The Brooklyn Citizen from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

THE UHOOIvLYX CITIZHX. TJI I'ltSDAT. i( IJ I Hi'Jic ll'. lUll. Aiiria Httntury.

Th. Mw (trmn Law UiMiwania wubHItnl PLANTING A BIG GUN ALLIES IfeitS maaaut l.o IU-M I CUt'KTf I if IHta-ai foal wf bcarlai iiia, I drlaii In piaa i nmtiiiu, IjtiiM' I na-aeifa a.J Mineral tteaadaai. Ill fU t( 4a JatSIWaaC aou wiir.i ajilla. tart. Jiint al inmiirnl Im-h Hnlrm ad Im band full niili Urtrv, hria ml Minl-lir(i hi an-Kiid Halkau rar Ian! rar LOVER OF PEACE.

lover of peace. Ofl OIIFFN MARIE rrr- Ull UULL11 Hlnn I Jx Mil Ml llul mail aVl Uar4 i lb n(Mi() an fcrtai lb 1 1 tb i iu, i tir of tuiMff. 1914. IM UH.IrilVM,t tha refer IN Ml Jwdg4 Mia1 (Ml at IMlblU- MtHaaM La Ik i -Hi in- laa blattt UiiAat tt WlllUw I ft nit, (e.iUil iH (h Hiooktm Ha I Ma 8h-aLa. in 1 Mlafu.

airl la II WrM wt -n. ki I tJutt -r ma iMHwa i i h- ittupiin diitii ir i.mi- i i at I lh- I 0 -nl Jft Ibr d.artld bf 04 Expect Help From Her Little Kingdom. MrtlllK'l KltM.I. I4l ,.4.. II I 3.

1 'WJ i .1..) -n--aai ju.Jan.nit lj be u.i, tharol iii'lc sui aa All iiial r-ln hi piace ir earee mt tt itt. and being la ih Haarwurl. af iv umy kinge and mala Mew i. lh i.ttlllliifl MtrMtn artilM b.1 4tfl.t- full a a. to tig at a iuit.t i ha MOftherlv ed if" iiaani hunJrwl let feel an i I i iart) aMaik BRILLIANT WUMAN MUnt i.

hIp nK I '5, RUSSIAN THAN ENGLISH I Ti'ii'f: Vl 5 iit wnki iii.i t. cboura i rvmF I H-piui. D.t cp. i. fJx-i 1 -J nam in-1 i ZZr? Ma.rub...t.

T'l'l't ''Tr' if-" "oH-lK f. to lit imi by ma la i ai-i. 9t fxraa I'f: (ha ii-iih'tl aid at Pltei n'1' I xoMhtri Mllflhra ai .1 i i it, i.h. ih oeelrwi. Liu.

a it t.ii mt4 ati. a -n ufkraa'f-riy Ilka (' ml Avt mj (mi 'B' tnn. uihmlf aa4 It. Iiataii. a pan f' nl an 1 if tiri rSiTl'rMrrVrtrC' I ft I i aing lha Ratlb airflv 1 1 f.f I J-lilllab aiMl al all -lr -A 'Js A.

IN'I mmi: a'. iiii I In, In. In Ihr Irliar ll Vllanl Il I I I Vi 1 Ji i i4f. i 0 aJn I i 'M 1 1 1 I.I. I ttaU.ui Imti- nn.l Mill ll I ha.

I A. 1 f.f -v T-. Iskai rt. "i i-ikaik, imm i.i i tiofaraa. I- i 'IT rnf.

TtrttatJIa, rr MAkf UiMiave If.iaatelM, hlg) ruitante 1 or fiwecla re) 1 in the alKe- J-t. ii, tat 'lreigne1. tha 'd win sail a tti4der, sy .1 the fjreoax-u Montage 1 n. CamatF in rrji9mm dirtej i. i therela b.ln.l.

It- M-B ill, hi. Ii I 4 VwVi H'-V 2l f'Af nsiVl 'u Vi.V FrnliiiaiHl an.1 i I Hi- 1. nl i ihr I- al Aaja-Jl P- 'V" a TJ-f4' If SilO' am. To Ihl.

fr M.lrn. I rmr-l I. 't li fc' ia VfTJi I Hi" 1, u.i, i im i i. IJvt i-- cue airtr I i Ihr I i.y Tf il ti' 1 ''J 1 K. hi.

i in.r.1,.1 i fnir CjW j' Wti't. Jft sC i i a V. paeeats attf 1 bt''. I 1 1( nd -1 1. in tb llec ii.r-um of in in iim -f Klt "iv a n.i rat of NW hn.v.t ainl e1 an a rar fi.r.i Ua- 1, c.

the naos e-r Skiaga, e. I I CV'f-'- rrVripy f.KFKi: 1HK flU.MI.fc.NT TH 1" ''r ney Island fo. 1 "tanford Famuel Me ltu yikniM ir Huiir. II Im.l (alU-n llinla l.rll .1 tin. 1 tJh'af'Jfi I vfi.

5. nbi wenty-tw 1 and part of tM rnlrr an- 4t I ji Maitminr. i4it' V1 1, bihh ok will BI b) th fraatl.a. h. Itorouah or MrI.ruirl buund.d i etd map and more) nd deeorlbed ss fe4 9 lor a with th' rhiinunu I vjitnl H.

1. Vfrcii. a wtnunu iu umiil linoor (i 't'nriini SIvji" hh ()iit--ii Klluboth of Kotiuiniiiit 2 i. a. tirooniyn n.

u. I itrglnning at a point on tha westerly sate) I fl IJ SOTICK. u.wi.vv.,,.. i. 'I IM'I'I'KII vnl II, -i.

I FrHMHHJN.J ANJ. ONE! vrhlea dia'ant avn buadare4 a4 her pofUM. Htlfii Vamremn nlc pl ft Tcrw, lM. Thi' iinnii vtktk niiioiHil Uw u. ill.

r. I .1 I I nil III. I 1 Ii.llllMJ IAK Tilt n.ll NKW lO UK OlfllKJIK KM IIT -HIJITOD I fE OF TUB HOHOIH PHEhlDKN T' n.prlmr,ii In lh. nllr .1 in. aiuill'-a I BOROINJM n( Ihr Olr h-m Vorli r.l.llv.

to I fl Ul 1C MllKfc. I'( HIJC NOTII K. vrai l- vawr Th. Urn. allow.

.1 for lh. rt.IU.rr lh. KKW TOHK Klf'HKJIK I'Dl'RT-HBi'OND pnrlmrn i In ihi iimttt tir a.bH a Iln nf th Oly N-w York rfliilv. to CU4(, Mill flfil Willi IMt' Iiu muni. ufll.

of lukimr tn Vai'IiIcp llri I In iiiiitii hum thirty i f-t and one I Inch art fe eriy fr-m tha corner formed the tBtanaeo tlon of the northerly aide of Neptune avewavB with the westerly t'le of Weal Third arett running thenc eatrly at right angtea wit Qulrinn 1 1t If In f-c In I ht land. Virnirnii I pnin.iT.IIy rrtiMl himI ttiit iiti and hfrfdltimi'nii required fcr tit- purpun. HlOlBU IKl 1)111 altll'Mjph HtH' will west 1 mm street on nunnrtd and aftr- tl ron.r.ot t.n 110, r.l.ndai- I 'l. I (TP I I It I 1... IW-I I ll 1 1, It.

I uri.l I. I. 1. 1,. I.

INI, tlr.r v.r.,.. Th. r.aulrad will even '1S7I feet, and nine laches enAra mt 24 or leaa in rign aaier line or I SI Wail alract to ty-rtrt Ward In Thlr- 13. Mm. n.i n.

TI," i I) in. thirty ill, par rl of lh' total amount fur i h. uf ilrooklyn. ,14 7. I'm.

i. i v. 1 ltli I nrovlpi. n- 13th a 4147 leland Yek aa It waa In )7. a attowa Tha nir of said map in a nort naaatarly dk tlon as tha said Creek winds and flewa Uth i rk ,1 11.11.

in lh. Blank forma and furthar Inforrn.llon mar I Hut- It r. j.ul. i i .1 .1,, 1 1 Tim Aaaraamrn.a k.p. In Hi- ob.aln.d at ttu Blr of lh.

Aaatataat 'I' Iw.iui I Hi- 1 1. in.1 I'oinliil'in', of I'ublK- Worka, Kootn ilA. itti II) lork by ihr I an. I an.l t.m'nt and f.f Horourh Hall.

Borouah of Brooklyn. 11th IVrllJ'l. 431 in tcr and l.imni 4161. at IniT 24 I MV not otDerwtKo known io hi, iur twpear "ct.uviili'Hiirr' in itrrinnu 'catl. Hlfii VaniroHi'ii vnn miit pm k-liiff to Paris, wlicrn mIh- bin- tins luul LriHUnt literary nirevr.

Marie found hrr nr hiiNtuinil, Ntn-'liiotis, non-inilitnry nnd lin-ninv iiiio, utill under ho ilmnu uf the brilliant Hil-n. It wiih hrr pmlili'iu to 'onqiirr li i in nnd win Win lovr. lm well r. K' i llara th. 8M.aa.di POI'NDS.

Praitdant ami ropiry avniu- In 1 1... nli.ll I 1-17 I no lOtoru.h and SAth atrr ging Kaai I ji li 57 Hee (irarral Inetrurtieae to Bidders as where It would Intensert a line eatlase4 from the northerly line of tot tweaty -three) i (22, on said map th-nre easterly aleaaj said 7 last mentioned line one hundrd and thlr-t dim reel, mora or less, to the westerly i line er aide of West Third efreejt. and thenc. i.

southerly along West Third street, forty feet to the point or place of beginning. Together with all th tight title and ln -te-raat of aaid Oust eve R. Baraetaia aafl 1 i. wniit. tal'l nilnln aliiy 1 a afl.r drtte pal.l I A.ii.iioN an.

I I.Hlia.' la mor. I. I all! I I i column of A'akge ine or tbss i-aper. a. St.

tlon 10I of urka of lb 1 tli. Nam fork Avenue i). 4112 la Inn I Hinicn Wlrk and Aahfonl nirr 4141 1'atlNK Ka.t I die baa creed oil may bo imUril frni N')ll hr--hy flvn that the flnal report of th (immlaonr nf Katlmati and (Vm mlaal'inr of Aaaaanfrtt In th ahove-i-ntltlod iT.Httr will ha preacnlad for ronnrmatlnn to tha fluprama iVurt of th Htutr of Ntw York. Pnrnnd Popart mi-nt. ai a Hpi-clHl Tarm thereof to hfld In tha County Court lluuaa In the Burouah of Brooktvn, city of New York on tha 17th day of Novomber.

1914. at 10 o'clork tn lh forenoon of that day, and that tha mM final report haa been dfpnatted In the office of the Clerk of tha O-unty of.K1nge there tn remain for and during tha epac of five daya. required by law. Dated New York. November loth UH HENRY RAflQt'IN.

KI'OKSK IiOANK MATTHEW V. immfatonera of Eallmate. El'OKNE DOAXE. on.l dat.d H.p,. I -1 any from Kl, a Th.l tliU.

H.rtr.l on. fli. from Kl he fact that wlillt their p1W'hI k-hi, tlio OFFICE OF ThK fOUVTT CLERK. KINO COl'NTT. BOOM NO.


afr lh pn, Iiel.l ll, lh. -tly ui I helil In ihe City In tal.l Kei ,1 Titles of own Prince Carol, ia uow llicy i no Louis. H. Bernstein, and to Vooraies Bhara 1 or West Third street lying In fr-oat of said firemtaes to the renter Una thexaof, aad aia and to the waters of Coney Island Creek 4 adjacent to the said premise. Dated Octe- the A aaeaainents.

OtoAt.nurN city N.w day of 1 th. duly orrlr.r aulhorltad to A 11 hattan. city rk. It almil t. th- of ihe orTlcer authorized inre a baby of 2 yciir-.

Highway a vnur 134 PwlDk' Knit I Hh 1 to Klnii I 4246 living K.iol ltli e' endon road to Cunnrair la- le.l. Thai the Sur I ralllll r.ill llllirut. I.I.J.. illfk a in from A vrue 411 I'avlng Kant Htli Mr pinher. at 'ary I Mi a use 1 lit ne r-eolutlon 'rum 21d.

1914 oclf t-M ATk Ilef met bod waa the oM tin nc exciting Jealouar. ln viMtleil ivery -apital of Kumpr where ahe had rolntiven nd Acted in mich a free and cany uiaii 1 na flffe.t thereby tha- he ihunif will 1 1. rnnaidei 1 it mrc ins of r. FMITH. Refra.

i Ma-teatf Hatch. plalnttfTa attoraav, Bee fc man street. Naw York City. at lifiwr 4147. Paving Knot 3 to i and n.rUs the amount of SEALED HI De OR BHT1MATES WILL BE asseeanient rharce coihrt and receive In- received by the County Clerk at th above iT' tM at iha rate sev en per centum office until 12 clok m.

nn enniini i. t.e t. the date ofl THURSDAY. NOVEMBER If. IS14, lavment from the date when su aseaament fs0 FOR Fl'RMHHIN3 ALL THE i-amei: lien, a pr.H Ided ljj 1 LABOR AND MATERIALS REQt'IRID ruR tM net- INfcTAI.UNii ETALLK' CASUS AND iit.n 1M of thin ert provides IS THE 1 Dl'NT CLERK'S ii ahall be.

me a Hen upon he OFFICE. HALL OF HECWRIW, BROOKLTX. er that kIic cumcd the sobriiiiet "1 1-- oyal flirt." Church and Llnnn 4148 1'avlnn lil.lrrl lii-. and Pitkin 4171. Pavlnc New Vn'kiv' dn and Snydi 4174.

Paving 7Mh et rr't. rfti l.lln-r tii-. helwpfn Til ft vn Uth and C'ommlaalonwr of Aaaefarnant. Melvlllf J. France, ilerk.

80) nolo St NOTICE OF ()NTINrAS('E OF BROOKLYN TAX SAl.K. Raallv-nothinz waa ever irtivel ak'niut 1 ne 1 1. 10 d- nein ri in- aior-iia. 1 1 rn n-l piece be pubilah .1 in ih- "Oiv Me and he nrpnrat 1 ne a apapi-ra fur 11 lnya rntit inuousty. Mm a nml excepted, prior in-- 'lav of No

1114 Dated 7. 114 Municipal Buiidlng. r0 (C4iiKi HAO n'7 lOlo-iyAh Secretary. er exipt that ilie nuiiietimen phiycl for necte.l ten il till vT Kl N. T.

en! in The time for the completion of the work NEW YORK SUPREME COURT. KIHOCI County Garment a Savings Bank, KJng i county, plaiattff, agawaa Mary Jeftarda I Charles J. Carroll, as execntor. and othara, defend ant a Ia pnreuance of a judgment of fniwdnotira and sale duty made and entered In the entitled action, and bearlaa dat th 1st i day of October, 1814. I.

the undersigned, tb a ligh atnkea In the company 'nni? ruoy otticera at fiat nml ciihIih h. 11th iv.nuti The irci of nasitnin'nt In tha- iibw-m'n-ttoned llaia ntr-ti'la lo half thcblu. THE SALE OF THE LIENS rOR taxia. aaaeaamenta and water renta for tha Boroufb of Brooklyn, aa lo Men remaining unaold at the termination of lha aula of kA- .,1 The kIii.vp are pa) able to tha lector of a aeaemen ia and A rreara at the Hurenu for tli- 'uii-rtton of A irntmnis and 1 A 1 reai Taxea and AKeumnts and of 1 W'uler Rents. In the 'fTerman Huildlng.

No. Pulton etreet. Borough of Brooklyn, be-iwifn the of a and 2 p. and -n Saturday from a tn to 12 m. and all t-Hvnienia made thermn nn nr before January and the full performance of the contract is lb caleodar darn The amrmnt of security Is 83.00.

The bidder will state the prtre of each ltm or article contained In the apeclflratlons or ached alee herein contained or hereto annexed, by ahtch the blda will be tested. The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. HI an If forma AJid further Information mav PLlc NOTICE IP Eli It (WVKN TO the owner or owner nf aM houat-a an.1 lota to hlni and to keep her iu Burlinreat I tne time. JncidenUlty. ahe had the vtntage In her of ih much "anty aa Helen Varareacn.

Tbe maid of honor wan, however, of fe black-eyed Latin typo th Houmnn-na are much like the Krenih while 4'h Iir. will be exempt from Interest, as July lath, (September ath. October 7th and November -th. haa been continued lo WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1.

IfU. at 2:10 p. pursuant to Hectlon of tha Greater New York charter, and will be continued at that time in Room 3. In baae ment of the Borough Hall. Brooklyn Dated November 4, 1914.

(C481) nolo ltoSuah DANIKIj MOTN'AHAN, Collector of A anew men and Arrears. a Ik provided, and after that date will he 1 obtained and th plana and drawings may reieree in saia juagirwni Hmtja, win sell at fublUi aacllcn tc the high bidder imw Brumley. auctloneer, at th Hl'liak lyn Real Estate Exchange. No. US Mt.tagws street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, Cownty -of Kings, en the 38th day of October, lsiA at twelve o'clock noon, the premises directed by aaid judgment te be sold, and mereta dw-scrtned as Cotlowa; All that certain lot.

piece or parrel of land, with the building and improve meat tbereoa erected, situate, lying and being in the Bor- 'harg-? nf Interest at thf rate of be seen at the office of the County Clerk. at the In terser 1 1 na; nml tiriu 1 ri ing rr-1 a and avenufa 4112. Paving th norih of kon street, beginning hi Old Wood r-lnt and extending al-u( r. fr( Alti-ctlng Block Nos, S7r. and Tni 4111.

Hewer In Division piece, between Khngland and I avnuen. AlTtittng Block Not 2K40 nnd 4314. Cnnatru. tlni; ifdrw ji Ik on Will)nm avenue, between N'v. rmd nnd l.nulsl.'ina avenue: on frt.'a pln'-i4. nirth si'tf, between Underbill and Waahtngton nvpnufn. on 4th street, hetwoen 13th 14th nvpnues; pn Prospect avftnue, nrth aide. tet-wen Uth avenue and Terrace plncf, nnd on 5t (treft. south side, between Nw t'treh ami Hth avenues.

Affecting property in front of which work waa done. All persona whoae Interest nre aftVrtrd by the above-named pronnaed ftssefsmenn, and Kings County. No. 1. Hall of Kecorda, Borough of Brooklvn.

Dated October 10. 114. CHAS. DEVOY. County Clerk.

fC47 no7 lOtnSuSrh Ireeo Maria ia a striking pi nk-o hooked umati, whose pear lies and cream coui- eeven p'r centum per annum from the date hen tu-'h aFaeaementa herame llena to the flute nf paym'-nt 1 Tty of New York. Depart ment of Finance. Comptrollers Office. November 1 th. 1 4 WILLIAM A.

PRENPERtiAHT. tcs3noii lotnRuAh (mpt roller. iniprufd and unlmprnv, lnda HtTenedl lh nby. that the following pro poet aaa-ea nienia nave been complt-lnl and are tn Hie nf the Beard for 1 xaiiilniiiinn by all persons intregted. ix.

Hi'ItOl'viH OP BROOKLYN I'avlng Mermaid avenue, bet een West lflih an.l Ut 37th atn'ta The ar-a nf assessment in the Hutu rxiends to within half the hlock nt tlie atuL termtnaUng ttreete and avenues. Al jM'inona whose Interests are affected by the alove-nameri proposed assessment, and who arf ro the eame. or either of thfin, r-qm ated to present their nbjer-t lor.ft, in writ Ins. tn the Secretary of he Hoard AsM-wtri, Room R09. Munli'lpal Huildlnp.

New on or before December h. I'Mi. nt 10 a. at which time and nlsre frr See General Id tractions te Bidder mm xioq in tier prime, wore a wo odor aim In lier prime, wore a wo odor ough of Brooklyn. City of New zotsL NOTICE OF CONTINUATION OF BROOKLYN TAX SALE Sections 1 to ll Inclusive.

lms oolosnn of Alh Uii raper. ond I delight. Ho--it waa (paay In the i Ferdinand to "fall iu love witli fe' a woman incomparably sup (h hia superior THE BALE OF THE LIENH FOR UNPAID taxei, eaaeawments and water rente for the Borough of Brooklyn, as to Hens remaining him In will and InMHreiioe DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. MUNICIPAL BUILDING. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK.

and deacrfbed aa follows: Beginning at a point on th eeuateriy Jin or side, of Adams street distant on hundred and one (101) feet and nln laches southwardly from the southeasterly corner of Adams street and Myrtle aveno; rannfnsr hence northwardly along said aid of Adam NEW YORK SUPREME COX'RT. SECOND Department In the matter of the application of The City of New relative to acquiring title In fee, wherever the same has ltieeh. Marie waa born in Kn pin nil nnd jpurht up partly in that country and at SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Park Board at the above who are opposed tn H10 aame. or either of them, are requested to present their ohjoc-tlona. in writing, tn the Secrptary of the Board of Assewaora.

Itoom SO. Slunlrlpal Building. New York, on or before Dt rem her 1. 191 4. at 10 a.

nt which time and place not been heretofore acquirea, 10 tne tanas, eneinents and hereditament a required for the upen Ins: Hnd extending of WOODBINE etre-et twenty-six rest and nln Inches: thence eastward ly parallel with Myr office of the Depart meet of Peurks until 8 o'clock p. m. on ui'wmu irrnnnmvn oi ine aaie Of Uc- tober 16th. November 6th. December Id, 101 and January 7th, February 11th.

March 18th. April 21d. May 37th, June 34th, July 16th, fieptember 9th, October 7th and November 4th. 114, haa been continued to WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1814, at 2:16 p.

pursuant to Section of the Greater New York Charter, and will be continued at that time In Boom- 1. In base oiirjr, uermany. jier tatner wan nnae Edinburgh and Inter Duke of Snxo-burg and Gotlin. Hut deatpite tliis ahe vV in her youth intenaely Rnaaian. tie avenue ninety -eeven rT feet and nln trachea to am alter ten feet wide the said object Ions wilt be heard and teat) southwardly parallel with Adsuna street and aontnwaroiy nsreuBi wnn jsasun street ai the sold objection will be heard and tett-rnony re-ved in reference thereto Cltv of New York Borough of Manhattan.

November 7. 1914. ALFRED P. W. SEAMAN.

WM. C. ORMOND JACOB J. LESSER. Board of Aaeaaoni.

St tleorge B. Tucker. Secretary. Room 809. Municipal Hulldlng.

(C479) noT lOtoSuAh mony received In reference thereto. rhy of is waa due to the influence of her ther. the Grand Pacheas Mario, who along said alley twenty -six (2S) feet nine (J Inches; thence westwnrdly narall with Myrtla avnn nlnety-aevwa 7 Hal laaa ipite Her namatre to an nffhsh noble- STREET, from Knickerbocker avenue to avenue. In the Twenty-eighth Ward, Borough of Brooklyn. The city of New York.

Notice la hereby given that the bill of costs, charges and expenaes Incurred by reason of the proceeding In Hie anove-ent Itled matter will be presented for taxation to one of the Justicea of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Second Department, at a Special Term thereof to be held at the Count Court House, in the Borough of Brooklyn, tn The Citv of New York, on the, and nine 8 Inehe te Adam street, at Hm New York. Horough or uannattan, October 11. 1914. ALFRED P.


Hoard of AeseBsnra St. (Jeorge B. Tucker. Sreretary. Ronm Sft1.

ment or 'ne norougn Man, T. Dated November A. 1914. (d4S2) coU ltto8uah DANIEL MOTNAHAN, Collector of Asseasmenta and Arrears. Tnl nhl'A JNU KSIISkJK IS.

1114. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. FOR ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR THE ALTERATION AND ADDITION TO THE PARK BUILDING IN MoCARREN PARK, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. TOGETHER WITH ALL THE WORK INCIDENTAL THERETO. The amount of aecurlty req aired Is One Thousand Dollars 8 The time allowed to complete the work will be fifty (60) consecutive working daya a.wlth a Wermnn title to rtoot thranrii- her life retained her in NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS.

Manlripal Building. (C47e oc31 10to9ush national cbnreh of her native land. -flx rrnsr.wcE of section ioi of the NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. pine at Beginning, ire iat sainai anani ear icanv 1 Together with tn light, till nd Interest of the mortgagor of. In aad to so much of the alley in rear to th middl thereof a adjoin the rear of said lot and of th same width aa said lot.

Dated October 8. ROBERT F. MANNING. oc7 TtWAF Refer. Wlnaate A CUllen.

Plaint 11T AftAt-naivw PUBLIC NOTICE 13 IIEHEBY GIVEN TO oreater New 1 ork Charter, the Comptroller of The City of New York hereby gives public IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION loll OF TBS! T4th day of November. 1914. at 10 o'clock In the for-noon of that day. or as soon 11 persona claiming to nave been injured 10 nn perrons, owners or pnperiy guiaun ana oTeater new xora Lrnaner, tn Comptroller 1 by a change 01 grade in tn of The City of New York hereby srlvea Dublic I aradlna of the following named street thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon; ih.i the ald bill of coats, charges and Certified cneca or rasa ia tn sum of Fifty Dollars IbO must accompany bid. Blank forme and other Information may be obtained at the office of the Department of Parka Borough of Brooklyn.

Litchfield notice to all parsons, owners of property I preetnf their claims. In writing, to theSeere- offlc and P. O. address: No. Nassau strei Boroojrh of Manhattan.

Cltv of New York. Orthodox tJreek Kite. 'Villi 'her -prejudice in favor of St. tersburff too. Queen Marie imbibed her mother a dinlike of the (ierman laer.

The latter wan constantly inter- la in an unwarranted manner with i -affair of the Duchiea of Snxe-To-: and tiotha and ao humiliating the trT, Queen Marie's father. 'he sixteen-year-old crown princeaa affected by the following aeaessments for tary of the Board of AtBeaarsr. Room SOD, expenses has been deposited In the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings, there to a ncriea oy ne (mowing asseasmenta r-r LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in the BOROl'GH OP BROOKLYN: TWENTY-SIXTH WARD SECTION 1 HOWARD AVENTE PAVING, from Blake avenue to East Ninety-eighth street. Area of jui Ab 1 tiais. 10 in tne UUKUUUH Mansion, prospect rarr.

Engineering Bureau. Municipal Building, on or before November 12. 1814. at 10 o'clork a. m.

Olalmanti are wnere pians ana apecinnuooa may oe seen. Tb bids will be compared and the con reaueated make their elalma for dam a ire Tb foregoing sal Is hereby sjoarrned to Thursday. November 12th. 1814. at the ami time and place.

Dated New Terk. October tSth. 1814. ocSt 4trw ROBERT F. MANNING.

Referee. TWENTY-SBCOND WARD SECTION 4. SECOND AVENUE REGULATING. upon the blank form prepared by the Board GRADING, CURBING, Fl.AUOlNCJ and or Assessors copies ot wnirn may ne 00 talned upon application at the above office. BOROT'GH OF BROOKLYN.

remain for and during the space of ten days, as required fcy law. Dated Borough of Brooklyn New York. November 1 Hh. 1814. DAVID HIRSHFIELD, JOHN F.

CAN A VAN. JOHN N. HARMAN. Commissioners of Estimate. JOHN T.

CAN A VAN. ,04811 Commissioner of Assessment. Melville J. France. Clerk.

noil lOtoSuAh tract awaraeo: ax a lump or aggregate sum. CABOT WARD, President; RAYMOND V. INGERSOLU THOMAS W. WHITTLE, fC471 JOHN E- WEIER favinw, rrom wixtn street to Uowanua Canal. Area of assessment: Both aldaa 0 lot by' her huwbiind.

Her sparkling 440S. Montgomery at reel, frorja Kingston nasesament: Both aides of Howard avenue, from Blake avenue to East Ninety-eighth street and to the extent of half the block ai ttte Intersecting streets and avenues. TWENTY-NINTH WARD. SECTION 1. EIGHTEENTH A VENTB PAVING, from Ocean Hark way to Gravesend avenue.

Area of aisoDHment Both sides of Eighteenth venue, from Ocean Tarkway to til Bveaend avenue, and to the extent of half tha block PROPOSALS no7 lOtoSufth Commissioners of Parks. iner aare an excellent tirst iniDrea- 4-7 ftea Genera Instructions to Bidden eai she wa an excellent Hn-t and in addition to her knowledge of PsPOPOSALS FOR BtDS AND FJTm ATES FOB THE CITY OF NEW a' ORAL lairt ewansn eg x-sea i wis jraper. avenue to Albany avenue. 4407. Herri street (Ames street), from Llvonl avenue to Rlverdale avenue.

4408. Pine street, from Atlantic avenue to Fulton street. 4409. West 29th street, from lVoptune avenue to Surf avenue. 4418.

Logan street, from New I avenue to Vienna avenue. City of New Bor PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOIM Second avenue, from Blxth street to Oowanua Canal, and to the extent of half the block at the Intersecting and terminating streets, TWENTY-NINTH WARD SECTION 1. BEWKK8 in AVENUE) between Graves-and avenue and West a treat; THIRTY-FIFTH and THIRTY-SIXTH STREETS, from Fourteenth avenue to West street, and In WEST STREET, from Church avonue to Cortelyou road. Area of asseMment affects Blocks (148 to 6352, Inclusive, and Blocks 637, 6368 and 639.

THIRTIETH WARD SECTION 18. FIFTH AVENUE PAVING, from Slxty-flfth street to Bay Ridge avenue. Area of at the Intersecting streets and avenues. I THIRTY-FIRST WARD, SECTION SEW ER In EAST EIGHTEENTH STREET, between Avenue and end of existing sewer I between Avenues and In AVENl'E L. I USGAL NOTICES.

sSENITRAX. nCOTBTXTIONS TO BIDDEBS llsn. Ku.isian. i renrli and an abe oon begrnn to steak good lanlan. which ia closer to Latin than other language now livinar.

ii" queen bad been brought up in the 7 odox Greek fnlth, the national 'h of Houmania. na of Ruamia. Thin further tie binding Boumania to the ough of of Manhattan, October 31. 01 4. ALFRED P.



Eisner. nlalntllT. ajralnat Fred- JACOB J. LESSER. Board of Asseanon.

St. Geo rare B. Tucker. Secretarv. Room Son.

estimate for any services, work, materials or supplies for The City of New York, or for any of it departments, bureau) or fflree. Ioulse Franks and other, defendanta between EM Eighteenth and East Nlne-teenth streets; In EAST NINETEENTH STREET, between Avenue and N. and in A VRNI'K M. from Ocean ax-en ue to East Xineteeiuh atreet. Area of aeaeasment affects property on both sides of above etreeta and Municipal Building.

(C470) ocSl 1'OtoSuh In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure aaaesamtnt' Both sides of Fifth avenue, from BiJtty-fmh street to Bay Ridge avenue, and and saieauiy raiue ana snierea uj me aDove-n titled action, and bearing date the Slst day of October. 1914, I. the undersigned, the shall furnish the same in a sealed avelop Indorsed with the title of the supplies, materials, work or services for which the bid or estimate is made, with his or thafr name or -nam, and the date of presentation to the to tne extent 01 nait tne 010c ti at tne later venues, Including Blocks Nos. STiS, G7.17. 8788.

(1733. .747 and kre Is only one person more populflr mania than tha queen and thnt is I ew crown prince, Carol. He is a rivalry officer, handsome and darti- THIRTY -FIRST WARD, SECTION FAST THIRTEENTH STREET REtJI'- rersree in aju juviuiu umiuou, wm gn at public auction to the highest bidder, by Wm. J. MePhllllamy 4 auctioneers, at tha Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, No.

188 President or Board or to th head of the de- -part ment at his or its offlc on or before th dat and hour named in the advertisem*nt NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN TfAT THE Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York deemlna It for the public Interest so to do. proposes) to change the map or plan of The City of N'ew York o. as to change the lines and gra.des of BAY 43D STREET, between Herway avenue and Cropsey avenue. Borough of Brooklyn, and that a meeting of said Board will be held in LATING. GRADING, CURBING and FIGG sect 1cm.

of streets. NINETY-FIFTH STREET REGULATING. GRADING, CURBING and FLAGGING, from Shore road to Marine avenue. Area of assessment: Both aides of Ninety-fifth Street, from Shore road to Marine avenue, and to the stent of half tha block to tha Intersection Brooklyn at the above office until 1 o'clock a. m.

on WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1814. No. 1.

FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR REPAIRING THE SEWER IN HARRtfiON STREET. FROM VAN BRUNT STREET TO THE BULKHEAD. The Engineer's preliminary estimate of the quantities ts as follows: 101 linear feet of 64-Inch ewer laid cotnplet. Including all Incidentals and appurtenances: per ING, frorr Avenue- to Avenue N. Area nf Moreover ne a Htnnent of the rafty of Bucharest and a favorite Montague street, in wo doiducd ox AsrooKiya County of King, on th 27th day of Novem assessment: Both aides of East Thirteenth for the same, at which thn and place the estimate received will be pwbltcly opened by -the President or Board or head of said de-oart ment.

and road, and th award mt th tt fellowa there. He speak Rou ber, 1 vi4. at we.v ciora noon, ine premises directed by fd Judgment to be gold, and therein described as follows: aii that certain lot. Piece or nareel without a trace of an accent, and of atrcets- THfHTIETH WARD SECTION ll. TWELFTH AVENUE REGULATING and GRADING, from Eighty-sixth street to Dyker Reaeh Park.

Area of assessment: Both atdea the Old Council Chamber, nty Hn.ll. Borough of Manhattan, City of New on November 20. 1914. at 10:80 o'clock a. at which such oroBosed chanse will be con mehment neither his parents nor contract mad according to law.

a sooa thereafter as practicable. atreet, from Avenue. to Avenue and to the extent of half the block at the venues. THIRTY-FIRST WARD. SECTION 81.

WEST THIRTY-SECOND STREET REG-l "LA TING. GRADING. CURBING and FLAGGING, from Neptune avenue to a line about SOO feet south of Surf avenue. Area of an- situate, lying and being la the Boroagh of tirAdklrn. of The City of New York.

rvnnv isacn ma or eeumeie enaii contain the linear foot; 818.00 8LS83.08 i md rranduncle. the Jate King 4. could boast. Hia sympathies nam and place of residence of th person maklne- the sam. and name of all narson of Twtlfth avenue, from Eighty-sixth street to Dyker Beach Park, and to the extent of King and tat of New Yrk.

boanded and described as folio we. to wit: sidered by said Board; all of which la more fiartlcutarly set forth and described In the oflowtnr resolution adopted by the Board on jngiy witn the aiuea am it is ex Interested with him therein, and. If no other 8.600 feet, board measure, ot foundation planking and pile capping, laid In place complete. Including all Incidentals and appurtenances; per thousand feet, board pereone be so interested. It shall distinctly seesmont: Both sides of West Thirty-second street, from Neutune avenue to a point 300 feet south of Surf avenue, and to tne extent tnat nn wire ana tne luiure of Boumania will be Olga, the October 28, 1814, notice of the adoption of which la hereby given, hair the diock at mieraecung sireei.

THIRTY-SECOND STREET SECTION BAST TWENTY-FIRST STREET REGULATING. GRADING. CURBING and FLAG stats that fact: also that tt Is made with on Beginning i nm cwmer sormea the intersection of the southweetsrly aide of First street with the Wtheaaterly side of Seventh avenue; running thence south westerly alone the southeasterly aid of avnth tnatu twnty-flve fet; thenc sontfaeaateTly any connection with any other pren laujrnter -or tne uear. Marie further endeared hentelf WSJ SUl "iilli 1WI aUia fvriuwi Bill, 'I In all re pec fahr and without collusion or fraud and that no member of th Board of GING, from Avenue to Junta Highway, Ares of assessment: Both side of East Twenty-first street (Kanmora plaoe), from iMnui 11 to Mints Hlshway. and ta the Roumanian people last year by GERMAN WOUNDED RUBBERNECKING -K ana otspiayed in taking an Aldermen, head of a department, chief of av bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein or thr officer of Th City of Now York le.

extent of half the block at the Intersecting irt In tne nuntmg of tne cuolera- atreeta aiiei wim w.r- ox me a.s tance through ssrti -wall i ainoty ten nnd ena-nair lnehes; thne nc.rtheast-Vrly parallel with veath avenue twentyra ft to the soutbweerterly aid First strMt and thenc northwesterly along the aoath-westerly side of Fimt street niaety-eva aw ILI one-half Inebes te the patients at xnumn aiagiierele, ecaekm of the Terr Mrioua out- hall or become Interested, dlrwetly or indirectly, a contracting party, partner, atock- that tae vims were connrmeu oy mi Board of Aaseasora on October 17th, 1014. aMtlptss noMr. sure ty or of oerwiee in or tn the oer- lich followed the econcl Balkan and entered October 17th. 1914. tn the Rooord of Titles of Assessments, kept In the formsktice of th contract, or In tb supplies, work or business to which relates or In anr nort Ion of th profits therecrt The bid jjureau ior in ioueoiioo ui yt-aaeaenienis anq a i-psMara af Taxes and Asseasmenta and of inty and beautiful woman, who Kin F'w waira anOTSBB-r td, lii-r oned and led a ear awwrietv iu or estimate most be verified by th oath in writing of the party or parties making the vvntrn r.

auiuuino. nerre. Tavrome Eisner. A to rne for Pla.tai. Water Rents, and unless th amount asassd for benefit on any person or property shall be paid within sixty days after the dat of said anirv nf the assessment.

Interest will tsfimace mat tn several maura, etsteu park Row, New York City. nofi ftThdTu the cholera hospltaJa and de- herein are tn all roepects true. and there waa widespread no otd'or estimate win un- aUPREMB COURT. KINGS COTJNTY.R ooUecteu thareon, as provided by section lvl ot tb Greater New York Charter. Said section provides, la part, "If any such 'ssa a a condition nrcdent to th reception wnen afterward sne -waa pros- Ail IvXrVfrt H- coraey pisunurr.

vs, "John Far re. 'Jam Farren. "Mary FarrB. "dan illness, toe result or tne hard or const derm tlon of any proposal tt accom -panted by a certified check upon on of the Stat er national bank of The City of New rne and lack of proper nourish' if'rvi 1 lffar -FX aaaeasment snail remain unpaid ror me period of alaty days after the date of entry thereof In the said Record of Titles of Assessments, Farrn 'John Do and "Jan Doe," the above name being" flotltloua, the real names of said defendants or nart nf .1.. BDvrs naa Torn, arawn to tn oraer or tn com 01 roller or mrfney or corporate stock or certifies tee of lndebtedDee of any nature Issued by The name being wholly anknewn to plaintiff.

It It anau tn amy 01 ine omcer sum on sea to collect and receive the amount of each aaaaaaniMt to charge, collect and feeive In- uiT or rw ion, wnicn in vomptroner oeia inn.uau uuio vnt neirs at law of James Farren. whe died In August. ling her great influence to the fiueen la taking the nide of the cabinet, which easily thwart-I harleg' desire to go to the as-e; tha. Kaiser. Opposing htr shall annrov as of eauat value with the terat tbereoa at the rate of sva per cntum nr annum, to calculated to the date of security required In th sdvert lee ment to the amount ot not teas man mree nor more than garment from th date when eueh aaaeasment Mine a Ilea, aa provided by Ssctlon US of thle act." IP na iuu wim, ctfcmon tia- mtntetreaepre, eredltorn.

Hanors and grantees, and their husbanda, wives and widows on their successors In Interest, if any. all of! whom -and who namee ar nnamewa to five per centum or the amount of th bond reoofred. as proved In section 42S of tha arr imau uerman Darrr nere. army officers and politicians Greater New York Charter. Tb amount sjctton lftfOg xnis mvt prtrr.aae -An ahall become a ltn noon the shall be aa specified tn th proposal vmI eatate affected thereby ten days after Its uermany, Tne.

cacintt is aiting simply because it be- Diainilll. u.iriiuBnias nuinmuai, To th abov-nauned defendants and each of them: Yo ar hereby summoned to answer the complaint In this action, Afl(J t0 serv a copy of your answer on th plaintltTs sU ores ye within twenty days after the ser-vta of this summon, ezrluelre of th day ef service; and la case of your falhir to appear entry tn we sbiq rwcoru, Tb above a4uwasmats are pyeb)e to th Collector of Asaeaaments and Arrears at the Bureau for th Collection of Assessment and win later oe a more propi to enter the strugarle. eesrv. tha hnlk of armv affl. i I A Sa.

Arraar or nxas ana aMiaement ana or Wftinr Rants la the Off arm an Bulldiae No. to3 werf-ro-do elass are intensely the success of France. They hmen as the closeaat kindred ins, the latter maintaining Instructions to blddr. and shall not be In excess of Pr cant, Tb certified check or money should not be inclosed th envelop eon tain I na th bid or estimate, but ehould be either lncloeed lit a aarat envelop addreeeed to tha head of th Department, President or Board or submitted personally upon th presentation at thef bid or- set! mate. For particulars as th quantity and quality ot the supplies, or tb nature and extent of tb work, reference must made to th sped flea Ions; schedule, plane, on fll la the eatd Offloe of tb President.

Board or Department. No bid shall be accepted from or contract (OS Fulton street. Borough Brooklyn, between tbs hour of a. m. and 8 nv.

and on Baturdaya from a. m. to ll and all answer, jeagmsm wiu oe taaiem agaiast rou by default for th relief detnaaded tn th plain t. Dated, Brooklyn, n. T-Ooubr 14th.

1814. Yours, COOK BENJAMIN. 1 Attorney for PlalnMlf. ruflaa and P. O.

Address, las Mr. itymenti mao tntraon on or oeior ieoem- 1 deacendanta or toe tioman aa tha French are larjrely ber 8 1814, will be xempt from Interest, as above provided, and after that date will be iihlaat ta a eh era of Interest at the rate of ht Koman setuerar or uaui. ktry are quite as strongly svn per centum per annum from the date whoa Such assessment became a Ilea to th Fr Street, Borough Brooklyn, Cfty New Torfc, To "John "James Farren dat payment- uty 01 mw xora. t- tha aide of Kussiav ior with rarran." "Jane "John partment of Finaae, Comptroller's Office, neng in relislon ia atronger ton ship of blood. -Jan Doe," the abov name being flotttiooa 4 hat t-akasl ntlnM of Oud defso danfa mt ttseir name beta wholl anks.t7v! C4Tt)ao41Moaun Comptroller.

niana win to to war. line their opnreasied coun- airs at Uw of Jam Farren, who -died In PUBIJO NOTICal Ii BBRXBT OIVKK TO US ut- uaviavaaarjaaL Xen- admin tat rat ore. creditors. itu. awarded to any person who 1 in arrears Th "City of New Tors: anon debt or contract or who Is a defaulter a Buret or otherwise upon any.

obligation to the City. Th eontraets must be bid for separately. Th right Is reserved In ch cas reject all bid or estimate if It Is deemed to be for the Intsrtat of Oty to do. bidder wHf write out the amount of bids on a time tec la addUioo to inaertlng th ammo la fig urea. Blduer ar req-uested to mak their bldv of eotimate upon th blank forma prepared aad ami abed by th City, a copy of which, with tho pro-ver envelope la which tr.eiee -Xm bid togettier with a copy of th contract iutMafMa -th anot-tneaBtlona tn tha fetr-m are Jtouman-11 stria province of Tran-the crown land of Buko ioinins RouroanJau These iaa awnar or ainouaaa ana loia, Improraa at anlmprorad land, affactad tharaby, that th.

following propoaad aaa.aa-m aaan. eomolatad and ara loda.a 3 tranleva, and their- husbands, wive and Widows, or their sueoeatanj in tetrt if any. all wham and who nam nr ta The. trJ--lTZ aniens are said to bi nrf la tha offloa ot tha Board at Aaaaaaara (or 1 Russia haa now eon- ca.mina.lon ay ail paraona iniaraaiao. a La.

I BOROUGH Or BROOKLYN, aaai. Parlna Livonia avanua. batwaa. Hlaa. 111 aieww Ulium HOB, partU to order ef -Hen.

David F. Manning, a Jnatse of th iuprvm Coort, dated the irtb dav of Ootobar. 1S14. and Bled we. wl '-4 eomptaJnt la th offlc of tfl cUrs: of the Connty ef Kiss, at -th BoeoogH of Brook a)naa.

aV aarCaa oa. nut pen mi sea to tarn usnia in sxohsnaw for se jr the dual monarchy. reatnJnlnf infioenca Is Bulrari would attack Its trotn the rear the mo- dal. and Bnedtker avanaa. 414a.

ParlalBaT Rtdraaranua Oath atraat), batwaaa N.w X3treht and ITth avanuaa. 444. Pavlnf Kaat Id atraat, ttaaa Fart BTamlltr-a aranaa ta Bavarlar road. approved by the Corporation Counsel, can re cbtained upon applteauea therefor at th office of the Depetment for whleh the rw to be dovie. plan and of eoa- WOrXDm GERMAN R01-I1ERS ANI THEIR XCBSES it A FtOHT-8 KEIXU CAR IX BERLTX, TH19 lyn.

City and State of new York. Iud. Brook ira. N. Octrhtr uth, ine JCa, COOK 4 BrTNJAMTf.

cl t-M Attomaye-for Ftaintial PHOTOGRAPH BH0WS THK IX FBOXT OT. THE UICHSTAQ ASD TUfi BTATTB OF rannf aaw avaaraa, Kram ATaaaja t. iaaaa U. strucllpn. werst may aa be see, kaar.

troop croaa into.

The Brooklyn Citizen from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.