a caption of a heart.

And now, Louis was lying in bed in the pitch dark, with Claudia asleep on the other bed beside him. All he could do was stare at the ceiling as the tears kept flowing. He tried not to make any noise, but he couldn’t help it as he sobbed.

How could Lestat do this? How could he cheat on him? How could he lie? Was Louis such a fool?

Everything in him belonged to Lestat. It was to a point that he felt like he didn’t have a life if Lestat wasn’t in it. And now the thoughts were entering his mind on if that was really healthy? Lestat didn’t know how detrimental it had been for Louis while he was away.

No one really had.

During the first week, the way Louis missed him was all consuming. He was sure that people would have assumed they were never going to see each other again with the way he acted. It was almost embarrassing and now that Louis really thought about it, feeling that way and spending days in bed as if he were mourning was definitely not healthy at all.

Of course he ultimately got through it and got back in the swing of his everyday life, but that didn’t stop his mind from being on Lestat 25/8.

And now as he lay here with his thoughts going a mile a minute, he really couldn’t help but wonder if he relied on Lestat too much. Lestat had been a part of Louis’ life for so long, bringing him into his family when his parents denounced him at such a young age. His friendship meant the world to him and even before Lestat had overpowered his heart, he viewed him as his soulmate.

When time had passed and feelings had surfaced on Louis’ part, although those feelings weren’t returned at the time, it never stopped Louis from wanting to be in Lestat’s life. Lestat was the one person in the world that knew him better than anyone else. He accepted him and believed in him before anyone else did and when no one else would. They had this bond that Louis thought could never be broken, but now he wasn’t so sure.

Lestat had the power to hurt him far worse than his family ever could, and that was saying a lot, because his family, excluding Grace, had left a hole in his heart that took years to repair. So, Louis really thought he would never hurt like that again, especially by the one man who promised to keep his heart safe, but unfortunately, he was wrong.

Louis wasn't able to prevent the tears that came back to his eyes as he began crying again. He tried holding it in, but he couldn’t.

“Will you stop crying?” Claudia’s voice broke him out of his thoughts.

He was about to apologize, but he heard her sniffling.

“You stop crying.” He responded.

If it were anyone else, he would have snapped, but Claudia was going through it too. They both confided in each other through the night, before exhaustion took her over. She finally explained in detail what happened between her, Charlie, and Madeline. Even though Louis was in his own head, he still wanted to be there for her as much as he could.

He came to the conclusion that no matter how much Claudia would always hold a special place for Charlie, it was Madeline who made her heart beat faster. It was the loss of friendship with Madeline that was hurting her far worse than the break up with Charlie.

And if Madeline were to come back around, it was she who Claudia would want to be with. And Louis hoped that they would find their way to each other. He really did.

When Claudia fell back asleep, Louis tried to do the same this time, but it was safe to say that sleep wouldn’t come.

Louis didn’t feel like leaving the room until it was time for their flight at the end of the week. If he were being honest, he was ready to leave now, hoping he could change his flight to something earlier, but he didn’t want to cut Claudia’s trip short.

“You sure you don’t want to order room service?” Louis wanted to hide in the room for the rest of the trip, but he knew that eventually, he would have to have a talk with Lestat. When he turned back on his phone earlier this morning, he had so many messages and voicemails from him. He almost turned it back off.

“Getting out of this room will do us both good. Plus, it’s Paris…” Claudia wasn’t able to finish her sentence because when she opened the door, Lestat was sitting on the floor outside their room.

He instantly stood up. “Claudia,” His voice was shaky, betraying how much he was trying to hold it together.

“Louis!” she yelled, without taking her eyes off of Lestat.

“Claudia, yelling, I'm right here.” Louis walked towards the door and stopped abruptlywhen he saw Lestat standing there, holding flowers.

He looked way better than yesterday, seemingly no longer hungover, but his eyes looked puffy and glassy from crying.

For a moment they both couldn’t move nor speak. Both afraid to look away.

It was Claudia who spoke up, reminding them that they weren't alone.

“Do you want me to send him away?”

Lestat looked as if his world was about to fall apart if Louis were to say yes.

It took Louis a moment, but he finally said, “It’s okay, Claudia.”

“Well, you know where I’ll be… down at the restaurant. Just call me if you need me.”

Louis watched as she glared at Lestat before leaving them alone.

Lestat hesitantly walked inside and closed the door behind him. He thought he had more confidence to face Louis, but his hands felt sweaty and his heart began hammering forcefully inside his chest.

Now that his head wasn’t cloudy with a hangover, this was the first time he had truly seen Louis in six weeks. Seeing him over the phone was way different than seeing him in person. The love of his life was beautiful, that was a fact, and he would say it every day for the world to hear. But, standing in front of him now, he wondered if Louis knew he had a siren call that continuously pulled him in.

Had he been working out? Louis had an exquisite body that deserved to be worshiped, but was it possible for him to get even sexier. God, he wanted to kiss him so deeply until they both drowned from the lack of air.

“Louis, I’m…” His voice hitched. Lestat wasn’t sure why he wasn’t expecting Louis to look right into his eyes, but when he did he noticed his eyes were glassy and around his eyes were red and puffy.

He tried to walk closer wanting to provide any comfort he would allow, but Louis backed away almost instantly.

“Lou, please…”

Louis cleared his throat.”W-why?”

His voice broke Lestat. He was in pain and Lestat had caused that, something he never wanted to do in life.

“Why didn’t you tell me he was going to be here? We’ve talked every single day, multiple times a day. You could have told me. You should have told me, Lestat.”

“I know I know, I wanted to. Every single time we talked I so desperately wanted too, mon coeur.

“Don’t call me that.”

It was like a punch in the face. “I should have told you. I just… I didn’t want you to worry or think the worse with him being here.”

“That’s the thing, I trusted you.If you would have told me, I would have trusted you.” Louis paused as if he were reflecting on something.”Wait, you got the list of all the attendees before you left? And you… you didn’t tell me. You kept the secret even then?”

Lestat didn’t say anything. He couldn’t speak, but he knew that Louis could read the truth from him.

“f*ck, Lestat. How far would things have gone yesterday if I didn’t walk in on you two?”

“It wouldn’t have gone anywhere.” He needed Louis to know that. From the bottom of his heart he needed Louis to know that he did not want Nicki even if Louis wasn’t in the picture. “Louis, I promise you, I don't know why Nicki was in my room this morning. Last night was the first time I even hung out with anyone. Anytime we had to work in a group, I always made sure I wasn’t on his team. I rarely spoke to him until last night and even then it wasn’t anything. I was so drunk Louis. So drunk. You weren’t picking up the phone or returning my call or texts.”

“So, this is my fault? It's my fault that you got so drunk you slept with your ex boyfriend?”

“We didn’t sleep together.” He walked up until they were close to each other, grateful that Louis didn’t move away from him. “We didn’t have sex Louis, I promise that. I swear on our love.”

“But you still kissed him.”

“I thought it was you.”

Louis moved back. “You think I’m dumb or something?”

“No, mon cher , I’m not saying that. I really thought I was kissing you, but I knew something wasn’t right so I stopped. I was so drunk last night. I promise I didn’t even know it was him until I woke up this morning and everything came rushing back. You have to believe me, Louis. s'il te plaît .” He cupped his face, and was so close to him that their noses were touching. Lestat wanted to kiss him. To erase everything from the last twenty four hours.

If he could take it all back he would.

Louis took an exasperated breath. “I do believe you, Lestat. I believe that you didn’t have sex with him. But you lied to me. You withheld this… you… I trusted you and you…”

“Louis….” The tears were coming out of Lestat’s eyes, but he still didn’t move away. His hands stayed on Louis’ face and Louis’ hands were gripping his. He wanted so badly to lean into his touch, to be all over him… inside of him.

“You had all this time to tell me and I feel like a fool. Sitting at home missing you, thinking about you constantly. Calming you down when you felt like I was out doing God knows what with Armand and Daniel. Keeping you from constantly feeling this jealousy, when I haven’t done anything. And you’ve held this… this secret… this…. God, I can’t even get the image of you and him out of my head. He called you Les.”

“Louis, I didn't want to hurt you. Nothing happened that was in my control. I would never do anything with Nicki. I don’t love him. I love you . Je vous aime . I am so sorry.”

And there was a moment, a quick moment when Lestat thought Louis was going to embrace him and allow Lestat’s lips to find their home on Louis’ lips again.

But he backed away….backed out of his grasp.

“I think we need to take a break.”

Lestat felt like his heart exploded in his chest.

“No, Louis, y-you can’t…” His voice didn’t even sound like his own. “You can’t. No…”

He grabbed at his hands but Louis moved away again, as if his touch burnt him. That hurt even more.

“Mon cher , you can’t do this. Nothing happened with Nicki and I.”

“I’m glad you didn’t sleep with him, I am. But you’ve been sitting on this for over a month. You didn’t trust me enough to tell me. God, Lestat, I’ve been sick without you. To feel like a part of me had died when you weren’t there…. I-I don’t think I can feel like that again. Seeing you two together, it’s…it’s embedded in my brain.”

Lestat knew the tears were streaming from his eyes but he couldn’t care less because of the tears that were coming from Louis.

“When I was younger, you know how my parents treated me. Their non acceptance of me hurt. It hurt more than anything I could imagine back then. And then you came along and you helped me build myself back up. You gave me this home. I-I relied on you. I loved you. You were my family… the family I always needed.” He watched as Louis paused, trying his best not to hold in the rest of the tears that wanted to come out. “My parents…they had the power to hurt me because of that love. And you have this power over me like they did, and that’s on me. That’s all on me. I put a lot of trust in you. I guess I just thought you of all people would never make me feel like this.”

“Lou…” He choked on a sob. “I would never intentionally hurt you. I love you so much. Please don’t do this to us.” He was on his knees in a heartbeat, hugging onto his legs.“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I never want you to feel as hurt as you did with them. I’ve been so lost without you here. You know this Louis. Please, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.”

Lestat wasn’t sure how long he had been on his knees, but his arms had wrapped tightly around Louis’ waist.

“I can’t let you go, Louis. I won’t.”

For a moment, he felt his hands in his hair, which prompted him to cry even harder. And just like he knew it would happen, Louis moved out of his grasp, and their moment was gone.

“I think you should leave.”

Lestat felt defeated, but he was Lestat de Lioncourt and he was desperately in love with Louis de Pointe du Lac. And he would never give him up.

He had to make sure Louis understood that. So, instead of leaving, he walked closer to him, until Louis’ back was against the wall.

At any time Louis could have moved, but to Lestat’s surprise and excitement he didn’t. So, he gently lifted his chin, so that Louis’ eyes would connect to his.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m not out of this relationship. All my love belongs to you. You are its keeper. A veil may separate us right now, but it is a thin veil, and I’m always on the other side, face pressed up against your longing.”

He leaned in to where his cheek was pressed against Louis’ and his heart skipped a beat because for ten seconds, Louis didn’t move.

Louis was on his third drink.

After his encounter with Lestat, he made his way down to the hotel restaurant and sat at the bar, where Claudia had a seat already saved for him.

“So, you really did it? You really broke up with him?”

Louis took another gulp. “It’s a break.”

“Lestat doesn’t seem like the type to let you go so easily.”

“He’s not. He was this close to me before he left our room.” He held his fingers barely a millimeter apart. “And I know that if he’s close to me again like that I’ll lose myself in him.”

“It’s probably because you two practically share a heart,” Claudia took a sip from her drink and chuckled, “You share a heart with him.”

And as much as Louis wanted to deny it and laugh along with Claudia, he couldn’t, because sometimes he really felt that was true. Those moments where they were just lying in bed holding onto each other, listening to the other breathe. Their hearts would just beat in sync. It had come to a point that Lestat’s heartbeat was Louis’ favorite sound.

“Another one.” Louis said to the bartender. He couldn’t think of that right now, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to ugly cry at a bar in front of everyone. So, he needed to immerse himself in alcohol.

Before anything else could be said, a bit of commotion entered the restaurant. Both Louis and Claudia looked towards the entrance, and out of the three people who were laughing with each other, one of them was Nicki.


“Do you want to go?” Claudia glared at Nicki.

“Nope.” Louis wasn’t going to let Nicki bother him. Even though he was bothered, because he wanted to punch the living sh*t out of him. Not just because he was trying to come onto his boyfriend, but because he took advantage of Lestat in a vulnerable state.

“Water for him too please.” He focused back on Claudia as she spoke to the bartender. “Trust me when you don’t have a hangover in the morning you’ll thank me.”

Louis gave her a small smile, and as much as he didn't want to think of Nicki being in the same area with him, he couldn’t help it. The people he was with were all laughing loudly and as much as he tried to ignore them, he couldn’t.

It also didn’t help that Nicki was now standing beside him at the bar.

After he ordered, he had the nerve to speak to Louis. “Look, I know you probably don’t want to hear this right now, but I don’t think Lestat ever meant to hurt you.”

He couldn’t remember if counting to twelve would work to cool him off.

“It’s just that when we saw each other again, I knew I couldn’t let him slip through my fingers. And clearly he felt the same way. He’s been trying to find the words to tell you. I even told him to call you and tell you over the phone but he wouldn’t listen.”

Okay, f*ck counting.

Louis was about to stand up and get in Nicki’s face, but Claudia’s voice stopped him.

“You have the audacity to even come over here and talk to him. Also, I find it funny that you’re saying all of this when Lestat has been calling you a whole liar and has been trying to get Louis back.”

“Well, you know our Les…um… he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.”

Okay, now Louis was done.

“Nicki you got five seconds to step the f*ck away from me.”

Nicki’s eyes may have widened a bit, but he still had a smug expression on his face.“No need to be hostile. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know you’ll still remain Lestat’s friend, which means you’ll be in my life too.”

What the f*ck? This guy was a psychopath.

Right before Louis could say anything, he was interrupted by a tall guy with short blonde hair.

“Nicki, who is your very attractive friend?”

Louis would have been flattered, but his adrenaline was pumping to punch that smug smile off of Nicki’s face.

“Wait, you look very familiar. Louis? Lestat’s boyfriend?” He then held out his hand. “I’m Tommy. Your pictures don’t do you justice. Janet!” He yelled, making both Louis and Claudia wince because he was extremely loud.

Janet came over. “There's literally only a few people here, you did not have to yell like that.”

“Look, it’s Louis!”

“Lestat’s Louis?” Janet gave him a look up and down. “Wow. You are so beautiful, no

wonder Lestat talks about you every second of every day.”

Louis’ tried to push down the feelings that filled his heart.

“Is that so?” Louis asked, as he glanced at Nicki who was glaring at him. “Maybe you should tell your boy that.”

They both looked over at Nicki confused.

“Ohh,” Tommy began. “The ex and the boyfriend. Nicki I almost forgot about that. Let me guess you two don’t like each other.”

“That’s putting it mildly.” Claudia answered. “I’m Claudia by the way. And your precious Nicki here decided he wanted Lestat back and seems like he got what he wanted at the expense of my dear friend here.”

Both Janet and Tommy glanced at each other.

Claudia herself had a few strong drinks so she didn’t mind saying what was on her mind. Not that she had a problem with that sober.

“We never wanted to hurt you, Louis.” Nicki said. “It just happened, but it was bound to happen with us being here. We’re in love. Lestat has always loved me.”

Claudia spoke before Louis could. “And yet, Lestat was in our room begging Louis to come back to him. Something just doesn’t sound right does it Louis?” Louis shook his head. Both he and Claudia were tipsy. “Does it new friends?”

Tommy and Janet shook their heads as well.

“Be that as it may.” Nicki looked between Louis and Claudia. “Lestat kissed me last night and more would have happened if I hadn’t put a stop to it out of respect for you .” Then his eyes bored menacingly into Claudia’s. “So you don’t know what you’re talking about, you little pip squeak.”

Louis stood up and was in Nicki’s face, causing Nicki to step back a bit. “Don’t talk to her. Don’t even look at her.” He stepped forward, fist clenching. “And you took advantage of Lestat. You knew he was drunk. Newsflash Nicki, he doesn’t want you. You blew your chance when you cheated on him. He’s been done with you since then regardless if I were in the picture or not.”

“Yeah and he forgave me. Moral of the story, Louis, Les has always loved me. I’m his first love and I intend to be his last.You’re nothing to him! I love Lestat and he loves me, so go back to America cause you’re not wanted here.”

Louis pushed him.“What the f*ck did you just say to me.”

It was Tommy who got in between them when it looked like Louis was going to swing, and Louis was about too.

“Putain de Merde!” No one even noticed when Lestat had entered. “Nicki? What the hell!”

Everyone could tell that Lestat was extremely pissed off just by the look of fire in his eyes. Louis realized that he should have punched Nicki first instead of pushed him because now the drinks were catching up to him, and he felt a little off balance.

“Les, Louis and I were having a simple conversation.”

“Don’t call him that.” Both Louis and Claudia said simultaneously while Lestat said, “Don’t call me that.”

Louis then looked at Lestat, “Keep him away from me or I’ll destroy him.”

Mon cher , let me help you to your room.” Lestat grabbed onto Louis’ arm.

“I got it.” Louis moved out of his grasp and almost tripped, causing Lestat to quickly get to his side to support him.

He would deal with Nicki later. Right now his main focus was helping Louis to his room, while Claudia led the way.

Lestat knew that Louis didn’t want his help, but he helped him lay in bed nonetheless.

He stared at him while his eyes were closed and all Lestat could think about was that Louis was so damn beautiful it physically hurt to look at him sometime.

It was Claudia who cut his attention from Louis. For a moment, he forgot she was in the room.

“I have to go take a call. So, I’ll be in the bathroom.” She looked like she had twinkles in her eyes. “When I’m done you won’t be here.”

The moment she closed the door, he heard talking a few seconds later, but his main focus was Louis.

He grabbed a water bottle and pulled up a chair to sit at his boyfriend’s bedside.

“Drink up, mon amour .”

Louis groaned, “Don’t call me that.” But he still took the water, and Lestat couldn’t help but smile.

“How much did you drink?”

“He called you Les.”

He really didn’t want to talk about Nicki right now, or he would get mad all over again. Plus, Louis hadn’t thrown him out yet so he didn’t want to focus on anything that was irrelevant to him.

“I told him not to.” Lestat had caressed his har.

“Not that time. Yesterday, when I caught you two. He called you Les. He knows that’s your name from me. Only I can say it.” He slurred. “Did you let him call you that this whole time?”

“No, my Lou. Nicki seems to be doing that to get under our skin.”

Lestat wouldn’t tell Louis that years ago in college, when he and Nicki were actually dating, they got drunk one night off of cheap wine, and he thought about Louis the whole night. Louis had a date that night and instead of taking his call, he texted Lestat letting him know he would have company over until the next morning, so Lestat knew what that meant. He didn’t realize at the time why it angered him so much, so after getting drunk, he went down on Nicki, begging him to call him Les, while he envisioned it was Louis’ voice moaning it back to him.

Needless to say he blamed it on the alcohol and he would be taking that secret to his grave.

“I hate him.” Louis sobbed. “I hate that you didn’t tell me that he was here, that he wanted you back. That you lied to me. I thought you loved me, Les. I thought…”

And he cried. Louis cried his eyes out, and Lestat held onto him, tears coming out of his own eyes.

“I do love you. I love you… with all myself. And I’ll do everything in my power to make it up to you.” He kissed all over Louis’ face except his lips. He kissed his eyes, his forehead, his nose, his cheeks, his chin.

He wanted to be plastered in Louis. He needed them to be okay. He couldn’t stand being the cause of his pain.

“You should go.” Louis shuddered against him.


Lestat felt like he was finally making some headway, just to be back at square one.

“Thanks for helping me, but I just need to get some sleep. I need to be alone.”

Louis fell asleep a minute later, and the moment Claudia walked out, Lestat stood up.

“I’m leaving, I’m leaving.”


He turned to look at her.

“Just give him time. That Nicki guy is a creep, so it's obvious he tricked you. But, you should have told Louis. That trust he gives you, you didn’t return to him. That’s what hurts.”

“Yeah, and if I lose him?”

“Well, I’m a little drunk so I don’t know what to say to that. But you’re Louis and he’s Lestat. I mean he’s Lestat and you’re Louis. No, that’s not right, but you know what I mean. You two can’t be out of each other’s lives forever. No matter what happens.”

Lestat wasn’t reassured. He needed Louis in his life. Now.

Lestat was having a panic attack. He rarely got those, but anytime he did have them, he’d always have Louis to bring him out of it. Whether it was in person or over the phone. The few times it happened when he was in college, Louis would stay on the phone with him for as long as he needed until Lestat felt better.

But now, he couldn’t just go to him even though he was literally in the same hotel, just one floor away.

He was so scared that he was going to lose him. Even though Louis was drunk, the way he broke down and cried literally broke Lestat. He loved Louis with everything and he couldn’t even imagine them not being together forever. He wanted to marry him one day. Hell, he would do it today if he’d let him.


He threw one of the lamps in the room and the pieces went flying. He was losing his mind.

He ended up calling the only person he could think of that he didn’t mind crying in front of besides Louis.

“Bonjour, Lestat.” Gabrielle answered the phone cheerily.

Lestat’s words failed him and he began hyperventilating and bawling his eyes out.

“What is wrong my son,” she was speaking in French. “What has happened?”

And that’s how they talked for the remainder of their conversation.


“What happened! Is he okay?”

“He’s going to leave me. I messed up. I have ruined everything.”

When he finally told her what happened, she was able to get him to take deep breaths and calm down.

“You must fix this, son. You can not lose Louis. You two took entirely too long to come together.”

“He wants a break. He doesn’t want me anymore.” He felt like a vulnerable little boy crying to his mommy, but he didn’t know what else to do.

“I do not believe that is true, my son. Louis loves you. Everytime we talk, he is constantly bringing you up. He is so in love with you.”

That should have made him feel better, but right now it didn’t.

“Plus I have been looking up venues for the wedding.”

Lestat didn’t even notice she paused after that. “I don’t know why you insist on planning a wedding when we have not decided to get married.”

Gabrielle cleared her throat, “Right…. Of course. I do not know what I was thinking.”

But something felt different. The way she sounded was almost as if she were hiding something.

“Is there something you need to tell me?”

“Non! But I must go. You will make this right with Louis. You will gravel. I can’t have my two boys not together anymore….”

Maman… .”

“I must go, au revoir .” She hung up quickly.

There was a flight out the next day and Louis and Claudia were waiting at the airport. Louis wasn’t expecting to leave today, but surprisingly, Claudia was ready to go.

At first he assumed she was doing this for him because he was only staying because of her, but apparently she and Madeline had a long conversion last night and she wanted to get back to her. Waiting a few more days was out of the question, and Louis wasn’t going to argue. He would have continued to stay for her, not wanting to ruin her time just because he was heartbroken.

And now here they were waiting around, knowing that any minute their flight number would be called. He was just grateful that he didn’t have a hangover from hell.

He did text Lestat, letting him know he was leaving and not to reach out. He told him that he was appreciative of last night but he still needed time.

Their flight was called and right when they stood up to get in line, Louis heard his name.


He turned to see Lestat standing across from him. Tears were in his eyes, hat on, and his hair tied back in a ponytail.

“I’ll get in line.” Claudia left them alone.

“You were just going to leave and not let us work on this.”

Louis could tell that he was hurt and angry.

“I told you we needed to take a break.”

“You’re making this decision for us when I didn’t agree with it.”

“Well I don’t think you’re in the position to agree on anything.”

“You know Nicki took advantage. I said I was sorry, and that I will do anything to make it up to you. So, stop being so prideful and stubborn and let's work this out.” He knew that when Lestat didn’t get his way it was only due time when he would get irate.

Louis scoffed, “You really think it's that simple? You lied to me this whole time, you didn’t give a sh*t about my feelings. And now you’re sitting here telling me I should get over it. Just….you shouldn’t have come.”

“Why wouldn’t I have come! Why wouldn’t I try to fight for you?”

“Because I don’t want to be fought for right now, Lestat. I need the space. I need a break! So, just… just let me go.”

“Then I guess I should have just f*cked Nicki if this was going to be the outcome.”

Louis took a deep breath. He didn’t need to let his feelings triple over and respond. He knew Lestat and this was typical of him when he acted out. So, Louis turned around and began walking away.

“If you leave now we’re done!” Lestat yelled. “If you leave now then we’re done, we’re over!”

Louis stopped walking, took another deep breath and turned around; their eyes connecting.

“We are screaming at each other in an airport… we’re already over.”

1.5 months later

“I have the perfect idea!” Armand exclaimed.

“C-can you tell me after you’ve finished.” Daniel breathed, still handcuffed to the bedpost, spread eagle, with his dick erect and leaking from the mouth that was just deepthroating him to the hilt.

“Yes- yes in a minute. I know exactly what to do to get Louis and Lestat back together.”

“Really? We couldn’t talk about this afterwards?”

Armand jumped up and began explaining his idea, but Daniel could barely hear a word he was saying, as he stood in his birthday suit right beside him.

“What do you think?”

“Your mouth was just pumping me, Armand, I literally heard nothing you said. And to be quite honest, do they even really need to get back together.”

“Our dear Louis has been miserable, and Lestat will be back tomorrow.” He began removing the handcuffs, just to turn Daniel onto his stomach and lock his arms up again.

“Louis seems fine.” Daniel’s dick jumped the moment Armand began massaging his hole with his tongue.

He could have come just like that, but Armand stopped abruptly.

“Just because you have this small crush on Louis doesn’t mean he wants to be apart from Lestat.”

“Oh, like I’m the only one with a crush on Louis.” Daniel rolled his eyes.

“Be that as it may. Lestat has contacted me almost every single day, multiple times a day, asking about Louis and he doesn’t even like me, so he’s hurting too. They both are. I have a plan and you’re going to help me.”

Daniel sighed. He knew Armand by now. When he got in his head about something, he knew there would be no stopping him.

“Fine, I’ll listen to your crazy plan, but can you at least uncuff me and sit on my face while you explain it to me?”

“I have a better idea.” Armand smiled. After he made sure he had enough lube along his length, he lined himself up to Daniel, and inched inside, loving the way his beloved moaned.
While Armand took Daniel to the brink of ecstasy, he told him exactly what he was planning to do to get Louis and Lestat back together.


Thank you all for reading! Don't hate me!
*Armand has a plan, but we know Armand... will it work?
*And don't worry, there will be a flashback of Lestat talking to Nicki about his manipulations.
*As for the Loustat airport breakup. Yeah…yet again Lestat has put his foot in his mouth.

Chapter 12: chapter 12


Thank you all for your continued support! I hope everyone enjoys this chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lestat entered the home he hadn’t stepped foot inside for three months. Unfortunately for him, it just didn’t feel like home anymore. Instead, all he could feel was a cold draft against his skin, when before he left he felt nothing but warmth.

But, Louis had moved out, so it was no longer warm.

This home that they grew up in was supposed to be the home that they were going to build their life in. They were even going to renovate to make it fully into their own. He knew it was a longshot, but he had hoped Louis would still be here when he returned, even if it were just to talk. Now, Lestat wasn’t sure how long he could stay in this place if his love were to never come back.

This emptiness… this loneliness of not having Louis anymore was the one thing he feared above all else. It was as if he lost himself, his best friend, his lover, the one person in the world he never wanted to part from.

While Lestat continued to look around, he noticed the plants they had been sitting near the window still looked freshly watered and healthy. It made him wonder when did Louis actually leave?

Being rejected and broken up with by Louis was killing him. Lestat called him numerous times the same day he left, apologizing, declaring his love, sending pictures of them together, and even begging, but Louis wasn’t budging. He needed him back. He made a mistake, but he was determined to fight for him.

A few days after he left Paris, Louis finally texted him back telling him he was moving out.

Lestat called him fourteen times that night, and Louis did not pick up once. His driver was taking him to his private plane not even five minutes later. However, they didn’t make it there due to Lestat opening up his instagram to post another picture of Louis, but instead seeing a story post from Armand that showed Louis singing karaoke on someone’s couch. His heart almost exploded out of his chest at the sight of him. Not only did he look sexy as hell, but he looked sexy as hell out with others while ignoring his call.

He was back in his hotel room crying his eyes out in his bed that night. Louis was drinking and sitting way too close to Daniel, regardless if there were more people than just them in the room. He had such a lovely voice and yet he never really sang like that unless it was to him. He was always too shy. It hurt him to his core. Louis didn’t care about him. And Lestat wasn’t sure if he ever had in that moment.

He remembered when he woke up the next day, he saw a text message from Louis apologizing for not picking up his phone calls, explaining that he was out, and his phone was on silent. He didn’t have to tell him all of that but he did. But, he also confirmed with Lestat that he was still planning to move out and that he needed time before he could message him again.

Lestat couldn’t help himself, he could only wait twenty four hours before messaging Louis again. And even though he didn’t respond, he never said to stop, so he kept messaging him randomly throughout the rest of his time in Paris.

And that’s pretty much how the remainder of Lestat’s time in Paris went. If he wasn’t at training, he was back in his hotel room, keeping to himself and hanging out with no one. He spent a lot of those days looking at old videos and pictures of him and Louis from his gallery as well as checking Louis’ social media for a glimpse of a newer picture even though that never happened. After the whole karaoke thing, Lestat never saw a new post from him or anyone else with him in it. And on the days he needed a release he would let himself come to completion staring at the nude pictures Louis only took for him.

When he sent Louis a video of his final theater and piano performance, he was truly surprised that he hearted it and told him congratulations.

It made Lestat weep and he immediately responded with an I love you. Louis’ response never came, but the message bubbles were on display until they weren’t.

And that was okay.

The next text he got from Louis was safe travels, and it surprised Lestat again because he didn’t have to text first that time.

And now Lestat was in their bedroom, lying on the bed they once shared. Lestat could still smell Louis’ scent as if he had just been there. He began tearing up again instantly. Thoughts of their last time together in Paris invaded his mind, switching back from him walking away at the airport and the night before where Louis cried in his arms.

Every single night he fell asleep, he woke up reaching for Louis. Lestat heard the saying that with time things get better, but, no amount of time nor space was making this easier for him.

But it was easy for Louis wasn’t it? He wasn’t crying every day, he wasn’t sick to his stomach thinking about their time together. He wasn’t missing him like Lestat was. He didn’t have to stay in this home, with a constant reminder of the life they once shared. Had he ever even loved Lestat? How was it so easy for him to be done with their relationship? How could Louis really leave him?

He missed everything about him.

Right before he planned on closing his eyes to try and get some sleep in hopes this would be the night Louis wouldn’t enter his dreams, his phone went off.

He checked it quickly, hoping to see Louis’ beautiful face grace his screen, even though his background was already of him, but instead it was a text message from Armand.

Putain de Merde.

He forgot he was supposed to meet with the gremlin today.

Where are you? You’re late.

He would have declined his invitation for coffee, but Armand wanted to talk to him about Louis so of course he was going to go.

Lestat had been sitting across from Armand in the back of a downtown cafe for twenty minutes and he was already ready to go.

“Are you going to tell me what you wanted to tell me about Louis or am I about to leave?”

Armand took a sip of his coffee.

“And why are you wearing sunglasses inside?”

“Don’t worry about that.” Armand took another sip. “I brought you here today because I know how much you miss Louis and I have it on good account that he misses you too.”

Even though Lestat couldn’t believe he was entertaining this, Armand’s words did pique his interest.

“Did he tell you that?”

“He doesn’t have to.”

He stood up. “Bye.”

“Okay wait,” Armand took off his glasses, trying to be serious. “He’s not the same. Daniel and I can tell how sad he is even though he tries not to be. And since he keeps denying my requests to join in with me and my beloved, I figured he shouldn't be unhappy even if that means being with you.”

Lestat rolled his eyes. He was tired of the threesome reference. Joke or not, Louis would never sleep with Armand or Daniel, let alone both of them together. And yet, Armand knew exactly what to say to get under his skin.

“Now, Louis will be at a photoshoot tomorrow. He got asked to do one for the top five business owners under thirty five. I think you should go and surprise him.” Armand began writing on a napkin and then handed it to him. “Here’s the address.”

“And what? Am I just supposed to pop up at a photoshoot he doesn’t know I know about, just for him to tell me to leave because he doesn’t want to see me?”

“Well, it’s a closed photoshoot so you won’t be able to just go in as you please.”

Lestat gave him a look. “Are you insane?”

“Not that I can tell.”

He said it so nonchalantly that Lestat didn’t know what to think, but he was beyond annoyed.

“How am I supposed to attend this photoshoot if I can not even get in?”

“I can’t do all the work for you Lestat. Now, go away, I must get ready for my date. Daniel will be here soon.”

Was he serious right now? This meeting was pointless and a big part of Lestat regretted even coming down here.

Well, partially regretted. He’d rather never be alone with Armand again, but he couldn’t wait to get a glimpse of Louis tomorrow.

As soon as Lestat left, Daniel, who had been sitting at another table in the corner, placed the newspaper down he had been holding up the entire time Lestat and Armand had been talking, and walked over to sit in front of his boyfriend.

“Way to be subtle.” Daniel took a sip from Armand’s iced coffee.

“What?” Armand gave a sly grin.

“How does this fit into your plan operation: get Loustat back together. Which is a crazy name I might add.”

“You said you loved that name.”

“I said the name was better than Lesouis.” Daniel intertwined his fingers into Armand's and careessed it over the table. Even with his boyfriend’s silly ideas he still couldn’t stop himself from always needing to touch him.

“Be that as it may. I know the photographer. Remember Max?”

Daniel shook his head.

“He was at the party we all went to when Louis got back from Paris.”

“There were a bunch of people there, Armand, I wasn’t focused on anyone else but you and…”

“Yes, me and Louis.”

Daniel caught the look in his eyes and he hoped it didn’t upset Armand. Maybe all of this talk about wanting Louis to third with them and having a slight crush on him, and also wanting to watch him and Daniel perform sexual acts was a front.

“Who knew Louis could actually sing like that. For a moment when I was recording I pictured you and him—”

“Babe, stay focused.” Yeah, he definitely wasn’t upset. They may have both had a crush on Louis but it would never overpower the way they felt for each other.

“Right, so Max had the red shirt on, black pants, intense eyes. He kept looking at Louis here and there, so it only helped with my make Loustat jealous plan.”

“How is he going to fit into the plan when he and Louis don’t know each other?” To be honest, the only thing Daniel heard about his plan the other day was that if Louis and Lestat experienced jealousy over the other, they would see what they were missing each other and get back together. Everything else Armand had told Daniel went in one ear and out the other when he was balls deep inside of him.

“He’s going to flirt with Louis and Lestat is going to catch them.”

“How do you even think that would happen?”

Armand smiled that beautiful sly smile.

“Babe, don’t tell me you have Max in on this.”

“I do.” He grinned. “He’s all for it. Well, he’s getting paid. But, he needed some excitement in his life so he was willing to help.”

Daniel didn’t know why he didn’t see this ending well. But, Armand was pretty lucky in things going his way when he put his mind to it. Even at the party, Armand had told him the next day how he silenced Louis’ phone after he witnessed Louis texting Lestat that he was moving out. Louis was too drunk to notice that Lestat had called several times.

That’s why Armand recorded him singing and posted it on his Instagram story and surprisingly Lestat saw it. Which again, showed just how lucky Armand had been.

“And guess who else I recruited in this little jealousy scheme?”

“I’m afraid to ask.”


Yeah, this was not going to end well.

Louis was a little nervous.

He wasn’t really someone who liked the spotlight all that much, but because he was selected with five other people to do an interview highlighting successful business owners under thirty five, he agreed. But, that interview also came with a photoshoot afterwards that Louis definitely would have skipped if given the chance.

It was a huge possibility that he was more on edge because Lestat arrived back in NOLA yesterday. When Lestat texted him that he made it safely, all Louis could do was like the message. He didn’t trust himself not to send a response explaining how much he missed him so much some days he couldn’t think clearly. Sometimes he even wondered if he had made a mistake ending things, especially when Louis still loved him desperately.

But then he would think of the whole situation that happened in Paris that warranted some space regardless of the truth that came out. And then his thoughts would take over with all the power he had given Lestat to have over him, whether Lestat knew it or not. The way he felt like he was dying when he thought Lestat had cheated on him, made him realize just how lost he truly was. Then he would think of his parents, and the way his mom treated him when he was younger, making him feel worthless.

It was a repetitive cycle in his head. Therapy was somewhat helping, but he still needed time.

“Hey. Louis right?”

Louis’ pushed aside his thoughts and let his attention focus on the man who walked up to him.

“I’m the photographer, Max. I’m not sure if you remember me from the party last month at the karaoke bar?”

Louis actually didn’t remember. He didn’t remember much of that night with all of the alcohol consumption. All he could recollect was singing karaoke on the couch and then not being able to finish singing because he started talking about Lestat and then bawling his eyes out.

And that was only a vivid memory because Armand sent him a video as well as posted part of it on Instagram. He would have been upset with his friend for uploading it, but he cut it off right before he brought up Lestat and started with the tears.

“Oh, hey.”

“It’s good seeing you again.” He smiled. “So, it’s your turn. There will be two other outfit changes, and then that’ll be it.”

Max was flirting throughout the entire shoot. Louis could tell. His smile, his compliments, his winks here and there were coming on strong. He was flattered, but Louis wasn’t in the right headspace nor interested in meeting someone new. Max was cute, there was no denying that, but he wasn’t Lestat.

Damnit, he wondered if this was how it was always going to be. A guy shows him some attention and he’ll immediately compare him to Lestat.

The last shoot had Louis dressed up as if he were living in the 70s. His hair, shirt, and the jean jacket really made him feel like he was teleported back in time. As he performed every pose, he noticed that everyone including the previous participants were staring at him, men and women alike.

When he was finished he smiled and thanked those who walked up to him letting him know how good he did. Max invited him over to look at a few of the images, and Louis was actually surprised that he could look like that.

“I don’t want to play favorites,” Max whispered. “But you are the hottest one I’ve ever photographed.”

Louis may have blushed a tad bit, but still ultimately kept it professional. And before he left he asked a few questions regarding his camera, lighting, etc.

“Are you a photographer as well, Louis?”

“No. I mean in college I practiced a bit, but it was just a hobby.”

“Well you’ve got a good eye.”


Louis left not too long afterwards, walking over to the vehicle across the street. When Lestat left, his driver was now under Louis’ care. It was actually easier and definitely convenient when Louis didn’t feel like driving and finding places to park.

Right before he opened the car door, he heard his name being called.

When he turned around, he noticed Max running up to him. “Sorry, but I didn’t want you to leave without asking if you wanted to go to dinner some time?”

He was right, Max definitely had been flirting.

“I’m in a–a” Louis stuttered a bit, and internally cursed himself for doing so. “I have…”

“Ah, you have someone? I guess I should have known. Someone as beautiful as you couldn’t be single.”

And yet he was. “It’s complicated and I’m just not ready to go to dinner or date anyone.”

“I understand. Well, take my card at least.” He handed him a card with his contact information. “I run a photography workshop two nights a week, and I think you should join. First visit is free.”

Louis took his card. “I’ll think about it. Thanks man.”

“And if you change your mind, my personal number is on there, feel free to use it at any time.” He began to walk away, but turned back to look at him. “You know… for personal reasons.”

Louis provided a friendly smile. He actually may decide to call Max, but for photography reasons only.

When he opened the car door, he jumped a bit at Lestat sitting in the back seat.

It was almost as if time had slowed down as they stared at one another. For a moment Louis couldn’t bring himself to look away. Lestat always looked good, but seeing him for the first time after six weeks he looked delectable. His hair was even a tad bit longer and more blown out.

Louis knew he shouldn’t have looked him up and down, but Lestat was also staring at him like he was undressing him with his eyes, so that made them even.

“Hello Louis.”

“Hello Lestat.”

Louis hesitated for a moment, but he still climbed in and tried not to feel like he was suffocating at the closeness of being near the man that made him feel everything in life.

Before he could say anything, their driver rolled down the partition. “Sorry, boss man, but the other boss man wouldn’t get out and I figured you’d want to see him.”

Louis’ eyes widened a bit as he looked over at him. He may have revealed some things during their many car rides, and it may have come out that he missed Lestat at times, but he wasn’t expecting any of that to be revealed.

“It’s okay, Gregory.”

“I can step out for a minute and give you guys some privacy.”

It was safe to say Gregory was team Louis and Lestat getting back together.

“That won’t be necessary.”

“Well, I’ll just be up here listening to music, let me know when it’s time to move.”

When the partition went back up, Lestat was the first to speak.

“You look nice.”

Louis did his best not to have a reaction. “Thanks, just this photoshoot thing. Which I’m guessing you already knew that. Wait, how’d you know I’d be here?”

“So, who was that guy?” Lestat immediately changed the subject.

“What guy?” Louis was actually confused. Seeing Lestat made him forget about a lot in the last few minutes.

Lestat pulled the card out of Louis’ breast pocket.

Oh, Max.

“The photographer? He does classes and—”

“I guess you are officially accepting dates huh?” Lestat cut him off. “I guess this is all so easy for you.”

Louis sighed, “Really, Lestat?”

“I shouldn’t have come.”

“No you shouldn’t have. Why did you?”

“I don’t even know.”

Louis rolled his eyes. They couldn’t even be around each other for five minutes before an argument happened.

“Greg, can you take Lestat home please.” He called up front.

“You got it, boss.”

When they arrived at their home, and yes, it was still both his and Louis’ home, even if he wasn’t living there at the moment, Lestat had every intention of just getting out the car and slamming the door without giving Louis a second glance. But, he didn’t because he didn’t want to be out of Louis’ presence just yet.

“What hotel are you staying at?”

Louis looked over at him, and Lestat could tell in his eyes that he was a little thrown off by his question. Being as though he knew Louis better than anyone, he knew he wasn’t staying with any of his friends for over a week or two without needing his own space. It actually touched Lestat’s heart because that meant Louis didn’t mind sharing his space with him.

“It’s none of your business.”

“I need to make sure you are safe.” That was always Lestat’s number one concern. Yes, Louis could handle himself, but this was NOLA and as nice of a place it was, it wasn’t the safest.

When Louis wouldn’t even look at him, Lestat left and stormed into the townhome, this time slamming the door behind him.

Lestat was conflicted. Upon seeing Louis for the first time in six weeks, his intentions weren’t for it to turn into some petty argument. He heard the whole conversation between him and that insolent man who was no doubt flirting with his boyfriend, and it drove him crazy. Even though Louis hadn’t returned his advances, it still got Lestat in his feelings. Then when that car door opened and Lestat laid his eyes fully on Louis, his heart almost stopped. He was so insanely beautiful that he wanted to keep him locked up in some bell tower for only his eyes to see.

He knew that Louis was going to get hit on regardless if they were together or not, but he didn’t want to see it. To know that Louis had options and to know that they weren't together anymore drove him to the brink of madness.

Lestat was about to throw the closest object he could find, which would have been a glass vase that would have shattered all over the floor, but a knock at the door stopped him.

Louis sat in the car looking out the window at the townhome, without telling Gregory to pull off.

“You can always call me at any time and I can come back and get you.” Gregory’s voice brought him out of his thoughts.

Louis stared at Gregory for what felt like an eternity, before he opened the door.

“Stay by your phone, I won’t be long.”

Gregory nodded, and Louis didn’t see the sly smile that formed on his lips as he pulled out his phone and texted an unknown number.

The eagle has landed.

Louis hesitated for a moment before he knocked on their front door.

When Lestat opened the door, he was actually a bit surprised to see Louis standing there on the other side. He tried not to be affected, but as they stared at each other, he couldn’t help but feel a level of excitement.

“For what do I owe this visit?” He cleared his throat. “I thought you’d be long gone by now.”

“I left my thing here and might as well get it instead of coming back later.” Louis tried sounding irritated as he walked inside past Lestat.

He chose to ignore the sh*t eating grin displayed on his ex boyfriend’s face.

Before Louis advanced any further, he looked around at their home. He would never admit out loud, but he missed being here with Lestat. It hadn’t felt like home in such a long time without him, and now that he was back, a part of him wanted to move back in even if it was only in the roommate variety.

But he and Lestat could never be just roommates.

“Yeah, and what thing would that be?” Louis almost jumped because he hadn’t realized Lestat was standing right behind him where he could feel his breath on his neck. He tried not to shiver.

“It’s upstairs.” Louis moved away quickly, missing the way Lestat reached for him.

Louis was upstairs looking through their closet, when Lestat made it up there and leaned against the doorframe to watch.

“I assure you everything in that closet belonging to you was taken when you moved out.” Even though he was joking, there was still a bit of disdain in his voice.

Louis took a deep breath as he continued to look around, knowing that Lestat was right. His items were now taking up space in his hotel room and anything he may have left behind was in his old room down the hall that was currently being used as storage.

“Lou…” Lestat’s breath was against his neck again, and this time Louis did shiver.

Louis couldn’t hold it in anymore. He turned around quickly and pulled Lestat in, covering his mouth with his.

They were kissing each other with a desperate merciless rhythm, as if they were trying to compete on who could steal each other's breath away.The kiss was so deep and so frantic, it was as if they were finally getting their first meal after starving for one another.

The sound Louis made as Lestat picked him up and backed him against their wall, made him feral.

Louis’s legs were wrapped around Lestat’s waist before he even realized what he had done. This was the first time Lestat had ever picked him up like this, and he didn’t think he could be turned on even more.

Their clothes were off without a second thought, and they both fell into bed kissing roughly all over each other's face and neck and chest, gnashing and clawing and nipping and sucking, leaving markings on one another's skin. It was carnal. Primal.

They both missed this. They both needed this. The pleasure running through both of them was unlike anything they ever felt. You couldn’t tell when one started and the other began.

It was safe to say that they both wanted to live so far within each other, it was damn near maddening.

Louis’ hands were traveling all over Lestat, until Lestat lifted his hands above his head, taking full control. He began kissing down Louis’ neck, the delectable neck that he missed so much. And after sucking on it for what felt like hours, Lestat bit into him.

“f*ck!” Louis cried out with intense pleasure.

It was really supposed to be a little gnaw at his throat like they’ve done in the past, but this time Lestat broke the skin a bit and drew a little blood.

Lestat lapped it up, growing harder at Louis’ blood in his mouth.

Louis was clearly turned on as well, because he brought Lestat’s face back towards him and attacked his lips with his again, tasting the coppery taste of his own blood on his tongue.

It prompted Louis to bite Lestat’s tongue, earning a growl from his lover's mouth.

Their blood mixed together as they never relinquished the hold on one another. It was driving them both insane to be that close to each other and yet still feeling like they were so far apart.

Louis needed Lestat inside of him more than anything right now. So, he turned over and laid on his stomach giving Lestat the hint of how he wanted to be taken.

Lestat immediately laid on top of him, covering him just so he could feel just how hard he was for him.

“I’ve missed you, mon cher, I’ve missed you so f*cking much.”

Lestat began kissing and licking down Louis’ back, savoring his taste. And then he found the motherland of his beautiful ass. He practically dove face first, as he spread his cheeks and began to tongue f*ck him with such departate need.

“Lestat…” Louis screamed out, clenching around him. He missed this so much. He missed Lestat so f*cking much.

When Lestat removed his tongue at Louis' dismay, he suddenly felt Lestat’s spit flood his hole. He barely heard him opening the dresser, but he knew the moment he pulled out the lube that hadn’t been used since he left.

Lestat must have realized this because he paused, and Louis didn’t have to look at him to feel the satisfaction flooding through him.

Next thing he knew, Lestat was inching inside.

“f*ck,” They both groaned out in unison as he breached his opening.

“You’re still so f*cking tight, Louis. Have you been waiting for me, mon cher.” He inched in further. “Have you been waiting for me to f*ck you like you deserve to be f*cked.”

Louis cried out at the intrusion as Lestat bottomed out.

Lestat stayed still inside Louis for a moment, not trusting himself to begin moving, as he didn’t want to come too quickly.

“Please Les,” Louis begged. “I need you…”

Lestat felt animalistic at Louis’ words and the sound of his voice as he whimpered for him to continue. He began pounding feverishly in and out of Louis, pulsating inside of him with such a carnal need.

Louis choked on a sob, as Lestat provided the sweet torture on his body that only he could give. Louis could barely catch his breath at this brutal pace, but he knew one thing for sure is that he’d rather lose all access to oxygen if it meant Lestat would never stop.

“I’m gonna put a baby in you, Louis.” Lestat purred, “Is that what you want?” He kept pounding in and out of Louis harder and faster. If he could get Louis pregnant he would do it on this night, trapping him with a baby so he’d never leave him again.

“Yes…please yes's what I want, Lestat. It’s what I want.”

Lestat continued the pace, not able to relinquish his thrusts because he wanted to stay inside of Louis, just like this, forever. He needed Louis to know that he was the only one for him and that they fit together as one. He needed him to know that he couldn’t breathe without him, that he was his everything. Lestat wanted Louis to know that no one else would be able to honor his body like Lestat could.

“You feel so good Les. You feel so good inside….”

Lestat was about to come.

“Let me flip you, Louis. I need to see your face when I come, mon coeur.”

Louis let him, feeling so weightless in Lestat’s arms. He could barely process anything before Lestat was pulsing back inside of him without warning. It felt so damn good. So right.

He needed more and Lestat picked up on that by just the look that Louis was giving, causing him to bring Louis’ legs to his shoulders and go faster, harder, and deeper than he thought possible. Louis was damn near bent in half.

The moment their eyes connected, Lestat could see and feel the love pouring from Louis. He came immediately after that, screaming Louis’ name and saying sweet terms of endearment in french.

Louis could feel himself coming, but before he could even comprehend anything, Lestat was out of Louis, lying on his back and lifting Louis onto his face like he weighed nothing.

“f*ck my mouth, Lou. I want you to choke on it.” If Lestat were to die today, he’d rather suffocate as he sucked Louis’ co*ck to completion.

Louis had his hands supporting him against the headboard, trying his best not to cover Lestat’s face completely as he sucked him off, but Lestat was gripping his ass and thighs, moaning in pleasure.

When Louis lifted up for a moment, Lestat found his voice again. “Come for me, mon cher. Come in my mouth. Down my throat. Give me what's mine.”

Louis’ length was back inside of Lestat’s mouth and he came with a force so strong he almost blacked out. And Lestat sucked and licked and swallowed all of him. It was such a beautiful sight to see as his eyes stayed branded on him.

He didn’t know exactly when he moved, but Louis was lying beside Lestat trying to catch his breath and going in and out of consciousness.

Lestat placed a kiss on Louis’ chest and then he kept his hand over his heart, as Louis left his hand attached to Lestat’s. Both of their hearts were rapidly beating in sync as they stared at each other trying to come down from a high that left them internally floating.

They had sex three more times that night.

After the second time, Louis fell asleep for a while on Lestat’s chest. He would never admit out loud that it felt like home being in Lestat’s arms again. And it was the first time in three months he was able to feel comfortable sleeping, even if it were for a short amount of time.

Lestat woke him up kissing on his chest and Louis joined in, stroking both of their dicks together in his hand. He sucked Lestat off and rode him until they both came. They kissed greedily and filthy, swallowing each other’s moans.

When Louis had bounced up and down on Lestat’s co*ck, he remembered saying, “No one can ride you better than me.” He felt uncouth. He felt like he was outside of himself as he made sure Lestat knew that no one would ever do it as good as him.

“No one mon amour, you’re it for me, you’ve always been it for me. Toujours.”

After their last round, they both laid their satisfied and spent, exhaustion creeping over them as Lestat held onto Louis.

“You’re going to leave aren’t you?”

Louis didn’t answer, but he did kiss Lestat’s chest and laid there until he fell asleep.

He left not too long afterwards. It took everything in him not to stay. Even when Gregory answered his call that he was ready, he asked if he were sure, and Louis almost said no.

But, he couldn’t stay, and they couldn’t do this again. He did leave Lestat a note with his hotel information just in case of emergencies, but they both knew that what happened between them was just one night and nothing had changed.

No matter how good it felt. No matter how Louis was going to be feeling Lestat inside of him for days. No matter how hard it was for him to leave. He wanted so badly to tell Lestat that none of this was easy for him either.

Two weeks later, Lestat was standing around a bunch of people thanking them for a party that was being thrown in his honor. After going through the three month workshop, and an extensive interview process, he was now executive director over the major theaters in New Orleans, with his office located out of the one he worked in before he left.

And yet even though he toasted champagne, gave smiles, and mingled in small talk that he wasn’t really paying attention too, all he really wanted was Louis to come walking through those doors. He knew he received an invitation, but after what happened a few days after they spent the night together, he wasn’t sure if Louis would come.

It was no secret, Lestat sometimes couldn’t think clearly when it came to Louis, and sometimes he didn’t think before he spoke, but after the raw and beautiful sex they had together, constantly picturing the way Louis moaned his name and came undone in his arms, made him feel like a craze animal at times.

He knew that night wasn’t going to be more than it was, he was aware that Louis still needed space, and yes, Lestat was prepared to wait forever if he had to, but he couldn’t help the intense feeling of wanting Louis now. He literally needed him now.

So, a few days later from that night, Lestat was going to get coffee from Louis’ favorite cafe, in hopes that he could stop by his hotel to talk about being friends again.

He knew Louis only left his hotel information for emergencies only, but Lestat’s intentions were going to be very pure this time. However, as soon as he pulled up to the cafe, his driver barely had time to stop before he jumped out of the vehicle.

Louis walked out of the cafe smiling with that photographer, Max. And that Max character was giggling like Louis had said something funny when in all reality Louis wasn’t even that funny.

That was a lie, but Lestat was pissed.

“So, what the hell is this?” Lestat caught their attention.

He saw the look Louis gave, but he didn’t care. “Lestat, didn’t expect to see you on this side of town.”

“Well, I was coming to buy your favorite coffee for you but I guess I’m too late. Want to introduce me to your friend, mon cher?”

Before Louis could say anything, Max extended his hand and introduced himself.

Lestat just looked at his hand and didn’t shake it.

“Guess I know why you’re not picking up my calls. You’re out with Manny over here.”

“It’s Max.”

Lestat rolled his eyes.

“I really don’t care. Louis did you tell your dear date here that you were just on top of me

but a few days ago.”

If looks could kill, Lestat would be dead from Louis and Max dead from Lestat.

“Alright, that’s enough” Louis glared. “Max it was nice running into you, I’ll make sure to reach out about the workshops.”

“Anytime, Louis. Hope we run into each other again.” He winked and gave Lestat a cunning smile that apparently Louis didn’t notice, as he walked away.

Lestat couldn’t get a word out before Louis practically shouted. “What the f*ck is wrong with you? Don’t put my business out there!”

“You’ve got to be kidding me going out with some other man!” Lestat matched his ferocity. “When the other night you were saying how I was the only one who fit perfectly inside of you.” He caressed the bite mark that was hiding behind Louis’ collar.”

Louis pushed his hand away. “f*ck you.”

“I just knew something was going on.”

“Not that it's any of your business, but you heard me say we just ran into each other. And trust when I say the other night is the last time anything like that will ever happen. How f*cking dare you.”

He began walking away.

But Lestat ran to stand in front of him.

“You want to move out of my way.”

“Or what?” He got closer. They were both breathing hard, and Lestat watched as Louis glanced down at his lips right before returning his scowl back to his eyes. And the next thing they knew, they were in the alley, right beside the cafe with Louis’ hands grasping at Lestat’s face, practically attacking his lips with a heated kiss.

Lestat surrendered happily in it, backing Louis against the brick wall in no time. “Even now, I’m the only one for you, Lou.” He kissed down his neck. “We’re made for each other.” Louis nodded desperately in a passionate haze. “Kiss me again.Show me the way you know how to love.”

Louis kissed and pulled at Lestat’s bottom lip before he snapped out of it. “f*ck. I’m not doing this with you. Just stay away from me.” He walked out of the alley with Lestat right on his heels.

“I know you think you want space Louis, but after the other night… after just now, I don’t want it. And I know you truly don’t want it either.”

“I can’t do this with you.” he tried not looking at his eyes. “We can’t do this.”

Lestat was annoyed now. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. “Fine. Then I’m done Louis. If you catch me with someone else don’t be upset.”

Louis stopped walking for a moment and stared right in Lestat’s eyes. For a moment, he saw despair in Louis’ expression. “I won’t be. Do what you gotta do. Move on. I couldn’t care less.”

He walked away after that, and Lestat wondered if he had imagined the sad look on Louis’ face.

And now here Lestat was basking in his feelings because Louis hadn’t talked to him since then. He really just wanted things to go back to the way they were when they were happy. He had every intention that day to go to him and try to work out a friendship, but then seeing that guy around him changed everything.

It was Armand’s fault for even suggesting he’d go to the cafe during that specific time anyways. Mentioning how it would be a nice gesture instead of just bombarding Louis at his hotel on his knees begging Louis to take him back.

He would never listen to the little gremlin again.

“I need to go powder my nose, I’ll be right back.”

Lestat almost forgot that he was here tonight with Antoinette as his date. As crazy as it sounded, he ran into her a week ago, while picking up lunch. He wasn’t going to entertain her and honestly thought she wasn’t going to give him the time of day after the break up and finding out that he had been sleeping with her brother too, but she walked up to him like nothing ever changed.

She congratulated him on getting the director position and she flirted with him almost obnoxiously, but it made him feel like for once he wasn’t screwing up everything. So, he invited her to the party.

Plus, it was Louis who told him he needed to move on.

Except it felt all wrong. He didn’t really want to move on with Antoinette, and sure as hell didn’t have any plans of ever sleeping with her again.

“Congrats, Lestat.”

Claudia walked up to him, holding hands with Madeline.

“Thanks, Claudia.” He gave them both a hug. “I’m surprised you came. I’m glad you did though.”

“Yes, well, I wouldn’t have missed it. Louis would have killed me if I didn’t come to celebrate your big accomplishment.”

Claudia’s words did something to Lestat’s heart.

“And where is our dear Lou?”

Before Claudia could answer, Madeline spoke up, “Oh look, there he is.”

Lestat looked towards the entrance to see Louis walk in. His heart skipped a beat. Louis had come. They may have had an argument the last time they saw each other but Louis still showed up for him. He still showed up and he looked insanely good in his suit.

He was really in the mood right now to take said suit off with his teeth.

He realized that Louis hadn’t noticed him yet with all the people present but he had been looking around. Why the hell was Lestat so nervous? His hands began to get clammy and the moment one of the servers walked up with a tray of champagne, Lestat grabbed a glass and drank it in one gulp.

He knew that Claudia and Madeline were now talking but he could barely hear them. His attention was just on Louis who was now talking to Daniel and Armand.

Louis was giving a smile that he didn’t realize he gave that could make a blind man blush. But he was still looking around even if he was making small talk.

And then finally, his eyes connected with Lestat’s. Those green eyes Lestat loved so much.

And they stared at each other like there was no one else in the room. Like the argument they had was nonexistent. Like they were Louis and Lestat again.

They walked towards one another, and they were so close until Antoinette stood in front of him. “Those restrooms could do a little better on how they look. I could barely see in there. What kind of place is this? I tell you, Lestat, your friends should have chosen me to plan this shindig.”

He didn’t hear her complaints, because of the look on Louis’ face. It was laced with shock and it broke Lestat.

At the time when he invited Antoinette, he thought Louis wouldn’t care, he told him to move on, he was being facetious. And now, now it all seemed so wrong.

Lestat looked at his side for a mere second because Antoinette had tugged his shoulder, and when he looked back towards Louis, he was gone.

Louis shouldn’t have come. No, what was he thinking? Of course he was going to attend Lestat’s party, regardless of them not being together anymore and regardless of what had happened between them during his time back from Paris.

This was big for Lestat. And he didn’t want to miss it.

However, there was a slight pain in Louis’ chest seeing Antoinette at his side, when it should have been him. He was the one to still have love bites on several parts of his body, due to Lestat’s teeth.

He shook his head to erase the thoughts. He couldn’t think that way. Lestat was doing what Louis told him to do. He just wasn't expecting him to back pedal with Antoinette.

Except he could still feel Lestat inside of him from weeks ago.


“You know they’re probably not even really dating.” Armand literally came out of nowhere.

“Lestat’s an adult. He can do what he wants.”

He was a tad bit annoyed with Armand to begin with because if he hadn’t told him to go to the cafe to clear his head, he wouldn’t have run into Max, and he and Lestat wouldn’t have ended up in that alley way that day.

But, he couldn’t blame him for that. So, he ultimately let it go.

“So, are you excited for the trip next week?”

Another thing that annoyed Louis a bit. He should have declined his invitation for their beach trip after he and Lestat broke up.

The sound of Antoinette laughing like a hyena pulled him out of his thoughts.

“Yeah… the trip. He absentmindedly told Armand, “Look, I need to go.” He wouldn’t be missed and now would be the perfect time to leave.

“Wait, Louis…”

He barely heard Armand’s plea to not leave as he stood outside. He mainly needed fresh air because he felt like he was being smothered.


He turned around to see Claudia.

“Are you okay, I saw you rush out?”

“Yeah, I’m probably going to head out. I just realized I’m not feeling so well.” And it was partially the truth because he felt a little lightheaded.

He didn’t mean to glance into the establishment through the window, but when he did, he saw Lestat laugh at that exact moment with Antoinette and his friends.

He didn’t need Louis anymore.

“Oh Louis…” Claudia knew in understanding. “I thought you wanted him to move on.”

“No, yeah, no it’s perfect…it’s perfect.”

“I’m sure if you were to talk to him. I knew you still had feelings, I just…”

“It’s okay, Claudia, I honestly just don’t know anymore. But, please go back inside and enjoy the party with Madeline okay? All is fine. I don’t want to ruin his night.”

And then he left without giving a second glance to anyone.

Louis decided to walk back to the hotel. It wasn’t too far from the restaurant, plus he really needed to clear his head. When he got to his room, he wasn’t expecting Lestat to be standing in front of his door with a bag of food.

It shocked him even though his heart did this weird explosion flip flop in his chest.

“Hey…” Louis paused for a moment, “Shouldn’t you be at your party? I didn’t think it would be over this soon.”

“It’s still going on, but it wasn’t much of a party when you left.” Lestat grew silent for a moment. “Why did you leave? You didn’t even come talk to me.”

Louis realized he should have at least said something to him, but having his eyes on him was enough, seeing him happy was enough.

“I wasn't feeling too well, and I didn’t want to disturb you and Antoinette.” Did he sound bitter? Was he bitter?

“I would have preferred it.”

“I didn’t realize you two were…” Hell, what was he even saying?

“We’re not, but you did tell me to move on Lou.”

“Yeah not with her,” He mumbled.

“Then with who? If not you?”

“Lets not do this tonight okay. This is your big day and you should be there celebrating with your friends. And if Antoinette is a part of your life again then go celebrate with her too.” It was disgust that came out of his mouth.

“Well, I’d rather celebrate with the one person who got me through this program regardless if you think you did or not. I wouldn’t have done this nor would I have got the director position without you. I wouldn’t want to celebrate with anyone but you. So, I’m willing to call a truce on our issues for the night if you’re willing too.” He then held up the bag. “I brought Chinese. Some of our favorites. And I’ll make sure to leave after we eat.”

It took Louis a moment but he nodded. It would be nice to hang out with Lestat as just a friend. It wouldn’t be easy, but Louis could put aside all of his feelings and what was going through his mind to celebrate Lestat.

As he opened the door to his hotel room, Lestat walked in behind him and looked around.

“It’s nice, but I still feel like you’d feel better being back at Rue Royale.”

Louis gave him a look and Lestat held up his hands, “Sorry, sorry. None of that tonight.”

Louis then handed a wrapped gift he’d been holding all night. “I wanted to give you this tonight at the party.”

“You didn’t have too,” Lestat generously took the gift and opened it. His breath caught in his throat. It was his official certificate in a frame, and beside it were beautiful words from Louis.

Congratulations to this next step in your life. Lestat, you are the smartest man I know, and your passion for what you love and all you do is inspiring. Wishing you the best in all of your future endeavors and grateful to be on this journey with you.

Love, Lou.

Lestat cleared his throat, and there were noticeable tears that he tried to hide. It touched Louis’ heart.

Thank you, Louis, It is the best gift.” He said in French.

“Congratulations Lestat, I am truly proud of you.”

“How did you get the certificate?”

“It came through the mail the day before you came home.”

They stared at each other for a moment, almost getting lost in one another's eyes, but Lestat cleared his throat and began opening the food.

“Wine?” Louis offered.

“Yes, please.”

They ate and drank in silence at first, and then they talked about what had been going on in their lives. Leaving out the way they missed each other and the way they pined over each other in each other’s absence.

At different times during the night, Louis noticed the bite mark that was healing on Lestat’s forearm and Lestat noticed the bite mark that was clearing up on Louis’ neck.

It almost felt like they were the friends they used to be, but they both knew things were still different.

“I guess I should head out.” Lestat said, hesitantly.

“You didn’t drive here did you?”

Lestat shook his head. “My driver just pulled up.”

Louis’ heart deflated but he wasn’t going to ask Lestat to spend the night; it would just be too confusing for both of them.

When Louis walked him to the door, he stopped him with his words. “Lestat?”

Lestat turned around so fast it gave him whiplash.

“Thanks for coming. I still hate you left your party.”

“I’m exactly where I wanted to be with who I wanted to be with.”

Their eyes never left each other and Louis just realized how close Lestat was standing in front of him.

“Can I kiss you, mon cher, and just blame it on the wine?”

It took a moment, but Louis agreed.

Lestat’s lips were on his before Louis could change his mind. It wasn’t an intense kiss, but it was tender and equally passionate. Lestat’s hands were cupping Louis’ face and Louis’ hands were around his waist.

The moment they broke apart, Lestat left, and Louis touched his lips.

It was four in the morning and Louis was exhausted. Daniel was supposed to be picking him up, to take him to Armand’s private jet, as they were headed to his Florida beach house for a week vacation.

He would have asked Gregory to drive him there, but Daniel insisted on picking him up. Louis already hadn’t been able to sleep through the night so it was just now hitting him at how tired he truly was. Good thing he had a little over an hour to catch a nap in the air.

When Daniel finally arrived, and they made it to the plane, Louis realized they were the last ones to arrive.

He hadn’t really seen anyone in the last week. Well, except for Max, due to the photographer workshop he decided to go too. He honestly had no idea Max was even coming on this trip, until a couple days ago. He didn’t even know he and Armand were friends.

But, anyways, he had been so busy with these last adjustments to the expansion and making sure the contractors were good for him to be out for the week.

Which meant he and Lestat hadn’t spoken either. He knew Lestat was giving him space, and according to Daniel, he saw him and Antoinette at dinner the other night.

Oh, and apparently Antoinette was going too.

What was even weirder is that when he got on the plane, the only available seat was the one next to Lestat.

He looked around at everyone, confused.

Apparently Antoinette had to sit next to a window and Max needed an aisle seat. Lestat always took a window seat, so Max wasn’t going to sit by him. Claudia and Madeleine each needed to spread out, so they got the two couches on the plane, and the four seats that were facing each other in the back of the plane were taken by Armand and Daniel with their legs to rest on.

And with Louis being last on the plane, that left him seated beside Lestat.

He could even tell by Lestat’s eyes that he was a bit confused as well, but Louis was too tired to question it.

“I could move if…”

“No, no. It’s fine.” Louis said. “I haven’t slept in twenty-four hours so I’m probably about to be out as soon as we’re in the air.”

“Working crazy hours?” He sounded worried even though Louis could tell he was trying to hide it.

“The expansion is almost done, just making sure everything is good while I’m away.”

“Isn’t that what Tom is for?”

Louis laughed, and gave Lestat a look. It caused Lestat to chuckle.

“I’m going to be honest, I’m not going to be able to keep my head up, so just wake me if I accidentally lean on your shoulder while I’m asleep.”

Lestat didn't say anything, but Louis was too tired to ask if he’d heard him.

And when they finally lifted off, Louis fell asleep almost instantly. It was barely five minutes later that he was now resting his head unintentionally against Lestat’s shoulder.

Lestat didn’t even consider moving it.

This was going to be a very interesting week.


Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think!

Also, I haven't forgot about the convo Lestat has with Nicki. That is coming, and the next two chapters will be in two parts.

it's like a best friend, but more - roxyhoney (2024)


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.